Instructor: Ms

Instructor: Ms. Mary Brandt

Email: (best way to contact me.) Voicemail: 534-5100 ext. 22040

Course description/Purpose: This course will include an introduction to criminal, civil, consumer, trial and constitutional law. It will provide practical information and problem solving opportunities to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate in a society based on the rule of law. The curriculum includes case studies, mock trials, role-plays, small group exercise, analytical activities and a current events component. During the third quarter students participate in a mock trial based on a case study produced by the Chicago Council for Law-Related Education.

Resources: Text: Street Law: A Course in Practical Law, 7th edition

We the Students: Supreme Court Cases For & About Students, 3rd edition, Jamin Raskin

A Question of Freedom, R.Dwayne Betts

Mock Trial Case Packet : Students will receive a case packet during the third quarter

The following projects distinguish the Honors Law curriculum from the regular Law curriculum.

Law-related news Portfolio: All students will read & analyze weekly law-related news articles as part of an ongoing “Law-related News” portfolio. Students will make in-class presentations each week on a law-related news event. A summative essay based on a student’s selected news presentation will be assigned.

Debates: As part of the Constitutional Law unit, all students will prepare a topic for debate based on selected Supreme Court cases.

Law-related career project: During the second quarter, students will conduct a personal investigation of a law-related career and make a presentation to the class

Mock trial jury duty: All honors students must participate as jurors in at least one mock trial during the school year. Generally, there are at least two opportunities – Northwestern University Law School and University of Chicago Mandel Clinic. These trials are held on Saturdays downtown at the Daley Center. Service learning hours will be offered.

Peer Jury: Honors Law students are encouraged to participate in the peer jury program of the Chicago Police Department. Students will improve their critical thinking, broaden their legal knowledge & provide community outreach to their peers. This activity qualifies for community service hours. You will receive a handout in class with details.

Required materials: Students should have the following materials with them each day of class: highlighter, pens (including red pen), pencils, covered textbook, Von Steuben student planner/handbook, one non-spiral notebook, 3-pronged pocket folder with paper or 3-ring binder with pocket, syllabus,

Assessments: There will be occasional quizzes, tests after each unit and a comprehensive semester exam at the end of each semester with special emphasis on the topics covered in the 2nd and 4th quarters. There will also be research projects and the mock trial simulation learning experience in the second semester.

Grading Policy: Grading will be on a cumulative point system by semester. One-half course credit is earned each semester. Assignments are weighted according to their level of difficulty and complexity. Student performance will be evaluated in the following areas:

1. Test/quizzes

2. Class work

3. Homework

4. Projects

5. Class Participation

6. Semester exams

7. Critical thinking

Grade Scale: The department grade scale is a ten-point 100-90-80-70-60 scale as posted on the school website at the following link: :

Classroom Norms/ Expectations:

1. Students are to be seated, prepared with required materials, and ready to begin class when the bell rings.

2. All graded assignments and handouts are to be kept by students until grades are finalized.

3. It is the responsibility of the student to do assigned readings and take notes. Written homework should be legible and handed in on time.

4. Tardies will affect your grade. Each time a student is tardy 5 points will be deducted from their total accumulated grade points for the class. For example, 5 tardies means minus 25 points. The teacher will NOT repeat instructions or information that the student has missed due to tardiness.

5. Absences. A student must bring a note to the attendance office, Rm. 110, signed by a parent/guardian within 48 hours of an absence. The absence is not excused until the signed note is submitted by the student to the Attendance office (Room 110). Board of Education policy regarding unexcused absences will be followed.

6. The student is responsible for finding out about missed work and turning it in promptly. Work missed during an unexcused absence will not be accepted for credit.

7. Late work, except in the case of unexcused absences, will be accepted one day late. The highest possible grade for late work will be a C.

8. Respect for teachers, fellow students, guests, school and personal property is expected.

9. Academic honesty is important. Plagiarism and/or cheating of any kind are unacceptable and subject to specific consequences as outlined in the uniform discipline code.

10. All school policies as outlined in the Student Planner/Handbook are applicable.

11. All Von Steuben teachers and staff will be implementing two new schoolwide programs this year - “Refocus” and “Absolutes”. These programs have been developed to enhance our learning environment and

encourage positive behaviors. The programs will be fully explained in homerooms. All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the programs which will be enforced schoolwide the second week of classes.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will

• have practiced and developed critical thinking skills

• be familiar with and be able to use common legal terms.

• gain an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of good citizenship.

• analyze, communicate and solve problems through alternative methods of dispute resolution.

• cultivate public speaking and debate skills.

• learn & practice the skills necessary to conduct civil conversations regarding controversial issues

• understand the basics of civil, criminal, consumer and constitutional law.

• understand fundamentals of the litigation process through a 10 week mock trial simulation.

• be familiar with the many opportunities available in law-related careers.

• be aware of current law-related issues in the news

|Quarter |Course Outline: Topic |

|1 |Introduction to the legal system |

|1 |Criminal Law & Juvenile Law |

|2 |Consumer Law |

|2 |Civil Law (Torts) |

|3 |Mock Trial |

|4 |Constitutional Law |

“The good of the people is the chief law.”

- Cicero

A note to parents/guardians:

If you have any questions related to your child's progress in my class, please contact me. Email is the most efficient and timely way to communicate with me. You may also leave a message on my voicemail. I will return your call as soon as possible. I normally check my voicemail and emails once a day.

C.P.S. has made a major investment in implementing online tools so that parents can be active partners in monitoring their child’s academic life. Parents can access student grades and attendance information at any time and from any computer with an internet connection (e.g. home, work, public library) through the CPS Parent Portal. There is no longer any reason for parents to be uninformed about their child’s progress and attendance. Parent Portal also allows parents to set up triggers which automatically send an email, text message, or phone call when a grade drops below a threshold set by the parent, or the moment a student is absent.  Please consult the school website for more information.

As an active partner in your child’s education, I expect parents to regularly check their child’s progress and attendance on the Parent Portal so that we’re working together toward success. If you are not signed up for the CPS Parent Portal, please do so as soon as possible. Check with your child’s counselor if you have questions.

Please review the attached syllabus with your child and sign below. In addition, please complete the contact information in the event that I need to contact you. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you over the course of the school year.

Mary Brandt


I have read and understood the syllabus for Law & American Society. I will support my child in fulfilling his/her responsibilities as a student in this class.


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


Printed name of Parent/Guardian

Contact number(s) for Parent/ Guardian:

Home telephone (______)___________________________ Best time to call _____________

Work telephone (______)____________________________Best time to call _____________

Cellphone (______)______________________________Email address: (please print) ____________________________

I have read and understood the syllabus for Law & American Society. I accept the responsibility as a student to fulfill the expectations of this class.


Signature of Student Date


Printed name of Student


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