Los Angeles Harbor College

Los Angeles Harbor College

Nursing 302

Mathematics of Drugs and Solutions

Course Syllabus Spring 2020


Nursing Instructor: Beverly Berlin, RN, MSN, CPN

Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access and student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic and workforce development, and basic skills instruction. Our educational  programs and support  services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes

Los Angeles Harbor College Nursing Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Los Angeles Harbor College Associate Degree Nursing Program is to educate and prepare a diverse body of students to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to continuously improve the safety and quality of their individual performance and of the healthcare system. The nursing program values accountability, commitment, student diversity, personal and program integrity, life - long learning, professionalism, and high academic standards with preparation for a seamless transfer in to university degree programs. The nursing program fosters a supportive learning environment for student success.

- written by faculty 2008; revised 2015


Associate Degree Nursing Program

Nursing 302 – Mathematics of Drugs and Solutions

Faculty Contact Information: Beverly Berlin, RN, MSN,CPN

Office Location TBD

Office Hours – by appointment or after class


Course Description: In this course, after a review of relevant basic arithmetic, the student will use concepts of higher mathematics to gain knowledge of measurement systems, including apothecary and metric techniques which include solving for an unknown. Use of ratio/proportion and alternate methods for computing medication dosages, I.V. flow rates, and weight related dosages for children and adults.

Credit: 3 units

Transferability: Conditional

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, with appropriate study and practice in the classroom, the student will be able to safely calculate medication dosages, I.V. flow rates and weight related dosages for children and adults. The student will demonstrate this by being able to:

1. Perform computations correctly using fractions, decimals, ratios, percent and proportions.

2. Identify differences between metric, apothecary and household measurement systems and be able to convert measurements from one system to another.

3. Recognize and select the appropriate equipment for the medication, dosage, and method of administration ordered.

4. Read and interpret calibrations of utensils used in administering medications.

5. Interpret prescription orders and medication administration records.

6. Correctly read and interpret medication labels.

7. Identify and prevent common medication errors.

8. Calculate drug dosages for oral and parenteral drugs.

9. Calculate I.V. flow rates for electronic or manual infusion systems.

Required Textbooks and Supplies: Pickar, GD & Abernethy, AP. (2011) Dosage Calculations, A Ratio-Proportion Approach (4th ed.), Clifton Park, Thompson Delmar.

LAHC Student Handbook located online at:

Nursing 302 Lecture slides:

*See instructor on information to access password-protected documents.

Course Policies: See College Catalog and Course Syllabus.

Plagiarism and any form of academic dishonesty is not tolerated with the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) and will result in a zero for the assignment in question and a possible one to two-day suspension from the class (in most cases this will result in a fail for the course). Any students with subsequent incident of plagiarism will be referred to the Vice President of Student Services and may be expelled from the nursing program. Please refer to Student Handbook for further information.

Attendance & Classroom Courtesy Policy: Per General College Policy. Nursing students are urged NOT to be absent, and are reminded that the student is responsible for ALL information given during class time. Cell phone will not be used this includes texting or emailing. You will be asked to leave the classroom.

All electronic devices will be securely put away during exams, including cell phones, ipads,i phones, etc. You will have access to a calculator provided by the course for work/testing in the classroom.

Course Evaluation: The N302 course evaluation will be done through the provided link:

*Surveys are completed prior to taking final exam. Failure to complete course evaluation will result with your grade NOT being posted. Your feedback is essential if any opportunity for positive change is to occur.

College and Department Policies: See College Catalog and Nursing Student Handbook (both online).

Board Policies/Accommodations:

1. Nursing students requiring SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS in a course must present official documentation of the type of accommodations required to the nursing faculty by day 2 of class.

2. Board Rule 9803.12. Dishonesty, such as cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college. Examples of academic dishonesty: A student copies from another student, to help an academically weaker student by providing answers to a test or using "crib" notes.

3. Board Rule 9803.14. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administration, disciplinary procedures, or authorized College activities.

4. Board Rule 9803.19. Alcohol and Drugs. Any possession of controlled substances which would constitute a violation of Health and Safety Code section 11350 or Business and Professional Code section 4230, any use of controlled substance the possession of which are prohibited by the same, or any possession or use of alcoholic beverages.

Please see college catalog for a listing of all District Board Rules.

Course Grading:

Exam scores and completion of homework assignments will determine the final course grade.

A (90-100%) B (81-89%) C (75-80%) D (60-74%) F (Less than 60%)

❖ Weekly Quizzes 10 questions 45% 90 points

❖ Midterm Exam 50 questions 25% 50 points

❖ Final Exam 50 questions 20% 40 points

❖ Completed Homework /Participation/Professionalism 10% 20 points

Total 100% 200 points

Last day to add class online with permission number is February 23, 2020.

Last day to drop class online without incurring fees or grade of “W” February 24, 2020.

To obtain refund of enrollment fees the deadline is February 23, 2020.

File for Pass/No Pass and Section Transfers March 2, 2020.

NO SCHEDULE MAKE UP EXAMS OR QUIZ- Make up exams may be given at the instructor’s prerogative if major illness requires missing an exam. The student must communicate with the instructor prior to the exam/quiz date. Medical documentation is required from student.

The highest grade obtainable for an exam taken after the scheduled testing day is 75%. Make-up exams may be multiple choice, fill-in, essay, or a combination of all the above.

Learning Resources:

• College or Nursing Department Library

• Computer Lab

• Library Learning Resource Center - Math lab

• Internet (Khan Academy)

• Tutor

Methods of Instruction:

• Selected/related practice problems

• Lectures

• Discussion

• Demonstrations

• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Exercises

Study Time: The College expects a minimum of two hours of study/preparation by the student for each hour of lecture. This means approximately a minimum of 6 hours of study for lecture for this course.

Assignments: See weekly assignment schedule. Please refer to this frequently in order to know what material to prepare for class. Students are expected to have reviewed and practiced the assigned chapters prior to lecture.

Evaluation Method:

• Quizzes

• Midterm

• Final Exam

• Homework

• Class Participation

• Professional behavior


❑ Tardiness is disruptive to the learning process. Tardiness on three (3) separate occasions, accrued from either being late at the start of class, failure to return promptly from a break, or from leaving class early, will be equivalent to one class absence. A student may accrue more than one “Tardy” during a class meeting time.


❑ You must legibly show all calculations on every exam to receive full credit.

❑ Emphasis is placed on carefully reading exam directions and performing dosage calculations proficiently. Dosage calculation problems are timed to be completed in approximately 2 minutes per problem.

❑ Exams are timed and will begin promptly at the start of class. Late entry will preclude the student from taking the exam or quiz! This means if roll call has ended, it is too late to sit for quiz/exam.


❑ Please make sure your name and the assignment are clearly printed on the right upper corner of each page.

❑ For homework to be accepted, all assignments must be securely stapled together PRIOR to the start of class. Not following these directions will result in points being deducted.

❑ To receive full credit for homework, all assigned problems must be completed and all work clearly shown.

❑ Assignments that involve marking calibrations on hospital equipment (e.g., syringes) must be photocopied.

❑ Partial credit will be given for partially completed or incomplete homework. Less than 50% = no points

❑ Homework that is done correctly will receive two (2) points. Homework that is done incorrectly or is incomplete will receive one (1) point.

❑ Zero credit will be given for missed or late homework.

❑ Changes to the schedule regarding topic, homework, quizzes/tests are at the discretion of the instructor.

Class Etiquette

A student enrolling in the nursing course may rightfully expect that the faculty and administrators will maintain an environment in which there is freedom to learn. This requires that there be appropriate conditions and opportunities in the classroom.

1. No texting and cell phone use during class time

2. No electronic devices with tones that may cause class disruption

3. No children, friends, or guest in the classroom, stimulation lab, and clinical settings

4. No food/drinks in the classroom at any time (water is okay)

5. Any excessive talking will result in dismissal of the student from the class

6. Seats may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor

7. No taping, recording, photography or computer recording of the class without permission.

8. Please bring your textbook to class (for classroom use) as it will be referred to often

9. Demonstrate professional behaviors in class, including but not limited to: prompt and timely arrival to class, using respectful tone, language, attitude, No falling asleep in class

10. The college expects academic integrity and the professor will uphold these expectations. Any violation will result in zero points for the exam/assignment in question and a possible 1-2 days suspension from the class. Be aware that this may result in failure of the course

11. The professor may dismiss student(s) from the class if they are being disruptive in any way

12. DO NOT seek information about this course from inappropriate sources. If you have a question about the class, ask the professor or clinical instructors of record

13. During testing, no caps, hats, or large sweatshirts are to be worn. No beverage containers on the desks. All belongings (including cell phones) must be placed in a designated area of the classroom

14. The testing policy is included in the syllabus and will be followed without exception

15. Any talking after the instructor has announced that the test has officially begun will result in “zero” points for the test.

“Men are respectable only as they respect” Ralph Waldo Emerson

| |Date |Topic |Homework Assignment Due |Evaluation |

|2 |2/18/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapters 1&2 |Read and be prepared to discuss: | |

| | | |Chapters 1 & 2 | |

|3 |2/25/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapters 3 |Practice Problems – Chapter 1 – all |Quiz 1 – chapter 1 &2 |

| | | |evens | |

| | | |Chapter 2 – all evens | |

|4 |3/3/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapters 4 |Practice Problems – all even |Quiz 2 – Chapter 3 |

| | | |Chapters 3 | |

|5 |3/10/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapter 5 |Practice Problems – all problems | |

| | | |Chapters 4 | |

|6 |3/17/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapter 6 & 7 |Practice Problems – all problems | Quiz 3- Chapter 4 & 5 |

| | | |Chapter 5 | |

| |3/24/2020 |Lecture/Practice |Practice problems-all problems Chapter|Quiz 4- Chapter 6 & 7 |

| | |Chapter 8 & 9 |6 and 7 | |

|7 |3/31/2020 |MIDTERM-CHAPTERS 1-9 |Practice Problems – all problems |MIDTERM EXAM |

| | | |Chapter 8 | |

| | | |All problems Chapter 9 SELF EVALUATION| |

| | | |2- all evens | |


| |April 12 | | | |

| |2020 | | | |

|8 |4/14/2020 | Lecture / Practice: Chapter 10 |Read and be prepared to discuss | |

| | | |Chapter 10 | |

|10 |4/21/2020 | Lecture / Practice: Chapter 11 |Practice Problems – all evens | |

| | | |Chapter 10 | |

|11 |4/28/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapter 12 |Practice Problems – all odds | Quiz 5- Chapters 10 & 11 |

| | | |Chapter 11 | |

| 12 |5/5/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapter 13 |Practice Problems – all odds plus #30 |Quiz 6 – Chapter 12 |

| | | |Chapter 12 | |

|13 |5/12/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapters 14 |Practice Problems – all odds |Quiz 7 – Chapter 13 |

| | | |Chapter 13 | |

|5/19 |5/19/2020 |Lecture / Practice: Chapter 15 |Practice Problems – all even |Quiz 8- Chapter 14 |

| | | |Chapter 14 | |

|15 |5/26/2020 | Review for Final |Practice Problems- 1-17,21, 22 |Quiz 9- Chapter 15 |

| | | |Chapter 15 | |

|16 |6/2/2020 |FINAL EXAM. | SELF-EVALUATION: 3,4 covering Chap. | Evens; Chapter 15 1-9 ALL |

| | |CHAPTERS 10-15 |10-15; all | |


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