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Live Q&A Masters of marketing with John Lawson and Ramon RayThank you so much. I would say if you are sitting in a chair stand up and let's give a round of applause to the score community and the score audience. Thanks to Alexa for monitoring this webinar. With that we will start. Welcome, John. How are you feeling today? I am super fantastic. >> We had our last Masters of marketing. So happy to host today's session. Alexa has set a little bit about John but for me I want to share about why we invited John to come. He is the author of a book and can take a few seconds to share a bit more and is talking to somebody who is tested tried failed succeeded and done so much in general marketing but definitely in the e-commerce space knowing all about Amazon etc. You are in for a treat. Those of you that want to sell online and know if you should sell online you are screaming at your e-commerce provider this is the session for you. Tell your friends and family you have an hour with somebody that is a master of marketing in the area of e-commerce. Thank you for joining us. Anything else that you would like to add so people know more about you? Please share a bit more if I missed something especially. That's cool. The name of the book is kick social commerce Kick ass social commerce. Alexa is in the background answering anything . Please be active on Twitter and show some love when he hears something that you like. And John give us your twitter handle. John and colder ice. Let's begin. Why don't we help people. We will dive into your life questions but I have a few questions for you. Kenny spend a few minutes . Those who are just starting out trying to sell their first lipstick or first custom-made keychain or clothing line, whatever it is. What are some tips and things they need to know? Those that are just starting out. They just got their eBay or whatever. Are there any things that you have to say for those that are doing this for a year or two. What are some things that you are always telling people? If you are a newbie the first thing I would tell you to do is purchase, not sell. Especially if you're talking about like Amazon or eBay one of those. Go out to those marketplaces and purchase something. So you can see what it looks like when you get the package. What is the process. What are the emails that go out. What are the expectations that customers have when they receive your product. One of the things I think a lot of people are into is I will start taking orders online and they really don't know the fulfillment process. Find that part out way before you sell any products. If you don't know how much it will cost to put it in the box and ship and support that on the backend you might be underpricing your products, you might be headed for a failed customer engagement and delight. Do that part first. Really be aware what it takes to fulfill a product by selling it online. I love that. I think oftentimes people may think live all kinds of stuff for my kids but what I am hearing you say is that you need to buy it and carefully think through each clinic and each act and it's email and maybe even return the product. That's what I am hearing you say. Do it with intent to watch the entire process. Did I get that right? Absolutely. That is the best benefit you will get out of doing the purchasing. Learning the intense. I like that. I have a little bit in me. Anything for the second group. That audience is going to have very unique and tailored questions about what is going on in their business and what they are concerned with. I am sure profitability is always an issue and changes on platforms and how to keep up with the shipping changes and pricing. You never know what it is with these guys. We are going to dive in. Are you ready for questions from the audience? Here we go. I'm going to do a surprise here. Those of you that are actively tweeting out and sharing some of I'm going to purchase some copies of the book and send it to you. Be active on Twitter and I will send you a few copies of the book. Not to everybody but to a few. Felicia asks in the world of e-commerce where there are various channel options and roles associated with each what is the process you might use to pick a specific site or cell? What would you give asked advice to a first-time entrepreneur. Let's get into it. They are ready to sell. How did they pick which channel is for them because there are so many options. I would get a spreadsheet and put some columns in the following order Mike the name of the platform, the URL to sign up on the platform and then some evaluation questions like are my customers there. What is the velocity of customers on that platform for the products you are selling. Is it going to be free or is it paid to list on the platform and what about payment processing and final sales fees. Basically the first column is velocity and second is overhead. The third column is the time to market. How easy is it for you to get up and running on the platform. Finally I would look at the positives that come from being on that platform and in another column the challenges that are on the platform. You start listing all of that for each line and you will narrow it down. Another question and you may have to haunt me ask this a little bit better so what I am trying to ask is there's a lot of template easy e-commerce sites. Sometimes it's an email company that added e-commerce and they do sell. You can do stuff on them. Is that okay without knowing much detail or do you steer people toward the true built from the ground up e-commerce sites if you understand what I'm asking. Easy to do versus something more robust? Any way to differentiate those? You make a good point. A lot of places now if you go by the URL they say you can build your store. If the store is just an add-on that without about afterwards that is probably not the store I really want. I would focus on the platform that specializes in e-commerce because he will get a community of users that you are going to be able to engage with that will help you get through that start up phase of getting your store built and getting traffic to it. I just prefer to have a specialized solution versus a general solution. Next question from Joanna. Thank you so much for your question. I love your domain by the way. Thank you. Here is the question from Joanna. Do you have any thoughts on selling directly on your website versus an e-commerce platform. That is a great question. Some people have their domain name and blog and about us should they drive there to that URL it just that specific e-commerce platform? Say that again. Are you talking about should I send them to my own page or the item page? Or I would say let's use it see and shop a five. Should I just send traffic there to purchase or if I caught the company best shoes on what I go there. Let's answer it that way. I will give you two answers because that could be two different things. If you are out trying to create a brand and purchasing or doing some pay traffic. I would never send that pay traffic to the at the site. Because you are paying it see. That's why they are called marketplaces because it's a market for you. So they should be driving traffic to your listings in my opinion. So I'm not going to spend time building their site because once you go to it see to see the product more than likely people will browse other products. You are sending them right into the fray weather can see everybody else that is doing something similar. So I would let that stand on its own. I would suggest that you start building your own traffic to your own site on this level or that product. Now where would you drive the traffic to your site . When I drive it to the homepage or do I drive it to the landing page? I think honestly if you asked me that question 10 years ago it would easily be the homepage. People do not browse websites anymore. They want to get to where they get to. Your homepage is not really getting senile that much that you think it is. Everything today is on the landing page. We live in a world of landing page transactions. You want to think about the landing page itself as an entry point because people get into the store from different places but everything on that single page of the product should tell people enough information to make the decision to purchase from you and your company. So look at your landing page as the only page that they have received from you and optimize that experience. Ladies and gentlemen once again we are with John Lawson colder eyes. That was a knowledge nugget that he just said about landing pages. I will send some people a copy of his amazing books so please be active. A question hear from David. Keep sending your questions and. We have plenty of time. I will get to Kathy and Julie. I will get to your questions. David asks what liability insurance is needed to cover listing various new or use products on eBay or other sites. Overall the question is about liability insurance. Do we need it, do we not need it. What do we do with it. First I will say I'm not an insurance agent so I can't tell you. Contact your insurance agent. Contact your insurance agent for better information. When I started out I was not even thinking about that stuff. If your product is not topical or ingested then you don't need to really have product liability insurance in the beginning. If it is something that you put on the skin or something that you eat I would definitely say get that before you sell. If you are just going to some regular warehouse items or things like that you don't really have to do that. If you are actually warehousing the items in your home then you probably need to consider extending your homeowner policy for disaster . That is something that you can just contact your homeowner and tell them what you are doing but I think you are probably overthinking this topic right now. Don't worry about it. Go ahead and start selling. I will have a garage sale what liability issues. >> This is what I will call the hard question for John Lawson . Let's see if we can do it. This is from Kathy. This is a specific question about her business it. Kathy teaches in-house stress training to organizations. She wants to ask what is the best way to market to them. But say she's selling them online ship once the to buy it. What can she do to get more corporations to purchase the training courses online. What does she do. Stress training courses online but the customer is actually the corporation that would purchase it. Exactly. I don't know. That is not something I am an expert in. Here's some free thought for you. You want to really narrow down who the customer actually is. Find out who in the corporation has the budget to do this kind of purchasing. What you would do is if there was a specific title that these people have I would go to LinkedIn and start searching for those people by title and then I would literally start contacting those people whether it be a cold call or email and start explaining what is going on. The reason I say contact them directly is because what you want to do is you want to find out the questions that they have for you. And the pushback that they give to you. Once you have all of that information you can craft some marketing material to address their needs and challenge their pushback. Once I know what your objections are I can write copy to make sure I address your objections before you even have them. The best way to get them is to get somebody on the phone and talk through the entire process and use that as your marketing intelligence. I knew that you knew the answer. Kathy is ready notes down now and she will build a million-dollar business just from that right there. Thank you. Here is a question from Patricia . Patricia is frustrated. She says if your business is relatively new, but say Patricia has been in business for one or two months. What would you say would be a normal timeframe to see more traffic to your website? >> You would like me. We have been business for 10 or 15 or 20 years but to the small business owner they are still working their day job and doing it and secrets. They say I got the books and it has been months. Talk about time. How long does it take. You are not going to like this answer. The best way to get traffic to your site is to buy it. There is nothing that beats buying traffic. I know that everybody talks about organic and let's post on Facebook and all of that stuff that stuff is great for long-term. You will see some results for that a long time from now. You build it a little bit over time, over time, over time. The fastest way to get traffic is to buy it. Here is the deal. If you are buying traffic and you are not converting traffic then we have an issue. If you are buying traffic and people are now buying your product you have tapped into the fact that you have something that the audience wants and all you need to do is put my money behind it and bring more traffic and get more sales. It is really -- let me put another caveat into that. Another way to do that is to put it on a marketplace. Of course the marketplace itself has traffic. Amazon already has built-in traffic. EBay has built-in traffic. If you put it on their it will help your product get more views and then ultimately you can sell more product. If everybody knew the answer to this question we would all be in business. Getting traffic to your site is one of the hardest things in business. It is a skill you will have to learn or pay somebody else to do it for you or you are going to have to purchase ads. It is that simple. My team is just talking about that yesterday. When you post one or 2% your mother may see it. You have to pay to have more people see it. Just have more of my own people see it. We live in an age of distraction. People are so distracted. We are overwhelmed with people trying to sell us stuff and get us to visit their site. You need to stand out. You need to have a story and give me a reason to even want to be there. That is a tweet. You need to give me a reason to want to be there. Somebody should Tweet that out and you may be in the running to get the book. I did not know if we would get the question yet that starts with a big trillion dollar a. Here is that question which will take you hours to answer. I will give you a minute or two. Lisa asks about Amazon. I will miss these questions together and we can have a talk about Amazon. And Alyssa asks she wants to have questions about Amazon fulfillment. That is kind of one question. The second question is about Carrie saying she has listed items on Amazon a group of products. Somebody saw the products she was listing and they started selling it for 30% less . She could not compete so she gave up. Two questions for you. If you want to use this time to talk a little bit about Amazon fulfillment and the third question is pricing. We will go one at a time. I got to. Here is what you need to do. You need to follow some sound Amazon advice. The best place to get sound Amazon advice is from Amazon. You will go to YouTube and search for Amazon seller University. Amazon has a seller University. They put videos on YouTube that will explain everything. Once you get there inside of their YouTube channel you want to search for SBA which is fulfillment by Amazon and watch the videos on that topic. There is also a calculator. So that you can help understand the fees that it will cost for your product to be sold there. What you do is go to Google and type in SBA calculator and it will be one of the first things that pop up. There's like 1001 people that claim that they are Amazon experts. The reason they are Amazon experts is because they watched the YouTube videos before you. That is a good point. To that point I must say I like your input on this. We will get to the question about people selling for 30% less. I am a firm believer in hiring expertise. To the hustle and do-it-yourself if you can spin a percentage in your revenue and hire somebody to help you I think you will get there better if you find the right person. Experts are out there to help you leapfrog over all of the low-level stuff. However, you need to do your own research to make sure that they have done it themselves. That is very important. Do not give me a list of pages of people from Facebook that say I love this course it is a great course could. I don't care. That does not matter to me. I really want to know what have you done and why are you this expert. You are the one that will be able to help me get to where I want to be. The other people, of course, they have people that said they love the course because they did not know anything to begin with. And then for Carrie. She started selling products and people undercut her by 30%. What is the deal with that. Here is the thing. When you are on a marketplace at the race for eyeballs. Especially on Amazon it is one of the most damaging thing that can happen to you and your product. My question for you is if they are selling the exact same product then maybe that is part of the problem. You have a product that is not very unique. So anybody else can find that source the arrogant in the product from an and possibly get a better deal with your source and they are able to undercut you. Another problem that is going on is a lot of people are finding stuff on Ali Baba. And then they say this is going to be my product. They don't recognize that the dollar in the U.S. versus a dollar in China is totally different. When you list your product you will have other people that are willing to sell it way cheaper because they are not based in the U.S. They will take way smaller margins because the cost of living is smaller. You end up with that. How do you get around something like that? There's just one thing that will help you. If you can make your product a little bit more unique and you can do that sometimes by bundling that product with something else. If you look at an Amazon page at the top you have the product information and all of that but as you scroll down you'll get a list of products is a sponsored products. That is not the one you want to look at. The one you want to look at is customers also bought. What you will see and he will start finding out that once they by this they by this. If I purchase a hairbrush the next thing I might buy as shampoo. So guess what. I have hairbrush and shampoo that I sell I will just put them in a bundle and call it a haircare system and now I'm not selling the single item. I'm selling multiple items in a bundle which makes it unique. I love it. I think somebody out here shift the purchase , and sell it back to John Lawson. [laughter] so we go by the audience. Megan, Jamie, Douglas have all asked us to go back about this purchasing adds. I know that it takes a lot more to cover but let's go back to this one more time. Maybe you can map out for us a little bit more how to do this. I know that they know about the cost for acquisition and all of this. Can you share one or two more minutes. I am selling a two dollar lip balm or a $45 headset as best he can what is the science again. Recap for us if I want to spend money to drive traffic what are some things we need to know. Tell us more. So what you need to know. Here is the thing. If you watch shark tank one of the things they will ask is what is the cost to purchase a customer. You need to know that information. How much money can you spend to break even on a product. So it's like if I have a product that cost $20 . Let me say the cost of the product in general. You sell it to the public for let's say $20. You purchase that product for let's say five dollars and you sell it for 20. That is some good markup. But of course maybe you are selling it on Amazon and maybe they are doing the fulfillment so they are already taken 30% of that $20 so that leaves you with the cost of the product at five dollars and what is 30% of 20. It is what it is. He's going to get you some numbers here. We bought the product for five dollars and it's costing six dollars for Amazon fulfillment Okay go ahead. If you are doing it on eBay it would be 15% but then you have to throw in the cost for pack and ship and all of that. Now you say to yourself I am selling this product for $20, I have spent five dollars for purchasing, I spent six dollars to fulfill it, I am in at $11. That means that $20 product is giving you eight dollars in profit there about. Let's say you have some overhead to deal with. We need to take another two dollars off and we are at nine dollars. Every time I sell this product -- Seven dollars you mean. Now we are at seven dollars. Out of that seven dollars how much of that can you spend to break even? The number is probably very obvious. It is seven dollars. And that is not even including other things he may be missing. Like what? You said overhead time and salary. All of that. I need that . I need your peanut butter sandwiches for your consultant, all of the overhead costs so let's throw another two dollars on it. Let's say we have five dollars left. How much of that money can you spend to get the ads. That is to buy a customer so that you know that the average cost to buy a customer is five dollars and he will have to work your way backwards from that because what happens is the average cost is the ad spend divided by the sale. So you understand if I spend $20 on an ad and I only saw one product I am losing $15 every time I sell a product. If you know that I need five dollars or make five dollars every time I push it out your $20 and spend needs to be able to sell four products now you are breaking even. Once he got to the point where you are breaking even you can win this game because he need to optimize it 1% and you are making a profit. I love it. Ladies and gentlemen John has a lot of this. I'm sure that there are webinars and information on this that you can look up as well. So questions are flying in. We have about 27 more minutes to go. Marcy asks a question. I love the questions that are advanced and some are basic. We enjoyed this very much. Keep the tweets coming along and definitely give love to score. Here is what Marcy asks. Can you tell me where you would advise to spend your marketing money for a small start up business that is slowly a service business for a local area. What Marcy is asking is she has a limited budget. Should she spend that money on a logo, her brand, website. Should she maybe do an event or attend more chambers. What would you say for a local service business with finite budget and finite money for marketing where should she start to spend. Facebook. Facebook and there ability to only target people in your local area. You can target people that are within a 20 mile radius of your front door and then you start narrowing it down to the people that need your service whether that be mothers or people that work or people that read this or that. You can start narrowing it down to the people only that live near you and only have these specific interests and that does very well for small local community businesses. I also found going back to things you can do we have done it. The local chamber pass your business card around and get your name out there. It takes time. If you are talking online only Facebook you can target so narrow it is amazing. Don't forget street teams. It is old-school. I come out of the gym every 2 to 3 weeks and somebody has put some stupid thing on my windshield. But guess what the reason why they are putting things on the windshield is because obviously it worked at some point. It is a numbers game. Don't be afraid. Go to local events. Most cities that have meet ups. Go to those to start getting your business in front of the people that might be interested in what you are doing. Sue is asking a great question. We have talked a bit. We have not had the whole thing on but I think we have gotten far. So John I've gotten people to my website. I got them there but now out of the 10,000 people on my list I got 1000 on the website how do I get 100 of them to purchase something. How do we do that. I got them there what can I do on my website to get them to buy it? If you are getting a lot of hits and you are not getting a lot of sales here are some things you want to think about. You want to think about, of course a lot of people do online research. So there are some people that are just never going to purchase from you but if you are not getting because they are just going there to see what is up and find out about the product but if not one of the things you want to think about our people getting lost in the navigation of your site. You need to find out where they are dropping off. Are they get into the car but never doing anything to add it. There are a couple tools I recommend. One is hot jar what those will do is they will send traffic to the site and you can watch people navigate through the content. So maybe that is the problem with the site. Another thing could beer pricing. Another thing could be just the word in. Here is the thing. If they are already coming to the site they are interested in the product so it is really just about why are they not converting. That is the question that you need to have those are a couple of the tools that will help you optimize to get you through the purchasing. Either that or your product sucks. Make sure that you are driving traffic that is ready to purchase. If you are buying ads your call to action should not be come visit us. Not even learn more. At this point it should be by now. I thought that this one would stump John Lawson. Another one asks a political question. What are your thoughts about free shipping. What do we do with it. Some people are bundling it. I do not think that there is any other free shipping You go to your post office . They will tell you that there is no such thing as free shipping on our side. Free shipping is a fairytale. So what you do is you find ways to either beat that shipping or put it in the cost of the product. Free shipping as a marketing tool if I get into the cart if you are shipping mattresses that people are expecting free shipping. One of the things that is an old-school tactic but this is how Amazon got started free shipping is over $35 if you are not a prime member. So they know what the average current size of the product is or the business is. Let's say the average current size is $32 if that is the case I would put something that is between 10 and 15% higher and make that free shipping. They are already spending with free shipping over $40 that will make them go put something else in the cart to offset your shipping. That is a good question. 15 more minutes. Keep the questions coming in. Big shout out to Alexa and the whole team. If you like what John is doing tell your friends and family. If you do not like it just tell it to yourself. Elizabeth asks a nice question. My wife happens to be a wreath maker. She makes custom-made wreaths. Elizabeth asked the question. Do you have anything to say about artisanal handmade marketing . Things are really unique and slow in the process. My business is fairly established. It is not mass-market etc. What is your advice for them. >> Stuff like that has a story around it. People are interested in doing it. You could put together a YouTube channel of her doing that. People will be so interested in possibly doing it themselves but also most people are like I don't have time to be doing all of that how do I order one from you. You kind of introduce the whole process to the audience giving them interest in the products you are making they will start asking you where do you get the stuff to make the wreaths. You say I have it right here. I can sell you a kit. Then we can all make the same wreaths together and we will do that online. Just opt in and I will send you the kit. Those products are fantastic. My book is coming out. It is all about community. That is my story building a fan base of the community. John and I will try to stay on to answer the questions but we will do our best to get through to these and I will answer some off-line. I love the variety of questions. Simple and difficult. Some of them are just emotional. I am trying to start a new business so how do I market if I don't have a start date. The question is should we have a launch date. Should we launch formally. Help reader to understand what you have done and what would you advise. Without knowing the business it is hard to understand. I do not believe you have to have a launch date to start selling. You can start making orders if you already have the product in stock. How do you market without a start date. I don't know what the start date is. If you can chase start shipping tomorrow that is your Saturday. If you can get an order form and give me a PayPal button and start taking orders today. We can talk about this for 10 more seconds. We should have our own radio show but the other question I am hearing in this is kind of the model of launch. Should they do a sequence leading to a different topic and question but that maybe is something that she is thinking about. You can confess to yourself that it is not quite ready yet. It's not the right number or color of blue. She could be kind of sliding into that her friends are saying you have talked about this for six months. When are you going to start selling? You have to take action. A plane hardly other takes off going in the direction of the city it is going to. Just think about that. There is a runway that goes one way or the other. Most of the time the plane takes off based on the wind. With the wind it is taking off. If you don't get the plane in the air you can never change its direction. The problem most people have is they sit on the runway waiting for the earth to turn in the right direction. You have to get off the ground and you can make adjustments to get to where you are going. So take some imperfect action. >> Maybe we will start a T-shirt company and sell them to you. I have a few more questions. It is 1:45 so we have about 10 more minutes. Time goes by so fast . I am so happy that you joined us today. We have more questions. Keep sending your questions and and that is okay. I know that you are listening and getting great answers. Angela asks a great question. The specific question is is there an easier way to source a good project product other than Allie Baba. For those that are not familiar with it maybe let's just talk a little bit about sourcing products . I would also like to talk about beyond Allie Baba. First let's just talk about Allie Baba. It's a good place for you to look for products out of China. Most of the stuff they talk about is Chinese manufacturers . Here is the deal with Ali Baba. My only concern is we do not know where the tariffs are going. Other than Ali Baba I have never bought a product office Ali Baba and I have been doing this since 2001. Mostly tradeshows and importers. You can look in the phone book . Nobody heard that. Then just type in tradeshows near me. Tradeshows near me will bring up a bunch of calendars for local events near you. If you live in any major city there are multiple tradeshows coming through. You will need a business license. The tax ID and a business license. Have those things done before you start. A business license will call you it is called a sales tax license. And that is what you need to register for the tradeshow. Once you have that go visit and look around and talk to the vendors. You will be amazed at how many products there are. The other thing I did say with importers and a lot of times when you are looking at it there are importers in the U.S. that are in most of the local and major cities that import the same stuff out of China and it is right in the store. You can go from there and start looking for the stuff. I don't know how to say this sensitively but most of the time these stores are actually in the agent communities. Because a lot of the Asian communities are importers because they are able to do the work or speak the languages of the Chinese manufacturers they will bring them in. They have like Kmart stores full of products and they actually service a lot of the smaller stores and the communities. A lot of the beauty supply that is where they come from. There is a place right near you that sells all of the beauty supplies and you can walk in and it is an importer. Some warehouse that does not have a name on it. It has a name on it but a lot of times it is not in English. There I huge . That's another thing that I. . You pass business Park after business Park and you never wonder what his way back at the end of that business Park. It is usually a business and they are usually manufacturing something. I have walked in the business parks and just been like I'm just gonna see what you thought. What do you guys do when they start having that conversation. I found a great sunglasses manufacturer just by doing that. I was like I want to represent your products online. I have an exclusive and we are the only people selling those products online. That is HM. So this is about digital content. We talked about physical products. Deanna it looks like she is selling digital products. Kenny speak to the people selling digital stuff that are not shipping anywhere. There is no bidding per se. They are not going to a warehouse. They have created it themselves or an affiliate. What should they know about selling digital products. I love Digital Products. You create it once and you sell it multiple times. I think Digital Products are a huge emerging market. Even more so than standard brick and mortar type products on e-commerce. I love the fact that she is tying that together. I think a lot of people have gone into this mode of thinking that it is only physical goods. Something to make or import. E-commerce just means electronic commerce taken money and delivering a products. I love this. One of the things that there is a lot of conferences right now around how to do this. If you have not been to one find one and learn. This is a great emerging-market but it is full of noise. So I have found just going and networking with people in an environment where we are at a conference that is around the trade really has helped propel the business Thank you for the questions. Keep them coming. Those of you that want to speak to Johnny can Google his name. Please keep tweeting out and show the love. Another question here and I think you know we only have a few more minutes left but one question here is from Linda. She said there is always a certain risk when starting your own business. Passion pushes us to do things but it takes some risk to do it. How much investment should we do toward e-commerce? How do we know if we are right to start selling online. How do we know if it is for us I guess e-commerce versus doing what I am doing can you help guide that Maybe that is why you are still doing it. I think it is being sold right now by marketers . I know a lot of rich people and none of them that I know of sit on the beach all day working on the laptop. I really don't. It is going to take work and some hustle. It is really about finding the right product for the audience it is about finding the audience and then finding the product. You find the need and fulfill the need you are doing way better than the guy that just goes out and says optical product and I can tell that. But nobody wants it. You don't know that it will ever sell . You get so emotionally attached to our baby. That's what I call their businesses a lot of times. Business is your baby but you this is ugly. That is the ugliest baby I have ever seen and sometimes you just have to take yourself out of the emotional phase and really start looking at your business in a third party understanding you can't be totally emotionally attached. That's why they always say it is business not personal. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish we had four more hours. Let's give it up to John. I will turn it over to Alexa. The floor is yours. Thank you guys so much. Those are all the questions that we have time for today. We want to thank everybody for submitting such great questions and as Ramon mentioned I wish we had more time to address each and every one of them. If we did not have a chance to address your question during this hour we encourage you if you are not already working with a score mentor we encourage you to connect with one after today's session. Mentors can be found online or at a local chapter near you and they can assist you further with your business needs and any outstanding questions you have around applying these strategies that have been presented today. As a reminder the link to the recording of the session will be sent out an email . On behalf of score I would like to thank you so much for attending today and I would like to give a very big thank you to John Lawson and Ramon Ray for presenting with us as well. John and Ramon thank you so much. Our pleasure. Goodbye. The next webinar will be held on February 28. File and pay Florida taxes with confidence. If this applies to you we hope you will find us and join us. Thank you again everyone. We wish you a great week and take care. >> [event concluded] ................

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