
-88776-5778500Bradford College Scheme of Work2018- 2019Course Code: 3134-20Course Title: Level 2 Technical Certificate in Working in Dental SettingsCourse Lead: Laura Marshall Day:Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Start and finish time:7.5hrs required weekly between Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Unit title and number: 201 Principles of health & safety in dental settings, 202 Principles of infection prevention and control in dental settings, 203 Communication for effective working practice in dental settings, 204 Reception and administration in dental settings, 205 Principles of safeguarding in dental settings, 206 Standards and principles in dental settings, 207 Dental anatomy and charting, 208 General and oral health, 209 Induction to dental treatments, 210 Principles of first aid in medical emergencies Learning Outcomes By the end of this programme the student will be able to evidence learning related to: By the end of this programme and following successful completion, the student will be qualified to work in a number of employment destinations, in roles such as dental receptionist, dental decontamination assistant, or dental support worker. The student will know the principles and importance of health and safety requirements for working in dental settings. The student will have an understanding of the principles of infection prevention and control in dental settings, and will have applied those skills when working in the clinical environment. They will understand the importance of effective communication, have knowledge of different forms of communication and how to use them confidently. The student will have an understanding of the reception and administration roles and responsibilities in a dental setting. They will be able to carry out the reception role, and understand the benefits of working within this role. They will develop knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and duty of care. They will explore the role within a dental setting with regards to safeguarding. The student will understand the importance of the regulatory bodies and will know the professional principles of working in a dental setting. Students will have a basic understanding of the structure and function of oral and dental anatomy. They will be able to understand the link between oral and general health conditions. The student will explore the different dental procedures carried out in dental settings. They will understand the roles and responsibilities during medical emergencies and the importance of first aid provision in dental settings. Wider skillsHow will wider skills be embedded into the unit? (±∞)Students will cover literacy and IT in most lessons. Maths will form part of their learning during the reception unit as they learn how to take payments and calculate costs. Students complete a full safeguarding unit as part of this qualification. Equality and diversity will form part of their work for communication knowledge and skills. Employability is covered throughout and specifically within the professional principles unit. Personal and social skills with be embedded throughout and developed within the communication unit. LiteracyMathsITEqualityDiversityPersonal and SocialUnited ValuesEmployabilitySafeguarding H+S±∞Assessments Research Project Formative mock (201 & 203)Formative mock (209)Formative Mock (206 & 205)Written Mock Written Exam Synoptic Mock Synoptic Exam Given out WC03/09/18 informed29/04/19 Revisited 01/10/18 15/10/183/12/1807/01/19Aware from start of course04/03/1904/03/19Submitted WC03/06/1908/10/1829/10/1810/12/1811/02/1928/02/19 (provisional)01/04/1908/04/19(provisional) Stretch & Challenge – Pass, Merit & Distinction is defined by students marks achieved within their written and synoptic assessment. Grade rates are estimated as the following; pass 50%, merit 60%, distinction 70%. Examples of how students could achieve P,M,D grades within their assessment are highlighted in the topic column below. Grades are not limited to these examples. Maths & English – English is embedded throughout each lesson. English may be demonstrated through the following activities: research activities, reading, writing, word searches, anagrams etc. Students are expected to make their own notes based off lectures to promote their English written skills. Maths is embedded throughout lessons by students taking responsibility for time based activities and calculating even group division. Subject specific maths development is promoted as specified but is dependent on the applicability of maths suiting the subject module. Starter activities are aimed to incorporate Maths and English skills. Wk no. & DateTopic(Teaching)Objectives (Learning)Activity (method) and wider skillsResourcesAssessment (Form’ or Summ’)Independent Learning includingCore Online Learning and Assessment103/09/18InductionStandard’s and principles in dental settings(206-5)Housekeeping – Know the layout of the college, know where the nearest fire exits and assembly points are, know the times of the lessons and breaks, know where the bathroom and refreshment facilities are, know the code of conduct and behaviour expectations. Icebreakers – get to know their classmates and teacherBe able to explain the basics of the dental sector and its provision (Introduction of Standards and Principles Be able to describe the roles and responsibilities of the Dental TeamBe able to list the progression routes from this qualification with information, advice and guidance from the teacher.Code of conductIcebreakersIntroduction to the dental sector. What are the roles in a dental practice? Research activity on responsibilities in each role. Introduction to employer involvement planner/trackerProgression routes activity±Maths – involved within mathematical icebreakers English – reading & writing. Providing necessary documents. Written activities PowerPoint presentation. British values handoutTextbooks – Levison, Mosby’s. Internet – GDC website, BDA website. Flip chart and pensLabelsLaptopsFormative assessment in class through discussions and presented work on research task. Question and answerResearch – responsibilitiesProgression routes assignment – questions to ask teacher at next lesson.Making a keyword list 210/09/18Principles of health and safety in dental settings( 201-2/1) Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Identify legal components of H&S, aware of some procedures M - 60% markse.g Explain procedures for accident & reporting, evacuation D - 70% marks e.g Show knowledge of above and link to real dental environment, such as manual & chemical handling 2. Know the procedures in relation to accidents, injuries and reporting 2.1 Define Hazards and risks in dental setting 2.2 Identify potential causes and factors to prevent of accidents and injury. 2.3 Explain procedure for reporting accidents, injuries and near misses. 1. Understand the legal requirements for health, safety and welfare1.1 List the key legislations in dental settings. 1.2 Identify the employer and employee responsibilities 1.3 Outline the consequence of non-compliance with legal requirements. Q what is a hazard & risk individual research starter task Group discussion of causes and factors for preventing Create a flowchart of procedure for reporting accidents Spot the hazard, practical in surgery G04, and photographs of decon room. Write a risk assessment based on findings. Group discussion of employer and employee responsibilities (activity sheet) Discussion of consequence to non-compliance ±∞English – promoted in writing risk assessment format PowerPoint Presentation Surgery set up of identifying hazardsAccident scenarios Photographs of hazard in decon room, risk assessment sheetActivity of sheet of employer and employee responsibilityHealth and Safety poster RIDDOR proceduresBritish Red Cross Spot the Danger Discovery Education puzzlemakerwordsearch Question and AnswerActivity sheets Research Fire safety procedures COLA Isopharm – Basic Health and Safety 317/09/18Principles of health and safety in dental settings( 201-3/4) 3. Understand safe manual handling and chemical handling. To describe safe:3.1 manual handling 3.2 chemical handling 4. Understand the fire safety procedures. 4.1 Identify the types and explain the uses of fire extinguishers Explain: 4.2 Raising a fire alarm 4.3 Evacuation procedures Starter activity linked to previous lesson. Present research of fire extinguishers and exercise sheet Written description of raising alarm and evacuation process ±∞Maths – time based activity, research and list the different fire alarms in the ATC, students given a strict time to abide by PowerPoint Activity sheet of fire extinguishers Recommended document: starter activity to assessment understanding of previous lesson Fire extinguisher socrative (to make) Question and Answers COLA - Need online assessment (Quiz) Mindmap of module Research – Impact communication on dental practice - forms of communication - What barriers might there be424/09/18Communication for effective working practice in dental settings( 203-1/2) Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Aware of importance of effective communication M - 60% markse.g Consider barriers to communication and methods of record keeping D - 70% markse.g Apply the above and understand the application of communication within the patient’s journey. To practice effectively. 1. Understand the importance of effective communication1.1 Discuss considerations that impact on communication in dental settings1.2 Consider methods of communication used in dental settings1.3 Discuss different communication needs and requirements 2. Understand methods used to overcome barriers to effective communication 2.1 List potential barriers effecting communication 2.2 Consider methods of overcoming communication barriersDiscussion on considerations that impact communication Small Group activity, communicating a task using only one method of communication, verbal, body language, written ectGroup discussion of barriers and consider how to overcome Role play of communication, incorporating barriers Activity of lying on the floor and groups to have a discussion over the top – to reflect on experience, aim to empathise with patient. ±∞English – aware of dental jargon, communication promotion PowerPoint Presentation Video clips – communication (bad vs good) Activity sheets (on barrier of communication) Self & Peer assessment of group communication activitiesQuestion and AnswersActivity sheets for formative assessment. Online Assessment quiz (to make) 501/10/18Communication for effective working practice in dental settings( 203-4/3) 4. Know appropriate methods of communication when supporting the patient journey4.1 Consider factors that contribute to supporting the patient journey4.2 Explain factors that can impact individuals behaviour when communicating 3. Understand the importance of record keeping and reporting in dental settings. 3.1 Consider responsibilities and be able to complete written and electronic records3.2 Relate policies and procedures to the impact on record keeping Starter activity recap importance, methods and barriers of communicationCreate a Flow chart of the patient journey Discussion factors that can impact individual behaviour with activity sheet for formative assessment PowerPoint on record keeping. Group discussion on record keeping electronic vs written notes Activity sheet ±∞English - promoted through communication, discussion of jargon and communication dental information into patient language PowerPointWorksheets moodleFactors that impact individual behaviour when communicating Policies new GDPR policy procedure Question and AnswersFormative assessment activity sheets to support presentations. Mock next week List treatments and brief explanation Mind map of module 608/10/2018Introduction to dental treatments( 209-1) Mock on 201 & 203Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g List types of examinations, treatments, instruments and materials M - 60% markse.g Be able to explain the purpose of examinations, treatments, instruments and materials D - 70% marks e.g Understand the links between the purposes examination to possible treatments and instruments required. Consider pricing options applied to treatments. 1. Know the different treatments offered in dental settings. 1.1 To identify types and explain the purposes of dental examinations1.2 To identify types and explain the purposes of dental treatments Starter recap sheet of previous week, electronic record keeping vs paper record keeping Research activities in groups of what dental examination are there and purpose Worksheet to complete in groups Present independent learning list of dental treatments. Research activities in groups of each dental treatment purposes Begin task of summarising examinations on A4±∞Maths – through mock, students to calculate marks required from percentages meeting pass, merit, distinction Mock paperPowerPoint presentationDental examination Dental Treatments Handout Worksheet of dental examination. Youtube video of extraoral and intraoral examinations Mock written on 201 and 203Tutor assessed. Peer and Self- assessment of independent learning list dental treatments and explanation Groups to present findings and research Question and Answers Online Quiz? List and research dental instruments & materials Make aware of leaflet homework for explaining to patients treatments 715/10/2018 PROGRESS CHECK WEEKIntroduction to dental treatments( 209-3/2) 3. Understand funding streams for dental treatments. 3.1 Understand and explain NHS funding for dental treatments3.2 Explain private payments and consider the difference between NHS and private funding.2. Know the instruments and material used in the dental treatments 2.1 Identify and explain the purposed of dental instruments 2.2 Identify and explain the purposes of dental materials. Mock feedback presentation Research activity of NHS funding. Role-play to explain to partner difference prices of different dental treatments Group discussion of difference between private and NHS prices and differences Present independent learning of instrument list In groups research:- instruments and purposes - Materials in the dental practice (link knowledge to dental treatments) Matching instrument and material to purpose activity Filling Demo in phantom head room, going through each instrument (video available also) Algernate mixing practice ±∞Maths – promote ratios used in algernate mixing, e.g 1 cup powder to 2 sections of water PowerPoint Presentation Dental Instruments Dental Materials Laptops Matching activity cards of instruments and purposePhantom head room demo with instruments available Video to be put on moodle of restoration process. Use resources available to show different materials. Videos may be shown how materials are applied in practice. Algernate material, bowls and spatula to practice mixing Reflective peer assessment of role play for bands of Self and peer assessment of group research, to present to the class Socrative of dental instrument and materials for formative assessmentQuestion and AnswersPhantom head room instruments Q&A in demo Make a leaflet for patients explaining what treatment options the practice offers and pricing Mindmap of module Create flashcards of dental instruments 22/10/2018OCTOBER HALF-TERM829/10/2018Reception and Administration in dental settings( 204-1/2) Small mock dental treatments (recap)Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Aware of factors contributing to greeting and supporting visitors in dental reception M - 60% markse.g Explain procedures involved in reception dutiesD - 70% markse.g Practice the above and preform confidently 1. Greet and support visitors in dental receptions. 1.1 Be aware of procedures and practice greeting and preparing visitors in dental settings1.2 Consider factors that encourage a welcoming environment 1.3 Identify factors that contribute to security and safety in the work setting2. Receive and process information from visitors 2.1 Identify different ways of receiving and processing information and put into practice 2.2 Consider standard working procedures and practice receiving and processing information in a timely manner Starter activity of matching Dental instruments and materials In pairs to role-play explaining dental treatments and prices 1.2 Illustrate your own practice that contributes factors that encourage a welcoming environment Group work. Recap activity on barriers to communication Group discussions±∞Maths – promoting time keeping through creating patient appointments English – writing through script making PowerPoint presentation Wheeldecide Work sheet for design on practice that encourages the points in a welcoming environment Students to create a reception script Peer assessment of role play, use wheeldecide to pick 2 to demo role playQuestion and Answers Practice greeting and signing patients in with family and friends (make handout and feedback form)Research Mouth Cancer Awareness month 905/11/2018TAP DAY ?Mouth cancer Action Month Reception and Administration in dental settings( 204-3) Review as informal synoptic practice3. Follow procedures for making appointments and taking payments 3.1 Consider information required for making an appointment 3.2 Identify different forms of paymentTo Practice produce for making appointments and taking paymentsStarter activity for recap of previous lessons, handout? Role-play (mix pairs up for diversity as if working with different patients, give each person a different treatment to be getting appointment made and different payments to be taken, the reception needs to be able to explain the different treatment to the patient) Timetabled for observation of making an appointment and taking payment after treatment. Mouth Cancer create bullet board of key facts for Mouth Cancer awareness month #Bluelipselfie ±∞Maths – students to calculate payments English – embedded throughout with scripts and enhancing communication Mock synoptic set up, resources, phone, diary pad, receipts, money, and phone. If necessary tutor to demonstrate Mouth cancer action month website , partial synoptic mock assessment role playTimetabled synoptic mock Tutor assessment, students to self-assess also. Question and Answers Mindmap of module Research Regulatory bodies influencing dental setting, who are they, and what do they do. Consider policies and procedures. 1012/11/2018Book Activity day with Independent Learners for Finalising Reception & Administration Duties. Mouth cancer Action MonthStandards and principles in dental settings( 206-5, 1, 4) To 1. 2 Data Protection Act 1998Health & Safety Act Research equality act 2010Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Be aware of the dental team, regulatory bodies and legisationsM - 60% markse.g Explain purpose of regulatory bodies and acts of professionalism D - 70% markse.g Understand regulations and regulatory bodies and the impact of members of the dental team. Practice professionalism required in dental setting Recap 55.1 Explain the roles and responsibilities of the dental team 1. Know the purpose of the regulatory bodies and legislation1.1 Name the regulatory bodies influencing dental settings 1.2 Be aware of mandatory legislations relating to a dental setting and how it applies to practice 4. Understand the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion 4.1 define terms relating to equality, diversity and inclusion 4.2 List characteristics that protected under the Equality Act 20104.3 Consider and explain ways of implementing Equality Act 2010 in practice Activities day with independent learners, practicing reception & administration duties. Write a reflection showing Gibbs reflective model Recap handout on responsibilities of the Dental Team. Once powerpoint to complete worksheet handout of regulatory bodies purpose Begin writing essay on purpose of GDC and CQC Brief explain GDC principles, explain need to know numbers and standard. Time given for GDC Standards presentation ±∞English – promoted through writing essays. Mock synoptic set up, resources, phone, diary pad, receipts, money, and phone. PowerPoint presentation Regulatory bodies and legislations Laptops different communication levels and needs of learning from independent living class. Write a written Question and AnswersRecap starter assessment on previous lesson Self/peer assessments Continuous formative assessment through worksheets and handouts Complete reflection of independent learners activities day. Small essay on the purpose of the GDC and CQC regulatory bodies. Give GDC principle to research and begin presentation (26/11/18)1119/11/2018Mouth cancer Action MonthStandards and principles in dental settings( 206-2) 2. Know how regulations and regulatory bodies impact on member of the dental team. 2.1 To explain the principles of patient centred approaches. 2.2 Consider principles of inspection2.3 Discuss protocol behind registration and consider removal of registration 2. 4 Be able to explain and discuss elements that contribute to professionalism Starter sheet on 9 GDC standards, which ones missing. Patient centred approaches handout Small groups divided given professional element each, need to explain each and present Professional elements memory game, like the party game, have all elements on the table, remove 1,3 then 5 and ask the group to recall the element missing Research activity of meaning of equality, diversity and inclusionWritten description of how to implement equality in practice ±∞Maths – embedded in activity for memory game, subtraction, identifying how many items missing PowerPointHow regulations impact the dental team. Professional elements memory game cards Laptops assessment explaining professional element. Continuous formative using worksheets and handouts Self-assessment using memory game. Finish GDC Principle presentation Professional elements quiz (online to make) 1226/11/2018Mouth cancer Action MonthStandards and principles in dental settings( 206-3.1, 2.5, 3.3, 3.2)Intro safeguarding Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Aware of the importance of safeguarding and recognise categories.M - 60% markse.g Understand recognising signs and symptoms of abuse, harm, neglectD - 70% markse.g Combine knowledge of the above, identifying categories, recognising signs and symptoms, provide explanations of how to respond examples. 3. Know the level of professionalism required in the dental setting 3.1 List and explain the 9 GDC principles Consider and practice: 2.5 consent3.3 confidentiality Into 3.2Consider the necessity of Safeguarding and Disclosure and Barring Starter sheet on 9 GDC standards, which ones missing Timetabled in small groups each to present their given GDC principle Intro safeguarding discuss as class importance and need in relation to the GDC standards ±∞English – promoted through crossword of GDC standardsMaths – time task for presentation, to provide a ten minute presentation PowerPoint Presentation Summary 9 GDC Principles Consent and ConfidentialityGDC crossword and Peer assessment of GDC Principle presentation, worksheet given out Tutor to assessment and provided feedback in progress review Worksheets and handouts given to assess understanding after activitiesResearch Categories of abuse and potential signs and symptoms Mindmap of module 1303/12/2018Principles of safeguarding in dental settings( 205-1, 3)1. Understand the meaning of safeguarding1.1 Suggest how safeguarding may be appropriate for various people1.2 Provide examples of the purpose and importance to safeguarding 3. Understand how to recognise signs and abuse, harm, neglect and radicalisation 3.1 List the categories of abuse Describe: 3.2 Signs and symptoms of potential abuse 3.3 Signs and symptoms of radicalisation 3.4 Consider potential effects of abuse, harm and neglect3.5 List individuals who are considered higher risk of abuse, harm, neglect and radicalisation Starter sheets on 9 GDC principles brief description on what each does. Group discussion of important to safeguarding and consider vulnerable groups Q&APresent independent research of signs and symptoms Collaborate in small groups and to present Legislation for safeguarding word search Signs and symptoms match the category activity Confidentiality revisit activity sheet ±∞English – word searchPowerPoint presentations Safeguarding who, why, legislations and sharing Safeguarding Categories& Signs of abuse ect Child Protection flow chart of Action (policy) Vulnerable Adults PolicySafeguarding word searchSigns and symptoms match the category activity Confidentiality handout Question and AnswersPeer with group discussions Self-assessment using word search for assessment of remembering legislations Worksheets and handouts given to assess understanding after activities Research cases concerning safeguardingOnline quiz (need to make) Mock on safeguarding 1410/12/2018Principles of safeguarding in dental settings( 205-4, 2)Mock on 206 & 2054. Understand the role and responsibility of the dental team in relation to safeguarding in the work environment 4.1 Describe how working practices promote safeguarding at work 4.2 Explain the importance of reporting and recording safeguarding concerns4.3 Identify and explain the roles of outside agencies in safeguarding Starter activity of identify the area of abuse. (BDJ article) Discussion on real safeguarding cases and scenarios. Written Activity of scenario how would you proceed. ±∞English – research activities, reading articles. PowerPoint presentation Recording, reporting and roles of outside agencies summary sheet to be filled out throughout PowerPoint pres Worksheets and handouts BDJ article ‘nanny arrested for sugar touting’ Scenarios Question and Answers Activity sheets designed for formative assessmentWritten activity to be peer assessed and tutor assessed. Mindmap of module 1517/12/2018PROGRESS CHECK WEEKHalf way recap of previous modules To organise work and ensure understanding of module learning objectives to be met. To recap on previously taught modules and create summary presentation. Opportunity for folder organisation of work and modules Group work pick a taught module, create presentation to summarise module to present to the class ±∞Laptops Moodle used for objectives Students to make own PowerPoint. Socrative quizModule quizzes Isopharm Essential Microbiology 24/12/2018CHRISTMAS31/12/2018BH 01/011607/01/2019Principles of infection prevention and control in dental settings( 202-1, 2)Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Aware of causes and transmission of infection M - 60% markse.g Explain cross infection procedures including decontamination process D - 70% markse.g To understand and practice cross infection procedures effectively 1. Know the causes and transmission of infection 1.1 List and explain the types and features of micro-organisms 1.2 Define pathogenic and no pathogenic and suggest the disease they cause. Explain common signs and symptoms of infection (gingivitis) 1.3 Describe the transmission of micro-organisms 1.4 Provide examples and explain ways of prevention micro-organism transmission 2. Know legislation, policies and risks relating to the prevention and control of infection 2.1 List and explain legal requirements and legislations 2.2.Describe how individuals may be at risk in a dental setting Group research of types and features of micro-organisms, to illustrate. Transmission demo with glow power (chain of infection) Activity sheet of prevention policy, Information poster to make of procedures and policy, inc How to handle a needle stick injury Legislation word search±∞ English – word search, research subjects Maths – machine times for decontamination, promoting time based activities PowerPoint Laptops Video – myth busters sneezing transmission pdf document BBC GCSE Bitesize Defending against infection NHS Choices – What should I do if I injury myself with a needle. UV powder for transmission demo Activity sheets: prevention policy and legislation Question and Answers Activity sheets to assess understanding Self & peer assessment Online quiz (need to be made) Isopharm Personal Protective Equipment Roles and Responsibility in Decontamination 1714/01/2019Principles of infection prevention and control in dental settings( 202-3,4)3. Follow systems, procedures, roles and responsibilities in infection prevention and control within dental settings 3.1 Consider the roles and responsibility of the dental team 3.2Describe and practice use of personal hygiene and PPE 3.3 Describe and practice the decontamination room and surgery ergonomics, zoning and process. 3.4 Consider disinfectants/cleaning agents and materials 4. Decontamination/sterilise dental instruments, equipment and materials 4.1 to describe and practice the journey of dental equipment 4.2 Identify sterilisation methods Starter recap sheet on chain of infection PPE activity (dress up) Practice handwashing technique Use UV hand washing training kit Practical Zoning and disinfection of surgery. Demonstration and practice of decontamination room Drawing the decontamination process ±∞Maths – Time based activities, to create starter activities e.g ultrasonic machine takes ten minutes to complete a full cycle, you put it on twice. You started at 9:00 what time will the 2 cycles be complete PowerPoint Presentation Hand washing training kit Decontamination room Resources: PPE – gloves, masks, protective eye wear. Clinical wipes UV Handwashing training kit Video YouTube on tests with decontamination room Isopharm – information available of machine testingQuestion and Answer Practical demonstration, tutor assessed Isopharm Surface cleaning Research waste management in a Dental setting 1821/01/2019Principles of infection prevention and control in dental settings( 202- 5)5. Know the roles of waste management legislation in the prevention of the spread of infection 5.1 Categorise the types of waste 5.2 Explain risks associated with the handling of waste in dental settings 5.3 Consider methods of handling and disposing of hazardous waste. Recap on policies and procedures Q what waste is there in Dental practice Class discussion of potential risks of incorrect waste disposal Match the waste categories cards Mindmap ±∞English – reading analysing activities PowerPoint Resources: Need clinical waste bins Waste category cards Risks of incorrect disposal sheets Question and Answers Cards activity for self-assessment. Mindmap of module Consider the structure of the skull 1928/01/2019Dental anatomy and charting( 207- 1,2)Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g List features of anatomy such as skull, oral cavity M - 60% markse.g Offer explanations for purposes of some oral cavity components such as salivary glands. Be able to read and record dental charting D - 70% markse.g Have a good understanding and recall of dental anatomy. Practice dental charting confidently and link to potential treatments required from dental charts 1. Know facial anatomy and the structure of the skull 1.1 Label the structure and composition of the skull 1.2 Describe the roles of muscles and nerves play the movement of the mouth and face 2. Know the structure of the oral cavity and the associated functions 2.1 Label and describe the position and function of the salivary glands 2.2 Label the supporting structures of the teeth 2.3 Consider the function of the tongue and provide examples As a group present what independent learning found out about skull.Draw & Label the skullOral cavity drawing Recap intra oral & extra oral examination Salivary glands worksheet Complete work booklet on anatomy ±∞English – through labelling, spelling items correctly PowerPoint Sketetal system quizzesWorksheets and booklets Socrative quiz Online quizzes. Formative assessment booklet Research tooth morphologyWhat charting systems and symbols can you find in the dental setting 2004/02/2019Dental anatomy and charting( 207- 3)3. Learn the tooth morphology and methods of dental charting 3.1 Label the tooth composition and explain functions 3.2 To recall the tooth morphology 3.3 Practice and recognise dental charting Starter activity recap sheet on skull and salivary glands. Research tooth and label.Charting activities, slowly built upon, phantom head teeth with bluetac used to test correct identification of tooth and surface. Research tooth morphology (roots, cusps) complete table ±∞Maths – starter activity to include percentages. E.g A patient attends having 20 teeth, he has a lot of caries and needs 20% of his teeth taken out, how many teeth will he have left PowerPoint Charting activity sheets. Inc tooth morphology. Computer software? Laptops Phantom head teeth. Socrative quiz Formative handout labelling exercise Self, peer assessment. Practice dental charting sheets. 2111/02/2019PROGRESS CHECK WEEKRevision of modules of written exam and written exam mock Students to organise work and revisit modules. Identified modules lacking knowledge and improve upon Aware of exam vocabulary meaning Recap Sujects: 201 Health & Safety Revision opportunity in group and individually.Mock exam on written test, peer marked. ±∞Maths – calculating marks needed based of percentage to reach pass, merit, distinction. Time required to complete exam English – practice for written exam PowerPoint. Print exam vocabulary sheet Full written paper mock, to be peer markedSections to include specially 207 & 202Revision of all Modules for written exam 18/02/2019FEBRUARY HALF-TERM2225/02/2019Revision Preparation for exams Recap subjects 202 Infection prevention & control 205 Principles of safeguarding 206 Standards & Principles 207 Dental Anatomy and charting 209 Introduction to dental treatments Students group/independent revision sessions±∞Maths – calculating marks needed based of percentage to reach pass, merit, distinction. Time required to complete exam English – practice for written examStudent’s notes and folders of modules. Moodle Formal Written assessment Break 2404/03/18THEORY EXAM WEEK Revision week Written ExamThursday 07/03/192411/03/2019TAP DAY ? Principles of first aid in medical emergencies( 210 – 1, 2)Explain Synoptic, give out SYNOPTIC ASSESSMENT BRIEF Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g Identify first aid equipment in dental settings. Offer examples of medical emergencies M - 60% markse.g Explain purposes of dental equipment and recognise signs of medical emergency, offer suggestions of response D - 70% markse.g Combine knowledge of above and confidently recognise and explain medical emergency responses 1. Know the different types of first aid equipment in dental setting 1.1 Identify medical equipment found in dental setting and suggest uses 1.2 Identify first aid kit requirements 2. Know the roles and responsibilities of the first aider 2.1 To Describe the roles and responsibilities of a first aiderExplain synoptic and give out synoptic assessment brief, inform of need to know dates of exams and break down of examResearch first aid equipment and medical emergency equipment in dental setting Lunch activity to locate the AED in the building Research:How to dress a bandage and preform practical activities ±∞English – research activity Maths – calculating numbers to replace first aid kit. E.g 12 plasters are present in the first aid kit, the dentist uses 2, hygienist takes 3, the reception 7, how many plastics will be needed to restock the first aid box PowerPoint. Laptops Resources: Bandages, eye patch. Youtube videos: St john ambulance videos Socratives quiz Tutor to assess practicalQuestion and Answers Research different medical emergencies and consider signs, symptoms and responses 2518/03/2019 Principles of first aid in medical emergencies( 210 – 3)3. Know actions that should be taken by the dental team in a medical emergency 3.1 Identify and describe signs and symptoms linked to various medical emergencies. 3.2 Consider and explained actions to be taken in relation to a medical emergency Research, each group given a medical condition, to research, explain signs, symptoms and responses. To present to class CPR Practical activity Written activity of evaluation of how to respond to medical emergency ±∞English – Written evaluation of medical emergency response. Maths – Ratios incorporated through CPR 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths PowerPoint FlashcardsCPR manikinsYoutube videos: St john ambulance videos Peer assessment of medical emergency presTutor to assess written evaluation of medical emergency Question and Answer End of module mindmap 2625/03/2019General and oral health( 208 – 1,2,3)Module Stretch & ChallengeP - 50% markse.g List general health and oral health conditions M - 60% markse.g Link between general health, oral health and how habits can behaviours can impact the oral cavity. Consider oral hygiene advice D - 70% markse.g Combine the above knowledge and demonstrate oral hygiene advise confidently for individual patient cases and scenarios. 1. Know general health and oral health conditions that may affect the oral cavity 2. Understand the habits and behaviours that may have a detrimental impact on oral cavity 3. Provide oral health advice and guidance to patientsSmall group work, each give a : General health condition Oral health condition To research and present. To support the powerpoint pres. Roll the die advice activity Work sheets provided, consider oral hygiene advice. ±∞Recap and research dental diseases and causes. Activity sheets Recap BPE with worksheet activities, whiteboard in pairs to test each other on what the scores mean and what advice you would give Tutor demo OHI. Practice role-playLink roll the die activity with oral hygiene advice roll play and complete written evaluation ±∞English – promoting communication skills, not using dental jargon Maths – multiplication game using dice. PowerPoint Laptops (worksheet to do on moodle) Talking Teeth Worksheets Practical resources: Phantom head teeth, toothbrushes, ID aids. Whiteboard for BPETest with roll the die activity Socrative quiz Question and answersTutor to assess practical role-play Peer assessment of roll a die activity End of module mindmap Revision of all modules for synoptic. 2701/04/2019Revision and Mock Synoptic Identify areas of knowledge lacking and improve upon in prep for synoptic Opportunity for group/independent revision of synoptic Mock given to best effort, Pair work, timetabled for tutor feedback±∞Maths – mock activities timed English – written practice for evaluations Use resources from students notes and foldersMoodle Laptops Synoptic resources as specified in brief paper Tutor assessment of mock Self and peer assessment Revision for Synoptic Assessment 2808/04/2019SYNOPTIC EXAM PROGRESS CHECK WEEKSynoptic Exam(Provisional)2 GroupsGroup A morning, Group B afternoon 09/04/18Task 1 role play 10/04/18 Evaluations Task 3&4 computer room 11/04/18Task 2 role play Complete synoptic examination Synoptic dates Timetabled examinations. And evaluation ±∞Synoptic resources specified in briefing. Rooms to be booked for all day use. Computer room. Phantom head, decon, first aid, surgery room and theory room. Invigilator to be booked for all day in the computer room. Formal assessment of Synoptic Research What is the dental need in our areaWhat Dental Campaigns are available What is National Smile Month 15/04/2019BH 19/4EASTER (Marking to be done for the Synoptic Assessment) 22/04/2019BH 22/042929/04/2019Continued work in prep for National Smile Month Research project National Smile Month Research – evidence behind the advice Stretch & challenge Most students will – Identify needs within the local area, identify key messages of oral hygiene to promote and campaigns available Some students will: Create link between dental need within the local area and what campaigns they can develop themselves and be involved in. Be aware of Dental needs within the Local Area Identify Oral health diseases, consider causes and the studies behind the advice Research evidence based advice Collaborate independent work and research andcreate classroom display board of: Dental need in our local area, Campaigns out there, What is national smile month Recap causes of Oral health conditions. Group research activities, split into small groups to research and present evidence of Tristan de Cunha, Hopewood House, Vipeholme StudyCreate display on wall ±∞English – research for national smile month Maths – budgeting for NSM PowerPoint presentations Research articles on Tristan de Cunha, Hopewood house and Vipeholme Questions and Answer. Peer assessment on presentations Continue independent research project of evidence based advice. 3006/05/2019BH 06/05 Oral hygiene 5 key messages Identify 5 key messages of oral health advice Create promotional displays on evidence based advice Starter what Oral health messages would you want to share and what do you think are the 5 key messages 5x Group research activities, to use resource of delivering better to gather information and create display and present Consider how can link to National Smile Month discussion ±∞Delivering Better Oral Health ToolkitTalking Teeth Laptops Question and Answer. Peer assessment of presentation and displays of 5 key messages Continue independent research project of 5 key messages 3113/05/2019Synoptic practical marking submission DEADLINEFriday 17/05/18 Preparations and promotions for National Smile Month Identify Oral Health Activities to promote for NSM Prepare Oral Health promotional advice displays and stalls for taster day Prepare and create NSM displays Recap risk assessments, identify hazard activity sheet Create risk assessments of stalls for NSMCreate FAQ sheet for key topics Role play radio interview of FAQ. ±∞English – communication skills through interview role play, avoiding dental jargon to meet audience needs Singing dentist Leeds Dental RevueTalking teeth PowerPoint. Risk assessment, identify hazards sheet Resources to be gathered from previous NSM year and new resources students shall need for stalls Question and Answer Assessment of product Group and individual work of finial organisation and gathering of resources for National Smile Month 3220/05/2019PROGRESS CHECK WEEKNational Smile Month Event To run National Smile Month fundraising event Run National smile Month stalls ±∞Maths – budgeting and costing whilst raising money for national smile month Previously made resources from preparation sessions Peer, self and tutor assessment of running of the day Write a reflection of National smile month following Gibbs reflective model. Attach as part of research project. To present after Spring Bank Half-term 27/05/2019BH 28/05SPRING BANK HALF-TERM3303/06/2019Complete employment tracker packs Presentation of Research project Stretch & challenge Most students will – Reflect on modules and create project outlining summary of modules Some students will: Show understanding of links between modules and show good evidence of skills they have developed and adapted from the theoretic to their work placements To complete research project and present to the class. Students to reflect on National Smile Month following Gibbs reflective model Review reflection writing of National Smile Month, Class open discussion of the event Compile information and create word press website of module summary, Dental need in our area and National Smile Month events to include reflection of course. Video reflection of activities and course ±∞English – communication skills for video reflection Maths – time based video Laptops Screencastomatic Question and Answer, gather feedback of event To collect CV examples, and research Q what makes a good CV? 3410/06/2019Employment Involvement Evidence to be submitted DEADLINEFriday 14/06/18CV workshops Personal Development plan Stretch & challenge Most students will – Create a basic model of a CV Some students will: Create a CV and consider further career progression within the dental industry. Analyse CV and consider what makes a good and bad CV To discuss and consider what should be included on a CVTo create own CV and consider self-development plans Starter activity from student independent learning to bring in CV examples and analyse good vs bad in small groupsClass discussion of what makes a good CV and should be on CVs To practice and create own CVs for peer assessment Activity sheet create a personal development plan ±∞Maths – considering font sizes used for effective communication in CV. Organisation of dates based on education certificates and employment English – through writing and composing CV Laptops Example of CV Personal development activity sheet Peer assessment of each other’s CVs Complete CV3517/06/2019Dental Nursing Advice. Consider important roles within dental nursing and practice advice required Be aware of injuries that can be sustained from bad posture Consider best practice for passing instruments, handwashing, PPE, uniform Be aware of aspirating methods Q Consider dental nursing best practice Practice seating positioning with dental chairs and suctioning on phantom heads Revisit cross infections wiping surgery and disinfection ±∞PowerPoint Dental nursing chairs Decon room to practice sterilisation of instruments if feels necessary Peer assessment of positioning. Self and peer assessment of cross infection and decontamination process Consider reflection and evaluation of work placement.What reflective models can you use 3624/06/2019GSCE END Registration & application to Level 3Reflection and personal development plan Begin Registration process for level 3Complete evaluation of course. Level 3 registration coordinator to attend and begin application and registration process for those requiring Level 3 course. Complete formal evaluations of course ±∞English – completing formal evaluation forms Need to contact Level 3 and discuss rep coming to give presEvaluation sheets. NAFinished ................

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