Welcome Back Rudolph Parents and Guardians!

Happy September everyone! Welcome to our new, existing and now our 6th grade families. I hope that your students are enjoying the new school year. We are so happy to see them back and ready to learn. The students are doing great; as I know, it can be difficult getting back into the swing of things. Thank you to all of our families who came out to our Open House right before school started. We had a great turn out!

This year we are going green with our Family Handbook. You are able to access the handbook in both English and Spanish on our website. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Just know, CPS policy, our staff can only communicate with you via CPS approved applications such as the school phone and their CPS gmail accounts.

By now, you should be receiving regular communication from your child's teacher. It may be daily, weekly or every other week. If you are having difficulties reaching your child's teacher, please contact me or AP Galati.

All visitors must sign in AND out of the main office and wear an accompanying visitors pin.

All staff are to meet visitors in the office, even when picking up students early. AP Galati and I are always willing to vacate our offices for a private conversation, and don't forget about our parent room, 116. Thursdays that room will likely be busy with IEP meetings, but should otherwise be available.

All volunteers need to go through the volunteer application online and depending on how many hours they will be around students/per week, may have to go through the fingerprinting and background check (this includes any volunteers for field trips, mystery readers, etc.).

Please make sure you have turned in your school forms. Each year we need a new Emergency Contact Form, Family Income Form, Walking Field Trip, Medical Information/Release and Media Consent Form. Each child should have received this packet. There are also additional forms such as Dental and Vision that can be filled out as well.

receive Art , Physical Education and World Language/bi-lingual supports in addition to their classroom learning. Starting 2nd quarter, students will be participating in WIN (What I Need) intervention block. AP Galati will be providing more information in this newsletter.

October is just around the corner, so mark your calendar for our Annual Title 1 meeting and PAC/BAC elections on Thursday, October 3rd at 9am. Halloween is the 31st, a Wednesday, and we will have our regular and a few new festivities this year. Finally, in October, students will also be participating in a Culinary science lesson and will make Pumpkin Soup. We are in need of a few donations to make the activity a success. These are listed on the next page. Please send all donations by October 4, 2019.

We look forward to an amazing year ahead of us. There is nothing our students can't do. As always, our doors are always open. Feel free to talk to us at arrival or dismissal, give us a call or send us an email. It is an honor to serve our students, parents and community as principal.

With a new school year, here is a refresher of our visitors' policy to ensure the safety and privacy of our students and staff:

This year we are excited to continue to offer Yoga and Music for our students with the support of our Community Partners. Our students also continue to

Yours in Education,

Principal Holly hadacres@cps.edu



Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back! We are so pleased to have more pre-k students starting off with us this school year than in the years past AND we have our first 6th grade class with us. We are truly #Winning this school year! As Principal Holly stated, a huge initiative for us this year is incorporating a "WIN" period, short for "What I Need", into the schedule. You will see this first reflected in the students' schedule starting second quarter, as teachers are currently using first quarter to intentionally collect/ review data and plan for what this time will look like for your child/children.

We encourage you, if you haven't already, to let your child's teacher know what goals you are working on at home that you'd like to see incorporated at school, if possible. This can be anything from IEP related goals, academic, social/emotional, behavioral, independent functioning, etc. We are all here to serve and support our students and families, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any ideas, wishes, hopes and dreams for your students! Teachers will be in touch closer to second quarter regarding what this time will look like for your child/children.

We have several New to Rudolph Staff this year that I'd like to introduce. We are thrilled to have them as a part of our team and can't wait for you to get to know them!

Thanks for all you do for always advocating for your child/children. Like Principal Holly said, our door is always open for any questions/concerns/ ideas you may have to share.


AP Galati


10 cans pumpkin


10 cans/cups

vegetable broth

5 cans coconut milk Maple syrup Ginger

Cinnamon Nutmeg Salt & pepper Dixie cups and/or

heavy duty disposable bowls

Our classes will be making this soup as part of our culinary curriculum. Donations of any of these items

would be greatly appreciated by October 4, 2019.

Case Manager: Mr. Alex Hello, my name is Alex Cowling. I have been a special education teacher in Chicago Public Schools for five years. I'm currently completing my LBS2 at UIC (I'll be done in December). I'm really excited to join the Rudolph team and look forward to working with everyone!

Teachers: Ms. Jessie and Ms. Caitlin My name is Jessie Smith. I graduated in May from the University of Illinois in UrbanaChampaign with my Learning and Behavior Specialist 1 degree. While searching for a job in CPS last year, Rudolph caught my eye immediately because of the emphasis of individualized student-centered teaching approach, as well as the team-based approach I observed during my interview. I am very excited to begin my first year teaching at such an incredible school, learn from each of you, this school year and have lots of fun along the way!

My name is Caitlin. I have degrees from Loyola University Chicago and University of Illinois at Chicago. This will be my third year teaching. I previously taught in a selfcontained classroom at Drake Elementary School. I am the oldest of three; I have a brother and a sister. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and reading. I'm excited to be a part of the community at Rudolph!



SECAs: Ms. Tremaine and Mr. Nicholas My name is Tremaine Huggins and I am overjoyed to be joining the Rudolph Family this school year. While I haven't had much direct experience within the education field, I love learning and sharing that with others. I have extensive experience working with seniors and adults with varying ability levels so I'm excited to use those skills as well as learn more from my coworkers. I love that working with students with disabilities affords us the opportunity to use our creativity in order to reach our diverse learners. Creativity is my greatest strength and to be able to flex my skills in the way that I will in this position really has me excited. I'm interested in pursuing a career in the rehabilitation field. Occupational therapy has captivated my heart since I discovered it. I love the idea of helping people do the things that bring them joy. In my free time I love to travel, practice yoga, swim and participate in sensory activities. I look forward to meeting and working with you all.

My name is Nicholas Staramar from Chicago, IL. I've worked in Special Education and Chicago Public Schools for five years. I specialize in being a team player and working with a variety of personalities. My values are integrity, adaptability, and honesty. My goal/motivation is to ensure a positive, fun and respectful work environment for students and staff.

We are so excited to share that Rudolph


received a grant this year to get Second

Step kits for each classroom along with teacher training at the beginning of the school year. This means that the

students will have social emotional content taught every day by their classroom teacher and reinforced by myself

weekly, typically in small groups. I will continue to share how to work on social skills at home with your child. If

you have any questions, please reach out to me by phone (773) 534-7460 or email (eareed@cps.edu).

If you ever have any questions about social skills or sexual health education or need any assistance with anything, please reach out to me at the school by phone (773) 534-7460 or email (eareed@cps.edu).

Liza Reed ~ School Counselor




You can model these words at home using Aided Language Stimulation (touch and talk). All you need to do is to touch the picture symbol when you say the corresponding word (see attached). For example, touch the word "my

turn" when sharing a toy. Or modeling "all done" when finished with a task. Here are some examples of opportunities to use (model and reinforce) these core vocabulary words of the month at home.



Ways to model

Getting Dressed

While getting dressed, your child may want to do something else, so this is a good time to say, "Wait!" Then you can say "all done!" when your child is finished getting dressed.

Daily Activities

If your child wants your attention and you are busy, say "wait". Say "wait" before it is time to get out of the car and when waiting for a safe time to cross a street. When giving instructions, say "listen".

Play Time

Take turns with a toy or game, and say "my turn" when it is your turn, while pointing to yourself. When it's time to put a toy away, say "All done!" When playing with a puzzle, put the pieces in the wrong spot and say "No!" and then put them in the right spot and say "Yes!".

Dinner Time

Talk about the food. Say "Do you like ______?" and model using "yes" and "no". Say "all done" when your child indicates that he/she is finished eating.


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