Minecraft MadnessThe cave was pitch black. Cobwebs surrounded me, sticking to my blue shirt. I mined through the cobblestone, only to find broken tracks and a spider crawling about, not even noticing me. The spider glanced around, and then it saw me. It started to vigorously climb the wall while I sprinted away. I snuck through a crevice in the wall and covered up the hole using oak wood planks. “Whoa” Could it be?” I thought when I saw a glimmer in the distance. “Nick, your taquitos are ready.” My mom yelled down while she put on her makeup.“Okay. I will be right up.” I yelled back from my rickety chair.All this dramatic mining in a cave with dungeons happened in the game Minecraft, of course. Minecraft is about mining and crafting epic tools while fighting evil monsters I was sitting in my old wooden chair, in my dark house watching the bright computer screen for anything with light blue on it. That texture marked diamonds, muck like the holy grail of Minecraft. I gobbled up the taquitos and ran downstairs. And yes, I caught a glimpse of pure diamond ore. But unfortunately enough, there were two zombies blocking my path. I ran towards them with my weak but reliable stone sword and some almost destroyed and tattered-up leather armor. They glanced my way and started to groan and mumble while I ran towards them. I slashed at their undead bodies but they held their ground, dealing 1 heart every couple seconds to me. ”Only 6 hearts left. Lets pick up the pace” I thought to myself. I was hit almost to the point where I was dead but BAM! My sword crashed into the zombies and it flew into the depths of a fiery lava pit. I only had a mere half a heart left out of ten! I ran to the light blue and mentally shining diamond ore. As I set my precautionary cobblestone around it to make sure it doesn’t fall into lava, I realized that my pickaxe was about to break. Very carefully, I mined the diamond ore, trying not to break my pickaxe. Right after I mined the last shining diamond, my axe broke. I was relieved beyond belief. I ran to my house, which was still a little messy due to recent “playing with fire” issues. I sprinted inside, grabbed a couple of sticks, and shoved everything onto my crafting table. Within a couple seconds, I made diamond tools such as a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword.I was so happy that I almost fell out of my chair. I jumped up and down in joy, both in the game and in real life. Unfortunately, I jumped way too much. I jumped right into a small pit of lava. I immediately turned to a state of stupor. Before I realized it, I was mashing button all over the keyboard. But the fire got to me; I died. I was so infuriated. When I respawned, I ran to the outside of my house, desperate to find my diamond pickaxe and sword. And that was when I was at my peak of happiness. I found my tools sitting on the ground next to the small 1 by 1 block lava pit. I didn’t realize until later that while I was mashing the buttons, I threw those tools out of my inventory. I immediately returned to the wooden house with my tools and stored them in my giant chest. My mom yelled down “ Nick, its time for bed”. “Ok Mom,” I yelled back. I shut my game off. At least I could go to sleep knowing that I just earned myself the best tools in the game! ................

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