Provider Enrollment (PEN) # HHS0000069

HIP Program (Helping Through Intervention and Prevention) Questions and AnswersDocument**This Questions and Answers Document contains an initial question and answer posted on the State's Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD). Updates to this document will be entered on this same document with table headings indicating the "Update" and the date of their posting. Most recent updates appear first. If DFPS later determines a need to provide additional appropriate questions and answers in this document, or deems it necessary to revise or update any answers previously provided herein, it will do so by adding further updates to this document that reference such additions or corrections.Questions and AnswersUpdated: September 23, 2018PEN SectionPageQuestionAnswerGENERAL------As a Contractor, will I have access to client information or their case file?No, the only information Contractors will receive regarding the families are the primary Caregiver’s name, address, phone number, Infant/child’s name, gender and Infant/child’s date of birth.------Where can I locate the procurement for Project HIP?The Project HIP procurement document is posted on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) website there, click on “Package 1” to access the procurement.------Will there be a bidder's conference for this procurement?No. There will not be a bidder's conference for the Help through Intervention and Prevention (HIP) procurement. This is not a competitive procurement. It is an open provider enrollment (PEN). Contracts are granted to all Applicants who meet PEN eligibility and service criteria, based on a Home Visiting Model. If you have questions, please contact Carol Gordon, Contract Manager at 512-840-7828. ------How can we ensure there is good communication and that the process is transparent?The vision of the committee in providing these funds is that the process will be transparent and that DFPS will be open and willing to work with Applicants. DFPS has already visited several counties in which the HIP Contract will be offered. The visits were conducted in an effort to answer questions and have open dialog to provide clarification and set forth expectations. DFPS is open to more communication and will be as transparent as legally possible in this process.------Is there a projected Statewide and/or Regional budget cap for these services?? No. Due to the nature of the HIP Program, DFPS does not have regional or county projections on the number of anticipated referrals. Likewise, there is no budget cap as reimbursement is for a unit rate, and DFPS will control the referrals.? The deadline for responding to this PEN is 8/31/19, so it is fine to wait until you feel more confident about applying.------What is the probability that referred families will participate since the referrals will come from DFPS?We now have a 34% participation rate. In FY 16, we expanded our service population to pregnant and parenting foster youth. ------How will families be identified and how will they be notified about Project HIP?DFPS will use a collaborative process to data match historical records with new birth records to identify families. Currently, the Contractor will be the first contact with families about the HIP Program. For CPS youth, when possible, CPS staff will notify the youth about the HIP Program prior to referral.------Will there be a referral network to provide and pay for other needed services?No. We do not have a referral network and will not pay for wrap around services. It is up to the Contractor to make appropriate referrals.------It looks like PEI programs are moving to working with families already involved with CPS. Is this true?The HIP Program and CBFS are the only PEI programs that specifically target families who have a previous history with Child Protective Services (CPS). Other PEI programs may be able to service families that have CPS involvement depending on Provider capacity and ability to meet client needs.------What information would a Contractor receive about the referred family in a referral?A Contractor will receive referred parent's name, address, phone number along with the infant/child's name, gender and date of birth. 7 GlossaryEvidence-based ProgramPromising Practice Program37 & 38Who determines the frequency of the home visits?The selected Program Model determines the number of home visits. Please follow the fidelity of your home visiting program regarding frequency. If you feel a need to adjust the frequency please consult with the providers of the Model. We may ask for documentation for changes in frequency. ------I have full-time staff that provides home visiting services. Their salaries are paid from a different grant. How can we take Project HIP referrals and bill for services?You may take HIP referrals, but will need to separate time spent on each project clearly on staff members' timesheets. You will then bill the appropriate funding source based on time spent on each project.SECTION 22.2&2.57 &8Are the services through HIP voluntary? Yes. The services offered through the HIP program are strictly on a voluntary basis, although we do expect our Contractors to use effective engagement methods. 2.37Is a contractor agreeing to service the entire region for a service delivery area or can a contractor identify the number of clients that can be serviced?No. Applicants must select the region(s) and county or counties within the region(s) in which the applicant proposes to provide services.? The applicant may select services ranging from every region and county in the state of Texas or one county within one region in Texas.? There is not a provision for selecting how many clients you will serve.? However, you must submit a ten (10) day written notification to PEI staff if you are no longer able to accept referrals due to capacity.If you do not believe you can meet the Family’s needs when conducting the family assessment, or you discover that the family doesn't need home visiting services but needs medical attention or a more intensive program than what you can offer, you should refer the family to those services. 2.47Will you be making referrals to Contractors based on the history and needs of the family?No. Service Authorizations will be made to a Contractor after the family has been deemed appropriate for a HIP Program referral by DFPS staff. It is up to the Contractor to determine the needs of the family.2.48Can Contractors work with pregnant women who meet the other criteria?Beyond current and former foster youth that are pregnant, DFPS will only send Service Authorizations for families with a newborn child up to 2 years of age.2.6.210& 11What are the educational and experience requirements for the home visitors?The minimum requirements for service delivery staff are listed in Section 2.6.2 of the PEN. 11What training must home visitors have?The expectation is that Contractors who will be providing services to families, including subcontracted and/or volunteers will already be trained in their chosen program model. Other training expectations are that providers maintain whatever annual training requirements they would normally be required to maintain conformity with the program model.2.1315I currently have a contract through HHSC for home visiting services. Will there be data entry requirements in addition to what I already do for HHSC?HIP contracts will require data entry into the PEIRS database. use the Parents as Teachers Model (PAT). This model requires us to work with families for 2 years. Will that be possible with the HIP Program?Yes, the HIP Program requires that the Evidenced Based or Promising Practice Home Visiting Model be administered to fidelity. The age requirements for infant eligibility are 0-2 years of age. If a child ages out of the eligible age range, HIP services must end and the family can be referred to another resource to meet their needs. an organization's state office apply and subcontract the services regionally?Yes.2.15.3& & 23What is needed to bill for services?We will train Contractors on the billing process prior to services being delivered.2.17&8.120&40How will DFPS measure success of services? DFPS will measure success of services through:Monthly report provided by the Contractor through the PEIRS databasePerformance measures set forth by DFPS, which will in part, be based on timelines and completion of services to each family. Pre and Post-Protective Service Factors survey, which will determine if protective factors were increased in the visit. SECTION a Contractor be reimbursed for all mileage or only if the visit is more than 50 miles away?Contractors can be reimbursed for all mileage with the HIP Program.SECTION 55.1629How do I apply and complete the application?The Provider Enrollment (PEN) information was posted November 26, 2013 on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) website review and enrollment. Instructions are included in the PEN on how to apply. SECTION 66.2.4&7 (Glossary)32&37&38Is this contract open to only evidence based model funding?There are two program models that will qualify as a Home Visiting Program: Evidence-Based and Promising Practice. Contractors may submit the name of their individual model that meets the criteria of one of the models listed above. Contractors using CICC Parenting Programs and/or SafeCare are highly encouraged to apply. This information is spelled out in the Provider Enrollment (PEN) Contract.SECTION 77 (Glossary)38Are qualified individuals precluded from applying for this contract?A sole proprietor or entity that: Has an established business; Currently provides services described in the PEN; and Meets all other eligibility requirements described in the PEN may submit an Application. SECTION 88.340How long is the funding cycle, and will funding be renewed after the first funding cycle?Currently, funding has been extending for the FY18-FY19 biennium. DFPS is hopeful that the funding will be renewed at the end of this funding period.8.3&2.5.235&8What is the time commitment for a contract?Contracts for the HIP Program are awarded yearly on a fiscal year schedule. The beginning date is September 1st and end date is August 31st of the following year. You must give a ten (10) day notice to stop receiving referrals due to capacity at any time during your contract period. You can also give a thirty (30) day notice to PEI Contracts Division to end your contract.The remainder of the page is intentionally left blank. ................

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