Pictures from the Past---Jeff Ottle—2002

Classified Ads---Ex-Asset Manager Chris Legris

Asset Management Jobs Wanted

Pictures from the Past--Jeff Ottle-2002

"Sobig virus" is getting bigger

Top 100 Publicly Traded Mid-Tier Banks


We get Letters---eMail


Lessors Network Annual Atlanta, GA August 25-26

Venture Capital Institute Chicago September 7-11

EAEL Expo XX Teaneck, NJ September 15

NAELB Irvine, CA September 19-20

UAEL Portland, Oregon October 9-12

ELA San Diego October 12-14

NAEB Atlanta Conference November 7-8

AGLF Tucson, Arizona November 12-14

News Briefs---

Sports Briefs----

California Nuts Briefs---

This Day in American History

This Border ##### Denotes Press Release (Not Written By Leasing News)


Classified Ads---Asset Manager Chris Legris

“Please remove my Asset Manager Job Search listing - AssetMgrASA@ from your site. I was fortunate enough to land a job this month. Your publication did provide a few leads but it came down to personal contacts and networking.

“With appreciation,”


Chris Legris, ASA

(May we quote you?)

“Yes, only if you add how much I appreciate your time and the e-news letter.

Many thanks!

“With gratitude,”

Chris Legris

Director, Business Development

Bill Simon Equipment, Inc.

Voice: 904.285.0167

Fax: 904.285.0818

Cell: 904.728.2004


Asset Management Jobs Wanted

Asset Management: Austin, TX. 20+ years exper. lease/finance. P & L responsibility, strong credit & collection management, remarketing& accounting. Computers, construction, auto & transportation. Both commercial/ consumer portfolios. email: kmalone@austin.

Asset Management: Chicago, IL. MBA, 15+ years exp. Long history of success in maximizing residual position through outstanding negotiation skills & lease contract management. Third party remarketing, forecasting etc... email:jgambla@

Asset Management: Redmond, WA 10+ years experience with Small/Middle Market portfolio's. Managed all aspects of Asset Management including residual setting, inspections, repossessions, remarketing& eol negotiations.


82 Jobs Wanted at:

---free post “job wanted” for people looking for employment

Here are other locations to post jobs, some free:


(available in many cities now, use scroll feature)

Venture County, CA. Newspaper


Pictures from the Past---Jeff Ottle—2002

“This is Jeff Ottle. We got to know one another a few years back when I

was with Imperial Business Credit in Rancho Bernardo, CA.

“I am glad to update you that I am now with Wells Fargo Financial

Leasing, Inc. as their Assistant District Manager. I live and work in

Nampa, Idaho - responsible for the southwest Idaho territory along with

eastern Oregon and part of Nevada. I love my job and living in Idaho

near family and friends is simply great!

“It's super being back in the origination side of the industry. I work

with farmers, dairymen, equipment dealers and commercial real estate

companies. We finance buildings (existing or new projects), land,

equipment (new and used) and vehicles (new or used) in both the

commercial and agricultural marketplaces.

“I would very much like to contact old buddies and re-establish valued

friendships. Upon leaving IBC I joined Comdisco for 3 years and got

into very heavy/technical residual value work on high tech electronics

equipment. I liked it and value having done work in a different aspect

of our business. Then, Comdisco bankruptcy which I went through, then

laid off and out of work. Did a couple temporary things, then struck

gold with my job at Wells Fargo Financial Leasing. This made possible

a dream I've had for over 10 years, that of relocating to the God given

state of Idaho. Oh my, it is grand here. To you California nuts, I am

glad to be ‘outa’ there.”

Jeff Ottle


(We miss you here, Jeff, as I remember you were quite efficient, especially

excellent follow-up. Sorry you left as you won’t get to vote in the

California nuts campaign. editor )

“Sobig” virus is getting bigger

We have received at Leasing News over a dozen “Sobig” on Tuesday. One clogged our mail server and we had to manually delete it. Wednesday we continued to receive them, but our PC-cillin blocked them. We printed Wednesday a notice this worm was continuing to spread. It surely did, as Thursday it not only hit #1 on the Trend Micro list, but it passed the Klenz worm.

It has become the most active. #1, never open an attachment from Leasing

News, as we don’t send attachments. We had many “administrative warnings”

that we sent a virus, but we did not. It invaded a leasing mail box and replicated

itself under various names, and like a chain letter, seems to be working

its way in the industry.

As a side note, I laugh at the time: “So big!” When Sue plays with our

four month old grandson, she has got him to raise his hands over his

head when she does the same, and says out loud, “So Big!!!”

Top 100 Publicly Traded Mid-Tier Banks

Banks & thrifts with assets between $1 and $15 billion. Ranked by 3-year avg. ROE.


from our Top Stories page:

Top 50 Largest Bank Leasing Companies

Top 100 Leasing Companies



We get Letters----eMail

“1099- The armies of the First Crusade defeated the Saracens at the Battle of Ascalon (an historic Palestinian city on the Mediterranean), one month after they had captured Jerusalem. As they did in the Holy City, they killed all ‘non-believers,’ including men, women, and children. And you wonder why Caucasians are not liked in the middle east.”

This happened in America? Damn!

(Sorry, couldn't help myself) J

Rodriguez, JR


(Please read last sentence. It is pertinent to today's news and our soldiers in the Middle East. We often have Canadian news, if you have noticed, plus if a Jazz

musician is born in the UK, his birthday is still saluted, and from time-to-time,

certain events clearly have affected our local history, and they are noted. It

is just like history shows slaves revolting, killing, running away to free countries

and states, and this caused much reaction, plus fear and hatred on both sides.

The revolt of Nat Turner* was yesterday. There are centuries of our “Crusaders” killing in the Holy City everyone who was not Christian. From an historic viewpoint, the Christians and the Muslims have not been friendly with each other and only recently have we begun to “live together” here in the United States. So I thought the date in history might bring in perspective some of the feelings that have been passed down for ages of foreigners, and particularly, Christian armies, occupying, or trying to occupy, the Middle East areas. editor )


After 10+ years in the very unstable leasing industry I am throwing in the towel. I am tired of building a territory, working it to a good productive level, and then having some other company come in, acquire the company, and fire all the sales people. There is absolutely no loyalty or compassion in this marketplace. I've been on this merger/acquisition/firing merry-go-round three times in four years and that's it, I am getting out.

Please unsubscribe me from your daily email news letter.

Thank you and good luck to you,

Jim Bailey


Hey Kit,

We have a new email address. It's capitalsolutionsaz@. Please

make a note of it.

Can't start my day without your newsletter!

Capital Solutions AZ




Dear Kit, I recently changed employers and used to receive your news

letter at my previous employer. Would you please put me on your

distribution list again as I always enjoyed your articles. My new


address is: pzediker@

Thanks Kit. I appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Regards, Paul E. Zediker Exec. Vice Pres. First Bank of Highland


Paul Zediker



Dear Kit,

Thank you for the outstanding news. I've been reading to your

newsletter for the last year but will have to discontinue service. It

is important to let you know that I have found it more useful than any

other type of "leasing news" out there. Presently, I am making a major

career shift into trading energy derivatives and won't be able to keep

up with your notifications. I wish you all the best and hope everyone

out there in the leasing world is reading your newsletter on a daily!


David T. Garvey

*Nate Turner Revolt: 1831- you probably read about this in history as there were many such rebellions but one of the first on this large scale took place in Southampton County, VA. It was led by Nat Turner, an African-American slave and religious visionary who believed that he was divinely chose to lead his fellow slaves to freedom. With seven accomplices, Turner killed his owner Joseph Travis, and the Travis family in their sleep, then led more than 70 followers in a two-day revolt in which 55 to 60 whites were killed. State militiamen and armed whites confronted the rebels near Jerusalem, VA, and killed as many as 100 slaves, a number of whom had not taken part in the rebellion. Turner escaped, but was caught six weeks later and hanged on November 11.


Lessors Network Annual Conference

The Ritz-Carlton | Atlanta, GA | August 25-26

--sold out---

Why Lessors Network Limits Attendance

---Covering the conference for the third year in a row, our

ace correspondent Alan J. Zeppenfeld, vice-president of business

development for Globaltech Portfolio Services---


Venture Capital Institute

29th Annual Venture Capital Institute

Emory Conference Center, Atlanta

September 7-11, 2003

Members of NASBIC or NVCA: $3,495.00

Non-Association Members: $4,995.00



We would like to remind everyone that the Eastern Association of Equipment Lessor Expo XX is only 3 weeks away, Monday September 15..

Where else can you find an action-packed program with great speakers,

including the senior regional economist from JP Morgan Chase, networking

opportunities galore, and an exhibit hall filled with companies you want to meet

ALL IN ONE DAY? EAEL EXPO XX at the Marriott Glenpointe, Teaneck NJ

is the answer.

For more information, contact Alison or Cindy at the EAEL office 914 381 5830.

We hope to see you at EXPO this year.


Exhibitors (as of July 26, 2003)

ACC Capital Corp.

All Points Capital Corp.

American Lease Insurance

Asset Control Corp.

Bank of the West

Capital Asset Services

Edwin C. Sigel, Ltd.

Equilease Financial Services

Financial Pacific Leasing

Lakeland Bank


LeaseTeam, Inc.

M&T Credit Corporation

Magrill Bros., Inc.

Marlin Leasing Corp.

Nassau Asset Management

Pawnee Leasing Corp.

South Fork Asset Management Corp.

Sovereign Bank

Sterling Bank Leasing

US Bancorp Manifest Funding Services

UCC Direct Services

New EAEL Members:

Chase Industries, Inc.

Edwin C. Sigel, Ltd.

Essex Capital, Inc.

Foothill Capital Corporation

David Stanley Klein, LLC

Interchange Capital Company

International Decision Systems

Liberty Leasing & Investment Inc.

The O'Connell Group

Patriot Capital Corporation

Specialty Finance Services, LLC

Susquebanc Lease Company

TCF Leasing: DBA Express Leasing

Tiger Leasing


NAELB September 19-20 Conference

Time is running out!

If you are planning to attend the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers Western Regional Meeting in, and require a hotel room, you must reserve your room prior to August 28, 2003.

NAELB has a block of rooms reserved at the Hilton Irvine Hotel in Irvine,

California. On August 29, 2003 NAELB must turn any rooms not used back over

to the hotel. A special rate of $89 at this airport hotel has been arranged

for those attending the regional meeting. Book your room today by calling

1-800-774-1500; let them know you are attending the NAELB meeting. Act


Paul Nibarger and his planning committee anticipate a great attendance at

this meeting.

Why should you plan on attending this important leasing industry meeting?

Here is what Gary H. Souverein, Vice President of Marketing for Pawnee

Leasing Corporation has to say:

"The NAELB Regional in CA is always the best attended of any "local" even we

travel to. There is ample time for attendees to network with the Friday

evening reception and also during the funder/broker appointments. Not

surprised to see Gerry Egan on the schedule for a repeat performance as last

year his presentation was standing room only."

Schedule of events and registration information:


Tammy Marsh

Association Coordinator

NAELB Headquarters

5024-R Campbell Blvd.

Baltimore, MD 21236

Phone: 800-996-2352, ext. 133

Fax: 877-875-4750

Open to all Leasing Association Members and guests.

Broker $119 Second attendee $99

Funder $159 Second Attendee $139

Exhibit Table $2000

add $20 for on-site registration

(attendees who become members at this meeting will be

given a $50 attendee fee credit.)


UAEL Portland, Oregon Conference

19 days remain for Early Bird Special Registration for the United Association of Equipment Leasing Fall Conference & Exposition in Portland, Oregon October 9-12 Register for the conference and schedule appointments with exhibitors online ASAP at . Listed below are the registered exhibitors.

More will added.

Financial Pacific Leasing, LLC

American Lease Insurance Agency

U.S. Bancorp Manifest Funding Services

ACC Capital Corporation

Pentech Financial Services

LeaseTeam, Inc.

Belvedere Equipment Finance

Edwin C. Sigel, Ltd.

Phoenix American Financial Services, Inc.

Douglas Guardian Services Corporation

Legal Lounge

Preferred Business Solutions

CLP Foundation

Diligenz, Inc.

Creative capital Leasing Group

Premier Lease & Loan Services

ELA / Industry Political Action Committee (PAC)

Pawnee Leasing Corporation

The Monitor

1st Financial

American Appraisal Associates

UCC Direct Services

Republic Leasing Company

Marlin Leasing Company

Quail Capital Corp

Quiktrak, Inc.

United Association of Equipment Leasing

Lakeland Bank

Boston Financial & Equity Corporation

Pioneer Capital Corporation

Bank of the West

Equipment Lessors Protection Association

McCue Systems Inc.

Santa Barbara Bank & Trust

Dakota Financial, LLC

Allegiant Partners Incorporated

Standard Professional Services, LLC

Heritage Affiliated Corporate Services

IFC Credit Corp.

Portfolio Financial Servicing Company

Blackstone Capital Partners, LP

CBIZ Property Tax Solutions

Web Access Booth

Golden Eagle Leasing

Allied Resource Corporation

RTR Services, Inc.

Thank you,

Jessica Roell


78120 Calle Estado, Suite 201

La Quinta, CA 92253

Phone:(760) 564-2227

Fax:(760) 564-2206

Register before Sept 9th After Sept. 9th

Member $695 $895

Additional employee $595 $795

Non-Member $1095 $1295

Exhibitor $1795

Golf Tournament $155


ELA San Diego Meeting

Now that business is moving again...are you ready to move with it? Do

you have the right contacts? The right information? There is one place

and one meeting where making those contacts and getting the right

information is GUARANTEED: The Equipment Leasing Association 42nd Annual Convention, October 12-14, 2003 in San Diego, California.

Members Only


The speed of business is so much greater now...just when you think you

are up to're not! Being in the know, being connected, is a

real advantage in this kind of an environment. The ELA Convention gives

you both the knowledge and the connections to get your business moving


Register for the ELA Convention by September 10 and you will be included

in the pre-registration list posted on the ELA website. Being on this

list is critical to letting people know YOU WILL BE THERE. September 10

is also the cut-off date to make your accommodations at the convention

hotel, the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, and still obtain the

special convention rate.

We encourage you to register today. Click on this link for complete

information about the convention.

People who are really making a difference will be should you!

See You in San Diego!

Michael Fleming

President, ELA



NAEB Atlanta Conference November 7-8

Sheraton Gateway Hotel — Atlanta Airport

1900 Sullivan Rd.

College Park, GA 30274

Topics to Include:

California Licensing Law T Value 5

Community Bank Leasing Programs

Impact of the new tax laws on leasing

Increasing Broker Stability & Profitability with Relationships.

More details coming soon!


November 12-14, 2003 / Loew's Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona

Association for Government Leasing and Finance



Wednesday, November 12

Noon Annual Golf Tournament

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Basics Session

Thursday, November 13

8:00 AM – 1:30PM Keynote Speaker, General Sessions and Luncheon

Evening – Annual Conference Dinner Event

Friday, November 14

8:00 AM – Noon General Sessions, Ending with the Lawyers’ Panel


Please send to a colleague as we are trying to build our readership.

Two Version: Free ( text format) $59.95 yr ( html/website) Free 30 Day Trial

This text edition is also available in an "up-grade" format, html, where you may

click on the headlines to go to the story, plus is also in this "new" format

posted daily on our website---


News Briefs--

Recovery Shows Signs Of Pickup

Fed's Parry, in San Diego, sees no 'early start' on U.S. rate hikes

Mortgages rates resume their upward climb

Freddie Mac Board Told to Remove CEO

South Bay home sales remain brisk


A total of 1,887 single-family houses changed hands in Santa Clara County in July, an increase of 24 percent from the same month last year, and the highest sales volume in any month since June 1999, a real estate information service reported today.

The invisible jobless


Sports Briefs---

Gymnast Hamm Takes The Gold

Chargers need 60 acres at site of Qualcomm Stadium to recoup its costs

Rumph's injury is not serious

New driver, same map for Falcons


California Nuts Briefs---

In the Jewelry Race, It's Arnold -- Hands Down

Simon hits road on 'I told you so' tour GOP candidate pitches vow not to raise taxes

Davis goes on the offensive, taking a page from Clinton playbook

Schwarzenegger Tries to Add Some Substance to Celebrity

Vegas odds maker: Schwarzenegger slim favorite in recall race

Polls show one-third of voters undecided


This Day in American History

1654-The first Jews to arrive in America were Marranos, Spanish Jews who had converted to Christianity in order to escape torture and death under the Inquisition. Marranos were part of Columbus’s voyage of discovery in 1492 and of Spanish explorations and settlements in the 16th century. A handful of Jews came to the English colonies in Virginia and Massachusetts in the first half of the 17th century, but most historians consider the first permanent Jewish settler in America to have been Jacob Barsimson of Holland, who landed at the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (the future New York City.) A month later, a group of 23 Jews from Recife, Brazil, arrived in New Amsterdam seeking refuge from Portuguese persecution. Against the wishes of the colony’s governor, Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch West India Company allowed them to stay, provided “the poor among them should not become a burden to the Company or the community, but be supported by their own nation.” They had left

their homeland to escape religious prosecution. While some of the prejudice was brought to

the New World, as different immigrants arrived, they learned to accept each other and work


1670- In Massachusetts, English-born colonial missionary John Eliot, 66, founded an Indian church at Martha's Vineyard, with educated Indians Hiacoomes and Tackanash appointed pastor and teacher, respectively.

1771-The talk of the colonies was a dwarf exhibited as a theatrical attraction. His name is not known, but he was a man, 53 years of age and 22 inches high, shown at the house of Widow Bignall, next door to King’s Head Tavern, a little above Mr. Hancock’s wharf in Boston, MA. Admission was one shilling. His appearance was advertised in the Massachusetts Spy this date.

1775- King George III proclaims colonies to be in open rebellion, vows

to send more troops.

1834-Birthday of Samuel Pierpoint Langley, American astronomer, physicist and aviation pioneer for whom Langley air Force Base, VA, is named. Born at Roxbury, MA. Langley died at Aiken, SC, Feb. 27,1906. 1846-Without a shot fired, the US annexes New Mexico.

1847-What would later become the world famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir gave its first public performance at Salt Lake City, Utah, for an outdoor meeting of the Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Widely known for its concert tours, recordings and weekly radio and

television broadcast from Temple Square, the choir’s radio program “ Music and the Spoken Word” is the longest continuously running radio program in network history, dating back to 1929.

1851- the first yacht to win in the international yacht race was America, owned by a syndicate headed by Commodore John Cox Stevens of the New York Yacht Club. They won what was known as the “hundred Guinea Cup.” The trophy, latter turned over to the New York Yacht Club, where you

may view it today, became known as the America’s Cup. ***

1865- William Sheppard of New York City patented liquid soap.

1901-Henry LeLand founded The Cadillac Company, named after eighteenth century French explorer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, founder of the city of Detroit. The Cadallac reached its height of popularity during the 1950s. The Cadillac Debutante, which debuted at the Waldorf Astoria, was based on the play The Solid Gold Cadillac. Cadillac sales decreased during the 1970s as the American car market experienced an influx of smaller imports, but luxury car sales, Cadillac included, have rebounded in recent years, particularly its SUV Escalade, said to be stolen four more times than any other car today; the most frequently stolen vehicle on the road, according to insurance claim statistics.

1906- the first “Victrola” was made by the Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, NJ.

1916-Birthday of jazz pianist/bandleader Sonny Thompson

1920 – Birthday of Ray Bradbury (writer: Fahrenheit 451, The Toynbee Convector, Martian Chronicles) .

1926-Birthday of Bob Flanagan, lead singer of the '50s pop group the Four Freshmen.

1917-Birthday of blues man John Lee Hooker, whose boogie rhythms provided a link with rock 'n' roll, born in Clarksdale, Mississippi. He moved to Detroit in 1943, and began recording towards the end of the decade. Hooker's first record, "Boogie Chillun," and his 1951 recording of "I'm In the Mood" - not to be confused with the Glenn Miller tune - are reputed to have sold a million copies each. Many rock bands covered his songs and in 1970 Hooker recorded an album with Canned Heat. Hooker made a brief appearance in "The Blues Brothers" movie in 1980.

1932- Philippa Duke Schuyler birthday, black-American pianist and writer started composing music at age three and at 12 her award- winning symphonic work was played by the Detroit Symphony. She has appeared as guest soloist, performing her own works with major symphony orchestras in the U.S. She died May 9,1967 in a helicopter accident in Da Nang, Vietnam, where she had gone in her new career as a reporter.

1936-Birthday of drummer Lex Humphries, New York City

1938-Birthday of rockabilly singer Dale Hawkins, born in Goldmine, Louisiana. His brief moment in the national spotlight came in 1957 when” Suzie Q" made it to number 27 on the Billboard pop chart. It's still a favorite oldie, and was revived with great success in 1968 by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

1938- Count Basie records for Decca records, “Jumpin’ at the Woodside.”

1939- Julian Seth Kahn of New York City received a patent for a “spray can.” It was equipped with an inexpensive disposable valve mechanism. Under controlled pressure, it dispensed such items as whipped cream, paints, pharmaceuticals, and insecticides.

1944- Cootie Williams cuts the first record of “Round Midnight.”

1945-Many do not realize that the Vietnam Conflict actually began this day in 1945, less than a week after the Japanese surrender ended World War II, a team of Free French parachuted into southern

Indochina in response to a successful coup by a Communist guerrilla named Ho Chi Minh in the

French Colony.

1949----Top Hits

Some Enchanted Evening - Perry Como

Room Full of Roses - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Don Cornell)

You’re Breaking My Heart - Vic Damone

I’m Throwing Rice (At the Girl that I Love) - Eddy Arnold

1950- Althea Gibson becomes 1st black competitor in national tennis competition

at Forrest Hills.

1956- President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice-President Richard Nixon denominated by Republican convention in San Francisco.

1957----Top Hits

Love Letters in the Sand - Pat Boone

Tammy - Debbie Reynolds

Whispering Bells - The Dell-Vikings

(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear - Elvis Presley

1961- Roger Maris, in his record-setting season, becomes the first player to hit his 50th home run in the month of August. The 26-year old all-star outfielder connects off Ken McBride as the Yankees lose to the Angels, 4-3.

1965----Top Hits

I Got You Babe - Sonny & Cher

Save Your Heart for Me - Gary Lewis & The Playboys

Help! - The Beatles

Yes, Mr. Peters - Roy Drusky & Priscilla Mitchell

1965 -Juan Marichal thinks Johnny Roseboro throws too close to his head returning the ball to Sandy Koufax and attacks Dodger catcher with his bat. The Los Angeles backstop suffers cuts on the head during the 14-minute brawl.

1966- the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC), later to be renamed the United Farm Workers of America (UFW), was formed.

  1972 - The Republican party renominated Richard M. Nixon (President of U.S.) and Spiro T. Agnew (Vice President) in Miami, FL.

1973----Top Hits

Touch Me in the Morning - Diana Ross

Live and Let Die - Wings

Brother Louie - Stories

Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man - Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn

1981----Top Hits

Endless Love - Diana Ross & Lionel Richie

Theme from "Greatest American Hero" (Believe It or Not) - Joey Scarbury

Slow Hand - Pointer Sisters

I Don’t Need You - Kenny Rogers

1982- Ernie Banks becomes the first Cub to have his uniform number (14) retired.

1984 - The last Volkswagen Rabbit rolled off the assembly line in Westmoreland, PA. Over 11 million of the economical cars had been produced.

1987 - Madonna’s single "Who’s that Girl" hit #1 in the U.S for a short and sweet one-week stay at the top.

1989----Top Hits

Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx

On Our Own - Bobby Brown

Cold Hearted - Paula Abdul

Sunday in the South – Shenandoah

1989-Nolan Ryan of the Texas Rangers became the first pitcher to strike out 5,000 batters when he fanned Rickey Henderson of the Oakland A’s in the fifth inning of a 2-0 Oakland win. Henderson went down on a 3-2 count, winging at a fastball. Ryan ended his career with 5,714 strikeouts.

1990- President George Bush I calls up military reserves. By November some 230,000 American troops are in Saudi Arabia and President Bush announces that 150,000 more would be sent. By the end of 1990, 580,000 Iraqi troops were believed to be in Kuwait or southern Iraq. Facing them were 485,000 troops of 17 allied countries.

1993---Top Hits

Can t Help Falling In Love (From "Sliver")- UB40

Whoomp! (There It Is)- Tag Team

Dreamlover- Mariah Carey

Lately- Jodeci

1998 -With his 52nd home run, Mark McGwire breaks Babe Ruth's record for round-trippers in three consecutive seasons. 'Big Red' has 162 homers in three seasons (1996-52, 1997-58) compared to the Bambino's 161 dingers hit in 1926-28.

1998---Top Hits

The Boy Is Mine- Brandy

My Way- Usher

The First Night- Monica

Crush- Jennifer Pai

2000- Hitting a solo blast and a three-run round tripper during a nine-run sixth inning of a 14-6 victory over the Expos, Dodger first baseman Eric Karros becomes the first player in the 111- year franchise history to hit two homers in an inning.

2002---Top Hits

Dilemma, Nelly Featuring Kelly Rowland

Hot In Herre- Nelly

Complicated- Avril Lavigne

Just A Friend 2002- Mario


In 1848, Queen Victoria authorized the creation of a "One Hundred Guinea Cup" of solid silver (134oz), 27" tall for a yacht race "open to all nations."

In 1851 one American boat challenged 16 English ships. The Royal Yacht "Squadron" of Cowes, England was the host. The New York Yacht Club entry was the schooner "America." W.H. Brown, the designer, was so confident of his design that he refused payment if "America" did not win. The oft-quoted remark by the Queen was sparked by a great lead and victory around the Isle of Wight over the 16 other yachts.

She asked, "Who is first?"

"America" has won, she was told.

"Who was second," asked the Queen?

The reply still echoes -our Majesty, there is no second."

In 30 defenses since then, the interplay of national pride, giant egos, wide-ranging brilliant designs, and now modern technology, have kept the cup very much alive. The 132 years of successful defense by the New York Yacht Club remains the longest record in sports history. Sir Thomas Lipton tried for 31 years to win The Cup, commencing in 1899. From schooners, to J-boats, to 12 meters to the current IOAC designs, men's brains, wits, skills and money have been locked in sea-swept combat.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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