
ENDANGERED ANIMALS CHALLENGEBonnyrigg Guide Hall FundRegistered Charity Reference: 34765Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc461218440 \h 41.ENDANGERED ANIMALS PAGEREF _Toc461218441 \h 51.1 Discussion PAGEREF _Toc461218442 \h 61.2 Cubcakes PAGEREF _Toc461218443 \h 61.3 Panda Bear and Zebra Bag PAGEREF _Toc461218444 \h 71.4 Endangered Animals PAGEREF _Toc461218445 \h 81.5 Animal Continents PAGEREF _Toc461218446 \h 81.6 Lion’s Pride PAGEREF _Toc461218447 \h 91.7 Wink Poacher PAGEREF _Toc461218448 \h 91.8 Pin Animals on the Map PAGEREF _Toc461218449 \h 102.CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF ENDANGERMENT PAGEREF _Toc461218450 \h 112.1 Cause and Effect Poster PAGEREF _Toc461218451 \h 122.2 Animal Mask PAGEREF _Toc461218452 \h 122.3 Animal Face Paint PAGEREF _Toc461218453 \h 122.4 Animal Tracking PAGEREF _Toc461218454 \h 132.5 Poachers coming! PAGEREF _Toc461218455 \h 142.6 Animal Sounds Quiz PAGEREF _Toc461218456 \h 152.7 Endangered Animals Quiz PAGEREF _Toc461218457 \h 152.8 Animal Hunt PAGEREF _Toc461218458 \h 163. INCREASING AWARENESS PAGEREF _Toc461218459 \h 173.1 Research and Presentation PAGEREF _Toc461218460 \h 183.2 Life in Captivity PAGEREF _Toc461218461 \h 181.3Outing PAGEREF _Toc461218462 \h 193.4 Write for Rights PAGEREF _Toc461218463 \h 193.5 Puppet Show PAGEREF _Toc461218464 \h 203.6 Songs PAGEREF _Toc461218465 \h 204. FUNDRAISING EVENTS PAGEREF _Toc461218466 \h 214.1Wildlife Charity Fundraiser - Participate PAGEREF _Toc461218467 \h 224.2 Wildlife Charity Fundraiser - Organise PAGEREF _Toc461218468 \h 224.3 Sponsor an animal PAGEREF _Toc461218469 \h 234.4 Volunteer PAGEREF _Toc461218470 \h 234.5 Themed Event PAGEREF _Toc461218471 \h 244.6 Smarties Tube Donation PAGEREF _Toc461218472 \h 244.8 Endangered Animal Game Night PAGEREF _Toc461218473 \h 25BADGE ORDER FORM PAGEREF _Toc461218474 \h 26Introduction The Endangered Animals challenge involves four main areas:Endangered AnimalsCauses and Effects of Endangering AnimalsIncreasing AwarenessFundraising Each section includes a selection of activities to choose from for all age groups with crafts, games and presentations. Background materials and links to resources are provided in this pack. To complete the challenge and earn the badge it is recommended that: Rainbows undertake at least 1 activity from each section plus 2 from any section Brownies undertake at least 1 activity from each section plus 3 from any section Guides undertake at least 1 activity from each section plus 4 from any sectionAt the beginning of each activity the symbols of the different sections indicate which age group the activity may be suitable for. Although leaders are welcome to tailor the activities to suit their age group. This badge was developed by Courtney Brown (Little Owl) at 1st Lasswade and Polton Brownies. The challenges were trialled at our unit’s ‘Wear it Wild’ Sleepover as part of the WWF fundraising event. It can be purchased for ?1 by contacting Samantha Wight. All proceeds will go to Bonnyrigg Guide Hall.Please email us with estimated badge requirements as you start the challenge – this will help us to manage our badge stock levels and should mean we have badges when you need them. You can find an order form at the end of this pack.Please feel free to provide us with any feedback about the Challenge Pack.ENDANGERED ANIMALSThe aim of this section is to learn about the various endangered species and where they live in the world.1.1 DiscussionREFLECTIVEAs a group think about endangered animals all over the world and discuss what might be endangering them. For example, red squirrels in the UK or elephants in Africa. It’s important to allow everyone a chance to talk in order to share and learn effectively.1.2 CubcakesCREATIVEThe three cubcake types in order of easiest to most difficult are polar bears, pandas and then tigers. These cubcakes were inspired by the WWF ().You can find the recipe for these cakes in the resource pack.1.3 Panda Bear and Zebra BagCREATIVECheck out the Panda bag craft below from and the Zebra bag craft below from . They make a cute puppet or they’re perfect to keep your cubcake in! You will need: White paper bag, black card/paper, googly eyes.The instructions and stencils are available in the Resource Pack.1.4 Endangered AnimalsGAMEGirls should get into teams of six and line up at one end of the room. Chairs or cones should be put at the other end for them to run around when racing. The first girl in each group should be called a Gorilla, the second = polar bear, the third = panda, the fourth = tiger, the fifth = leopard and the sixth = elephant. When a girl’s animal name is called she must run to or around the chair/cone and then race back to her place in line. If the leader calls ENDANGER, then the whole team must run at once.Instead of just calling out the animal names, the leader could read out a story like the one in the Resource Pack.1.5 Animal ContinentsGAMELabel each wall in a room after a continent (Europe, Africa, Asia, Europe, N/S America)When a leader calls out an animal the girls must move towards whichever continent they think the animal originates from. If they are wrong, then they are out.To make it more difficult you could ask the girls in the correct continent to specify which country the animals are from.Examples of animals to call out can be found in the Resource Pack.1.6 Lion’s PrideGAMEThis game is a variation of tag.Three catchers are chosen. These catchers are lions and must join hands at all times to hunt together as a pride.The rest of the girls are antelope and if they are caught by a pride then they become a lion. Lions must always run together in a pride of two or three girls.The antelope can either just run around a room or they can run from one end of a room to another. A leader may shout “Hunting time” to start the game.1.7 Wink PoacherGAMEThis game is like wink murder. The girls are sat in a circle and they are ‘endangered animals’. One girl is chosen to be the gamekeeper and asked to leave the room. Every other girl is asked to cover her eyes while a ‘poacher’ is secretly tapped on the head and chosen. The poacher must wink at endangered animals to poach them. The endangered animals can make an animal noise when they are caught and then move out of the circle. The gamekeeper must discover who the hunter is before all the endangered animals are caught.At the beginning of each game the girls can chant: “Game keeper, game keeper, there’s an endangered animal, duh dun…”1.8 Pin Animals on the MapTEST YOURSELF You will need: A large world mapPrint outs of the pictures and the descriptions written from the Resource PackInstructionsGirls must pin pictures of Animals onto countries/continents on a map where they think the animals are from. Girls must also stick the animal’s habitat description beside the correct animal on the map the map.For guides delete the part of the habitat description where it specifies which continent it matches.Girls or leaders can also come up with some of their own in order to test one another. The group that matches the most up in the correct places wins.CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF ENDANGERMENTThe aim of this section is to learn about the causes and effects of animal endangerment2.1 Cause and Effect Poster CREATIVE/REFLECTIVEMake a poster presentation on the possible causes and effects of animal endangerment including: Habitat loss and Poaching. Make sure to look at different animals from all around the world.2.2 Animal MaskCREATIVEMake a mask of an animal from another part of the world. You can find three options for mask making in the Resource Pack or you are welcome to use your own method.2.3 Animal Face PaintCREATIVEPaint your face or another part of your body like that of an endangered animal. Follow the step by step guides here: Or try this roarsome tiger face paint idea at: Animal TrackingGAMEYou will need:The track sheets belowScissorsA penInstructionsCut out the tracks from the Resource Pack and hide all but one of each setOrganise the girls into 4-6 groupsGive each of the groups one of the different tracks, they must then find the rest of the tracks that look the same as their first oneOnce they find all of the tracks ask them to identify which animal makes those kind of tracksTo make it easier you could write a letter on each footprint to spell out the name of the animal that made them.2.5 Poachers coming!GAMEInstructionsThe girls must sit in a circleNumber the Girls 1-3. (You can give them another name if you like e.g. Europe, Asia, Africa)When a leader calls out one of the numbers the girl must get up and walk around the circleWhen a leader calls out the animal commands below the girl must do the corresponding actionElephant Stampede – runTiger hunt - crouch and jumpGorilla - knuckle walk/skip, beat on chestOrangutan – leaping from vine to vine Panda pretend to sleep/hibernate while twirlingWhen the leader calls out ‘Poacher’s Coming!’ the girls who are moving round the circle must run back to their space as quickly as they can. The girl who reaches her original space last is the loser and must now sit facing the opposite direction2.6 Animal Sounds QuizTEST YOURSELFInstructionsCreate or complete a quiz on animal sounds. Test yourselves either on your ability to make or listen to and identify animal sounds.Check out this site for some fun animal sounds or download an animal sounds app.2.7 Endangered Animals QuizTEST YOURSELFInstructionsHave girls complete one of the quizzes in the Resource Pack or make up one of your own.2.8 Animal Hunt GAMEYou will need:ScissorsThe activity sheets in the Resource PackInstructions:Cut out some of the animals below or all of them (Monkeys, Gorillas, Rhinos, Elephants, Tigers, Leopards, Pandas, Polar bears)Hide the cut out animals around your meeting areaThe girls can be split into teams or can hunt for the animals on their ownThe winner is the girl or team with the mostTo make it more difficult you could allocate points to certain animals e.g. Monkeys = 1 pointGorillas = 1 pointPandas = 2 pointsPolar bears = 2 pointsTigers = 3 pointsLeopards = 3 pointsRhinos = 5 pointsElephants = 5 points3. INCREASING AWARENESSThe aim of this section is to use and produce resources to increase awareness of endangered animals in girl guiding and your local community.3.1 Research and PresentationCREATIVE/REFLECTIVEResearch an endangered animal on your own or as part of a group. Create a leaflet/poster/PowerPoint about the animal and present to a group. Focus on conservation, climate change and sustainability.Leaders may want to print out the WWF fact files for younger girls. These are available at Life in CaptivityREFLECTIVE/DISCUSSIONConsider how life is different for animals that live in captivity as opposed to those that are free.Talking pointsWould you rather live in a zoo or in your home with your family? Why??What kinds of things do animals need to be happy? Do you think animals in zoos get all these things? Why or why not??Think about animals you've seen at the zoo. Do you think there is somewhere else they would rather be? Something else they would rather be doing? Why or why not?Do you think it is better for an (endangered) animal to live in captivity or not?There are some advantages and disadvantages to zoo life available in the Resource Pack.OutingTRIPVisit a zoo, safari or aquarium to learn first-hand about animals in enclosures. If a trip isn’t possible you could participate in an animal handling session at your weekly meeting.3.4 Write for RightsREFLECTIVEYou will need:A pen and paper OR Access to e-mailInstructionsWrite to a political, governmental or professional representative appealing on the behalf of an endangered or threatened animal.You must make to write your letter in an appropriate structure and format.3.5 Puppet ShowCREATIVE/REFLECTIVEMake animal puppets and put on a show in order to teach other about endangered animals. Girls could perform individually for small groups or work together in groups to perform for a wider audience.Stick PuppetsFor a quick and easy puppet, you can make one or several of these.You will need:PaperScissorsColored pencils or crayonsCraft sticks or drinking strawsGlue stickCereal boxInstructions and templates from the Resource Pack3.6 SongsCREATIVESing some animal themed songs, some lyrics are available in the Resource Pack. You could also try working together to come up with an animal themed song or rhyme of your own remembering to focus on endangerment.4. FUNDRAISING EVENTSThe aim of this section is to organise and participate in events and activities which raise funds for animals in need of them.914400285305500136207537655500Wildlife Charity Fundraiser - ParticipateEVENTParticipate in a fundraising event in aid of a charity for the preservation of animals. For example, the WWF’s Wear it Wild (), the People’s Trust for Endangered Species () or Nation Geographic () 4.2 Wildlife Charity Fundraiser - OrganiseEVENTOrganise your own fundraising event to benefit a charity supporting the preservation of animals. For example, host a fair where you can sell your animal themed crafts and paint faces for funds.4.3 Sponsor an animalDISCUSSION/EVENTInstructionsAnother way to support endangered animals is to sponsor an animal. You can do this with organisation like WWF. You should discuss your choice of animal to sponsor as a unit making sure everyone’s voices are being heard. You may want to consider which animals are most in need.4.4 VolunteerEVENTInstructionsVolunteer your own time at a shelter or sanctuary for animals.4.5 Themed EventEVENTInstructionsThrow a sleepover/camp/party and have everyone dress up as an endangered animal. Ask girls to bring a donation or fill out sponsor sheet. At the end of the event have the girls fill in a diary to reflect on and record what they have learnt about animals and making a difference.4.6 Smarties Tube DonationCREATIVEHave each girl take home a Smarties tube and fill it with twenty pences or pound coins. Once full or by a certain date they can bring it to a meeting/event. Once all the money is collected it can be donated to a charity for endangered animals.To add more fun to this fundraising idea you could have each girl decorate their tube either at the meeting or at home. You may want to make a contest out of it with prizes for the best looking smarties tube and the most collected funds.4.8 Endangered Animal Game NightEVENTHost a game night where everyone will play animal themed versions of bingo or beetle drive. Have girls invite guests and have everyone pay a ticket price. The guest could be from another unit or friends and family of the girls themselves. Bingo cards are available here: A Panda drive is available in the Resource Pack.BADGE ORDER FORMThank you for taking part in in the ‘Endangered Animals’ challenge. To order your badges, please complete this page using block capitals and return (with payment) to: Endangered Animals 56 Carnethie StreetRosewell MidlothianEH24 9ARCheques should be made payable to ‘Guide Hall Committee’.Order forms or general badge enquiries can be emailed to: Contact NameUnitContact AddressPostcodeTelephone NumberEmail Address Badges required (at ?1 each)Postage and Packaging:1-35 badges: ?1 36-99 badges: ?2 100+ badges: ?2.50 International: ?4.00TOTAL(badges and p & p) ................

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