
ROOM # 35 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: May 18, 2020- May 22, 2020

TEACHER’S NAME: Teacher Cindy and Teacher Elizabeth

|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning|

| |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |centers)] |

|Monday |How do human babies change? |Students can recreate/draw/ or show|MATH |1. Dramatic Play |

|Date: May 18, 2020 | |us through a recording on how human|- Students can trace the hands of all the members in |Students can play doctor with their parents and |

| |- walk |babies change. Students can use |the family. Students can put them in order from |siblings. They’ll be at the doctors for a |

|Read Aloud: |- talk |items around the house. |smallest to largest or largest to smallest (great way |check-up. Students can be at any age they desire |

|[pic] |- eat real food | |for them to see how our body changes). |because people of all ages should always go to |

|"How Kids Grow" by Jean Marzollo |- get taller and bigger | |LITERACY- |the doctors for a yearly check-up. |

| gain weight | |- Students can practice singing along to the growing | |

|teONjnM |- better grip at holding things | |up song. |2. Music/Movement |

| | | | |Students can sing and dance along to: |

| |*** talk about doctor visits *** | |HANDWRITING | |

| |- baby check-up | |- Students can practice writing out the things our | |

| | | |friend was doing as a baby and when she got older. |3. Science/Cooking |

| | | | |Students can make food that they can eat as they |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- |get older ***or they can make baby food. |


| | | | |by-food-recipes-4-months/ |

|Tuesday |What are some things human babies |Students can recreate/draw/ take a |MATH |1. Science/Sensory |

|Date: May 19, 2020 |can do when they change? |picture or show us through a |- Students can gather the ages of all the family |People of all ages take showers and take baths |

| |(intro this week. We’ll be diving |recording on some things babies can|members in the house. Then they |all the time to stay clean and healthy. Students |

| |deeper next week in regards to what|do as they get a little older. |will put the ages in order (from youngest to oldest |can make their own baths in the tub (or even |

|Read Aloud: |babies are capable of doing as they|Students can use items around the |and oldest to youngest). |create a small one using a plastic container |

|[pic] |get older) |house to help them. |LITERACY |filled with water). They can get all the items |

|“You Were the First” by Patricia | | |- Students can sound out the letter S and say words |they will need for the bath (soap, towel, bath |

|MacLachlan |- playing with bigger toys | |that start with the letter S. |toys, etc). Parents can ask their child and have |

| eat on their own (with their | |HANDWRITING |them explain: |

|PPZrgnc |hands or utensils) | |- Students can practice writing words starting with |a. Is it important to wash ourselves everyday? |

| |- talk | |the letter S. |b. Why is it important? |

| |- stand/walk/run | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- |c. What are some things we need? |

| |- learn to do more things!!! | |VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |

| | | | |3d448187518cf9a39be918f.jpg |

| | | | | |

| | | | |2. Music and Movement |

| | | | |Students can dance and sing to these growing up |

| | | | |songs: |

| | | | |a. |

| | | | |b. |

| | | | |c. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3. Dramatic Play |

| | | | |Students can act out how human babies change as |

| | | | |they get a little older (walking, tighter grip, |

| | | | |eating real food) |

|Wednesday |How do animal babies change? |Students can think back to the read|MATH |1. Art |

|Date: May 20, 2020 | |aloud and recreate or talk about |- Students can match the baby animal to how it looks |Students can create any animal they love using |

| |- eat different food (plants or |their favorite part of the tiger |when they’re older. |any material around their house. |

| |other animals instead of milk) |growing up. | |zoo animals: |

|Read Aloud: |- getting bigger/taller | |LITERACY |

|[pic] |- hunt on their own | |- Students can practice sounding out the letter R and |ts-kids.html |

|“A Tiger Grows Up” by Anastasia Suen| | |saying words that start with the letter R. |farm animals: |

|*** talk about vet visits *** | |HANDWRITING |

|4cJbxtM |- some animals goes to the vet | |-Students can practice writing words starting with the|s-for-preschool/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pin|

| | | |letter R. |terest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=t|

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- |ribes&utm_term=732788138_29716046_104907 |


| | | | |2. Dramatic Play |

| | | | |Students can pretend to be a baby animal learning|

| | | | |to survive and eventually get older. They can |

| | | | |choose which animal they want to be, their |

| | | | |habitat (home), and find items they will need to |

| | | | |survive! |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3. Music and Movement |

| | | | |Students can dance and sing to some song related |

| | | | |to animals: |

| | | | |a. |

| | | | |b.

| | | | |5s |

| | | | |c. |

|Thursday |What are some things animal babies |Students can explain how a chick |MATH |1. Science and Discovery |

|Date: May 21, 2020 |can do when they get older? |changed. It can be explained |- Students can sort the animals from smallest to |Students can do more research on an animal of |

| | |through words, drawing, etc. |largest or largest to smallest |their choice in regards to what they are eating. |

| |- hunt on their own | |. Are these animals still drinking milk? |

|Read Aloud: |- find food on their own |or |Aink/dea-JEcWf7k/s1600-h/Giraffe-Printables-98.png |b. Do they like plants? |

|[pic] |-live on their own | |or |c. Do they like other animals as food? |

|A Chick Grows Up” by Pam Zollman | |Students can do more research since| |

| |we’ve only read about chicks! |AgZQ/zpxo6K-bzDk/s1600-h/Elephant%252520Printables%252| |

|57zl29M | |Students can do more research on |5207%25255B3%25255D.jpg |2. Computer/ Technology |

| | |their favorite animal baby and |LITERACY |Students can learn through online games! Here are|

| | |learn more about them growing up. |- Students can continue to practice sounding out and |some games related to animals/ animal babies: |

| | | |saying the names of some animal adults and animal |a. |

| | | |babies |b.

| | | |(ex. Cat and Kitten) |ilder |

| | | | |c. |

| | | |HANDWRITING | |

| | | |- Students can continue to practice writing out animal|3. Music and Movement |

| | | |names (use the link from literacy) |Students can practice yoga movements related to |



| | | | |animal-yoga-cards/ |

| | | | |b.

| | | | |s |

| | | | |c. |

|Friday |Recap of Monday and Thursday |Students can create a book. |MATH |1. Art/Science/Sensory |

|Date: May 22, 2020 | | |- Students can create a venn-diagram and then |Students can use play-dough to make animals or |

| |also |Book Ideas: |draw/label the similarities and differences between |make what human babies need. |

|Read Aloud: | |1. About how human babies change |human babies and animal babies. |(recipe for play-dough: |

|[pic] |What are the similarities and |2. About how animal babies change |[pic] |

|“Clifford Grows Up” by Norman |differences between human babies |3. Talk about similarities and |Left side: human babies (differences) |cipe-without-cream-tartar/) |

|Bridwell |and animal babies changing? |differences between human babies |ex. we have doctors who takes care of us when we’re | |

| |and animal babies changing |sick |2. Building |

|11MAR78 |Similarities: | |Middle: Both (similarities) |Students can use items around the house to build |

| |- need food | |ex. need food to survive |a fun place (using their creativity and |

| |- need love and care | |Right side: animal babies (differences) |imagination) where both human and animal babies |

| |- vet/doctor visits | |ex. animals have people called veterinarians to take |can grow up together. They can add any type of |

| | | |care of them when they’re sick. |animal of their choice. |

| |Differences: | |LITERACY | |

| |- We (human babies and animal | |- Students can continue to practice sounding out the |3. Computer/ Technology |

| |babies) | |letter S and R and saying words that start with the |Next week, we’ll talk more about us getting |

| |eat different food as we get older.| |letter S and R. |older. Students can do research on different |

| |- Live in different habitats | |HANDWRITING |types of jobs there are in the world. They can |

| |- Our behaviour can be different | |- Students can continue to practice writing words |pick a few of the jobs they would love to have |

| | | |starting with the letter S and R. |when they’re older. |



Social/ Emotional

Week 5: Following Directions

You can find more information on it on:

Common Core Standards

1. Domain 1: Approaches to Learning

PK.AL.2: Actively engages in problem solving.

2. Domain 2: Physical Development and Health

PK.PDH.4: Combines a sequence of large motor skills with and without equipment.

3. Domain 3: Social and Emotional Development

PK.SED.5: Demonstrates pro-social problem solving skills in social interactions.

4. Domain 4: Communication, Language and Literacy

PK.CLL.8: With guidance and support, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided

sources to answer a question.

5. Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World

PK.CKW.5: Observes and describes characteristics of living things

PK.CKW.5: Participates in a variety of dramatic play activities to represent fantasy and real life experiences.


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