Content Area Literacy– Course Syllabus

Content Area Literacy– Course SyllabusMorgan Park High School1744 W. Pryor Ave.Chicago, IL 60643Instructor:Ms. PledgerCredentials:BA Speech Communication and M.Ed. Main Office Phone:773.535.2550Email School Website: Link to Parent Portal: to Student Portal: DESCRIPTION:Content Area Literacy is a freshman-level, semester-long course designed to provide basic literacy skills. Freshmen students will have the opportunity to read and write in a variety of genres during this semester of the course. Students will learn basic grammar and punctuation, reading, and writing instruction. Students will be expected to show improvement and “mastery” in several ways (i.e., traditional worksheets, DOL, free writes, quick writes, prepared pieces, paper and pencil exams, projects, performance assessments, timed readings etc.). The second half of the course is designed to engage students by allowing them the opportunity to critically examine the role of education (both formal and informal) in their own lives. They will apply their personal understandings to the textual analyses of various pieces in a variety of genres. Continuing to develop the basic skills taught in the first unit, students will work to stretch beyond sentence-level understandings and simplistic paragraphs to more structured, profound paragraphs (maybe even short essays for more proficient groups of students) that support topics in several ways.Through various activities over the course of the year, the curriculum will address the following: Illinois State Board of Education Goals:Read with fluency and understanding.Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras, and ideas.Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.Use the language arts to acquire, assess, and communicate mon Core State Standards Initiative: Reading Standards for Literature 6–12; Writing Standards 6–12; Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12. GoalsStudents will learn to:Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.Use the skills of listening, critical thinking, analytical and speech.Engage in the writing process to develop essays and compositions.Build vocabulary through the study of word parts and the use of context clues.Study a range of literary works of different periods, genres, styles and contexts.Develop powers of expression by practicing and developing the skills involved in writing in a variety of styles and situations.Develop an appreciation of literature and acquire an understanding of the literary features of works, as well as an appreciation of the techniques involved in film.Use reading strategies to improve reading comprehension and to develop a critical engagement with reading materials.Grade Scale and OrganizationStudents should expect to work hard. In addition to the assignments in the textbook, there will be regular vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing assignments, as well special projects and tests to measure mastery of what is taught in class. A: 90-100%Class work: 25%B: 80-89%Quizzes: 20%C: 70-79%Tests/ Exams: 15%D: 60-69%Homework: 15%F: 0-59%Projects/Special Assignments: 15%Binder: 10%Assignment & Attendance Policy:All assignments are posted on the Morgan Park website (), and students are given oral and written directions on the board in class. Students are expected to routinely check the website, especially when they are absent from class. It is also in the student’s best interest to have the phone number and/or email address of a classmate when extended absences may arise. All students are expected to complete all assignments.Each student is expected to be in class on time every day. Late work will NOT be accepted unless students have excused absences (according to CPS policy) from class. If students have excused absences, they will have the opportunity to make up assignments. Students are responsible for coming to me to receive work missed and new due dates. If a student has a legitimate, excused absence, s/he may make up assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects within one week of his/her return. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, s/he must turn in that assignment upon his/her return to school. Moreover, if a student is late to class and misses an assignment, quiz, test, or project, that student will receive a zero.Students with extended absences due to illness may set up special arrangements with me to make up work missed.If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to check the website or contact Ms. Pledger for their missing work. Students who are absent on the day of a test or quiz may ONLY make the assessment up after school if the absence is excused. There will be no make-ups during class, only after school by appointment. Students who have an unexcused absence on the day of a test or quiz may not make up the assessment. REQUIRED MATERIALS:1” three-ring binder or a plastic folder with prongs in center, subject dividers (3), pens, loose leaf paper, highlighter, pack of index cards (3x 5 or 4x 6), school planner (provided) or assignment notebook. REMEDIATION/ASSISTANCE POLICIES:If you have any questions and/or concerns about your progress, class work, homework lessons, etc., please contact me at school to meet. I also can be contacted via e-mail at CLASSROOM RULES AND PROCEDURES:Come to class each day, on time and prepared to participate.Use class time to work and plete homework every night.Bring the course binder/folder, text(s) and required materials to class daily.Hall/Washroom Passes will only be issued only in cases of emergencies. ATTENDANCE & HOMEWORK POLICY: Take the initiative: make up all work/assignments, or get any notes due to an excused absence verified by the attendance office. In the event of an expected absence (personal or school function), the student is responsible for getting any assignments in advance.ATTENDANCE & HOMEWORK POLICY: No make up work will be given for unexcused absences/cutting. Complete and submit work on time. In the case of major assessments, one letter grade will be deducted for each day the work is late. One late homework assignments will be accepted per quarter--no more. Be responsible for the integrity of your work. Any work that is copied or contains plagiarized material is entirely unacceptable and will earn no credit of all your work. Treat others with kindness and respect and expect others to treat you accordingly.COURSE SCHEDULE Unit/DurationUnit 1: Parts of SpeechUnit 2: Identifying Subjects and VerbsUnit 3: Complete Sentences and FragmentsUnit 4: PunctuationUnit 5: ParaphrasingUnit 6: Distinguishing Facts vs. OpinionsUnit 7: SummarizingUnit 8: Main Idea and Supporting Details and Using Context CluesUnit 9: Writing Facts and OpinionsUnit 11: Making and Supporting AssertionsUnit 12: Sentence StructuresUnit 13: Relationships to Make Simple InferencesUnit 14: Thesis StatementsUnit 15: Organized Paragraph WritingMid-Quarter and Quarter assessments will be administered during Weeks 5, 10, 15, & 20.Dear Parents and Guardians:I look forward to working with your child, and I hope to meet you at Report Card Pick-Up. If you wish to contact me, please email me at . You can view all homework assignments by going to the Morgan Park web site at and clicking on the link to your student’s class. Please keep up to date with your student’s grade by logging on to the IMPACT parent portal found here: . I am also available to meet with you by appointment. Please stay in contact—our partnership is important to your child’s success.Sincerely, Ms. PledgerPlease sign and return this confirmation of having received the Content Area Literacy Course Syllabus. I have read the Content Area Literacy Course Syllabus and am aware of the objectives, assessments, grading and expectations for the course. (8/13)______________________________________________________________________________Student’s Name(Print) Class PeriodParent’s Signature_______________________________________________________________________________Student’s SignatureParent’s cell # and/or emailFeedback/Questions/Suggestions: ................

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