Assignments for the Week April 6th- April 10th

West Assignments for April 6th- April 10th

Well I hope you had fun with this last weeks Art activities! Hopefully these will be even better for you! Please feel free to email me your Artwork! I would love to see them! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!

Stay healthy, Stay happy, Stay creative!

Kindergarten/ Mrs. DeNinno/ Ms. Preslock: Hatching Chick


1. First, place your drawing paper horizontally (sideways). A 9 x12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do.

2. Using a pencil, draw the step by step drawing of the Hatching Chick (provided below). Note: Remember to draw lightly so you won’t see your erase marks. Also, try and use most of the paper.

3. Once you completed the drawing, maybe you want to draw more things? Maybe your chick has friends who are also hatching? Maybe you have another chick hatching and he has bunny ears…LOL? Is your picture taking place inside or outside? Is your egg decorated? Is your chick telling someone something? Are jelly beans falling from the sky?

4. Color your picture. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not so you do not color over your details.


1st grade: “Eggs and peeps and chickens, oh my!”


1. First, place your drawing paper horizontally (sideways). A 9 x12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do.

2. On the very bottom of your paper, draw a row of “bumps” (See #1 on visual). Note: Try and make your “bumps” really big because you will be adding details to them later!

3. Behind that row of “bumps”, draw another row of “bumps” BUT make sure to start and end your “bumps” in between your first row of “bumps”. (See #2 on visual).

4. Continue this process, until you have 3 or 4 rows of “bumps” (See #3 and #4 on visual).

5. Now, its time to turn SOME of your “bumps” into Peeps and Chickens! To do this, simply add beaks, eyes, eye lashes, eye brows, hair, and wings to your “bumps”. (See #5 on visual). Note: Try to mix it up a bit. Some Peeps and Chickens can be facing you or “standing” sideways.

6. For the rest of the “bumps”, they will become your Eggs. Some eggs can be plain, while others can be decorated with pretty patterns or designs. (See #6 on visual).

7. Optional: If you want to get more creative…you can turn a “bump” or two into a bunny. All you need to add are two long bunny ears, eyes, a nose, long whiskers, and a mouth.

8. Now it’s time to color. You may color your picture with crayons, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, paint, etc. Any leftover space that you have on the very top of your paper can be turned into grass. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details.


2nd grade: Beautiful Bunny


1. First, place your drawing paper vertically (tall). A 9 x12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do.

2. Using a pencil, draw the bunny below. Focus only on the outline (See visual #1). Try and use MOST of your paper…your bunny is the main subject of your picture, not the background. Also, MAKE SURE your bunny’s body ends at the bottom edge of your drawing paper. Note: Remember to draw lightly so you won’t see your erase marks.

3. Draw the remaining parts of the bunny’s face (forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, and muzzle) (See visual #1).

4. Draw lines on your bunny (See visual #1). Note: Do not make your lines super close to each other!

5. If you wish, your bunny can be wearing glasses. Take a look at visual #2 if you would like glasses, if not, that is okay. Draw your glasses if desired.

6. Using a black Sharpie, a black ink pen or a black colored pencil, decorate each lined section of your bunny with pretty patterns/ designs (See visual #3).

7. Now it’s time to think about your background. Maybe you have polka dots, a rainbow of lines, spring flowers, emoji faces, a ombre effect, Easter eggs, carrots, etc. You may color your background with crayons, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, paint, etc. If you drew eye glasses on your bunny, you may color them as well. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details.

Visual #1


Visual #2


Visual #3


East Assignments for April 6th- April 10th

Well I hope you had fun with this last weeks Art activities! Hopefully these will be even better for you! Please feel free to email me your Artwork! I would love to see them! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!

Stay healthy, Stay happy, Stay creative!

3rd grade-6th grade: Creative Easter eggs

Dying eggs is a well known Easter tradition! Below are a few creative ways to color your Easter eggs. Try one or all. Paper towel or toilet paper rolls cut into 1 inch rounds work perfectly as holders for your beautiful eggs after they’ve been dyed. Hop to it!

Marbled Eggs



vegetable oil

white vinegar

food coloring

mugs (one for each color)

spoons (one for each color)


Place one tablespoon of oil and one tablespoon of vinegar into each mug. Add a different color of food coloring to each mug. Fill to 3/4 full with water and stir each one. Each mug should have its own spoon.

Hold your boiled egg in one hand and stir the liquid in the mug with the spoon using your other hand. Stir it several times to create a whirlpool effect. Immediately remove the spoon, place egg on spoon and lower egg into swirling water.

Count to 5 or 6 and remove the egg.

Place it on a paper towel, but don’t pat it dry. Let each color rest for several minutes, the color may get a bit darker as they rest. Repeat the above for a second color on each, or leave as single colors. Again, let them rest for several minutes. When you are happy with the results, gently wipe the eggs off with paper towel.

Colorful Chinese Tea Eggs



food coloring

mugs (one for each color)


This method originates from soaking boiled eggs with cracked shells in a pot of boiling tea bags. To create a colorful version of this you can use food coloring and water. This method will consist of using cold water, liquid food coloring and your refrigerator.

To begin, use the back of a spoon to gently tap all around the egg shell (Your egg should be hard boiled). You can use your hands to gently squeeze the shell creating more cracks, just try not to create splits in the shell as this will create large areas of dark color instead of the desired effect.

Your mug should have one full teaspoon of liquid food coloring and water to 3/4 full. Place the egg (I was able to fit 2 eggs in my mugs) into the mug and place in the refrigerator to 3-4 hours, 3 hours being the minimum. You can let them soak longer, but 3 hours seems to be the magical time to achieve fairly vibrant color. Remove the egg shell and see your beautiful creations!

Speckled Eggs



white vinegar

food coloring

mugs (one for each color)

spoons (one for each color)

brown craft paint


old toothbrush



Add a teaspoon of white vinegar to each mug. Add food coloring and fill mugs with water to 3/4 full. Stir and dye eggs. Don’t leave them in too long, you want a more pastel shade for these eggs.

Mix together a teaspoon of dark brown acrylic craft paint and 4 or 5 drops of water. Make sure to lay newspaper down on your work surface and be sure all the eggs are dry.

Practice the flicking method a few times on the newspaper first before attempting on the egg. When you are comfortable with the method, flick the paint onto the eggs. Note: Let each side dry before turning over and doing the other side.

The Flicking Method: First, get the toothbrush wet, flick off excess water by running your finger across the bristles. Dip the bristles into the thinned brown paint. Holding the toothbrush with the bristles pointing downward, run your finger across the bristles. This will flick the paint onto your surface.

Rubber Band Eggs



Food coloring kit



Rubber bands

mugs (one for each color)

spoons (one for each color)


Boil eggs and let them cool. Helpful hint: Adding a tablespoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt will help prevent cracking. Also, by adding salt to the water when boiling later creates an artsy effect… spotted or speckled designs on the eggs!

Once the eggs have cooled, take an assortment of rubber bands and twist them around the eggs. You can make criss-cross patterns or even lines…Your preference.

Follow egg dying instructions. Wait for the eggs to dry completely. Remove the rubber bands, to reveal the white pattern.

Tie Dye Eggs



Spray bottle

Paper towels

Plastic wrap

Rubber bands/twist ties

White vinegar

Food coloring

Hard boiled eggs


1. Prepare the eggs. Let the boiled eggs cool to room temperature.

2. Layer 3 or more pieces of paper towel. Place them on a sheet of plastic wrap.

3. Mix water with a bit of white vinegar in a spray bottle.

4. Moisten the paper towel by spraying with the vinegar mixture.

5. Prepare 2 colors of food coloring. Place several drops of each color onto the entire surface of the paper towel.

6. Place an egg at the center paper towel. Start wrapping the egg by bringing the edges of the paper towel towards the egg.

7. Wrap the egg snugly. Hold the edges of the paper towel together near the top of the egg so that the egg is wrapped snugly with the colored paper towel.

8. Spray with the vinegar solution until the paper towel is soaked.

9. Gently squeeze out any excess vinegar solution from the paper towel before wrapping in plastic wrap. Secure the top with a rubber band or a twist tie. Allow the colors to soak in for at least 1 hour.

10. Make more Tie Dye eggs following steps 2-9 using other colors of food coloring.

11. After sitting for at least 1 hour, you can unwrap the eggs. Carefully remove both the plastic wrap and paper towels to reveal some very cool brightly colored Tie Dye eggs.

12. Let the colorful eggs completely dry.

Whipped Cream Dyed Easter Eggs

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These produce very cool pastel colored eggs with unique swirls and patterns. The coloring is not vibrant once the whipped cream is rinsed off.


1 large can/ tub of extra- creamy whipped cream or whipped topping such as Cool Whip

Gel food coloring or liquid (The gel makes the eggs a bit more vibrant)

Hard boiled eggs



Spray or spread the whipped cream or whipped topping in a large baking dish or baking pan.

Add food coloring….

1. If using liquid coloring, mix food coloring with a couple of drops of vinegar. Drip food coloring literally over the whipped cream, keeping a space of about 1 inch between drops.

2. If using gel coloring, mix a little bit of gel coloring with a few drops of vinegar. Drip food coloring literally over the whipped cream, keeping space between the drops. Swirl slightly with a toothpick swirl bits of gel throughout the whipped cream.

Use a spoon to swirl the colors around the whipped cream. Don’t mix it up too much, you want dramatic swirls of color!

Pour vinegar into a bowl. Submerge eggs in vinegar for about 2 minutes. Remove from vinegar and dry with a paper towel.

Roll your eggs in the colored cream, using the end of the spoon or nudge them. One complete roll is best, that way the colors don’t get muddy.

Let your eggs sit for at least 10 minutes, letting the food coloring do its magic! The longer you let them sit, the brighter your dyed eggs will be. Half an hour would probably be the longest they should sit for food safety!

Gently wipe your eggs clean with a paper or cloth towel or rinse them quickly under cool water.

Note: A couple of things to note about this method! The longer you leave the eggs, the darker the color. This method of dying eggs does produce a more pastel color. However, using gel color does produce a darker color. Some of the color will seep through onto the egg white (which is why whipped cream is safer than shaving cream).


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