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?National Exam Module 7


This is a timed exam. You have exactly 3 hours to complete the exam

Stan Mucinic, LNHA



Legal Notices

Individuals enrolled in the “national nursing home administration licensing course” are purchasing the professional knowledge of the instructor to assist the student to prepare for the national “nursing home administrator’s” exam.

The course is a 5-week intensive self-study test preparation program designed to provide the student a unique personalized and structured learning environment where progress is monitored by the instructor through email to help students maintain focus and complete scheduled assignments timely. The student and instructor can negotiate additional instruction time and fees if necessary.


An individual’s ultimate success in passing the licensure exam is dependent on an individual’s professional experience, academic preparation, and the time and energy the individual can commit to exam study and preparation.

A student’s work schedule or other commitments may require more time to prepare for an exam than allotted. The student is solely responsible for licensing exam registration/testing and retesting fees.

Contact Information

You may contact Stan Mucinic by email smucinic@ with any questions or after you score each exam.



1. The minimum qualification for a social worker in a 120 bed facility Is a(n) ___________.

1. Associates degree with 5 years of resident care

2. Bachelors degree in social work

3. Diploma and 2 years of being a social worker assistant

4. Bachelor's degree with 1 year as a social worker assistant


2. The MDS is transmitted by ______.

1. Phone

2. Fax

3. Computer or Modem

4. Overnight mail


3. The proper procedure for mopping the stairwell and corridor is to ______.

1. Mop one side and have a safe side for people to walk on.

2. Block off the stairwell and or corridor with a still wet sign so nobody can pass or use

3. Mop the entire stairwell or corridor at once

4. None of the above


4. If a court determines a resident is incapable of making their own decisions, the court would appoint a ________ to handle their affairs.

1. Power of attorney

2. Guardian

3. Family member

4. Close relative

5. A resident's medical or financial information may be given to ______ without the resident’s consent.

1. A third party payor pursuant to a contract

2. An independent contractor

3. A responsible party

4. A close relative to the resident


6. The lighted display board that indicates the zone or location of a fire is called a(n) _____.

1. Fire control panel

2. Call light board

3. Enunciator panel

4. Emergency Lighting Panel

7. Lighting of the means of egress must be continuous with exit floor surfaces illuminated at the level of ____ foot candle light from the _____.

1. ½ , ceiling

1. 1 , floor

2. 2, floor

3. 3, floor

8. In case of a fire, the primary purpose of closing doors is to _____.

1. Contain the fire

2. Contain the smoke

3. Prevent residents from entering a dangerous area

4. Indicate that the residents in a room were removed from the area 

9. ____________ is most effective to increase occupancy.

1. Word of mouth

2. Advertisement

3. Physician’s recommendations

4. Discharge planners from hospitals

10. A facility must provide planned activities for residents. Residents are ______.

1. Required to participate in the planned activities that the majority of residents request

2. Required to participate in activities when scheduled by the activities department

3. Entitled to participate in activities that meet their personal interests

4. Not permitted to participate in activities outside the facility    


11. The administrator is informed a staff member from the Philippines speaks her native

language to other staff members in the presence of residents who do not speak her language. The administrator should ______.

1. Tell the staff member she is violating resident rights

2. Do nothing unless the residents complain

3. Do nothing, because the staff member is allowed to speak her native language

4. Explain to the residents that they are not talking about them.

12. If an employee accidentally drops a resident, the facility is covered under ___________.

1. General Liability insurance

2. Professional Liability insurance

3. Business Interruption insurance

4. Officers and directors insurance


13. All deaths related to a medical device must be reported to the ________.

1. Food and Drug Administration

2. American National Standards Institute


4. CMS

14. A clergyman enters a resident's room to visit with her. The nurse finished giving the resident her morning meds just as the clergyman entered the room. The nurse should now _________________.


1. Stay in the room at all times

2. Ask the resident if she wants her to leave

3. Stay within view of what's going on

4. Pull the privacy curtain shut and leave the room


15. Which is the correct method to calculate a medication error?

1. The number of errors observed divided by the opportunities for error times 100

2. The number of medications not administered divided by the opportunities for errors

3. The number of medications improperly administered divided by the opportunities for

error times 100

4. The number of medications not administered plus the number improperly administered

divided by the opportunities for error


16. Which is considered a fatal error?

1. Giving doxidan to the wrong resident

2. Giving 1 dose of Tylenol to the wrong resident

3. Giving the wrong amount of Insulin to a resident

4. Giving the wrong amount of doxidan to a resident


17. The DON comes to the administrator and says she going to put a resident on a psychotropic drug because the nursing staff cannot control her behavior.  The resident has early stage Alzheimer’s. What should the administrator tell the DON?

1. Commend the DON

2. Reprimand the DON

3. Suggest that the policy be implemented in all facilities

4.  Request the medical director make it a facility policy

18. A resident had a stroke and suffered paralysis to the left side of their body. The rehab

department should _________.

1. Figure out what caused the stroke

2. Work on ROM

3. Work to get resident back to highest functional ability

4. Work to get the resident to ambulate


19. The designated parking space for the handicapped must be at least ______.

1. 10 feet wide

2. 13 feet wide

3. 15 feet wide

4. 18 feet wide

 20. A resident room is required to have ___________.

1. Direct access to an exit corridor

2. Two access exits that are remotely located from each other

3. A floor at or above grade level leading to the outside

4. 100 square feet for a multi-resident room per resident


21. Communication would get lost along the way if it were_________.

1. Upward

2. Downward

3. Vertical

4. Horizontal


22. Respondent superior would not apply to ______.

1. A nursing aide

2. The DON

3. A private duty nurse

4. The administrator


23. An organized and effective maintenance program emphasizes ____________.

1. Adequate inventory

2. Maintenance Contracts

3. Preventative maintenance

4. Employing competent personnel

24. General liability insurance provides the facility protection against __________.

1. Residents injured by staff while providing care

2. Claims made by employees for work related injuries

3. Claims not exempted under charitable immunity

4. Injuries sustained by visitors on the facility property

25. A resident is being kept up at night by a cart that has a squeaky wheel. What should you do?

1. Fix the wheel

2. Not use the cart anymore

3. Instruct staff to keep the door to the residents’ rooms closed at night

4. All of the above


26. A nurse, while using a lift, notices that it is not working properly. The nurse should


1. Write a work order and continue using the lift

2. Call maintenance

3. Immediately pull the lift from service and fill out a work order and do not use it until

it is fixed

4. Ignore it


27. The Secretary of DHHS has the same authority to impose penalties on nursing facilities as

the ______.


1. State

2. Senate

3. Federal courts

4. Minimum Wage and Hour Act

28. The final step before you can be approved for a nursing home is to ______.

1. Disclose all operating expenses

2. Disclose the names of all corporate officers

3. Disclose the names of all governing body members

4. Secure a certificate of need

29. _____ would require extra special handling to dispose of properly and safely.

1. A trash can with an AIDS patient’s waste

2. An empty vaccine bottle

3. Drinking paper cups

4. Dry paper towels

30. A resident is restrained without physician’s orders and has not had a bath today.  How many

resident rights were violated? 

1. 0.

2. 1

3. 2

4. 3


31. Resident rehabilitation is a process that __________.

1. Occurs only at specific times with specific therapists

2. Is provided only by physical and occupational therapy

3. Does not involve the services of nurses

4. Is an interdisciplinary responsibility


32. No soliciting on facility premises would be contained in the_______.

1. Business office policies

2. Resident care policies

3. Administrative policies

4. Employee handbook 

33.______ fire drills are required in a facility per year.  

1. 3

2. 9

3. 12

4. 14

 34. You must test the generator ______ for _______. 

1. Every month, 30 minutes

2. Every quarter, 60 minutes

3. Semi annually, 15 minutes

4. Annually, 30 minutes

35. When a resident is admitted to a facility, an attending physician must visit and examine them ______________.

1. Within 72 hours of admission and every month thereafter

2. At least every 3 months

3, Once every 30 days for the first 90 days and then every 60 days thereafter

4. As often as appropriate

36. A curtain or decoration that does not burn easily is called ________.

1. Flame retardant

2. Combustible

3. Fire resistant

  4. Fire-proof

37. Emergency generators are checked ______. 

1. Daily

2. Weekly

3. Every 10 days

4. Monthly


38. Residents do not have the right to a ______.

1. Vinyl chair in their room

2. Window to the outside

3. Closet

4. Dresser

39. How do you calculate the average percent of occupancy?

1. Divide the total number of beds by the number of total beds and multiply by 100

2. Divide the number of occupied beds by the number of total beds and multiply by 100 percent

3. Subtract the number of vacant beds from the number of occupied beds and divide by the total number of beds and multiply by 100

4. Divide the number of occupied bed days by the total number of days in the period and then divide by the total number of beds and then multiply by 100

40. How do you calculate the approximate percentage of gross profit?

1. Divide the expenses by the income

2. Divide the income by the expenses

3. Add the fixed expenses and the variable expenses and subtract from the gross income. Divide the differences(net profit) by the gross income

4. Subtract the income from the expenses and multiply by 100

41. How do you calculate a monthly depreciation amount using straight-line depreciation?

1. Divide the cost of the equipment by 12

2. Divide the salvage value by the number of years to be depreciated and then divide by 12

3. Add the salvage value to the cost of the equipment and divide by the number of years to be depreciated times 12

4. Subtract the salvage value from the cost of the equipment and divide by the number of years to be depreciated and then divide by the number of months per year

42. Bedrooms are required to have __________.

1. 80 square feet per resident in multi-resident rooms

2. 100 square feet per resident in multi-resident rooms

3. 130 square feet per resident in multi-resident rooms

4. 150 square feet per resident in multi-resident rooms

43. The minimum width of a resident bedroom is determined by _______.



3. The state

4. Life safety code

44. The role of developing and implementing a written hazard communication program is the

responsibility of the ________.

1. Facility


2. Manufacturer

3. CMS

45. _______ is the most important way to prevent the spread of disease and infection.

1. Hand washing

2. Proper waste disposal

3. Use of disinfectants

4. Identification of infective agents


46. _______ is considered a comfortable atmospheric temperature range for a facility.

1. 51-61 degrees

2. 61-71 degrees

3 71-81 degrees

4. 81-91 degrees

47. What is the temperature of a hot rinse dishwasher?

1. 100 degrees

2. 130 degrees

3 150 degrees

4. 180 degrees 


48. ANSI establishes the ________.

1. Schedule for fire drills

2. Availability for water source and supply

3. Width of a parking space for the handicap

4. Requirement for at least one window to the outside for every bedroom 


49. The best public relations program is _____.

1. The news media

2. Printed material

3. A tour of the facility

4. Sponsoring charitable community events

50. To assure an accurate resident assessment, each resident must be examined by a physician as deemed appropriate, but no less than every _______.

1. Month

2. Quarter

3. Semi-annual

4. Annual

51. Discharge planning begins _______.

1. Upon admission

2. Upon completion of physical therapy

3. When the utilization committee determines discharge is safe

4. When ordered by the attending physician

52. The best method to obtain information regarding a potential employee is the ____.

1. Resume

2. Interview

3. Job application

4. Letters of reference from previous employers

53. _______is/are the best method to recruit new employees.

1. A job posting

2. Newspaper ads

3. Employment agencies

4. The state employment office

54. A key principle in delegation of authority by administrators to staff is to_______.

1. Keep authority centralized

2. Personally confirm all decisions

3. Delegate as much authority as possible

4. Make sure all details are cleared by the administrator

55. An abuse allegation must be reported to the administrator and the administrator must do an investigation and report the investigation results to the proper state authorities within _______.

1. 24 hours

2. 48 hours

3. 5 days

4. 5 working days

56. The ADA has 5 titles. The title that affects administrators most is title _____.

1. I

2. II

3. III

4. IV

57. OSHA requires all non fatal accidents to be recorded within ______.

1. 3 days

2. 5 days

3. 6 days

4. 7 days

58. Sound financial management dictates that approving the annual facility budget is the responsibility of the _______.

1. CPA

2. Administrator

3. Stockholders

4. Governing body

59. The value of financial management is to provide accounting information enabling the administrator to ________.

1. Make decisions

2. prepare tax returns

3. inform the home office

4. Discuss financial information with the CPA

60. _______ is not a revenue center

1. Social services

2. Dietary services

3. Nursing services

4. Barber and beauty salon

61. __________ is a non-cash expense


2. Payroll

3. Insurance

4. Depreciation

62. Labor costs in a nursing home usually total approximately _______.

1. 30 to 40 percent

2. 40 to 50 percent

3. 50 to 60 percent

4. 60 to 70 percent

63. Hazardous areas must be protected by fire barriers with a fire resistance rating of 1 hour or a

completely automated extinguishing system. The ______ would usually not be considered a

hazardous area.

1. Laundry

2. Resident dining room

3. Handicraft store

4. Beauty salon

64. __________ is not a correct hand washing procedure

1. Using liquid soap

2. Filling a bowl with warm water

3. Using paper towels to dry hands

4. Using paper towels to turn the water faucet off

65. Work orders should be simple written requests indicating _________.

1. The problem and its location

2. When the work is to be accomplished

3. The time and money needed to fix the problem

4. Who will correct the situation and when it will be fixed

66. The minimum amount of square footage in a private room is ________.

1. 80 square feet per person

2. 100 square feet

3. 120 square feet per person

4. 150 square feet per person

67. Under OBRA, the responsibility of the safety committee may be assigned to the ________.

1. Compliance committee

2. Resident Rights Committee

3. Infection Control Committee

4. Quality Improvement Committee

68. The minimum square footage per person in a resident room would include the ____________.

1. Bed

2. Toilet

3. Closet

4. Wardrobe

69. An isolation room is not required to have _______.

1. A private toilet

2. Single occupancy

3. A bathtub or shower

4. Hand washing facilities

70. Under OSHA, the hazards of a product are determined by the _______.

1. Employer


3. Manufacturer


71. To determine the comfortable and safe air temperature in resident rooms and public spaces, the

air temperature is measured ________.

1. 2 feet above the floor

2. 3 feet above the floor

3. 4 fee above the floor

4. 5 feet above the floor

72. Per ANSI, the telephone cord on a public telephone must be at least ______.

1. 24 inches

2. 26 inches

3. 29 inches

4. 36 inches

73. The EEOC does not enforce the _____________.

1. Equal Pay Act

2. The Civil Rights Act

3. Age discrimination in employment

4. Fair Labor Standards Act

74. Under the Equal Pay Act, an employee’s wages cannot be adjusted based on _____.

1, Training

2. Education

3. Gender

4. Years of employment

75. According to the FMLA, an employee cannot take leave for ________.

1. The birth of a child

2. Divorce or separation

3. Placement of a child for adoption

4. Caring for an ill spouse or parent

76. The best source of new employees is usually __________.

1. Employment agencies

2. Current employee referrals

3. Newspaper advertisements

4. State unemployment offices

77. Well capitalized companies should have a equity to debt ratio of__________.

1. More than 2.0 to 1.0

2. 2.0 to 1.0

3. 1.0 to 1.0

4. More than 1.0 to 1.0

78. ______percent of resident accidents occur in resident bedrooms.

1. 20

2. 30

3. 50

4. 70

| 79 |Lighting of the means of egress must be continuous with exit floor surfaces illuminated at the level of ___ foot candle from the _____. |

| | |

| |1. ½ , ceiling |

| |2. 1 , floor |

| |3. 2, floor |

| |4. 3, floor |

| 80 |The written fire plan must address ____________. |

| | |

| |The use of alarms |

| |Transmitting an alarm to the fire department |

| |Procedures to respond to an alarm |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| 81 |The written fire plan does not need to include ______________. |

| |The procedure to isolate a fire |

| |A maintenance schedule to clean air dampers |

| |The procedure to evacuate the fire area |

| |Preparation for building evacuation |

|82 |When extinguishing a fire, aim the extinguisher at the ____ of a fire. |

| |Top |

| |Middle |

| |Base |

| |Hottest part |

|83 |Which is not a key objective of the Life Safety Code? |

| |Closing as many doors as possible to prevent the spread of fire |

| |Confining a fire to the room of origin |

| |Evacuating all residents from a building as quickly as possible |

| |To protect residents and staff with smoke and fire barriers |

|84 |Soiled linen and trash containers must be limited to ___ gallons within any ___ square foot area. |

| |12, 24 |

| |6, 18 |

| |24, 72 |

| |32, 64 |

|85 |Mobile soiled linen and trash containers larger than 33 gallons or more need to be _______. |

| |Stored in a resident’s room |

| |Stored in a protected hazardous area when unattended |

| |Emptied weekly |

| |Kept uncovered |

|86. |A smoke proof enclosure must have a __ hour fire resistance and a door with ___ hour fire protection rating. |

| |1, 1 ½ hour |

| |1 ½ hour, 1 hour |

| |2 hour, 1 ½ hour |

| |½ hour, 2 hour |

|87 |The ______ must sign a notice of involuntary discharge based on a resident posing a threat to themselves or others, or no longer requires the |

| |services of a skilled nursing facility. |

| | |

| |1. Administrator |

| |2. A licensed physician |

| |3. Director of Nursing |

| |4. Medical Director |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| 88 |Which is not true of egress? |

| |Every patient room must have a door leading directly to an exit access corridor |

| |The travel distance within a resident’s room to an access corridor cannot exceed 50 feet |

| |The travel distance from a resident’s door in an access corridor to an exit door cannot exceed 150’ |

| |The travel distance within any patient room to an exit door cannot exceed 250 |

| | |

|89 |____________ do not need both 1 hour fire resistance rating and a completely automatic extinguishing system. |

| |Soiled linen rooms |

| |Employee locker rooms |

| |Repair shops |

| |Trash collection rooms |

|90. |______ would not be a goal for residents who use psychotropic drugs. |

| | |

| |Drug holidays |

| |Abrupt drug elimination |

| |Gradual dose reduction |

| |Behavioral programming |

|91 |A naso-gastric tube is many times referred to as an NG tube or as a ______. |

| | |

| |Stomach tube |

| |Breathing tube |

| |Urinary drainage tube |

| |Tube for intravenous solutions |

|92 |A hematoma is a(n) ______________. |

| | |

| |Low red blood cell count |

| |White blood cell count |

| |Darkened area under the skin containing blood |

| |Deep gash in the upper layers of the skin |

|93. |Individuals over the age of 65 take an average of _____ different drugs. |

| | |

| |3.6 |

| |4.1 |

| |7.2 |

| |9.9 |

|94. |Anorexia is __________. |

| | |

| |1, Weight gain |

| |2. The loss of appetite |

| |3. A language disorder |

| |4. The inability to digest lactose |

|95. |A person with depression usually _______. |

| | |

| |Conceals their illness |

| |Gains weight |

| |Has a history of diabetes |

| |Makes little effort to perform simple tasks |

|96. |A weight loss of ____ within 6 months would be considered significant. |

| | |

| |5 percent |

| |8 percent |

| |10 percent |

| |12 percent |

| | |

| | |

|97. |Fringe benefits (vacation and sick leave, health insurance, 401K plan) are _______. |

| | |

| |Required by law |

| |Considered a right by workers |

| |Considered part of the Wage and Hour Act |

| |Considered a benefit determined by employees |

|98. |The responsibility for initially explaining resident rights to residents is the responsibility of the _____. |

| | |

| |Social worker |

| |Licensed nurses |

| |Activity director |

| |Administrator |

|99. |______do not have line authority. |

| | |

| |Accountants |

| |Administrators |

| |Charge nurses |

| |Dietary managers |

|100 |An employment application can request an applicant’s________. |

| | |

| |1. Birth place |

| | 2. Citizenship |

| |3. Marital status |

| |4. Welfare benefits history |

|101 |A subjective measurement of an employee’s performance would be based on _____________. |

| | |

| |Work Quality |

| |Personality |

| |Attitudes toward other employee |

| |Ability to work with other employees |

|102 |_____ is/are not an intangible asset. |

| | |

| |1. Trademarks |

| | 2. Goodwill |

| |3. Copyrights |

| |4. Accounts receivables |

|103 |Budgets are usually prepared _______. |

| | |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

| |As needed |

| | |

|104 |The _______ should approve a facility’s budget. |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Governing Body |

| |Chief financial officer |

| |CMS |

|105 |______ is a capital expense. |

| |Re-stocking the kitchen pantry |

| |Leasing a car |

| |Replacing the electrical generator |

| |The cost of replacing light bulbs |

|106 |________ is an operating expense. |

| |Purchasing of a new computer |

| |Weekend overtime wages |

| |Paving the parking lot |

| |Installing wall partitions |

|107 |_____ is the largest expense in a nursing home. |

| |Labor |

| |Inventory |

| |Insurance |

| |Equipment |

|108 |The key to purchasing supplies is to ___________. |

| |Obtain competitive bids |

| |Purchase in bulk to get volume discounts |

| |Let each department purchase their own supplies |

| |Standardize all products, implement a central purchasing process, and minimize people authorized to purchase goods |

|109 |Employees only pay 50% of _____. |

| | |

| |FICA |

| |FUTA |

| |Workers comp |

| |SIT |

|110 |Depreciation is ________. |

| | |

| |A declining balance |

| |The cost allocation of equipment |

| |The change in value over time |

| |The decrease in value due to obsolescence, wear and tear |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|111 |________ is covered by Medicare Part A and B. |

| |Home health |

| |Private duty nurses |

| |Physical check ups |

| |Outpatient diagnostic services |

|112 |The main protective elements in a nursing home in the event of a fire are _____________. |

| | |

| |Sprinkler systems and alarm pulls |

| |Smoke detectors and direct telephone lines |

| |Smoke barriers, corridor walls and resident doors |

| |The use of Internal fire fighting equipment and hand held extinguishers |

|113 |The minimum period of insurance coverage under COBRA is ____. |

| | |

| |8 months |

| |12 months |

| |18 months |

| |36 months |

|114 |COBRA covers employees who have been separated from an employer for a maximum of ____ months. |

| |12 |

| |18 |

| |24 |

| |36 |

|115 |A resident who is “bedfast” remains in their bed all of the time for the past ______. |

| |24 hours |

| |48 hours |

| |3 days |

| |7 days |

|116 | _____ mandates that policies in nursing homes must be approved by the governing body. |

| |CMS |

| |OSHA |

| |OBRA |

| |EEOC |

|117 |The ______ does not need to be notified of a significant change in a resident’s clinical status. |

| | |

| |Attending physician |

| |Resident |

| |Ombudsman |

| |Resident’s legal representative |

| | |

|118 |A written notice of involuntary discharge does not need to include a notice of the _________. |

| | |

| |Right to refuse the transfer |

| |Location where the resident is being transferred |

| |Right to appeal the transfer |

| |Name, address and telephone number of the state nursing home association |

|119 |When there is a change of ownership, the administrator or the director of nursing, a facility may be subject to a(n) ________. |

| | |

| |Standard survey |

| |Extended survey |

| |Partial Extended survey |

| |Abbreviated standard survey |

|120 |Any event that can lead to a loss, injury or damage is called a(n) ________. |

| | |

| |Risk |

| |Lawsuit |

| |Claim |

| |Accident |

|121 |A “Resource Utilization Group” is a _______. |

| | |

| |Case mix index |

| |Grouping of revenue |

| |Resident classification system |

| |Method of grouping income from Medicare and Medicaid |

|122 |The chief factor for an effective fire safety program is ____________. |

| | |

| |A set of policies and procedures |

| |An effective safety committee |

| |A supportive fire department |

| |The support and involvement of the administrator |

|123 |The Long Term Care Ombudsman program was established by ______. |

| | |

| |OBRA |

| |Medicare Act |

| |Social Security Act |

| |Older Americans Act |

|124 |What requirement must a facility meet to participate in the Medicare/Medicaid programs? |

| |A social worker on staff |

| |Disclosure of facility ownership |

| |An occupancy rate of 80% or higher |

| |Have at least 60 beds |

| | |

|125 |_______ is not a primary purpose for the ombudsman program. |

| | |

| |Investigating a decision made by a provider |

| |Making frequent unannounced surveys of the facility |

| |Investigating and resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents |

| |Counseling and assisting residents in receiving benefits they are entitled to |

|126 |The open market ruling of 1977 relates to________. |

| | |

| |Price controls |

| |Transfer agreements |

| |Recruiting employees |

| |Advertising health services |

|127 |A tour of a facility should be _____. |

| | |

| |As short as possible |

| |Comprehensive and involve the entire facility |

| |Conducted by the admissions staff |

| |Scheduled for groups to save time |

| | |

|128 |An effective marketing campaign should create ______. |

| | |

| |Immediate cash flow |

| |A strong relationship with the local hospital |

| |An Improved visual attractiveness of the facility |

| |A favorable image and exposure in the community |

|129 |A marketing plan should not be ________. |

| |A democratic process |

| |A flexible plan |

| |Detailed and precise |

| |Effective in communicating a facility’s mission and purpose |

|130 |To ensure a resident’s assessment is accurate, the facility must ensure each resident is given a physical examination at least _______. |

| |Monthly |

| |Every 2 months |

| |Every 3 months |

| |Every 6 months |

|131 |__________ accounts for most infections in a facility. |

| | |

| |The frequent use of invasive devices |

| |The exposure by residents to employees and visitors |

| |The presence of chronic diseases in a facility |

| |An Increase in immobility and incontinence |

|132 |Which is not true regarding the elderly? |

| | |

| |The elderly require relationships to offset loneliness |

| |The need for independence is still very strong in the elderly |

| |Sexuality greatly diminishes as we age |

| |The need for closeness and intimacy is still very strong in the elderly |

|133 |______ is normally not a problem with the elderly |

| |Depression |

| |Paranoia |

| |Feelings of worthlessness |

| |Self actualization |

|134 |Assume 130 doses of medication where ordered for a resident. Two doses were not given and 3 doses were incorrectly administered as prescribed. |

| |What is the approximate medication error rate? |

| |1.5 percent |

| |2.3 percent |

| |3.8 percent |

| |5.0 percent |

|135 |The laws which control nursing activities in each state are called ________. |

| |Federal statutes |

| |Nurse practice acts |

| |Practice control acts |

| |Professional function laws |

|136 |The social worker’s primary function in a nursing facility is to ______. |

| |Counsel the residents and families concerning their personal problems |

| |Reduce resident anxiety in adjusting to placement in a facility |

| |Represent the resident’s interests in interdisciplinary meetings |

| |Develop a close relationship with the resident to enable accurate and current social assessments and progress notes |

|137 |Resident councils allow:________. |

| |Residents to provide input into staffing requirements |

| |Residents the opportunity to change their resident rights |

| |Residents a sense of control over their lives |

| |Residents involvement in the management of the facility |

|138 |A __________ is a legal document that specifies a person’s preference concerning artificial life-sustaining measures. |

| |Living will |

| |Statutory will |

| |Holographic will |

| |Power of attorney |

|139 |A testator is one who _____. |

| | |

| |Is the executor of an estate |

| |Dies leaving a will |

| |Is appointed a legal guardian |

| |Is an executrix |

|140 |The percentage of weight loss for a person previously weighing150 pounds and now weighs 142 pounds? |

| |1.9 percent |

| |5.3 percent |

| |7.5 percent |

| |8.0 percent |

|141 |To clean utensils, a three compartment sink is used to wash, rinse and _____. |

| |Dry utensils |

| |Scrape utensils |

| |Sanitize utensils |

| |Clean utensils |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|142 |The dietary department maintains the various adaptive feeding equipment to assist residents in eating. Which of the following trains residents |

| |how to use adaptive equipment? |

| |Licensed nurses |

| |Activities staff |

| |Occupational therapists |

| |Speech therapists |

|143 |Incontinence means ______. |

| |A urinary infection |

| |Dehydration |

| |Inflammation of the joints |

| |Involuntary passage of urine and feces |

|144 |An oncologist specializes in ________. |

| |Hearing disorders |

| |Cancer |

| |Mental illness |

| |Blood infections |

|145 |The administrator notices a deterioration in a resident’s condition. The administrator’s most appropriate action would be _______. |

| |Discuss the changes with the physician |

| |Enter the observations in the residents medical chart |

| |Require the nurses to report further changes to the administrator |

| |Request the nurse to evaluate the resident’s condition and report it to the attending physician if necessary |

|146 |If dental work is planned for a resident, which would not be potentially impacted by dental work? |

| |Artificial hip replacement |

| |Heart valve replacement |

| |Kidney condition |

| |Knee replacement |

|147 |The sum of all activities to create desired changes in quality care is the definition of _____. |

| |Quality improvement |

| |Quality control |

| |Quality assurance |

| |Quality measurement |

|148 |Per OBRA, the ______ determines if a resident can self administer medications. |

| |Interdisciplinary team |

| |Pharmacist |

| |Director of nursing |

| |Medical director |

|149 |Per OBRA, resident medical records must be maintained for at least ________ |

| |5 years |

| |5 years after admission |

| |5 years after discharge |

| |5 years after discharge or 3 years after a discharged resident reaches the age of 18 |

|150 |A drug interaction means that _____________. |

| |A combination of drugs became fatal |

| |A drug did not achieve desired effect |

| |A resident’s system counteracted the intended effect of a drug |

| |Two or more drugs taken simultaneously produced an unwanted effect |

| | |

|151 |P.R.N. means ______. |

| |When needed or requested |

| |Every Hour |

| |As prescribed |

| |Per registered nurse |

|152 |The physician’s desk reference refers to ______. |

| |Drugs |

| |DRG’s |

| |Diagnoses |

| |Prognoses |

|153 |Resident drug regimens must be reviewed monthly by the ____. |

| | |

| |Medical director |

| |Consulting pharmacist |

| |Attending physician |

| |Administrator |

|154 |_______ is responsible to ensure contracted rehabilitation specialists are qualified. |

| |State surveyors |

| |Medical director |

| |The administrator |

| |The CMS |

|155 |The terms LIFO and FIFO refer to __________. |

| |Depreciation schedules |

| |Inventory valuing methods |

| |Aging of accounts receivables |

| |Aging of accounts payables |

|156 |The purpose of perpetual inventory is to ________. |

| |Increase assets |

| |Eliminate loss through theft |

| |Reflect costs based on actual usage |

| |Reduce cost based on mass purchasing |

|157 |All cost reports are due ______. |

| |30 days at the end of the calendar year |

| |60 days after the end of the fiscal year’ |

| |90 days after the end of the fiscal year |

| |April 15 of each year |

|158 |Nationally, the monitoring and enforcement of ANSI standards is the responsibility of ____. |

| |EEOC |

| |OBRA |

| |Life Safety Code |

| |An agency within the state |

|159 |All deaths related to a medical device must be reported to the ________. |

| |Food and Drug Administration |

| |American National Standards Institute |

| |OSHA |

| |CMS |

|160 |The travel distance between a class B and C fire extinguishers cannot be more than ______. |

| |50 feet |

| |75 feet |

| |100 feet |

| |150 feet |

|161 |The National Fire Protection Association does not _____. |

| |Publish codes |

| |Provide research |

| |Establish standards |

| |Enforce life safety codes |

|162 |Per OSHA, the color of an oxygen tank is ______. |

| |Red |

| |Green |

| |White |

| |Blue |

|163 |Policies and plans guide and channel thinking and they must ___. |

| |Be specific and authoritative |

| |Allow flexibility in decision making |

| |Outline step by step how tasks are to be performed |

| |Pinpoint costs for a project before started |

|164 |Per the Hazardous Communication Program, ______________ is not required on all hazardous container labels. |

| | |

| |An appropriate warning |

| |The identity of the product |

| |The antidote to use if consumed |

| |The name and address of the manufacturer |

|165 |Supervisors achieve desired goals by _______. |

| | |

| |Taking the lead |

| |Appointing committees |

| |Appointing sub-supervisors |

| |Developing a chain of command |

Mock Exam 5 - Answer Key

|Quest # |Answer |Explanation |

|1 | 4 | |

|2 |3 | |

|3 |1 | |

|4 |2 | |

|5 |1 | |

|6 |3 | |

|7 |2 | |

|8 |2 | |

|9 |1 | |

|10 |3 | |

|11 |1 | |

|12 |2 | |

|13 |1 | |

|14 |4 | |

|15 |4 | |

|16 |3 | |

|17 |2 |Cannot use a chemical restraint for staff’s convenience Need a rationale to use the drug |

|18 |3 | |

|19 |2 | |

|20 |1 | |

|21 |4 | |

|22 |3 |A private duty nurse is not a facility employee they are hired by the family |

|23 |3 | |

|24 |4 | |

|25 |1 | |

|26 |3 | |

|27 |1 | |

|28 |4 | |

|29 |1 | |

|30 |2 |A bath is not a resident right. Most facilities only provide a shower due to infection issues |

|31 |4 |All staff are involved in helping residents achieve their rehab goals |

|32 |4 | |

|33 |3 | |

|34 |1 | |

|35 |3 | |

|36 |3 | |

|37 |2 | |

|38 |1 | |

|39 |4 | |

|40 |3 | |

|41 |4 | |

|42 |1 |Need 80 square feet per resident and not a total of 80 square feet for the entire room |

|43 |3 | |

|44 |1 | |

|45 |1 | |

|46 |3 | |

|47 |4 | |

|48 |3 | |

|49 |3 | |

|50 |2 | |

|51 |1 | |

| 52 |2 | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Quest # |Answer |Explanation |

|53 |1 | |

|54 |3 | |

|55 |4 | |

|56 |1 | |

|57 |4 | |

|58 |4 | |

|59 |1 | |

|60 |1 | |

|61 |4 | |

|62 |3 | |

|63 |2 | |

|64 |2 | |

|65 |1 | |

|66 |2 | |

|67 |4 | |

|68 |1 | |

|69 |3 | |

|70 |3 | |

|71 |2 | |

|72 |3 | |

|73 |4 | |

|74 |3 | |

|75 |2 | |

|76 |2 | |

|77 |1 | |

|78 |4 | |

|79 |2 | |

|80 |4 | |

|81 |2 | |

|82 |3 | |

|83 |3 |Nursing home are designed to protect residents in place and quickly contain a fire |

|84 |4 | |

|85 |2 | |

|86 |3 | |

|87 |2 | |

|88 |4 |The max is 200 feet (50-100-200) |

|89 |2 | |

|90 |2 |the goal is to use lowest effective dose and reduce dosages if possible |

|91 |1 | |

|92 |3 | |

|93 |3 | |

|94 |2 | |

|95 |4 | |

|96 |3 | |

|97 |2 | |

|98 |1 | |

|99 |1 | |

|100 |2 | |

|101 |2 | |

|102 |4 |The other choices cannot be seen, felt or touched |

|103 |3 | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Quest # |Answer |Explanation |

| | | |

| 104 |2 | |

| 105 |3 | |

|106 |2 | |

|107 |1 | |

|108 |4 | |

|109 |1 | |

|110 |4 | |

|111 |1 | |

|112 |3 | |

|113 |3 | |

|114 |4 | |

|115 |4 | |

|116 |3 | |

|117 |3 | |

|118 |4 | |

|119 |4 | |

|120 |1 | |

|121 |3 | |

|122 |4 | |

|123 |4 | |

|124 |2 | |

|125 |1 | |

|126 |4 | |

|127 |2 | |

|128 |4 |Option 2 is not the best answer - you have referral sources other an hospital social workers |

|129 |1 | |

|130 |3 | |

|131 |2 | |

|132 |3 |The need for intimacy and physical contact does not diminish in the elderly |

|133 |4 | |

|134 |3 | |

|135 |3 | |

|136 |4 | |

|137 |3 | |

|138 |1 | |

|139 |2 | |

|140 |2 | |

|141 |3 | |

|142 |3 | |

|143 |4 | |

|144 |2 | |

|145 |4 | |

|146 |3 | |

|147 |1 | |

|148 |1 | |

|149 |4 | |

|150 |4 | |

|151 |1 | |

|152 |1 | |

|153 |2 | |

|154 |3 | |

|155 |2 | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Quest # |Answer |Explanation |

| | | |

|156 |3 | |

|157 |4 | |

|158 |4 |Your annual survey includes a separate life safety survey conducted by state life safety inspectors – this survey results in |

| | |K tags because these deficiencies will kill you |

|159 |1 | |

|160 |1 | |

|161 |4 |This is private association and does not have enforcement powers |

|162 |2 | |

|163 |2 | |

|164 |3 | |

|165 |1 | |


| | |36 | | |73 | | |110 | | | 147 | | | |1 | | |37 | | |74 | | |111 | | | 148 | | | |2 | | |38 | | |75 | | |112 | | | 149 | | | |3 | | |39 | | |76 | | |113 | | | 150 | | | |4 | | |40 | | |77 | | |114 | | | 151 | | | |5 | | |41 | | |78 | | |115 | | | 152 | | | |6 | | |42 | | |79 | | |116 | | | 153 | | | |7 | | |43 | | |80 | | | 117 | | | 154 | | | |8 | | |44 | | |81 | | |118 | | | 155 | | | |9 | | |45 | | |82 | | |119 | | |156 | | | |10 | | |46 | | |83 | | |120 | | |157 | | | |11 | | |47 | | |84 | | |121 | | |158 | | | |12 | | |48 | | |85 | | |122 | | |159 | | |13 | | |49 | | |86 | | |123 | | |160 | | | |14 | | |50 | | |87 | | |124 | | |161 | | |15 | | |51 | | |88 | | |125 | | |162 | | | |16 | | |52 | | |89 | | |126 | | |163 | | | |17 | | |53 | | |90 | | |127 | | |164 | | | |18 | | |54 | | |91 | | |128 | | |165 | | | |19 | | |55 | | |92 | | |129 | | | | | | |20 | | |56 | | |93 | | |130 | | | | | | |21 | | |57 | | |94 | | |131 | | | | | | |22 | | |58 | | |95 | | |132 | | | | | | |23 | | |59 | | |96 | | |133 | | | | | | |24 | | |60 | | |97 | | |134 | | | | | | |25 | | |61 | | |98 | | |135 | | | | | | |26 | | |62 | | |99 | | |136 | | | | | | |27 | | |63 | | |100 | | |137 | | | | | | |28 | | |64 | | |101 | | |138 | | | | | | |29 | | |65 | | |102 | | |139 | | | | | | |30 | | |66 | | |103 | | |140 | | | | | | |31 | | |67 | | |104 | | |141 | | | | | | |32 | | |68 | | |105 | | |142 | | | | | | |33 | | |69 | | |106 | | |143 | | | | | | |34 | | |70 | | |107 | | |144 | | | | | | |35 | | |71 | | |108 | | |145 | | | | | | | | | |72 | | |109 | | |146 | | | | | | |


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