HOMEWORK - Byrne Elementary School


There will be homework Monday thru Thursday. Homework will not be sent home until the second week of school. A reading log will go home weekly in the red take home folder. The students are to read for 20 minutes each night and record the book read on the reading log. Students will practice math on IXL. Every Friday there will be a sight test and a spelling test.


Birthdays are celebrated but students are not allowed to bring in treats. This is in accordance with Chicago Public Schools health initiative. Please feel free to send in pencils, stickers or any small trinket item. Students will receive a birthday crown and a birthday bag from the teacher.

*The two permitted junk food days for the schoolyear are reserved for the winter holiday party and field days at the end of the schoolyear.

Core Plus Schedule

Monday – Gym

Tuesday – Gym

Wednesday – Computers

Thursday – Art

Friday - Library

Take Home Folder (Red Folder)

Every night the red take home folder will go home with your child. The inside pockets are labeled (Return to School) on the left and (Keep at Home) on the right. Please make sure you take out the papers daily to be kept at home. Also, send any notes or important papers in this folder.

Parent/Teacher Communication

Keeping lines of communication open is very important. If you need to contact me, drop a note in the red take home folder or contact me on Remind. I can meet with you for a conference in the morning before school at 7:30 or after school arrangements can be made. I can be contacted via e-mail at jegasiorek@cps.edu. Having three children of my own, I understand how busy parenting can be if you work. I’m very flexible and can work around your schedule.

Student of the Week

Starting the second week of school, I will be sending home a “Student of the Week” poster. It will include information about their family and personal interests. It’s a way for the children to shine! Enjoy this activity with your child by helping them decorate it!

Flashlight Friday

On Friday’s, the students read a book using a small flashlight. It is a fun way to practice reading! We turn out the lights, find a cozy spot, and read by flashlight! Please send in a flashlight labeled with his/her name on it. I will store the flashlights in the classroom.


At the end of each day the students get 10 minutes to have a healthy snack. No sweets or chips will be allowed. A few suggestions may be:



fruit snacks


banana (precut)


Water bottles

The students can have a spill proof water bottle on his/her desk. Please keep in mind it must be spill proof. We want to avoid spills on classwork.

Field Trips

In order to be a volunteer, parents need to be a level 1. Volunteering All volunteers, including field trip chaperones, must complete the volunteer application process as described at . For student safety, all volunteers will need to apply as Level 1 volunteers which will require background check and fingerprinting. Chaperones on field trips may supervise small groups and must have the Level 1 approval. Anyone who was approved and applied last year must re-apply as Level 1 if you are planning on chaperoning field trips. Identification will need to be provided to the main office upon completion of the volunteer application. Parents will need to attend a mandatory Volunteer Expectations Meeting that will be held once per month in September, October, and November. Parents/guardians will be required to sign the Byrne Volunteer Expectations Agreement. Parents with valuable skills and talents are welcome, whether once a day or once a year. The time rendered is appreciated. If you desire to volunteer (5) five hours or more, field trips, and classroom support please contact the teacher. Sports programs will not start without an approved volunteer coach. No coaches/assistant coaches are exempt from the CPS volunteer process. If you would like to volunteer as a recess or lunch monitor, please contact Mrs. Murphy. For scheduling, information, or suggestions, please contact the school office at 773-535-2170 and ask for Mrs. Murphy or e-mail mamurphy1@cps.edu.

There will be five field trips this year. I like to give all parents the opportunity to attend a field trip. In my newsletter I will request volunteers. The first to respond I will include on the field trip. Please keep in mind for each field trip I am only allowed a certain number of parents due to bus space. If you were not chosen, I place you on the top of the list for the next field trip!

School Dismissal

School dismissal is at 2:45. Pick up will be at the northwest doors (#4). I will walk your child out and wait until his or her parent/guardian arrives. I always wait at the fence opening so I can see who is picking up the children. I teach the children when their parent or caretaker arrives to say, “Bye Mrs. Gasiorek”. This way I’m acknowledging with whom they are leaving. If they run off, I don’t know who they left with. I need to become familiar with who picks up your child after school. I will stay outside until all the children are gone. If you are running late and don’t see me or your child outside, they will be in the office. I will walk your child to the office to wait for you.


When your child is absent from school, you need to call the office before 7:45 a.m. in the morning. Upon return, the office requires a written note explaining the reason for the absence. If no note is sent it will be considered an unexcused absence.

Classroom Discipline Plan

Children need to learn to be accountable for their behavior while in the classroom. I will be enforcing the “Green, Yellow and Red” Behavior Management Plan. Each day, everyone starts on green with the hopes of having a good day. Yellow is “Warning”, slow down, your heading toward the red zone! The yellow zone gives your child a chance to correct his or her behavior before things get out of hand. There is always opportunity to go back to the green zone with improved behavior! If your child struggles to get out of the “Red” zone, I will speak to you after school.

Classroom Rules

1. Keep your hands to yourself.

2. Raise your hand when you want to speak.

3. Walk quietly in the hall.

4. Respect others and their property.

5. Always do your best!

*Please review these rules with your child.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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