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“Fight the Good Fight”1 Timothy 6:11-17Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:11-17Memory Verse: “Fight the good fight of faith…” 1 Timothy 6:12aLesson Focus: To never give up in following Jesus.Activities and Crafts: Coloring picture, Cross Word PuzzleCraft: 1st & 2nd Grade: “Fight the Good Fight” Boxing GlovesIntroduction: Boxing Relay: I will have boxing gloves for 1st, 2nd grade and 3rd-5th. Play a relay giving the kids a pair of boxing gloves and have them pick up and carry a small ball back and forth. 1st and 2nd grade take turns playing in the hall way. Tell the kids today we are going to talk about a fight that we want to win.Bible Lesson:1 Timothy 6:11:√ What title does Paul give Timothy in verse 11? (Man of God)This title “man of God” is a title that was typically given to the leaders of Israel. Paul is trying to motivate, encourage, and get Timothy’s attention. Moses: Deuteronomy 33:1David: Nehemiah 12:24Samuel: 1 Samuel 9:6Elisha: 2 Kings 4:7√ What does it mean to be a man or women of God? Exodus 33:11 & James 2:23 Speaking to God;Prayer is essential to our relationship with God. It is talking to God like we are talking to a friend. It helps us to bring God into every area of our lives. It should take place all day long.Enjoying the friendship of God;God is not like our earthly friends. God will never disappoint us. Jesus called us “friends” in John 15:15, He wants us to “abide” or live in Him. He wants us to stay close and get to know Him. We cannot know Jesus if we just meet with Him once a week when we come to church. We need to spend time with Him through prayer and studying God’s word to get to know Him better. Psalm 33:13-18 Those that seek God;The Bible talks about hunger and thirsting after God. When you get hungry what do you want? You want food. God wants us to be spiritually hungry for Him. He wants us to seek Him and He will always be there waiting for us to come to Him. He is the only one that can fill our soul. The Bible is the main way we come to know God.Those that fear God; Throughout the Bible we are told to “fear” God. This is more that respect – this is respect with fear at knowing the awesomeness and power of God. In the Bible we see over and over the character of God. God is loving, faithful, gracious and ready to forgive. But we also see God as creator, everlasting, all powerful and judge of sin. Paul is telling Timothy, that since he is a man of God, he needs to flee these things.√ What things does Paul want Timothy to flee? (1 Timothy 6:6-10) The temptation of moneyThe temptations that money brings False teaching√ What does it mean to “flee”?It mean to run like your life depended on it. Do you remember Joseph when Potiphar’s wife tried to get him to do something wrong. He ran away. He did not hang around and try to talk her out of it…he ran to avoid sin. (Genesis 39:12)√ What things does Paul want Timothy to pursue? Righteousness: Living “rightly” like JesusGodliness: Holy LivingFaith: Believing and trusting in God for everything.Love: Loving others as Christ has loved us (1 John 4:19)Patience: Not being anxious over life and being understanding with people. Not quitting.Gentleness: Kindness toward othersSo, child of God…we are to flee sin and run after “godly character.”1 Timothy 6:12:√ What does Paul tell Timothy to do? (fight the good fight of faith.)√ What does that mean?To understand what Paul means let’s ask a couple of questions. Do all of you know what it is to fight?Does “fighting” usually have positive reactions?How many of you had a fight this week with someone?See, when we think of fighting we think of something that was not pleasant and usually we sinned when doing it. Our heart was mad and we wanted to get back at someone. This is not the same kind of fighting. This type of fighting means endurance and carries a sports meaning. Like a fighter in a ring who goes all 9 rounds. You never give up! The Greek meaning is “agonize the good agony.” Anybody who runs knows that you run until you can run no more.The Bible talks often of fighting or running the race. Hebrews 12:1-2 Run with enduranceFix our eyes on JesusThrow off the sin that trips us up 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Run the race to winDisciplineEternal crownTo “fight the good fight” does not mean we work to be saved. We are only saved through the believing in the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31) But it does mean that we lead a disciplined life and make every effort to follow Jesus. If you sit in a chair every day and then go out and try to run a marathon, how well will you do? In the same way as a Christian I cannot sit around and not feed on God’s Word and think that I will grow in my Christian walk. Praying, reading God’s Word, serving God’s people and the poor, increase my faith and walk with God. Jesus even left us the Holy Spirit to help us run this race. God never said – “go out there and run, run, run” He gave us everything that we need to run this race while we are here on earth. Your generation must “fight the good fight of faith.” You will have to stand on the truth of the Bible more than any other recent generation. That is why we want you to study the Bible and to know what it says. This is your truth source. √ What does Paul mean when he tells Timothy to “lay hold on eternal life…” in 1 Timothy 6:12bWhen he tells him to “lay hold” he is telling him to grab onto with all of your might. As we talked before we are only saved through Jesus Christ, and we have the promise of eternal life with Jesus. But since our place in heaven is already secured, we are citizens of heaven now. We are to live like we belong to heaven. We are to grab hold of the eternal life that God has given to us. Jesus told us in John 10:10, that He is giving us life more abundantly. This is the life full of God right here on earth. We don’t wait until we get to heaven to live with God. It will be complete in heaven but it is a reality here on earth.1 Timothy 13-16:We fight the good fight of faith and live like we are citizens of heaven because of what and who Jesus is: Jesus is returning someday (1 Timothy 6:14-15)Jesus is the only ruler, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus alone has authority over everything.Jesus alone is immortal – He is God and has no beginning or no end. Jesus lives in “unapproachable light.” The glory of who Jesus really is unimaginable. When His glory is seen at the transfiguration (Matthew 17:2) we see the “real” Jesus. Conclusion: There is no “lazy” in Christian. Are you ready to “fight the good fight of faith?” ................

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