Crafting guide mod 1.12 -

[Pages:4]Crafting guide mod 1.12.2


Crafting guide mod 1.12.2

Minecraft crafting guide mod 1.12.2. Crafting guide mod 1.12.2 9minecraft. Crafting guide book mod 1.12.2. One great thing about Minecraft is surely the fact that you can use a ton of recipes to craft anything, but knowing all of them is impossible, so this is where the CraftGuide Mod comes into play. You do need a mod that will provide you with a better set of instructions when it comes to crafting, and the mod really is the one you are looking for. This is a mod that allows you to access a list which includes just about any crafting recipe in the game world. It's comprised out of tons of pages, yet it's presented in a very original way, with a unique interface and outstanding results. Minecraft Forge 1.16.4 The CraftGuide Mod Minecraft requires you to create the crafting guide before using. In order to do

that, you will just need to add a piece of paper in the corners as well as fill the edges with books. Moreover, you can add the ability to open it without having to use an item, which might come in handy as well. There are other features which can be added in the mod, for example you can add your own filters for recipes and other items, something that might be really useful as you try to play the game. Features: The CraftGuide Mod 1.7.10 includes a large list of items and a multitude of information, so as you would expect it does manage to provide a very interesting and reliable set of instructions that you can access whenever you ned it. The overall search function is very fast and it provides you with a lot of reliability. Navigation in this mod is very good, in fact with the help of the scroll bar, as well as the up and down buttons, mouse wheel and keyboard shortcuts you will be able to get the most out of the whole experience, something that you will like for sure. Included within the mod you will actually be able to find lots of recipes focused on furnaces, which is quite interesting. There are also recipes that accept variations, and these are very useful to be honest. The CraftGuide Mod 1.7.10 window can easily be used to resize the GUI, so this will not inflict any damage to your core gameplay experience. Showcase: Mod Installation: Download and run the latest version of Minecraft Forge Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods Download the mod Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the "mods" folder Done and Enjoy the mod. Download Links: Older versions: [spoiler] For 1.5.1 Forge version: Download Link ML version: Download Link For 1.4.7/1.4.6 Download Link For 1.4.5 Download Link For 1.5.2 Download Link For 1.6.2 Forge: Download Link Mod loader: Download Link [/spoiler] For 1.6.4 Forge: Download Link For 1.7.10/1.7.2 Forge: Download Link Liteloader: Download Link For 1.10.2 Craftguide Mod Credits: Uristqwerty The CraftGuide Mod 1.18/1.17.1/1.15.2 is a very useful mod with quick access to a list of craft recipes in Minecraft 1.12! You always tried to figure out what you could do with their seemingly useless materials? Forgot how to create something very useful in Minecraft Mods? then, Craft Guide is for you. Just press the G key and a window will appear with all the recipes with useful and detailed explanations of what each item or block can do! You can size the window to find more recipes. The long list is easily navigable with the scroll bar, you can also use the arrow keys, Page Up / Down. Also, you can search for specific items or blocks, just press on Set Item, then, will appear a new window, type the name of the items you want to learn the recipe. The items showing * in the upper right hand accept anything with a specific item ID, even if the data values are different, while showing an F on the left accept any particular items that different mods said interchangeable. The author of Craft Guide Mod informed us that it is working on a couple reframing the very significant mod, plans include adding a settings menu in the game so that the Craft Guide.cfg can be easily changed without a text editor, or having to restart Minecraft to see the effects. Also see the possibility of adding a way to create a customized list of recipes, such as the things you use often, such as a quick reference. In general, this mod is excellent and quite meets the need of minecraft community, you will see quite happy with this mod, with the great growth of mods, today is even difficult to decorate all revenues, already download Craft Guide and end the their problems. Craft Guide Mod Changelog: A variety of long-needed bugfixes: fixed NPE if keybind disabledfixed tooltips for multi-item filtersdon't crash the game when encountering an ItemStack with a null item Features added since in-game theme switch buttonright-clicking item search text input clears ititem list finally handles NBT properlyworkaround for opening slowly with some AE2 versions CraftGuide Mod Installation 1.18/1.17.1/1.15.2 This guide will explain how to install CraftGuide Mod for Minecraft 1.12, 1.11.2 and older versions. All download links can be find below. 1. Download and install Minecraft Forge API.2. Press Start, type %AppData%.3. Find and open the folder .minecraft.4. Now go to the mods folder (if this folder does not exist, you can create one).5. Copy the CraftGuide Mod JAR file to the "mods" folder.6. Open you Minecraft Launcher and select the profile of the forge you just installed.Enjoy!

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