Tolar High School

Bubba the Cowboy Prince(script)Talan:Once, a strapping young fellow named Bubba lived on a great big ranch.Choir:Was his ranch in Texas?Blake:I love Texas! I hope his ranch is in Texas!Zaklin:I live in Texas and I know a song that every Texan should know! Let’s sing it!TEXAS OUR TEXASMaddie: It’s great to show such great pride in our state, but let’s get back to our story. Bubba lived on this big ranch in Texas with his wicked step daddy and his hateful and lazy stepbrothers, Dwayne and Milton.Wyatt O. and Austin G.: Howdy Ya’llChanning: Now Bubba worked that ranch from sunup to sundown while his stepbrothers were spoiled rotten by their daddy. Bubba didn’t mind though. He loved ranchin’.Austin G.: Git them Doggies around there Bubba!Wyatt O.: Yah, and watch out for them cowpatties. You know daddy hates it when you track up the house!Cage:Now Miss Lurlene, who lived down the road a piece, was the purtiest and richest gal in the county. She owned the biggest spread west of the Brazos and she loved ranchin’ too!Choir:Did she have a great big house?Oakley:I know a song about a great big house.Choir:Let’s sing it!GREAT BIG HOUSEBrylee:It’s true; I do own a great big ranch and a great big house. But I do get a might lonely. I aim to find myself a feller. One who laves ranchin’ as much as I do. It wouldn’t hurt if her were as cute as a cow’s ear either!Jaxon: Miss Lurlene planned to throw a ball and sent invitations to all the ranches in Texas.Choir: She was looking for a friend!YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND IN MECooper:Soon the day of the ball finally arrived and Milton and Dwayne spent all day getting gussied up in their finest duds. Bubba about ran hisself ragged waiting on them.Wyatt O.: Bubba, fetch my bolo tie!Austin G: Bubba, get my boots polished.Hunter: Bubba, brush them horses and wash that wagon.Abigale: By the time Milton, Dwayne, and his Wicked Step Daddy were ready and loaded in the wagon, Bubba was exhausted.Clayton: Can’t you wait for me? I want to dance with Miss Lurlene too.Wyatt O.: Why, you’re sorrier than a steer in a stockyard!Austin G.: Can you imagine Miss Lurlene dancing with the likes of you?Hunter: Why shye wouldn’t even wipe the dirt off her boots with that raggety shirt of yours!Austin G.: And you smell more like the cattle than the cattle do.Able: After Bubba was left alone, he looked at himself and realized that Dwayne and Milton were right. He didn’t have anything decent to wear and he did smell a bit ripe. He felt lower than a snake in a gully.Kate: Bubba mounted his horse to ride out ot the pasture to check k the herd. The sky was getting darker than a black bull at midnight. It looked like a Texas thunderstorm was brewing.GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY(Scooter with thunder)Jaelee: Go to the ball Bubba(Bubba looks around surprised)Clayton: I’d like to go Miss God Cow, but shoot, I don’t have a thing to wear!Kylee U.: The Fairy God Cow swished her tail and Bubba’s clothes were changed into the most handsomest cowboy you ever laid eyes on.Isaac:His jeans were crisp.Talan:His boots were shiny.Maddie: His shirt was dazzling.Channing: And his Stetson was whiter than a new salt lick.Clayton: Why, I look downright purdy.JINGLE JANGLE JINGLECage: The Fairy God Cow swished her tail and a nearby steer turned into the most beautiful white stallion Bubba had ever seen.Jaelee: Now ride off to the ball Bubba and have a good time dancing with Miss Lurlene. But you best be done by midnight because that’s when the magic runs out.Clayton: Yahoo!ALABAMA GALBrylee: Well, there goes another $10 Stetson on a 5 cent head.Jaxon: By the time it was Bubba’s turn to dance with Miss Lurlene, it was almost midnight. As soon as she saw Bubba, Miss Lurlene’s eyes lit up.Brylee: Why, you’re cute as a cow’s ear.KINGS AND QUEENSWyatt O.: Who is that dude?Austin G.: I don’t recollect seeing him before. But he looks a might familiar!Hunter: Do something! That cowboy is winning Miss Lurlene’s heart! (Scooter make midnight sound effect)Cooper: As it turned out, Milton and Dwayne didn’t have to do a thing. Because Bubba and Miz Lurleen were in the middle of do-so-doing, when the clock struck midnight.Abigale: Suddenly, Bubba’s fine duds turned into the dirty rags he usually wore around the ranch. He looked sorry, and he smelled worse.Wyatt O.: What’s that smell?Austin G.: Why, it’s Bubba!(Bubba runs offstage)Brylee: Wait! (Chases after him)Able: But Bubba didn’t wait. He jumped on his cow and lumbered off into the night. In the ruckus, he lost one of his dirty cowboy boots.Brylee: this is the boot of a real cowboy and the man I want to marry. And I aim to find him.Kate: The next day, Miz Lurleen went from ranch to ranch, looking for the cowboy who owned the boot. When she fame to Dwayne and Milton’s ranch, both brothers tried the boot on, but it didn’t fit.Kylee U.: Miz Lurleen had just climbed on her horse to leave when Bubba rode up. He was dirty and sweaty and smelly from working with the cows. And he was only wearing one boot.Brylee: Try this on.Clayton: Much obliged, Ma’am.Brylee: It fits perfectly! You’re my prince in cowboy boots! I’d recognize that smell anywhere! Marry me cowboy, and help me work my ranch.Isaac: Dwayne and Milton and their wicked daddy threw chicken fits!Talan: Bubba just smiled, and he and Miz Lurleen rode off into the sunset. They lived happily ever after, roping, and cow poking, and gitting them dogies along.HOME ON THE RANGE/MY HOME’S IN MONTANA ................

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