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Table 2. Intrinsic cardiac risks of commonly performed procedures ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Liu</Author><Year>2018</Year><RecNum>143</RecNum><DisplayText>(1)</DisplayText><record><rec-number>143</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="wr9eeztzieftz0exp0rpved80zw50zvsrrtv" timestamp="1522781087">143</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Liu, J. B.</author><author>Liu, Y.</author><author>Cohen, M. E.</author><author>Ko, C. Y.</author><author>Sweitzer, B. J.</author></authors></contributors><auth-address>From the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois (J.B.L., Y.L., M.E.C., C.Y.K.); the Department of Surgery, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, Illinois (J.B.L.); the Department of Surgery, University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine, Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California (C.Y.K.); and the Department of Anesthesiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois (B.J.S.).</auth-address><titles><title>Defining the Intrinsic Cardiac Risks of Operations to Improve Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessments</title><secondary-title>Anesthesiology</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Anesthesiology</full-title></periodical><pages>283-292</pages><volume>128</volume><number>2</number><edition>2018/01/18</edition><dates><year>2018</year><pub-dates><date>Feb</date></pub-dates></dates><isbn>1528-1175 (Electronic)&#xD;0003-3022 (Linking)</isbn><accession-num>29337744</accession-num><urls><related-urls><url>;(1)Intermediate Intrinsic Cardiac RiskCPT CodeDescription 52240Cystourethroscopy, with fulguration (including cryosurgery or laser surgery) and/or resection of; largebladder tumor(s)27814Open treatment of bimalleolar ankle fracture (eg, lateral and medial malleoli, or lateral and posterior malleoli, or medial and posterior malleoli), includes internal fixation, when performed43279Laparoscopy, surgical, esophagomyotomy (Heller type), with fundoplasty, when performed55866Laparoscopy, surgical prostatectomy, retropubic radical, including nerve sparing, includes robotic assistance, when performed 27487Revision of total knee arthroplasty, with or without allograft; femoral and entire tibial component60271Thyroidectomy, including substernal thyroid; cervical approach11042Debridement, subcutaneous tissue (includes epidermis and dermis, if performed); first 20 sq cm or less49653Laparoscopy, surgical, repair, ventral, umbilical, spigelian or epigastric hernia (includes mesh insertion,when performed); incarcerated or strangulated49422Removal of permanent intraperitoneal catheter or cannula44180Laparoscopy, surgical, enterolysis (freeing of intestinal adhesion) (separate procedure)49560Repair initial incisional or ventral hernia; reducible63005Laminectomy with exploration and/or decompression of spinal cord and/or cauda equina, without facetectomy, foraminotomy or discectomy (eg, spinal stenosis), 1 or 2 vertebral segments; lumbar, except for spondylolisthesis49652Laparoscopy, surgical, repair, ventral, umbilical, spigelian or epigastric hernia (includes mesh insertion,when performed); reducible63047Laminectomy, facetectomy and foraminotomy (unilateral or bilateral with decompression of spinal cord, cauda equina and/or nerve root[s], [eg, spinal or lateral recess stenosis]), single vertebral segment; lumbar44950Appendectomy;27130Arthroplasty, acetabular and proximal femoral prosthetic replacement (total hip arthroplasty), with or without autograft or allograft22551Arthrodesis, anterior interbody, including disc space preparation, discectomy, osteophytectomy anddecompression of spinal cord and/or nerve roots; cervical below C227486Revision of total knee arthroplasty, with or without allograft; 1 component49321Laparoscopy, surgical; with biopsy (single or multiple)49654Laparoscopy, surgical, repair, incisional hernia (includes mesh insertion, when performed); reducible22633Arthrodesis, combined posterior or posterolateral technique with posterior interbody technique including laminectomy and/or discectomy sufficient to prepare interspace (other than for decompression), single interspace and segment; lumbar58720Salpingo-oophorectomy, complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure)58548Laparoscopy, surgical, with radical hysterectomy, with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling (biopsy), with removal of tube(s) and ovary(s), if performed44188Laparoscopy, surgical, colostomy or skin level cecostomy50546Laparoscopy, surgical; nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy58180Supracervical abdominal hysterectomy (subtotal hysterectomy), with or without removal of tube(s), withor without removal of ovary(s)37799Unlisted procedure, vascular surgery45130Excision of rectal procidentia, with anastomosis; perineal approach44227Laparoscopy, surgical, closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine, with resection and anastomosis63020Laminotomy (hemilaminectomy), with decompression of nerve root(s), including partial facetectomy,foraminotomy and/or excision of herniated intervertebral disc, including open and endoscopically-assisted approaches; 1 interspace, cervical High Intrinsic Cardiac RiskCPT CodeDescription34804Endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm or dissection; using unibody bifurcatedprosthesis49655Laparoscopy, surgical, repair, incisional hernia (includes mesh insertion, when performed); incarcerated or strangulated23470Arthroplasty, glenohumeral joint; hemiarthroplasty28805Amputation, foot; transmetatarsal47379Unlisted laparoscopic procedure, liver47605Cholecystectomy; with cholangiography11044Debridement, muscle and/or fascia (includes epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, if performed); and bone49561Repair initial incisional or ventral hernia; incarcerated or strangulated43281Laparoscopy, surgical, repair of paraesophageal hernia, includes fundoplasty, when performed; withoutimplantation of mesh50545Laparoscopy, surgical; radical nephrectomy (includes removal of gerota's fascia and surrounding fatty tissue, removal of regional lymph nodes, and adrenalectomy)43659Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, stomach34802Endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm or dissection; using modular bifurcatedprosthesis (1 docking limb)57425Laparoscopy, surgical, colpopexy (suspension of vaginal apex)55845Prostatectomy, retropubic radical, with or without nerve sparing; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes61510Craniectomy, trephination, bone flap craniotomy; for excision of brain tumor, supratentorial, exceptmeningioma37226Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, femoral, popliteal artery(s), unilateral; with transluminal stent placement(s), includes angioplasty within the same vessel, when performed39400Mediastinoscopy, with or without biopsy11043Debridement, muscle and/or fascia (includes epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, if performed); first 20 sq cm or less37224Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, femoral, popliteal artery(s), unilateral; with transluminal angioplasty63045Laminectomy, facetectomy and foraminotomy (unilateral or bilateral with decompression of spinal cord, cauda equina and/or nerve root[s], [eg, spinal or lateral recess stenosis]), single vertebral segment; cervical37228Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, tibial, peroneal artery, unilateral, initial vessel; with transluminal angioplasty44620Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine;38724Cervical lymphadenectomy (modified radical neck dissection)22612Arthrodesis, posterior or posterolateral technique, single level; lumbar (with or without lateral transverse technique)63075Discectomy, anterior, with decompression of spinal cord and/or nerve root(s), including osteophytectomy; cervical, single interspace34803Endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm or dissection; using modular bifurcated prosthesis (2 docking limbs)22630Arthrodesis, posterior interbody technique, including laminectomy and/or discectomy to prepare interspace (other than for decompression), single interspace; lumbar27134Revision of total hip arthroplasty; both components, with or without autograft or allograft32663Thoracoscopy, surgical; with lobectomy, total or segmental49565Repair recurrent incisional or ventral hernia; reducible61512Craniectomy, trephination, bone flap craniotomy; for excision of meningioma, supratentorial58210Radical abdominal hysterectomy, with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling (biopsy), with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s)63081Vertebral corpectomy (vertebral body resection), partial or complete, anterior approach with decompression of spinal cord and/or nerve root(s); cervical, single segment44320Colostomy or skin level cecostomy;44210Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy, with ileostomy or ileoproctostomy44625Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine; with resection and anastomosis other than colorectal50543Laparoscopy, surgical; partial nephrectomy19364Breast reconstruction with free flap47600Cholecystectomy;35301Thromboendarterectomy, including patch graft, if performed; carotid, vertebral, subclavian, by neckincision38120Laparoscopy, surgical, splenectomy15734Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; trunk44205Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy22554Arthrodesis, anterior interbody technique, including minimal discectomy to prepare interspace (other than for decompression); cervical below c244202Laparoscopy, surgical; enterectomy, resection of small intestine, single resection and anastomosis49203Excision or destruction, open, intra-abdominal tumors, cysts or endometriomas, 1 or more peritoneal, mesenteric, or retroperitoneal primary or secondary tumors; largest tumor 5 cm diameter or less61518Craniectomy for excision of brain tumor, infratentorial or posterior fossa; except meningioma, cerebellopontine angle tumor, or midline tumor at base of skull27590Amputation, thigh, through femur, any level;44211Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy, with ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (s or j), with loop ileostomy, includes rectal mucosectomy, when performed49000Exploratory laparotomy, exploratory celiotomy with or without biopsy(s) (separate procedure)44204Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis37221Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, iliac artery, unilateral, initial vessel; with transluminal stent placement(s), includes angioplasty within the same vessel, when performed27132Conversion of previous hip surgery to total hip arthroplasty, with or without autograft or allograft43282Laparoscopy, surgical, repair of paraesophageal hernia, includes fundoplasty, when performed; with implantation of mesh27236Open treatment of femoral fracture, proximal end, neck, internal fixation or prosthetic replacement49566Repair recurrent incisional or ventral hernia; incarcerated or strangulated22558Arthrodesis, anterior interbody technique, including minimal discectomy to prepare interspace (other than for decompression); lumbar44207Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis, with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis)27880Amputation, leg, through tibia and fibula;43846Gastric restrictive procedure, with gastric bypass for morbid obesity; with short limb (150 cm or less) roux- en-y gastroenterostomy27244Treatment of intertrochanteric, peritrochanteric, or subtrochanteric femoral fracture; with plate/screw type implant, with or without cerclage35661Bypass graft, with other than vein; femoral-femoral44005Enterolysis (freeing of intestinal adhesion) (separateprocedure)27245Treatment of intertrochanteric, peritrochanteric, or subtrochanteric femoral fracture; with intramedullary implant, with or without interlocking screws and/or cerclage27125Hemiarthroplasty, hip, partial (eg, femoral stem prosthesis, bipolar arthroplasty)22600Arthrodesis, posterior or posterolateral technique, single level; cervical below C2 segment35371Thromboendarterectomy, including patch graft, if performed; common femoral44208Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis, with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis) with colostomy49205Excision or destruction, open, intra-abdominal tumors, cysts or endometriomas, 1 or more peritoneal, mesenteric, or retroperitoneal primary or secondary tumors; largest tumor greater than 10.0 cm diameter44144Colectomy, partial; with resection, with colostomy or ileostomy and creation of mucofistula50548Laparoscopy, surgical; nephrectomy with total ureterectomy35556Bypass graft, with vein; femoral-popliteal44626Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine; with resection and colorectal anastomosis (eg, closure of hartmann type procedure)58953Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omentectomy, total abdominal hysterectomy and radical dissection for debulking;44143Colectomy, partial; with end colostomy and closure of distal segment (Hartmann type procedure)47120Hepatectomy, resection of liver; partial lobectomy32480Removal of lung, other than total pneumonectomy; single lobe (lobectomy)35656Bypass graft, with other than vein; femoral-popliteal44140Colectomy, partial; with anastomosis43632Gastrectomy, partial, distal; with gastrojejunostomy44160Colectomy, partial, with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy47125Hepatectomy, resection of liver; total left lobectomy45395Laparoscopy, surgical; proctectomy, complete, combined abdominoperineal, with colostomy35571Bypass graft, with vein; popliteal-tibial, -peroneal artery or other distal vessels48140Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal, with or without splenectomy; without pancreaticojejunostomy44120Enterectomy, resection of small intestine; single resection and anastomosis35585In-situ vein bypass; femoral-anterior tibial, posterior tibial, or peroneal artery44141Colectomy, partial; with skin level cecostomy or colostomy44145Colectomy, partial; with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis)45110Proctectomy; complete, combined abdominoperineal, with colostomy50220Nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy, any open approach including rib resection;50240Nephrectomy, partial44150Colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy; with ileostomy or ileoproctostomy35666Bypass graft, with other than vein; femoral-anterior tibial, posterior tibial, or peroneal artery43633Gastrectomy, partial, distal; with roux-en-y reconstruction35566Bypass graft, with vein; femoral-anterior tibial, posterior tibial, peroneal artery or other distal vessels44146Colectomy, partial; with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis), with colostomy45111Proctectomy; partial resection of rectum, transabdominal approach51595Cystectomy, complete, with ureteroileal conduit or sigmoid bladder, including intestine anastomosis; with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes47130Hepatectomy, resection of liver; total right lobectomy48150Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with total duodenectomy, partial gastrectomy, choledochoenterostomy and gastrojejunostomy (Whipple-type procedure); with pancreatojejunostomy50230Nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy, any open approach including rib resection; radical, with regional lymphadenectomy and/or vena caval thrombectomy43117Partial esophagectomy, distal two-thirds, with thoracotomy and separate abdominal incision, with or without proximal gastrectomy; with thoracic esophagogastrostomy, with or without pyloroplasty (Ivor Lewis)48153Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with near-total duodenectomy, choledochoenterostomy and duodenojejunostomy (pylorus-sparing, Whipple-type procedure); with pancreatojejunostomy35081Direct repair of aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm, or excision (partial or total) and graft insertion, with or without patch graft; for aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm, and associated occlusive disease, abdominal aorta35646Bypass graft, with other than vein; aortobifemoral*CPT: Current Procedural Terminology ADDIN EN.REFLIST 1.Liu JB, Liu Y, Cohen ME, Ko CY, Sweitzer BJ. Defining the Intrinsic Cardiac Risks of Operations to Improve Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessments. Anesthesiology. 2018;128(2):283-92. ................

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