Patch 103 Release Notes - Veterans Affairs





Patch YS*5.01*103

March 2012

Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Information and Technology (OIT)

Product Development

Revision History

|Date |Revision |Description |Authors |

|6 March 2012 |1.0 |Initial Baseline Version |Gloria Susan Stephens (PSI) |

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Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Installation Requirements 1

Required Patches 1

Related Patches 1

Release Method 1

New Functionality 1

Defect Fixes 3

Remedy Tickets 3

Reference Documents 4


The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the Mental Health Enhancements – Outcomes Monitoring functionality for Patch YS*5.01*103 in support of the Improve Veterans’ Mental Health (IVMH) initiative. This Patch includes the addition of 22 new instruments and several enhancements to the Mental Health Assistant (MHA3) application. The full list of changes and additional information can be found in the sections below.

Installation Requirements

The following software applications MUST be installed prior to installing MHA3 Patch YS*5.01*103:


|Kernel |8.0 |

|VA FileMan |22.0 |

|Mailman |8.0 |

|RPC Broker |1.1 |

|Toolkit |7.3 |

|Mental Health |5.01 |

|CPRS |28 |

|Text Integration Utility |1.0 |

|Consult/Request Tracking |3.0 |

Required Patches

The following patch MUST be installed prior to installing MHA3 Patch YS*5.01*103:

Software Applications Patch

Mental Health V. 5.01 YS*5.01*96

Related Patches

There are no other related patches in this release.

Release Method

There are no other patches bundled into this release.

New Functionality

New functionality in Patch YS*5.01*103 provides enhancements with the addition of instruments, the ability to link a TIU note to a consult and print a blank instrument as well as improved navigation.

1. This patch adds twenty-two (22) new instruments to the Mental Health Assistant (MHA3) Graphical User Interface (GUI). These instruments include the following:

ASSIST – Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test

BAM – Brief Addiction Monitor

BASIS-24 - Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale

CDR – Clinical Dementia Rating Scale

CIWA AR – Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment - Alcohol Revised

COWS – Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale

FAST – Functional Assessment Staging

GAD 7 – Generalized Anxiety Disorder, 7 items

GDS – Geriatric Depression Scale

GDS DEMENTIA – Global Deterioration Scale

INDEX OF ADL – Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living

ISMI – Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Inventory

NEOPI – Revised NEO Personality Inventory

PAI – Personality Assessment Inventory

PCLS-SZ – PTSD Checklist Stressor Specific

POQ – Pain Outcomes Questionnaire

SBR – Suicide Behavior Report

SLUMS – Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination

WAI-SR – Working Alliance Inventory-Short Revised

WHYMPI – West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory

ZBI SCREEN – Zarit Burden Interview: Screening version

ZBI SHORT – Zarit Burden Interview: Short version

2. This patch adds the ability to print a blank instrument form from within the MHA3. Prior to this patch, the user had to print a blank form from the ‘roll and scroll’ interface. This new functionality makes it easier for the Mental Health user to give a patient a hardcopy or an electronic copy of the instrument to fill out at his/her leisure. However, some instruments require the user to have the YSP security key. These instruments are as follows:

AUIR - Alcohol Use Inventory (Revised)

BSI18 - Brief Symptom Inventory 18

HLOC - Health Locus of Control Scale

IEQ - Rotter Internal-External Scale

MBMD - Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic

MCMI2 - Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II

MCMI3 - Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III

MHLA - Multidimensional Health Locus of Control: Form A

MHLB - Multidimensional Health Locus of Control: Form B

MMP2S - MMPI 2 Short Form

MMPI2 - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2

NEOPI – Revised NEO Personality Inventory

PAI - Personality Assessment Inventory

RLOC - Rotter Locus of Control

SCL9R - Symptom Checklist-90-Revised

STAI - State-Trait Anxiety Inventory

3. Ability to create a Text Integration Utility (TIU) note containing the results of the instrument administered to the patient and linking it to a consult for that patient.

This patch requires the site to create a new TIU note title called MENTAL HEALTH CONSULT NOTE. If this note title already exists, do not create another note with the same title. If the user selects a consult from the dropdown list in the ‘Link With Consult (optional)’ box of the Instrument Administrator and completes an instrument, the MENTAL HEALTH CONSULT NOTE will be created and filed with the results of that instrument. The note will be linked to the consult selected. After installation, sites can select a different note title to associate with each test using the following menu path:


MHA3 Utilities [YTQ MHA3MENU]

Stop/Re-Start Progress Notes for an Instrument [YTQ PNOTE FLAG]

Example of linking a note title to a test:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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