Carlos Valverde

Direct Access to Selected Datasets available on the Internet

American Communities Project

|    |Data to analyze racial and ethnic composition and segregation of metropolitan areas using 1990 and 2000 Census data . Links to a |

|  |separate site, The State of Public School Segregation, with similar data at the metro and school district levels, with comparisons |

| |back to the 1970 Census. Site content is frequently updated and easy to use. Maintained by the Mumford Center for Comparative Urban |

| |and Regional Research, University at Albany. |

American Community Survey

|    |Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau to replace the decennial Census long form. When fully implemented, the ACSwill provide more |

|  |current demographic, econmic, and housing characteristics for geographic levels comparable to the decennial Census. Tables and maps |

| |can be generated from the American Factfinder site   |

| | |

| |Summary and public use microdata products are available, although it will be several years before tract and block group summary |

| |statistics are published. Statistics for areas with population over 65K were released in 2006, those with populations over 20K will |

| |be released in 2008. |

American Factfinder

|    |A gateway or portal to several major US Census products, including: American Community Survey, American Housing Survey, Economic |

|  |Census, Population Estimates Program, Puerto Rico Community Survey and more. Retrieve summary tables and maps for display and |

| |download data. |

American Housing Survey      [pic] homepage for American Housing Survey   

|    |    |Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau on behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Consists of a biennial "core" |

|  |  |survey based on a national sample and a metropolitan area survey covering about 20 large urban areas on a 4-year rotating basis.|

      [pic] HUD USER

|    |    |Provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Microdata, documentation, and publications for the most recent |

|  |  |years (mid-1990s+) of the survey. CISER owns years back to the mid-1970s, as does ICPSR. |

American National Election Study

      [pic] ANES homepage

|    |    |View the most recent cumulative codebook, and data can be downloaded after registration. The authoritative site for information |

|  |  |on dataset revisions and updates. |

      [pic] Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program

|    |    |Perform extracts and simple statistical analyses from the 2004, 2000, and 1948-2004 cumulative files. Hosted by University of |

|  |  |California, Berkeley. |

      [pic] American Religion Data Archive

|    |    |Extract and download selected variables from the 2000-2004 surveys or produce onlline statistics for individual questions. |

|  |  | |

American Time Use Survey

|    |Household survey begun in 2003 on how Americans use of personal, work, and leisure time. Summary tables and microdata can be |

|  |downloaded. Conducted by Census Bureau on behalf of Bureau of Labor Statistics. Site contains links to similar time use studies |

| |conducted in other countries. |

| | |

| |You can also create custom extracts from the surveys via the ATUS Data Extract Builder (ATUS-X), a joint project of the Maryland and |

| |Minnesota population centers:  |

Basketball Reference

|    |NBA and ABA player stats back to the 1946/47 season. Filter by team, coach, years, player, position. Option to download it all as a |

|  |zip file in comma-delimited format. |

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

|    |Prevalence of personal health behaviors and risk factors by state based on a survey of adults conducted from 1990+. Download data and|

|  |documentation or create your own tables. |

British Household Panel Survey

|    |A annual survey begun in 1991 that measures social and economic characteristics. Documentation and questionnaires are publicly |

|  |available; access to datasets requires individual registration. The FAQ page addresses many common question related to sample |

| |composition and enrichment, data access requirements, and anticipated future waves. |

Candidate Emergence Study

|    |A series of surveys in 1998, 2000, and 2002 to determine who does and does not choose to run for Congressional seats and |

|  |competitiveness of races. Data and documentation freely available. |

Census of Population and Housing


|    |Uses Census 2000 data to produce rankings, maps, and other spiffy graphical displays of demographic and social characteristics. |

|  |Select by state, county, metro areas. Some trend information using previous decennial Censuses. Brought to you by the Social Science |

| |Data Analysis Network (SSDAN), University of Michigan. |

Child Care and Early Education Research Connection

|    |Links to research datasets, statistics, and reports, with the goal of providing information to researchers and policy makers. Many |

|  |links to state-level data sources. A collaboration of ICPSR, National Center for Children in Poverty, and the Department of Health |

| |and Human Services. |

China Data Online [pic]

|    |Focus on economic and demographic summary statistics, much at the subnational level. Very little Census data is part of this |

|  |subscription. |

China Health and Nutrition Survey

|    |Measures affects of health, nutrition,and family planning practices on social and economic life in PRC. SAS transport files for 5 |

|  |years. Data download requires registration with Carolina Population Center . Extensive documentation is freely available, |

Comtrade [pic]

|    |Annual bilateral trade statisics by commodity and partner country. Most coverage back to 1962. Download custom extracts, create |

|  |graphs. Powerful but not intuitive. Also known as UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database. |

Consumer Expenditure Survey      [pic] homepage for Consumer Expenditure Survey   

|    |    |Surveys the buying habits and expenditures of households. Conducted by the Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Labor |

|  |  |Statistics. Data are collected by a quarterly interview survey and weekly diary survey (mutually exclusive samples). Many |

| | |summary tables are produced (by year, limited geographic areas, household characteristics), and you can create custom tables on |

| | |the site. |

      [pic] Family-Level Extracts

|    |    |Data at the consumer-unit level. A nicely massaged set of extracts back to 1980, produced by Congressional Budget Office staff |

|  |  |and distributed by NBER. |

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

|    |Compiled by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. A statistical measure of the average change in prices paid by urban consumers for |

|  |goods and services, widely used as a meausre of inflation. The core CPI exludes food and energy categories. |

Cornell National Social Survey (CNSS)

|    |Cornell National Social Survey (CNSS) is an omnibus survey initiated by the Office of the Senior Vice Provost. The objective of this |

|  |initiative is to offer researchers at Cornell University an opportunity to collect survey data on a national random sample of 1000 |

| |adults in the continental United States. Data collected by Survey Research Institute (SRI) at Cornell and distributed by Cornell |

| |Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER). |

Correlates of War data

|    |COW Project distributes several historical datasets coding international events back to the 1800s. Data include territorial changes, |

|  |interstate alliances, and inter- and intrastate warfare. Many are more current versions of those distributed by ICPSR. |

Country Indicators for Foreign Policy

|    |Collates economic, social, environmental, and military indicators for over 100 countries. Create dynamic maps or charts and download |

|  |extracts. Registration not required. Use IE to use the fancier features. Most statistical series end with 2000. |

County and City Data Books

|    |Create custom tables and extracts from the 1944-2000 data books. Despite the title, city and place geographies are also available, |

|  |although with limited lists of variables. Tables can be displayed in your browser or downloaded in a spreadsheet-friendly format. |

| |Site provided by the Geospatial and Statistical Data Center, University of Virginia. A Census Bureau site has the 2007 edition with |

| |tables in Excel and PDF file formats at  |

County Business Patterns      [pic] homepage for County Business Patterns   

|    |    |Download raw data files back to 1988 from this Census Bureau site. Older data files are available in the Data Archive and from |

|  |  |ICPSR. Recent years can be viewed as tables online. |

      [pic] Geospatial & Statistical Data Center

|    |    |Produces custom extracts, by state, back to 1977. |

|  |  | |

      [pic] National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)

|    |    |Provides access to CBP back to 1970, organized in multi-year "chunks" in which each year uses the same SIC or NAICS version. |

|  |  | |

Current Population Survey      [pic] homepage for Current Population Survey   

|    |    |Home page of the CPS, conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|  |  | |

      [pic] data downloads

|    |    |Download data and documentation for the basic survey (1998+), March supplement (1998+), and selected supplements from this |

|  |  |Census site. Older CPS datasets are available in the Data Archive, from ICPSR, and from NBER. |

      [pic] National Bureau of Economic Research

|    |    |Downloads for basic monthly files (1976+), most supplements (March back to 1962), some matched research files, and documentation|

|  |  |and many input programs (SAS, SPSS, Stata). |

      [pic] IPUMS-CPS

|    |    |Create extracts from a harmonized dataset containing over 40 years of March CPS data. Ideal for measuring many facets of |

|  |  |household economic change. Superior documentation discusses comparability of variables over time. Service is free from the |

| | |Minnesota Population Center but requires registration. |

      [pic] CPS Table Creator

|    |    |U.S. Census Bureau tool to generate slick tables from the March CPS (the Annual Social and Economic Supplement) but only back to|

|  |  |2003. |

Demographic and Health Surveys

|    |A series of surveys conducted in over 60 counties in Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and the Middle East. Surveys measure |

|  |family characteristics, health status, and household wealth. Distributed by Macro International. User registration and permission |

| |required. |

Demographic Profile Generator

|    |A service of the Missouri Census Data Center. |

|  | |

      [pic] 1990 Demographic Profile Generator

|    |    |Uses STF3 to generate tables for states, counties, cities/towns/places, tracts, ZIP codes, and (for some states) county |

|  |  |subdivisions. See the instructions for obtaining block-group level profiles. |

      [pic] 2000 Census

|    |    |Similar tables generated from the SF3 files. Data can also be extracted in a variety of database and report formats using the |

|  |  |site's data extractor. |

Disability Statistics

|    |Up-to-date disability statistics and reports based on Census data (decennial population and housing, CPS, and ACS). Flexible search, |

|  |extraction, and display features. Site supported by the Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute. |

: Metropolitan Quality of Life Data

|    |Compiles indicators to define quality of life in U.S. metropolitan areas, with a focus on measures affecting diversity, economic |

|  |opportunity, and social wellbeing, broken down by race/ethnicity. One hundred measures of diversity, opportunity, and quality of life|

| |are available for over 350 metropolitan areas. Hosted by the Heller School for Social Policy and Management |

Economic Report of the President

|    |Links to reports since 1995. Statistical tables contain extensive macroeconomic historical data. |

|  | |

Family Life Surveys

|    |Household and community surveys for Malaysia, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Bangladesh. Distributed by RAND Corporation. |

|  | |

Federal Elections Project

|    |Results of the 2000 federal and state elections, including some ballot initiatives and referenda, down to the precinct level. Some |

|  |geographies include registration and turnout statistics, matched with demographics from the 2000 Census. David Lublin and D. Stephen |

| |Voss, Principal Investigators. (Lublin maintains a site of replication datasets and links to the Southern Politics Project |

| |at  ) |

Federal Funds for Research and Development

|    |Support provided by federal agencies fiscal years 1951+ . Summary tables by agency and category of recipient in PDF and Excel |

|  |formats. |

Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

|    |Excellent historical series from the Federal Reserve Board. Daily spot exchange rate for over 20 countries, some back to 1971. |

|  | |


|    |Health, education, economic, and demographic indicators from national statisitcal agencies, UN, and World Bank sources. Select data |

|  |for individual countries or use the Data Query System for multiple countries and indicators. |

General Social Survey

      [pic] National Opinion Research Center (NORC)

|    |    |Select, analyze, and extract variables from the most recent cumulative file using the Nesstar software product. |

|  |  | |

      [pic] Computer-Assisted Survey Methods

|    |    |Extract a customized set from the morst recent cumulative file. You can also perform some simple statistical operations and |

|  |  |download extracts using the site's seach and analysis software. Courtesy of University of California, Berkeley. |

      [pic] Association of Religion Data Archives

|    |    |Extract and download variables and questions from the GSS (1998-2004) or display online analysis tables. |

|  |  | |


|    |Data on soils, water resources, land use, air quality, endangered species, etc, from 1964-1979 . Reflects environmental conditions |

|  |existing in the 1970s. Register to download data from  |

German Socio-Economic Panel      [pic] Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University

|    |    |Distributes an English-language user package of the GSOEP, which requires a contract and fees. |

|  |  | |

German Socio-Economic Panel Study      [pic] homepage for German Socio-Economic Panel Study   

|    |    |Only documentation is available from this German Institute of Economic Research site. |

|  |  | |

Global Market Information Database [pic]

|    |Demographic, econmic, environmental, and marketing data for over 200 countries, some variables at the sub-national level. Detailed |

|  |income, expenditure, and lifestyle statistics. Annual historical data and forecasts. |

Global Youth Tobacco Survey

|    |An international survey of youth aged 13-15 on tobacco use, availability, and attitudes. Jointly sponsored by CDC, WHO, UNICEF, and |

|  |others. Documentation freely available, access to datasets requires registration with the site. |

Health and Retirement Study (HRS)

|    |Begun in 1992, the HRS covers topics in health care, employment and retirement, attitudes and expectations, and family issues among |

|  |persons aged 50 and over. A complementary study conducted in 1994 and 1996, Asset and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old (AHEAD), |

| |was absorbed into HRS in 1998. Registration required for public-use data downloads. A restricted version is available to qualified |

| |users. |

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP))

|    |A suite of data products that measures hospital patient care, covering care quality, access, an outcomes, among other public policy |

|  |topics. State- and national-level databases, compiled by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Includes H-CPUnet, an online|

| |tool designed to generate statistics. |

Historical Census Data Browser

|    |Generate tables for states and counties using data from 1790 to 1960. Limited mapping feature. Hosted by the Geospatial and |

|  |Statistical Data Center, University of Virginia. |

Historical statistics of the United States [pic]

|    |Vital statistics, economics and employment, government, from the earliest figures available to the present. Select tables for |

|  |viewing, e-mail, or download in a variety of formats. Some features, such as creation of custom tables and saving data, require |

| |individual registration in addition to Cornell authentication. |


|    |Demographic, economic, and social indicators for India. Much historical data, often at the sub-national level. Currentness and |

|  |geographic coverage vary among categories and indicators. |

|    |Choose up to six countries and create charts based on current statistics on demography, environment, health, economy from United |

|  |Nations sources. |

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

|    |Primary source of information about higher education: institutional characteritics, staffing and enrollment, salaries, degree |

|  |completions, finances. Create custom tables and extracts on one or many institutions . Data collected and disbtributed by the |

| |National Center for Education Statistics. |

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS)

|    |Public use microdata from the decennial Censuses, provided by the Historical Census Project, University of Minnesota. |

|  | |

International Data Base

|    |Selected demographic statistics and projections for about 200 countries: birth and fertility rates, life expenctancy, migration, from|

|  |the mid-1950s projected to 2025. Regularly updated to include newly independent states and the effects of HIV/AIDS prevalence in |

| |specific countries. Produced by the U.S. Census. |

Kids Count Data Center

|    |Retrieve state and city profiles containing 100 meaures of child wellbeing (for example, poverty, infant motality, family status, |

|  |household characteristics). A separate Community-Level Information for Kids (CLIKS) data feature compiles a large amount of state- |

| |and local-level data to produce community profiles on the educational, economic, and health environments important to the well-being |

| |of children. Right Start Online reports factors that affect newborn wellbeing in the nation's 50 largest cities. All brought to you |

| |by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. |

Labor Force Statistics

|    |Produced from the from the Current Population Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|  | |

Legislative Roll Calls and related data

      [pic] VoteWorld

|    |    |Coverage has expanded beyond the US Congress, European Parliament, and British Parliament parliamentary roll call data to |

|  |  |include selected historical series from 18 other countries. VoteWorld has also been released in fancier versions, VoteWorld |

| | |Online and Animations, which requrie Java Web Start. For other roll call datasets, select Links from the toolbar. |

      [pic] VoteView

|    |    |Roll call voting for the US Congress, usually more current than that provided by ICPSR study #4, as well as historical interest |

|  |  |group ratings (1959-1981). |

      [pic] United Nations General Assembly

|    |    |Descriptions of resolutions and tallies of voting records from 1946 to 2005, updating data from ICPSR study #5512. Provided by |

|  |  |Erik Voeten, George Washington University. Affinity of Nations Index is a related dataset developed by Erik Gartzke that |

| | |measures similarity of voting patterns among nations:  |

      [pic] Australian Political Resources

|    |    |A series of files on election results (merged with Census data), party apportionment and limited roll call data for Austrailia. |

|  |  |Compiled by Simon Jackman. |

Linking Economic Development and Child Care: 50 State Database

|    |Compiles variables from a wide variety of data sources on child care at the state level. Addresses factors affecting availabilty and |

|  |quality of child care. |

Local Area Unemployment Statistics

|    |Monthly estimates of total employment and unemployment for states, metro- and micropolitan areas, counties, larger cities and towns. |

|  |Data are frequently subject to revision. |

Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)

|    |A cooperative project of 25 countries, LIS is a database of household income studies that are normalized to facilitate cross-national|

|  |research. Site also provides access to the Luxembourg Employment Study (LES), composed of labor force surveys. |

Milwaukee Parental Choice Program

|    |Data generated from a program to provide subsidies to private schools as part of a general voucher program. Hosted by the Data and |

|  |Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Free but registration required. |

Minorities at Risk (MAR) Project

|    |Describes the state of ethnic minorities within a country, discriminatory practices within countries, and political responses to |

|  |those practices back to 1945. Select one minority group/country for review or download the entire dataset for comparative research. |

| |(The MAR Project is developing a new dataset that will focus on organizations claiming to represent minority communities.) Associated|

| |with the Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland. |

National Health Interview Survey

|    |Site provides data, documentation, questionnaires, input programs, and publications based on the survey for 10 years, including many |

|  |supplements. Most of these and older years are available from ICPSR.  |

| | |

| |The Integrated Health Interview Series site contains a chart that provides information on the availability of NHIS variables;from |

| |this page  click on variables. The link for each variable name describes its context and comparability since |

| |the first survey in 1969. |

National Longitudinal Surveys

      [pic] NLS homepage

|    |    |Sponsored by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, its intent is to collect data on labor market experiences of individuals over |

|  |  |time. However, the NLS datasets are used in a wide variety of research areas: the affects of life events, health status and |

| | |behaviors, fertility, education, workforce experiences and expectations. Several data extraction and download options for all |

| | |NLS cohorts (original cohort groups begun in 1968, NLSY79, NLSY79 Children/Young Adults, NLSY97). |

      [pic] NLS Database Investigator

|    |    |Software required to utilize NLS data if you download the entire dataset for a cohort. Requires Windows OS. |

|  |  | |

      [pic] Web Investigator

|    |    |Create custom extracts from public use files from all cohorts and generate simple statistics for variables. Generate custom |

|  |  |weights or save tag sets (variable selections) for later use. Requires that users create an account. Same data as the Data |

| | |Investigator download and CD options, with the added benefit of working with the most up-to-date versions available. |

National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS)

|    |Longitudinal survey that meaures Medicare services to enrollees, health care expenditures, and caregiving. Jointly funded by the |

|  |National Institute on Aging and Center for Demogrpahic Studies at Duke University. Six waves of data beginning in 1982, and |

| |supplemental surveys on related topics are available. Download documentation from the site. Order public use data on CD. Restricted |

| |linked files (to vital statistics and Medicare service use) are available to qualified researchers. |

National Survey of America's Families

|    |Three waves of an independently drawn samples from 13 states. Measures child- and adult-well being (adults under 65), with emphasis |

|  |on low-income families. Public-use files and online analysis of a subset available after registering on the NSAF site hosted by the |

| |Urban Institute. Datasets for all three years (1997, 1999, 2002) can be downloaded from ICPSR, which also provides an online analysis|

| |and subsetting tool. |

National Survey of Families and Households

|    |Life history data on family composition, marriage, child-rearing, and family interactions. Three waves, beginning in 1987 with over |

|  |9.600 respondents. Data and documention downloads are freely available. Custom extractions and simple statistics can be created |

| |created online. |

New Immigrant Survey

|    |A panel survey of new legal immigrants to the U.S. First-round data collected in 2003 are due for release in late 2005. Data from a |

|  |pilot survey have been released. Public use data can be downloaded from the site but require pre-registration. |

Occupational Employment Statistics

|    |Links to national, state, and metropolitan area occuaptional and wage estimates for recent years. From BLS. Based on a semi-annual |

|  |survey of nonfarm establishments, and does not include self-employed individuals. |

Panel Study of Income Dynamics

|    |Download the raw data and documentation for all waves or use the Data Center browse and extract function to select variables. |

|  | |

Polity IV: Political Regime Characterisics and Transitions, 1800+

|     |Codification of regime characteristics, now expected to be updated annually. Users must register before downloading the dataset and |

| |user's guide. Contains links to sources of previous Polity datasets. CISER owns Polity I-III as codebook SIND-055. |

Population and Housing Unit Estimates

|    |Annual national, state, and sub-state estimates, some with demgraphic characteristics. Files available for download in |

|  |comma-delimited format. See also a web application supported by the Missouri Census Data Center for state- and county-level estimates|

| |beginning with 1990, which permits some download customization:  |

Population projections

|     |State-level projections of population by single year of age, race, sex, and Hispanic origin. National projections also available for |

| |household and family structure. |

Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project

|     |Features the U.S. Census Tract Poverty Data files, the percentage of persons living below the federal poverty level in each tract for|

| |the 1980, 1990, and 2000 Censuses. |

Public Use Microdata Samples

|     |CISER houses PUMS data from the decennial Census for 1960-2000 and selected research files from ealier Censuses. |

      [pic] U.S. Census Bureau

|     |     |Links to state file downloads from 1-percent and 5-percent PUMS from Census 2000 and information on data for earlier censuses |

| | |on CD. |

Record of American Democracy (ROAD), 1984-1990

|     |Election returns, party registrations at the precinct level for elections at the state house level above. Complemented by socioecomic|

| |and demographic variables from the 1990 Census. Gary King and Bradley Palmquist, principal investigators. See the Federal Elections |

| |Project site at American University for more recent data. |

Rural America at a Glance

|     |Demographic and economic characteristics of rural areas in the U.S. represented in maps, charts, and tables. September 2003 edition, |

| |from the USDA Economic Research Service. |

School District Demographics

|     |Extracts from 1990 and 2000 Census data in school district boundaries. Limited download capabilities. |

Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT)

|     |Distributes data from the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), Survey of Earned Doctorates, and other surveys measuring |

| |characteristics of the American technical labor force. From the National Science Foundation. |

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

|     |Estimates on number of families and children living in poverty, median household incomes. Most estimates are available for states, |

| |counties, and school districts. Produced by the U.S. Census Bureau. Estimates are generally 3 years behind. |

State and Local Area Personal Income

|     |State, county, and MSA personal income, including per capita income back to 1969. Produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. |

State Failure: Internal Wars and Failures of Governance

|     |Codes events in countries with populations of over 500,000 since 1955. Includes the following types of events: ethnic war, |

| |revolutionary war, adverse regime change, genocide/politicide. |

State Health Facts

|     |State comparisons of health status, poverty, insurance coverage, topics in minority and women's health, HIV/AIDS, care costs, and |

| |Medicare/Medicade issues. Most data for the current year only. Most series can be downloaded as delimited ascii files. |

State of the Cities Data Systems

|     |Compiles information on popualtion, housing, crime, housing, employment, economic activity for metro areas, central cities, and their|

| |suburbs. Most statistics from 1990+, Census tables back to 1970. |


|     |Use the Get Data link to access the extensive archive of datasets, most compiled to support research projects or texts in statistics.|

| |An idiosyncratic mix on everything from sports to anthropometry. Great source for stats class projects. Supported by the Statistics |

| |Department, Carnegie Mellon University. |

Study of American Families, 1994

Survey of Consumer Finances

|     |Conducted every three years for the Federal Reserve Board . Measures wealth and income of American households. |

Survey of Economic Expectations

|     |A national survey on how Americans view their short-term economic future. Conducted in 8 waves from 1994 to 1998. Data can be |

| |downloaded (registration required) in Stata and ascii formats. Codebook includes variable-level frequencies. |

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

|     |A longitudinal panel study conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau to measure income, participation in government programs. Follows |

| |changes in income within a household and events that influence economic participation, access to benefits, and social wellbeing. In |

| |addition to a "core" survey of income and labor participation questions , additional topical modules cover a wide range of topics |

| |such as child care, retirement savings, and utilization of health care services.  |

| | |

| |SIPP data constitute a rich source but can be complicated to use. The tutorial (linked from the homepage) provides an excellent |

| |introduction to the content and structure of the survey. |

Surveys of Consumers

|    |Begun in 1946, the monthly surveys measure sentiment regarding personal financial well being and that of the country. The Surveys are|

|  |also used to generate the Index of Consumer Expectations. Microdata from the most recent six months are embargoed. A University of |

| |Michigan site provides customized subsets and tables using the SDA utility:  (ICPSR houses |

| |older years under the series title, Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior.) Conducted by the Survey Research Center, University |

| |of Michigan, with support from |

| |Reuters  . |

Uniform Crime Reports

      [pic] National Archive of Criminal Justice Data

Union Density Estimates by State, 1964-2005

|     |Annual estimates of public and private sector membership from 1973 to date based on the Current Population Survey. State and national|

| |data back to 1963 are based on the CPS and the Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations. Compiled by Barry Hirsch and |

| |David Macpherson. |

Union Membership and Coverage Database

|     |Compiled from the Current Population Survey. National, state, and metro area estimates. Updated annually. |

USA Counties      [pic] homepage for USA Counties   

|     |     |Online access permits viewing one state/county/table at a time and comparison of the data for a table with other counties in a |

| | |state. |

Wage Determinations

|     |Current hour wage and fringe benefits rates for federally funded construction projects. Search or browse by state and county. |

Wisconsin Longitudinal Study

|     |A study of over 10,000 Wisconsin residents who graduated from high school in 1957, with two separate surveys of their sibliings and |

| |spouses. The newest wave of data was collected in in 2005, released in late 2006. Download complete datasets with programs or create |

| |a custom subset; both require user registration. |

World Fertility Survey

World Income Inequality Database

|     |Indicators measuring inequality (including but not limited to Gini coefficients) in over 150 countries, including those with |

| |transitional and developing economies. |

World Values Surveys

|     |Perform simple statistical functions on WVS data or extract and download varibles of your choice. Surveys from the four waves can |

| |also be downloaded from ICPSR Direct. |


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