Illinois ENA

lefttop00Illinois ENACEN? Exam Review CourseApril 9-10, 2014Hilton Lisle-Naperville Hotel, Lisle, IllinoisThe Illinois ENA Education Committee is seeking speaker applications for the CEN? Exam Review Course 2014. The CEN Exam Review Course is a two-day course that will provide a comprehensive review of emergency nursing, test-taking strategies and teach participants how to create a study plan based on their individual learning style for the Certified Emergency Nurse? exam.ProgramCEN Exam Review Course: April 9-10, 2014Potential SpeakersEngaging speakers, who are currently certified as a Certified Emergency Nurse?, to contribute their knowledge and expertise in emergency nursing.Target AudienceRNs who are interested in taking the Certified Emergency Nurse exam through the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing? (BCEN?). Anticipated AttendeesApproximately 50-75 nurses from the area and throughout icsThis course will review basic principles of patient management of various medical emergencies, disaster management, disaster management, and selected professional issues common to emergency nursing.Sessions will follow the most recent CEN Content Outline (view the attached document for the full outline):Cardiovascular EmergenciesGastrointestinal EmergenciesGenitourinary, Gynecology, and Obstetrical EmergenciesMaxillofacial and Ocular EmergenciesNeurological EmergenciesOrthopedic and Wound EmergenciesPsycho/Social EmergenciesRespiratory EmergenciesEnvironment and Toxicology EmergenciesShockMedical Emergencies and Communicable DiseasesProfessional IssuesTopics (continued)Two additional sessions will focus on:Learning styles/creating a study planTest-taking strategiesSession LengthSession lengths will vary from approximately 30-90 minutes based on the topic and proportion of content on the CEN exam (according to the CEN Content Outline). Interested individuals are encouraged to submit proposals by Monday, October 28, 2014. lefttop00Call for SpeakersIllinois Emergency Nurses AssociationCEN? Exam Review CourseSpeaker InformationTop of FormSpeaker/Submitter: FORMTEXT ?????Bottom of FormCredentials: FORMTEXT ?????Are you a current CEN?: FORMTEXT ?????Position/Title: FORMTEXT ?????Employer/Organization: FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????State: FORMTEXT ?????Zip code: FORMTEXT ?????Cell phone: FORMTEXT ?????Home/work phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email address: FORMTEXT ?????Brief biography about you, why you should be a speaker at this course, and your relevant experience (include previous speaking experience): FORMTEXT ?????Course InformationTop of FormPreferred Topic (see CEN Content Outline): FORMTEXT ?????Objectives will be developed by the Illinois ENA Education Committee to ensure minimum content is included in each session. If accepted as a speaker, your presentation must be submitted to the Education Committee in advance for review to ensure minimum standards.CEN? Content Outline ()Clinical items, distribution by nursing process:?Assessment (26%), Analysis (23%), Intervention (30%), Evaluation (20%)Non-Clinical items, distribution by cognitive level: Approximately equal for Recall, Application, Analysis1. Cardiovascular Emergencies?(13% of test)A. Acute coronary syndromeB. Aneurysm/DissectionC. Cardiopulmonary arrestD. DysrhythmiasE. EndocarditisF. Heart failureG. HypertensionH. Pericardial tamponadeI. PericarditisJ. Peripheral vascular disease (e.g., arterial, venous)K. Thromboembolic disease (DVT, or deep vein thrombosis)L. Trauma2. Gastrointestinal Emergencies?(7% of test)A. Acute abdomen (e.g., peritonitis, appendicitis)B. BleedingC. CholecystitisD. CirrhosisE. DiverticulitisF. Esophageal varicesG. EsophagitisH. Foreign bodiesI. GastritisJ. GastroenteritisK. HepatitisL. HerniaM. Inflammatory bowel diseaseN. IntussusceptionO. ObstructionsP. PancreatitisQ. TraumaR. Ulcers3. Genitourinary, Gynecology, and Obstetrical Emergencies?(7% of test)A. Genitourinary1. Foreign bodies2. Infection (e.g., urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, epididymitis, orchiitis, STDs)3. Phimosis4. Priapism5. Prostate conditions6. Renal calculi7. Testicular torsion8. Trauma9. Urinary retention (e.g., caused by trauma or neurological disorders)B. Gynecology1. Bartholin's cyst2. Bleeding/dysfunctional (vaginal)3. Foreign bodies4. Hemorrhage5. Infection (e.g., discharge, pelvic inflammatory disease, STDs)6. Ovarian cyst7. Sexual assault/battery8. TraumaC. Obstetrical1. Threatened/spontaneous abortion2. Ectopic pregnancy3. Emergent delivery4. Antepartum bleeding5. Hyperemesis gravidarum6. Neonatal resuscitation7. Preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome8. Preterm labor9. Trauma4. Maxillofacial and Ocular Emergencies?(6% of test)A. Maxillofacial1. Abscess (i.e., peritonsillar)2. Dental conditions3. Epistaxis4. Facial nerve disorders5. Foreign body6. Infection (e.g., Ludwig's angina, otitis, sinusitis)7. Labyrinthitis8. Meniere's disease9. Ruptured tympanic membrane10. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation11. TraumaB. Ocular1. Abrasion2. Burns3. Foreign body4. Glaucoma5. Infections (e.g., conjunctivitis, iritis)6. Retinal artery occlusion7. Retinal detachment8. Trauma (e.g., hyphema, laceration, globe rupture)9. Ulcerations/keratitis?5. Neurological Emergencies?(10% of test)A. Alzheimer's disease/dementiaB. Chronic neurological disorders (i.e., multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, etc.)C. Guillain-Barré syndromeD. Headache (i.e., including temporal arteritis, migraine)E. Increased intracranial pressure (ICP)F. MeningitisG. Seizure disordersH. Shunt dysfunctionsI. Spinal cord injuriesJ. Stroke (e.g., ischemic or hemorrhagic)K. Transient ischemic attack (TIA)L. Trauma?6. Orthopedic and Wound Emergencies?(9% of test)A. Orthopedic1. Amputation2. Compartment syndrome3. Contusions4. Costochondritis5. Foreign bodies6. Fractures/dislocations7. Inflammatory conditions8. Joint effusion9. Low back pain10. Osteomyelitis11. Other orthopedic trauma (e.g., Achilles tendon rupture, blast injuries)12. Strains/sprainsB. Wound1. Abrasions2. Avulsions3. Foreign bodies4. Infections5. Lacerations6. Missile injuries (e.g., guns, paint gun, nail gun)7. Pressure ulcers8. Puncture wounds9. Trauma (e.g., including degloving injuries)7. Psycho/Social Emergencies?(5% of test)A. Abuse and neglectB. Anxiety/panicC. BereavementD. Bipolar disorderE. DepressionF. Eating disordersG. Homicidal/violentH. PsychosisI. Situational crisis (e.g., job loss, divorce, sudden unexpected infant death)J. Suicide8. Respiratory Emergencies?(12% of test)A. AspirationB. AsthmaC. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)D. InfectionsE. Inhalation injuriesF. ObstructionG. Pleural effusionH. PneumothoraxI. Pulmonary edema, noncardiacJ. Pulmonary embolusK. Respiratory distress syndromeL. Tension pneumothoraxM. Trauma9.?Environment and Toxicology Emergencies?(7% of test)A. Environment1. Burns2. Envenomation emergencies (e.g., spiders, snakes, aquatic organisms)3. Food poisoning4. Organophosphates and insecticides5. Parasite and fungal infestations (e.g., giardia, ringworm, tineas, tape worms, pin worms, lice, maggots, scabies)6. Plants (e.g., contact dermatitis, ingestion)7. Radiation/hazardous material exposure8. Submersion injury9. Temperature-related emergencies (e.g., heat, cold, and systemic)10. RabiesB. Toxicology1. Acids and alkalis2. Carbon monoxide3. Cyanide4. Drug interactions (including alternative therapies)5. Overdose and ingestions6. Substance abuse10. Shock?(6% of test)A. CardiogenicB. Distributive (e.g., anaphylactic, septic, neurogenic)C. HypovolemicD. Obstructive (e.g., pericardial tamponade, tension pneumothorax)E. Shock (not specific)11. Medical Emergencies and Communicable Diseases?(11% of test)A. Medical emergencies1. Allergic reactions2. Blood dyscrasia3. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)4. Electrolyte/fluid imbalance5. Endocrine conditions:a. Adrenalb. Glucose-related conditionsc. Thyroid6. Fever7. Hemophilia8. Immunocompromise/oncological (e.g., HIV/AIDS)9. Renal failure10. Sepsis11. Sickle cell crisisB. Communicable diseases1.?C. difficile2. Childhood diseases (e.g., measles, mumps, pertussis, chicken pox, diptheria)3. Herpes zoster4. Mononucleosis5. Multi-drug resistant organisms (e.g., MRSA, VRE)6. Tuberculosis12. Professional Issues?(7% of test)A. Nurse1. Critical incident stress management2. Ethical dilemmas3. Evidence-based practice4. Lifelong learning5. ResearchB. Pain management1. Discharge planning2. End of life issuesa. Organ and tissue donationb. Advance directivec. Family presenced. Withholding, withdrawing, and palliative care3. Forensic evidence collection4. Patient safety5. Transfer and stabilization6. TriageC. System1. Delegation of tasks to assistive personnel2. Disaster management (i.e., preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery)3. Federal regulations (e.g., HIPAA, EMTALA)4. Patient consent for treatment5. Performance improvement6. Risk management7. Stabilization and transfer ................

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