Medgar Evers Fine Arts School



Administrative Staff

Caroline Ellis, Principal

Terri Thomas, Assistant Principal

Joanne Boerner, Literacy Specialist

Ellen Burns, Counselor/Case Manager

Gladys Griffin, Admin. Assistant


Medgar Evers Fine Arts School

School Year 2016-2017

“Eagles Soaring for Success”

Greetings Parents and Students:

I would like to say thank you for a wonderful 2016-2017 school year. I look forward to many more exciting years at Medgar Evers. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some of the marvelous innovative endeavors that will be happening this upcoming school year. Our teachers will be instructing students in their area of specialty. Rigor will be our focus this school year. We want to ensure that our students will be instructed at an accelerated pace with quality instruction, strategies, and a pathway for college and career success.

The school will support our primary and intermediate grades with a new literacy series from Pearson Company. We will continue with the Go Math series that was purchased last school year. We implemented the online supplemental instruction software that students will be able to use at home as well. Primary students can utilize Raz Kidz literacy program at home that assist with instructional and independent reading levels. Compass is another tool that students can use at home and credit for homework. Finally, to develop our teachers’ educational practices, we will continue supporting the teachers with professional development and avenues to improve and increase their awareness of best practices.

I really believe that Evers has the most concerned and caring parents in the Chicago Public Schools. I look forward to working collaboratively and cooperatively with you to ensure the success of all our students. You are always welcome. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or visit me at the school.

I eagerly await the start of the 2016-17 school year. There will be significant changes in the curriculum as we continue modifications for advancing to the Common Core Assessment. I ask your support in encouraging our students to take the challenge of a more rigorous curriculum. Students will be exposed to a more in depth text complexity way of thinking. Evers is preparing students for college and career success. Thank you in advance for you

Principal Caroline Ellis

This handbook folder has been developed to help parents and students learn as much as possible about school policies and procedures and the services we offer students. It is a quick reference guide you will find extremely useful as questions arise throughout the school year.

Telephone Directory

Main Office-535-2565


State Pre-K-535-2832


Medgar Evers Fine and Performing Arts School will prepare a rigorous pathway to college and career success for all students in the 21st Century. The mission is to provide and maintain a creative climate wherein all students can develop intellectually, emotionally, artistically and socially to their fullest potential. This will be accomplished through the fusion of academics and fine and performing arts that will provide for the academic, artistically and cultural development of all students. Through a strong family commitment, in partnership with our school and community we strive to develop students that are lifelong learners and productive global citizens of society.

Common Core State Standards

They are a set of national learning goals for kindergarten through 12th grade aimed at preparing all students for college or a career. These standards will require more challenging intellectual activity. Teachers will create and develop standards- based unit plans, grade level tasks and student work that will be the driving force of instruction. The standards will:

• Align with college and work expectations

• Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through higher order thinking skills

• Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards

• Success for students to compete in our global economy and society

• Standards are evidence and research-based


The report card shows you how well your child is doing in subject areas. The curriculum includes the subjects: Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Art, Music, Health and Safety, Physical Education. Adhere to the percentage grades that factor in a child’s performance. The categories will consist of 50% for classroom assignments, 25% of projects, 20% for weekly assessments and 5% for participation. Students will have two opportunities to retake assessments.

The Chicago Public Schools Report of Student Achievement, Grades 1-8 (report card) reflects your child’s progress in mastering the new Illinois Learning Standards as part of a standard-based curriculum. The letter grades are explicitly linked to the current Illinois Learning Standards. The letter grades indicate the student’s progress in meeting grade –level standards. Grades of A, states a student substantially exceeds the standard, B, states the student exceeds the standard, C, states that the student meets the standard and D means less than acceptable performance on standards. A grade of F indicates that a student does not meet the standard and may not pass to the next grade.

The new and improved Kindergarten report cards grading system is numerical. The level of performance has been assigned for each core content area; 4 is exemplary-student exceeds expectations, 3 is proficient-student meets expectations, 2 is developing-student partially meets expectations, and 1 is beginning-student does not meet expectations. Parents can monitor student grades and attendance from the Parent Portal link on Gradebook. We are asking all parents to look on parent portal for viewing students’ assignments weekly. Obtain your child’s identification number, password and directions for reviewing from the guidance counselor assistant, Ms. Godwin. Our goal is to have 100% parent participation. The following grading scale will be utilized in all classrooms:

Grading Scale

A = 100-90

B = 89-80

C = 79-70

D = 69-60

F = 59 or below

The modified grading scale has been identified as according to CPS guidelines for students with special needs, modifications and accommodations as stated in their individualized educational plan. Please adhere to the parent portal for grade book and the IEP.


The purpose of homework is to reinforce skills that have been taught in the classroom. Although homework is the child’s responsibility, the parent can help by encouraging the child and finding a quiet place to study. The amount of time a child will spend on homework will vary according to their grade level. The minimum daily allotments are listed as a general guide. Refer to the CPS Homework Policy. Please check homework folders and agendas for daily communication. We highly recommend that students work in their Compass folders at home.

Evers’ Guests

For security purposes all visitors must sign in at the security desk and in the main office and obtain a visitor’s pass before going to any classroom. Instruction starts promptly at 8:50 a.m. and students are ready to learn so please contact the teacher for availability for conferences. The school website has a link on how you can contact each teacher individually. The principal has an open door policy but at times may not be available. However, she is committed to contacting each parent within a 24 hour timeframe.

School Supplies

All students are expected to be prepared for school daily with their own supplies. Supply needs vary by grade, so teachers have prepared lists for your convenience. You can also utilize the school’s web site to obtain the supply list by each grade. Please monitor these supplies, as they will need to be replenished throughout the school year.

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be issued the 5th week of each marking period. It must be signed by the parent and returned to the classroom teacher. Progress reports are one of the methods the Medgar Evers School uses to keep the parents informed of the student’s progress in school. The date progress reports will be sent home. (10/7, 01/09, 03/10 and 05/19) Parents are encouraged to contact teachers concerning students’ progress on a weekly basis.

Report Card Pickup

All parents are required to pick up their child’s report card two times a year: first and third marking periods. A scheduled time for pickup of the report cards will be sent at the time of conference. Evers will only require a conference for students that are in danger of failing and receiving a grade below a “C”. Our goal is to keep all students on track for academic success.

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 9, 2016 and Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Report cards will be sent home on February 10, 2017 and June 20, 2017 for fourth marking period.

Promotion Policy

The Chicago Board of Education has made a decision to promote or retain students in grades three, six, and eight. The decision to promote or retain students is based upon the student’s successful completion of the grade curriculum, attendance, district assessment test, and their academic performance. (The Chicago Board of Education School Promotion Policy Form will be sent home at a later date).

General Dress Code and Grooming

Medgar Evers School’s dress code requires all students in grades K-8th to follow guidelines:

• Gold or Purple Polo Shirts. No exceptions.

• Khaki or Black bottoms such as: slacks, capris, jumpers and skirts. Skorts are only allowed for students in K – 3rd grades.

• Yellow, Navy or White Shirts are not allowed.

• Knee length shorts in August, September, May, and June.

• No adornment or stripes may be worn on clothing, sweatpants, or shoes.

• NO DENIM JEANS, T-SHIRTS, SHORTS OR SKORTS. Out of uniform days students are not allowed to wear jeans with holes in them. Every Friday students are allowed to wear athletic wear attire.

• Students may wear solid navy blue/black sweatpants and Evers pride shirts only during gym. The school has partnered with a business that parents can order shirts with the school logo imprinted throughout the school year online.

To maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning, students must also adhere to the following additional policies:

• No caps, coats, jackets, hats, do-rags, or scarves are to be worn in the building or classroom.

• No leggings or footless tights

• Hooded jackets cannot be worn in the school building at anytime. We suggest that students purchase school color V- neck pullover or cardigan sweaters during the cold months.

• Male students are not permitted to wear earrings.

• Small pouches 5in. by 6.5 or smaller will be allowed in the school for our young ladies to carry personal items when needed. (NO BIG PURSES/POUCHES ALLOWED.) Young ladies in grades in grades 4-8 will be given a pouch supplied by the school to carry for personal items. Pouches will be distributed in the office.

• Due to safety hazards, students are not allowed to wear sandals, open- toe, flip flops, or high heels in the school building. Gym shoes or enclosed rubber soled shoes are permissible.

Physical Education Requirements

Gym uniforms are to be worn beneath the school uniform. The gym uniform consists of gold shirts with black shorts, white socks, and gym shoes. Gym uniforms can be purchased from our school partner.

Rules of General Conduct

Our goal is to maintain a high level of self-discipline and responsibility. Medgar Evers Fine Arts School will adhere to the Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct. All families will receive a copy of the Student Code of Conduct Handbook to take home. There will be an orientation meeting for intermediate/middle school grade students at the beginning of the school year and again after winter intercession to familiarize students with the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

Fighting/Group Fighting

The Evers School territory extends from the school grounds to a student’s home, both before and after school. Each student has the right to a safe passage from home to school. Therefore, any fighting reported to the main office by an Evers staff member or parent will result in consequences as identified in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook. Evers is an “Established” school that promotes Social and Emotional Learning to eliminate negative behavior and incidents occurring in and around the school. Our motto is to Respect Self, Others and the School Environment. We practice social emotional learning competencies daily to ensure that students are taught the proper or alternative ways of changing their behavior from negative to positive. Please be mindful of incidents that occur several hours after school or on weekends especially on social media. Parents should address when the incident occurs. The educational environment is jeopardized when these incidents are brought to the school for escalation or settlement.

Hall Procedures

1. Students are not allowed in the hallway without a hall pass.

2. There is a 0 tolerance=No Talking in the Hallway and students are to walk to the right side

3. Running is not allowed in the hallways.

4. Students must enter and exit classrooms, lunchroom, gym and the building in an orderly manner. Classes must pass through the halls in an orderly, quiet manner under the supervision of teacher or school personnel.

5. Students will not verbally or physically bullying anyone on school grounds. The school will follow the mandated law and Student Code of Conduct.

Policy on Students Acceptable Use of the Chicago Public School Network (Internet Use)

The Chicago Public School provides computers and network capabilities to students for the purpose of enhancing instruction through technological resources. The Chicago Public Schools may make INTERNET access or electronic mail (e-mail) available to students on the CPS Network as educational resources. It is a general policy of the Chicago Public Schools to promote the use of computers in a manner which is responsible, legal and appropriate. Student use of the CPS Network is a privilege. A student’s failure to adhere to the Student Acceptable Use Policy will result in the revocation of his/her access privileges. Should a student’s access privileges be revoked, there shall be no obligations to provide a subsequent opportunity for access to the CPS network. Parents will be given a consent form and a copy of the CPS guidelines for use of the INTERNET. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct on internet usage.

Bell Schedule

|Arrival to School |8:30 |

|School Entry |8:30 |

|Breakfast/Community |8:30-8:50 |

|Classroom/SEL Instruction |8:50-9:00 |

| |8:50 |

|Tardy |8:50 |

|Tardy Slip |9:15 |

|Dismissal |3:45 |

Do not send/drop students off before 8:30 a.m. For safety reasons there is no supervision for students before the designated entry time for students. Students eating breakfast will enter the building from the north playground/cafeteria doors. All students arriving to school early will remain on the playground until the bell rings.

Students are tardy at 8:50 a.m.

Lunchroom Information

Evers School serves hot, nutritious meals daily. Free breakfasts and lunches are available to all students. The parent or guardian must fill out an application for approval. Forms will be sent home or are available in the office. Breakfast and lunch meals are free for everyone. Adult breakfast is free and adult lunch is $3.00. Parents are still mandated to feel out the Nutrition Lunch Form. If you wish not to participate please insert your child’s name, wish not to participate and your signature. The school is allocated funds based on 100% forms turned in.

We will continue with the Universal Grab & Go Breakfast which entitles all students to receive a hot/cold breakfast bag. Studies conclude that students who eat breakfast at the start of the school day show a general increase in math and reading scores as well as improvements in their speed and memory in cognitive tests. Students may enter the building and receive a breakfast bag. Distribution of breakfast ends at 8:50a.m. Students no longer can come to school before starting time. They should report to school at 8:30 a.m. They will enter through the playground with assistance of school personnel. Instruction will begin daily at 8:50 a.m. Pre-School students start at 8:45 am and end promptly at 3:30. Parents and authorized over the age of 18 must sign students in/out daily. Siblings are not allowed to sign students in/out.

Lunch Procedures

• The teacher will accompany students to the lunchroom.

• Students will line up for lunch in an orderly manner. If a student misbehaves in the line, the student will be sent to the end of the line.

• Talking in the lunchroom will be at a conversational level. No screaming, profanity or yelling.

• Students will remain seated at the appropriate table at all times.

• Students must not throw food in the lunchroom. (Automatic Consequence)

• No food or drink may be taken out of the lunchroom.

• Glass bottles may not be brought to school.

• Once students enter the eating area, they cannot go out of the lunchroom. Students will leave their tables and surrounding area clean.

BAG/LUNCHBOX LUNCHES BROUGHT BY STUDENTS SHOULD NOT SOLELY CONTAIN CANDY, CHIPS AND OTHER FORMS OF “JUNK FOOD.” EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF “JUNK FOOD” WILL BE CONFISCATED FROM THE CHILD AND RETURNED AT THE END OF THE DAY. We are a healthy school and we promote nutrition and healthy eating. Students who bring lunch to school should have a balanced and nutritious meal. Students are not permitted to go to the store/gas stations to buy chips, pop, or candy before school.

Entry: All students enter through the back doorway by the cafeteria-Northeast door.


Rooms 104, 108, 200, 201, 202, 203, 208, 210, 212

Northeast doors of the playground.

Rooms 116, 118, 120, 121,220, 222

Southeast doors of the playground

Students should only enter the main entrance door when they are tardy or accompanied by an adult coming to the office. In case of inclement weather, the students are to go to the playground and enter the school through the northeast doors and follow the directions of the school personnel. NO CHILD IS TO GO TO A CLASSROOM BEFORE SCHOOL HOURS WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE TEACHER OR OTHER PERSONNEL.

Please note all doors will be locked after all classes have been admitted. Any children arriving after this time must enter through the main entrance. If after 9:15, obtain a tardy slip from our security or office. Students will still be marked tardy arriving after 8:50 a.m. by their homeroom teacher. Teachers will accompany students out the doors at dismissal time.

Washroom Privileges

Students are allowed to use the washroom if needed. Students are escorted by the teacher or school personnel twice a day. If a student is excessively asking to go the washroom, we will need a note from the parent and primary physician so that the teacher is aware of medical problem and information can be placed in student’s medical folder.

Absences and Tardies

A note for absences signed by the parent must be presented to the teacher on the day that the child returns to school. In case of a communicable disease, a child must have a note from the doctor permitting the child to return to class. Notes for both absences and tardies must have the following information: (1) Date of absence or tardy, (2) Specific reason, (3) Parent/or guardian signature. There are four acceptable reasons of absence: illness, family emergency; death in the immediate family; and observation of religious holidays. Regardless of the absence, please send a note to school. It is very important that the main office and teacher always have the correct contact information on file. It is essential in case of emergencies that might occur throughout the year.

Parents will be notified when a student has excessive absences or tardies. Administration, Security Officer and Guidance Counselor Assistant will make home visits to ensure that students attend school daily and conference with parents in assisting in ways in getting students to/from school. Excessive absences are grounds for referral to the Network 11 Attendance Office, CPS Law Department and the State’s Attorney Office.

Students traveling to school outside the attendance area must adhere to the attendance policy. Excessive absences and tardies will result in referral to the neighborhood school. Students will be recognized for monthly, quarterly, and yearly perfect attendance by the school and Network 11 Office.

School Wide Social Emotional Learning

Medgar Evers will continue to enhance the discipline program and social emotional competencies to enhance and enforce school regulations, relating them to system wide policies. All teachers will submit and implement a classroom management/behavior modification plan.

The school will monitor the implementation of misconduct prevention and the safety/security of the school. We welcome parents to attend the MTSS meetings for input. The school will recognize students who display positive behavior at designated times. It is very important that parents, students, and school work together in creating a conducive environment for learning.

Our goal is to eliminate negative and reoccurring behaviors. The Student Code of Conduct shall be followed and enforced in the same spirit and manner throughout the school system. The policies and administrative procedures apply to actions of students during school hours, before and after school, while on school property, while traveling on board funded school buses, school sponsored events, and any misconduct that may interfere with the learning and safety process that affect the mission or operation of Medgar Evers School. We must remember that a positive and safe environment significantly contributes to student academic achievement and minimizes the number of incidents requiring student discipline. Our goal is to decrease negative behavior and habits. We need the students to be in school learning. Sometimes due to the severity of the misconduct, we have no choice but to suspend according to the Student Code of Conduct. Last year, the school instituted an in-house suspension, whereas the students are in school but are separated from the student population to complete their assigned work and reflect on their negative behavior. We will continue with restorative practices and if necessary in-school suspension under the leadership of our security officer and assigned personnel.

Health Records

All students entering kindergarten, sixth grade and all students who are new to CPS and Medgar Evers Fine Arts School must have their medical, dental and immunization records (including proof of the Hepatitis B shots) complete an up-to-date by the first day of school. These requirements are mandated by the State Board of Health. As stated by the State of Illinois kindergarten, second and sixth grade students will be required to have a dental exam. Any non-compliance will result in exclusion of the child from school.


Only those medications which are absolutely necessary for the critical heath and well-being of a student, as determined by the student’s physician, during school hours must be submitted on the Chicago Public Schools medication request form. These forms are available in the counselor’s office. The school must have on file a letter from the physician and parent requesting the school to administer the medication. Once the forms are on file, the medications must be brought to school by a parent or legal guardian.


Parties are scheduled twice a year throughout the school year for various occasions. Many children like to share a treat with their classmates in celebration of their birthdays. This practice is permissible within the following guidelines:

*Only for Kg. thru Second Grades

*Let the teacher know in advance that you will be sending a treat. It is always under the discretion of the classroom teacher.

*All items must comply with the health school choice menu. No longer can students have cake, ice cream or cupcakes. Items such as fruit snacks, cheddar crackers and popcorn are food samples that the school will allow. Parents will receive the healthy food choice menu at Open House

*Plan the treat only during the lunch period

*Please include napkins and plates if needed

*No ice cream or beverages are allowed

*Treats will not be permitted for students in grades 3-8 anytime during the school day.

Field Trips

A field trip that correlates with a curriculum area may be scheduled for your child’s class during the school year. Each child who participates in the field trip must have a signed permission slip. Parents are asked to chaperone classes on school-related field trips. Medgar Evers School and CPS regulations do not authorize younger siblings to ride buses or attend school related field trips. Parents are not allowed to chaperone field trips driving their car. We need you on the bus too. The school’s goal is to have 4-6 parents per trip as chaperones to assist the teacher with students especially in our intermediate and middle school grades. Smoking, listening to electronic devises, and talking on cell phone devices are prohibited. You must get permission from the teacher to attend field trips. There will be training for parents on chaperoning field trips, the do’s and they don’t in ensuring that our students have adequate supervision and trips are meaningful and successful.

Use of Cell Phones

Upon written request from a parent or legal guardian, a principal may authorize a student to possess a cellular telephone for medical and other family emergencies, or for any other good cause. Students must hand in cell phones to the homeroom teacher on a daily basis in grades K thru 5. Students in grades 6-8 will secure their phones in their locker on a daily basis. In case the teacher is absent, cell phones will be brought to the main office and returned at dismissal time. For students that do not comply with the rule, the phone will be confiscated for 24 hours. After 24 hours a parent must come to the main office to pick up the phone. Repeated offenses will result in the phone being turned over to Safety & Security at Central Office. The school is not responsible for personal loss of phone or any electronic devise. Parents must sign the cell phone and electronic devise form before a student can have a phone on school premises.

Prohibited Items

Students may not possess the following items on school property or at school events without the explicit permission of an administrator.

1. CD Players, cell phones, tablets, IPad, IPod, cameras, television sets, or any other electronic items of distraction.

2. Gambling devices: dice, playing cards, etc.

3. Drugs, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, cigarettes, inhalants, cigarette lighters, matches, tobacco products, and look-a-likes.

4. Explosive devices, including firecrackers, fireballs, cherry bombs, stink bombs, etc.

5. Gang paraphernalia, such as rags/bandanas, etc.

Weapons, look-a-like weapons, guns, knives, screwdrivers and/or other items designed or easily used to cause physical harm.

If a student violates school rules, the administration may impose an in-school or out-of-school suspension, detention, behavioral contract, expulsion, parent/guardian conference, or revocation of student privileges.

After School Programs

After school academic programs will begin in October. The program will be designed to support the school improvement priority goal of increasing reading, writing, and math achievement. We are anticipating receiving the Out of School Time grant to increase additional enrichment activities that are engaging for the students that are meaningful and stimulate good sportsmanship. For students that do not comply with the school’s rules and behavior guidelines will be terminated from the program. Students must be picked up promptly when activities end.

The OST Program will provide additional academic and enrichment activities to our students. These activities will include drama, art, dance, cheerleading, student climate, cooperative games, remedial, tutoring, fitness, and mentoring classes. Some activities maybe fee-based due to outside agencies conducting the classes. Participation brochures will be sent home at a later time. Our goal is to provide two days of academics and two days of enrichment.

Staff Development School Improvement Days

No School

November 4, 2016

February 3, 2017

April 7, 2017

Professional Development

No School

August 29, 2016

August 30, 3016

June 22, 2017

Teacher Institute Days

No School

August 31, 2016

September 1, 2016

September 2, 2016

June 21, 2017

Holidays-No School

September 5, 2016-Labor Day

October 10, 2016-Columbus Day

November 11, 2016-Veterans Day 23

November 23, 2016-Non Attendance Day

November 24 & 25, 2016-Thanksgiving

Winter Break-December 26-January 6, 2017-School Closed

January 16, 2017-M.L. King’s Birthday

February 20, 2017-President’s Birthday

Spring Break-April 10-14, 2017

Memorial Day-May 29, 2017

Report Card Pick-Up-No School

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Education is your passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. (Malcolm X)

We realize that our future lies chiefly in our hands. We know that neither institution nor friends can make a race stand unless it has strength in its own foundation. In order to succeed it must practice the virtues of self-reliance, self-respect, industry, perseverance, and economy. (Paul Roberson)

Imani (Faith)

To believe with all our hearts in our creator, our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle for a new and better world.

Positive anything is better than negative nothing

(Lorraine Hansberry)

Each of us must earn our own existence, and how does anyone earn anything? Through perseverance, hard work, and desire.

(Thurgood Marshall)


One’s work may be finished someday, but one’s education, never. (Alexandre Dumas)

Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I will understand.

(Native American saying)[pic]












• Medgar Evers’ Parent & Student Handbook


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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