Worship & Celebration


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor


Christian Education

The purpose of Christian education is to lead people to Christ and to develop believers who passionately live in obedience and response to the Word of God: “Our Goal must be no lesser goal than that which Jesus and the apostles had before them. We teach so that though our teaching God may work in the hearts of those whom we teach to make of them disciples wholly committed to His gospel, with an understanding of it, and with a personal faith that will enable them to bear convincing witness to it in word and action in the midst of an unbelieving world. We teach so that through our teaching God may bring into being a Church… whose all-engrossing aim will be to serve Jesus Christ as an earthly body through which he may continue His redemption of the world.” James Smart

Welcome to Worship and Celebration!

A warm welcome to all as we gather as God’s people to worship the Lord. May our worship strengthen your faith and your desire to serve Him who loves us with an everlasting love in Christ Jesus.

Opportunities for Service and Growth

Sun. Feb. 23 Sunday School Rally Day

9:00am Sunday School Breakfast

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

4:50pm Choir Rehearsal

6:00pm Sunday Night Live (All Ages)

“Grace” - Max Lucado / Session 3

Mon. Feb. 24 5:15pm The CRIB Band Practice

7:15pm Sunday Night Live Band Practice

Wed. Feb. 26 7:30pm Bible Study

7:30pm College Bible Study @ The CRIB


Thu. Feb. 27 11:15am Primetimers

Fri. Feb. 28 7:00pm “Restore One” @ UMO (University of Mt. Olive)

Sat. Mar 1 9:00am Life Conference @UMO

6:30pm The CRIB (Grades 6 and up)

“Dating by the Numbers”

Sun. Mar. 2 Transfiguration Sunday

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

4:50pm Choir Rehearsal

6:00pm Sunday Night Live (All Ages)

“Grace” - Max Lucado / Session 4

Mon. Mar 3 5:15pm The CRIB Band Practice

7:15pm Sunday Night Live Band Practice

6:30pm Wilson/Creech Circle

Wed. Mar. 5 6:30am Teen Breakfast @ Kens

7:30pm Ash Wednesday Service

Fri. Mar. 7 4:00pm Hurricanes Game

Sat. Mar. 8 6:30pm The CRIB (Grades 6 and up)

“Dating by the Numbers”


The Sanctuary Flowers have been given by

Marian Kennedy and Christine Parrish in memory of

Louie Kennedy & in honor of Donald Parrish & Marjorie Hines


Sunday School Rally Day

February is Sunday School month and Today is Sunday School Rally Day. During our morning worship, we will recognize our teachers and officers. Also, the annual Sunday School Institute has changed its name to LIFE Conference. This means “Learning is For Everyone.” The LIFE Conference will convene on March 1st on the campus of the University of Mount Olive. A complete list of workshops is on the bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Cleo Hinson.

Sunday Night Live

We began on Sunday, January 26th a new program of study by Max Lucado entitled: “Grace.” Grace is a seven week program. We encourage everyone to attending this exciting study on Grace.

Restore One Ministry & LIFE Conference

In connection with the LIFE Conference on the campus of the University of Mount Olive, Chris and Anna Smith from Restore One Ministry in Greenville, North Carolina will present an informative meeting on February 28th in Raper Hall from 7:00pm-9:00pm. They will share their efforts to combat human trafficking through awareness, prevention and the opening of shelters for victims. Traces of sex trafficking can be found in every state, city and town. This presentation will show how to identify and address the youth in our community. A love offering will be taken to help with the establishment of Anchor House in Greenville, which will help our local youth in understanding how to recognize and be aware of this American epidemic. Let’s try to have a good representation from our church.

Ash Wednesday Service

On Wednesday, March 5th we will have our Ash Wednesday Service @ 7:30pm. We encourage everyone to attend as we prepare for the season of Lent.

Hurricanes Game

On Friday, March 7, the youth department is sponsoring a trip to a Hurricanes Game. The cost is $30.00 per person plus your food. Please sign the list on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. Any questions, contact Josh.


On Sunday, March 30th we will have a Meal Packaging Event at 6:00pm for Stop Hunger Now. Our goal is $2,500.00 (Gifts received - $292.94). Any gifts over the goal will provide for extra meals. Envelopes are available on the usher’s table for you to make your gift to help end hunger! We will need volunteers to help with this event. Please sign the list on the church bulletin board if you plan to help. Thank You for your HELP to STOP HUNGER NOW!

From the Praise Band

Our praise and worship team is in need of an electronic drum set. Even though you cannot replace the sound of real acoustic drums, sometimes they can be a challenge to control from a volume standpoint. An electronic set gives the person running sound absolute and total control of the drum volume level. This will enable us to lower the volume on stage significantly, which will help us to push the voices over the entire band more effectively. If you would like to help with this need, please use the envelope provided on the church bulletin board. If you have any further questions please contact Josh. Thanks!


Lent Lunches and Services – 12:00 Noon

All services at the La Grange Christian Church

Wednesday, March 19 La Grange Christian Church

Wednesday, March 26 La Grange First FWB Church

Wednesday, April 2 La Grange Methodist Church

Wednesday, April 9 La Grange Missionary Baptist Church


Attendance for February 16, 2014

Sunday School 100

Worship & Celebration 158

Sunday Night (Family Fun Night) 86

Wednesday Night Bible Study 31


In the WORD

Memory Verse for 2014

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV

Book of the Month

The Gospel of John

When you finish reading the “Book of the Month,”

please sign the list on the bulletin board.

January Bible Readers – 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Bonnie Dail, Esther Flowers, Fran Gibbons, Angie Herring, Jimmie D. Herring, Cleo Hinson, Mitzi Hobgood, Ronnie Hobgood, Elsie Holmes, N. C. Holmes, Royce Holmes, Virginia Holmes, DeeAnn Maready, Joyce Martin, Christine Parrish, Sue Shivar, Shirley Sorrell, Hilda Sutton, and Linda Taylor.


2-22 Donald Parrish 2-22 Marjorie Hines

2-23 Aubrey Hart 2-28 Marian Kennedy

3- 1 Madelyn Carroll 3- 2 James Sutton

3-11 Pam Thomas 3-14 Carl Hinson

3-15 Faye Sutton 3-21 Allen Sutton

3-22 Jeff Thomas 3-23 Guy Hines

3-23 Ray Kennedy 3-23 Luke Taylor

3-23 Luke Westbrook 3-24 Ellie Mills

3-27 John Fields 3-27 Rose Haddock

3-27 Jamie Daughtey 3-31 Carter Daniels



Deacon of the Month: Donald Parrish

Greeters for Worship

North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall

23- Ushers Vicki Lemmond Matt & Kim Wade

Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade) 23- Kathryn Hart & Jennifer Sutton

Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)

23- Darlene Creech, Janet Hines, & Madison Hines



Deacon of the Month: Bruce Bannister

Greeters for Worship

North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall

2- Ushers Lucille Harrison Greg & Debbie Herring

9- Ushers Kendra Sullivan Harold & Annie Ruth Herring

16- Ushers Tanya Craft Asa & Tiffany Creech

23- Ushers Edna Johnson Wilbur & Linda Taylor

30- Ushers Fran Gibbons Jamie & Laura Beth Daughety


2- Payne Thomas 9- Olivia Sutton

16- Julie Holmes 23- Brianna Creech

30- Cooper Roddy

Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade)

2- Laura Eason & Christie Westbrook 9- Vicki & Kevin Bannister

16- David & Carrie Letchworth 23- Sybil Killettee & DeeAnn Maready

30- Guy & Janet Hines

Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)

2- Bailey Sutton, Tracy Sutton, & Carrie Letchworth

9- Helen Harrison & Kendra Sullivan

16- Lucretia Creech, Laura Eason, & Sybill Killette

23- Mary Gresham, Ruth Scott, & Shirley Sorrell

30- Morgan Harrison, Sheila Harrison, & Kim Wade

Prayer Ministry

“My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer”


Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done.

Monica Stevens (Jimmy D. & Angie Herring).


Brenda Britt (WMH), Naomi Corbin (WMH) Caleb Eason [VMC (Nephew of Laura Eason), Margaret Vail (LMH).


Tommy Allen (Brother-in-law of Irene Wilson), Frances Alphin (Christine Parrish), Gina Bannister (Sister of Bruce Bannister), Rex and Jeannie Bannister (Parents of Bruce Bannister), Doris Britt (Mother of Pastor), Valerie Burmahl (Sister of Gwen Wade), Joyce Cherry, Kari Elwart (Darlene Creech), Herma Ferris (Bethany Jones), Angie Greene (Susie Harrison), Margaret Haddock (Holmes Family), Rose Haddock, Clifton Harrison, Martha Harrison, Dalton Hinson, Frances Hinson, Pat Hinson-Deaver, Elsie Holmes, N. C. Holmes, Virginia Holmes, Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Ronnie King (Sandra Rouse), Bliss Kite (Sister-in-law of Pastor), Barbara Lambert (Friend of Bethany Jones), Tiffany Langston (Zack & Alex Liles), Bob Lee (Brother-in-law of Vickie Singleton), Fay Letchworth, Linda Manning, Joyce Martin, Roger Mewborn, Rev. Jerry Mitchell, Muriel Murphy (Grandmother of Pam Thomas), Kelly Richardson (Sue Shivar), Hannah Beth Roddy, Glennie Rumschlag (Herring family), Don Seymour (Dixie Letchworth), Christy Smith, Elaine Tyndall (Holmes Family), Margaret Vail, Cindy Wackerman (Step-mother of Chuck Wackerman), Ben Wade, Gwen Wade, Veronica Wooten Jennifer Sutton), and Tiny Yeates (Sherwood Shivar).


Joyce Edwards, Myrtle Hanchey (Grandmother of Lucretia Creech), Rev. J. B. Narron (Hobgood Family), Enzie Singleton, Joel Sutton.


First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, the Lost, and all Christians.


Our military & their families, Josh & Holly Balance [Korea (Son-in-law of Hilda Sutton)], Alex Ferrell (nephew of Bethany Jones-service), Adam Harrison (Service), Mike Hammond, Josh Manning (Zack Liles), Josh Ormond [Service / Hondouras (Son of C. J. & Dee Foster)], Sons Family (Service – Ray Kennedy), Revival in the church.


US: President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court’

NC: Governor McCrory, NC Senators and NC Representatives.

La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.

\(As of February 21, 2014)

If you have an item of praise or a prayer request, please take a card from the pew rack entitled “The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer,” fill it out, and place it in the offering plate or hand it to the Pastor. Individuals will stay on the prayer list for six weeks. If they need to be on the list longer, please fill out a new request card.

The Lord’s Day


February 23, 2014 [pic] Eleven O’clock


Worship & Celebration



Welcome and Announcements Pastor

Quiet Reflection with God People

Lighting of the Candles Riley Craft


“What A Mighty God We Serve” Choir



“Praise Him! Praise Him!” Number 106

“Let’s Just Praise the Lord” Number 107

(A time of Fellowship for the family of God.)



Psalm 86:1-7, 11-12

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.


Nursery Class Marian Kennedy

Pre-school Class Donald & Christine Parish and Jimmy & Bethany Jones

Early Elementary Class Mike & Kendra Sullivan, and Edna Johnson

Elementary Class Virginia Holmes & Kathryn Hart

The Solid Rockers Class Asa & Tiffany Creech

High School Class Kim Hipkiss & Annie Ruth Herring

College Joshua Hobgood & Annie Ruth Herring

Agape Class Vicki Bannister

Believers Class Ted Harrison & Ronnie Hobgood

Adult Class Sybil Killette & Clifton Harrison


Superintendent Cleo Hinson

Assistant Superintendent Randy Westbrook

Treasurer Virginia Holmes

Secretary Irene Wilson



Offertory Prayer Laity

Giving His Tithes and Our Offerings People

“Doxology” People


Sharing our prayer concerns People

Morning Prayer


“At His Name” Choir

(Children age 3 – 5th grade are dismissed to Children’s Church)


“Teach Me” Psalm 25:4-5


The altar of the Lord is always open at La Grange First Church for those who desire to receive Christ as Savior, rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership. Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life.

“Thy Word”


Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

When I feel afraid, and think I've lost my way, Still You're there right beside me. Nothing will I fear as long as You are near. Please be near me to the end.


I will not forget Your love for me, and yet my heart forever is wandering. Jesus, be my guide and hold me to Your side; I will love You to the end.

Chorus: (First Church # 2057646 CCLI # 14301)


POSTLUDE Musicians

Amen Amen Amen


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor



Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First

Christ is First at La Grange First Church.

Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to

Jesus Christ as Lord.

Bible is First at La Grange First Church.

We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is

God’s revealed word to man.

Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.

Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.


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