MONDAY, MAY 13, 2019


A. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Justin Cobb. Everyone rose and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Justin Cobb, Mayor

Tim Addison, Council President

Marilyn Jones, Councilor

Jo Barker, Councilor

Michael Hogsett, Councilor

Steve Dahl, City Administrator

B. Welcome and Opening Remarks

C. Recognition of Visitors/Requests

Visitors: Dana Benner, Grace McNeil, Candy Vickey, Darrin Neavoll, Glen Pederson

Sgt. Hansen with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Dept. presented the monthly statistics. There was a fraud case and also an auto accident on B Avenue that damaged some real property in the right of way. There were no issues with prom night. Sgt. Hansen has been involved with training and not present in Drain for a couple of weeks.

Candy Vickery presented the library update and gave statistics for their attendance and programs. Lego club & chess club are the most popular. The knitting program may continue for the summer but the other clubs will discontinue and the summer reading program will begin. The Dolly program continues to be popular and they hope to fund this with grant funds and also community donations. Candy discussed the amount of revenue projected with the library district and that the library hopes to track. The information gathered will help the library see whether they meet or surpass that same amount dollar for dollar to what a customer saves by being able to borrow a book vs. buying a book. The statistics will not reflect audio books right now. The library has new books coming in every month. The Oregon Library Assn joint meeting went well for the library staff.

Candy Vickery also addressed the council with a request to make changes to the reader board Resolution No. 1112-16. Mayor Cobb requested that City Administrator Dahl present the resolution as an action item for the June meeting. Mayor Cobb suggested City Administrator Dahl meet with Candy to address events that are upcoming and need changes to posting times prior to the next council meeting and decision as a temporary remedy.



No meeting in May.

The next meeting of the Drain Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, June 3, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


Clean up the East Drain Cemetery

Administrator Dahl explained to the committee the damage the winter storm caused to the East Drain Cemetery. That the City hired C & C Tree Service at the cost of $54,217. They removed all the limbs that were a danger to the cemetery, took down dead or dying trees and cleaned up the fallen branches on the ground. The remains were brought down to the old ODOT property and burned. The Chipped were given to the community and burned when the community has had its fill.

Cemetery Grant

The City is applying for a Historic Cemetery Grant. The City qualifies for the grant because the first person who was buried there was before 1904. The City is asking for $6,000 to reinstall the chain link fence and replace the damaged utility shed. The committee approved applying for the grant.

East Cemetery Fence

The City Administrator asked the Committee if they would like to have a new fence at the cemetery. They asked the different cost associated with the fence and they were informed that there was a bid for a little under $4,000 for the repair of the chain link fence. The CA was asked the cost of a different type of fence. He was not able to give them a specific amount but felt that it would most likely cost more than repairing the chain link fence. The Committee approved the repair of the chain link fence.

The committee asked how the North Cemetery faired in the storm. There was less limb and tree issues there and some helpful citizens spent a day and cleaned up the cemetery helping out City Staff.

The next meeting of the Drain Cemetery Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


1. Library update

Administrator Dahl presented a library update to the Civic Center Committee. Administrator Dahl discussed the Dolly Parton book club and other monthly library activities. The library continues to have new patrons.

2. Sale of Church

The Methodist Church is currently listed for sale $240,000.00. Administrator Dahl spoke with a member of their state wide board about creating a second lot. Although there is enough property there is an access issue, the access is currently provided by an easement from the City through the Civic Center Parking lot. Administrator Dahl is not in favor of allowing the access in the future. The Civic Center Committee is in support of the Councils idea of purchasing the second lot if it becomes available.

3. Parks update

Administrator Dahl presented the committee with an update on the Parks Master Plan. The plan will encompass the property behind the Civic Center.

4. Marketing the building for events

Administrator Dahl discussed with the committee how to market the Civic Center for events. The

committee suggested craigslist as an option.

The next meeting of the Drain Civic Center Committee is scheduled for Monday, June17, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center.


See Report


Consent Agenda:

1. Minutes - Regular Meeting-April 8, 2019

2. Payment of the Bills Check #’s 132-141 & 31664-31730, in the total amount of $190,515.73 & Payroll Check #’s 9609-9626 in the total amount of $35,833.25.

Councilor Barker motioned to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Accept public testimony on proposed uses for State Revenue Sharing.

The public hearing opened at 7:30 p.m., there was no testimony given in favor or against. The public hearing closed at 7:31 p.m.


A. Resolution No. 1819-12 A resolution declaring the City of Drain’s election to receive State Revenues

The Budget Committee held a Public Hearing on May 6th to discuss the fund expenditures. Citizens were allowed to comment on the use of State Revenue Sharing funds. The Budget Committee closed the Public Hearing and makes a recommendation to Council to transfer out $2,000 to City Hall Construction reserve, $18,000 to the general fund with the remainder going towards city improvements/equipment. Council must provide for a second Public Hearing at a regular meeting to allow for citizen comments.

Councilor Hogsett motioned to adopt Resolution No. 1819-12 declaring the City’s election to receive State Revenues ($11,010.00). Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

B. Resolution No. 1819-13 A resolution determining eligibility for the City of Drain to receive State Revenue Sharing Funds

The state disburses funds to cities located within a county having more than 100,000 population and if cities provide four or more of the following services-police protection, fire protection, street construction/maintenance & lighting, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, planning/zoning & subdivision control or more than one utility.

Councilor Jones motioned to adopt Resolution No. R1819-13 determining eligibility for the City of Drain to receive State Revenue Sharing Funds. Councilor Barker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Approval of speed signs/ D. Approval of flashing cross walk

ODOT presented at the January Council meeting ideas concerning Highway 38 through Drain. The Council encouraged ODOT to look at putting in a flashing cross walk in front of Rays and flashing speed signs coming into Drain. But wasn’t interested at this time about removing the stop sign at Cedar. ODOT has come back to show their ideas for the two projects and give specific costs to the City. If the Council approves of their plans ODOT will bring the contracts before the council in June.

ODOT is interested in trading services if the city will allow washing their salt truck at our facility. Todd looked into the product used (mined salt) and whether it will impact our wastewater treatment plant and it appears that it will not. A clause will be included in the contract that if the product does impact our wastewater treatment plant the city has the right to remove this from the contract. In exchange ODOT has agreed to pay for the flashing speed signs and there will be a threshold amount of $50,000 that the city will pay for the flashing cross walk in front of Rays.

This proposal was presented by ODOT. Council gave a verbal go ahead to order items for the two projects based on the presentation. ODOT will present a contract at the June council meeting for approval.

E. Approval of sheriff’s contract extension

Last year the City Council agreed to a revised contract for Police Services provided by the Sheriff’s Office to the Citizens of Drain. Last Month the Council invited Undersheriff Frieze to the council meeting to give a brief history of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Drain and the Sheriff’s Office.

The City of Drain has also passed a resolution stating that the City cannot spend more than fifty percent of its General fund on the Sheriff’s Contract. In the 2018-2019 budget year the City of Drain spent $125,500 on the Sheriff’s Office Contract this budget year there is a three percent increase taking the total to $129,055.

Last week that amount was passed by the budget committee.

Councilor Barker motioned to approve the Douglas County Sheriff’s contract. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

F. Approval Railroad repair-B Street-IGA

On June 19th or 20th Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad (CORP) will replace the ties on B Street in Drain. This will require them to remove the asphalt around the ties and replace the ties. They are not required under previous agreements with the City to fill in the asphalt.

The County is coming in behind CORP and repairing the damage done to in replacing the ties on County roads and intersections. Since they will be in the area doing similar work it makes sense to have the County do the repair work on B Street. That way we will not have to hire a company and guess the date and time for the repairs.

The estimated cost should be under $5,000 for the work including the cost of the asphalt and as stated in the contract section 4.1.

4.1City shall pay County for actual costs incurred for work performed under this agreement. City shall reimburse County for equipment and services based on the County’s rates used for its internal financial management of personnel and equipment adopted and in existence at the time of work being performed.

Councilor Barker would like to include a not to exceed $5,000.00.

Councilor Barker motioned to approve the railroad repair on B Avenue not to exceed $5,000.00. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

G. Approval of janitorial service

At the April 8th City Council meeting the staff asked the Council if it was ok to find a company or person to clean City Hall, the Civic Center, and Waste Water Plant. After Council approval staff believed the best solution was to contract out the position. Staff felt this way because they would cover their own liability issue, is someone did a poor job we could replace them easier, supply their own products, and it is a cleaner relationship than with a part time worker.

Staff contacted three agencies and the one that we recommend to the Council is Adaptive Enterprises LLC a franchisee of Jani-King. They will do the work for $1,235.00 a month.

Councilor Barker was concerned with the several items with the contract and discussed with council. After discussion council agreed they would like to have all locations listed on the contract.

Councilor Barker motioned to approve the janitorial service contract as amended listing all three locations to be cleaned. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

H. North Douglas County Fair donation request

The North Douglas County Fair Board is asking for the City of Drain to donate $500 to the Fair to help sponsor games and events at the coming fair. The City can use money from one of the enterprise funds if the City would like to help sponsor the event.

Councilor Barker brought up the possibility of waving the venue charge in exchange for the donation. Also, council discussed that the fair board still owes the city for last year’s venue

charge and meeting fees. The council decided to approve the donation request provided that the fair board pay what is owed.

Councilor Jones brought up the possibility of the city having a booth at the fair for information on projects such as the recent wastewater treatment facility. Councilor Barker also brought up the Master Parks Plan. City Administrator Dahl informed council that the company that is working on the Master Parks Plan will be at the North Douglas County Fair. Mayor Cobb suggested an informational board as opposed to a booth that would have to have someone available. City Administrator Dahl will bring ideas to council for the June meeting.

Councilor Addison made a motion to approve the North Douglas County Fair donation request as long as their current bill gets paid. Councilor Hogsett seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

I. North Douglas Betterment request for fireworks donation.

The North Douglas Betterment request for help with Yoncalla fireworks. The City of Drain has donated in prior years.

Councilor Barker motioned to approve a $500.00 donation to the North Douglas Betterment. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed without Councilor Barker.

J. Executive Session per ORS 192.660(2) to review and evaluate the employment related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body (City Administrator)

Councilor Barker made a motion to postpone the executive session until council attends the ethics training with League of Oregon Cities. No one seconded. No motion passed.

Councilor Barker excused herself from the meeting prior to the executive session.

Executive session opened at 8:38 p.m. and closed at 8:45 p.m.

Councilor Addison moved to accept the results of the evaluation (4.68 out of 5). Councilor Hogsett seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Change of Mission Statement

Councilor Barker would like the library to be recognized in the Mission Statement. Council discussed the matter and will table this for the next meeting as an action item.

Update on quiet zone

Councilor Barker has been working with various railroad authorities to create a quiet zone. Jeff Stuart will be coming June 10th and explain a quiet zone to council.


FEMA has approved Douglas County as a disaster area for the February snow event. We have to the end of the month to finish more paperwork and submit it.

The City has applied for a Historic Cemeteries Grant to help repair East Drain Cemetery.

I am in the process of submitting two grants to help pay for the development of the twenty-year water plan that is required by the state. One of the grants is for a seismic study of our water lines that is supposed to go out fifty years.

Last Friday staff upgraded their computers after five years.

We have a meeting scheduled for Wednesday to go over the Cedar Street Water Line Replacement Project.

The League of Oregon City’s will be hosting their small City’s meeting here in Drain on June 13th between 10 am and 1 pm. Starting at 1:30 the City will host an ethics training for Councilors and elected officials who want to attend.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.


Justin Cobb, Mayor



Steve Dahl, City Administrator


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