Christian Brothers Academy

Dear Crafters, You are cordially invited to participate in the 24th Annual CBA Alumni Mothers’ Craft Show to be held on Saturday, March 2nd 2019 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. The Craft Show will be held at Christian Brothers Academy, 850 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, New Jersey. Please include your email address in all correspondence. ELIGIBILITY The Show is open to all crafters displaying THEIR OWN hand-crafted work. This is a JURIED SHOW and is limited to hand-made crafts MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY THE CRAFTER PRESENT AT THE SHOW. Those applying must provide 3 photos of the craft and 1 photo of the display set-up. These photos will not be returned however they may be emailed to griff652@. If your application has been signed by a member of the committee, you have been pre-approved and do not need to send the required photographs. SALES You are required to sell your own handmade crafts. You must bring your own tables, chairs, electrical cords (50 ft. minimum) etc. There will be a $5 charge for borrowed chairs. There are a limited number of spaces with electricity available. If you need a wall or electricity, please reserve the space early as these spaces sell out first. The cost of a space without a wall or electricity(6x12) will remain $75, as in previous years- wall/electric space (6x12) $100, wall/electric with canopy (10x10) $150, canopy without electricity (10x10) $125. Spaces without electricity will NOT be on a wall. All table displays must be covered by either skirting or draped to the floor. Presentation is most important to us. Table coverings must be clean and wrinkle-free…no plastic please!! No exposed boxes or storage containers. SET-UP You may arrive at 7:00AM to set up. You must arrive and check in by 9am or you may forfeit your space and fees. PLEASE DO NOT PACK UP BEFORE 4:00PM CRAFTER RAFFLE Each year we traditionally have a raffle of crafts donated by our artisans. If you wish to participate in this raffle, please check the box on the application. On the day of the Show, your gift will be collected and prominently displayed on the raffle table. Our advertising is extensive. We have developed a database of guests and have an email available (with a $1 off coupon) if you have a group of customers you would like to notify. Email me @ griff652@ and I will send the email for you to circulate. Despite the down-turn in the Craft Show industry, we will remain a “quality” juried Show. NO RESALE PERMITTED. Breakfast and lunch items will be available for purchase. We offer a coupon to our crafters for a complimentary cup of coffee/tea. Please make all checks payable to CBA MOTHERS CLUB ALUMNI Send all applications, photos and a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your check to: Kathy Plath- 608 Sumner Ave- Belford NJ- 07718 DO NOT MAIL APPLICATION TO CBA… WE WILL NOT RECEIVE IT !!! For any further info or questions please call Kathy Plath (732-495-9109 or griff652@) or Lorraine Connolly (732741-4867 or connollypl@). Applications may be downloaded and printed from our website at parents /mothersclub/alumnicraftshowWe wish to thank you, in advance, for your support. We are confident that the CBA Craft Show will be a huge success for everyone !!! Sincerely, Kathy Plath & Lorraine Connolly Craft Show Coordinators Directions to CBA : GSP South to Exit 109. Make right at light and go approx. 2 miles on Newman Springs Rd past Brookdale Community College on your left. CBA is on your right soon after passing BCC. GSP North to exit 109, make left at light and follow above directions. CRAFT SHOW APPLICATION March 2, 2019PLEASE PRINT Name_____________________________________Phone___________________ Address____________________________________________________________ Town________________________________State__________Zip_____________ Email address_______________________________________________________ ( ) 12x6 space @ $75 ( ) 12x6 space w/electric-wall @ $100 ( ) 10x10 for canopy @ $125 ( ) 10x10 canopy w/electric-wall @$150 ( ) Chair rental @ $5 each Please check here ( ) if you would like to donate one of your crafts to the CRAFTER RAFFLE on March 2, 2019. Description of craft_________________________________________________________________________ The below signed crafter hereby contracts and accepts the terms for exhibition space at the above named Show and the enclosed check is payment in full. Christian Bros. Academy and the Mothers Club Alumni assume no liability for fire, theft, damage, or accidental injury. Exhibitors shall be liable for any damage to their own exhibits and for any injury to themselves and their employees while on the property. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. Signature___________________________________________________________________Date______________ Mail completed application to: Kathy Plath 608 Sumner Ave, Belford, NJ, 07718 DO NOT MAIL TO CBA !! Accepted______________________Not Accepted__________________________Date_______________________ ................

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