Local Road Safety Plan - Sonoma County Transportation Authority

Local Road Safety Plan

Sonoma County


Sonoma County

Department of Transportation and Public Works

Prepared by: Chet Jamgochian P.E.

Table of Contents






INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1

VISION & GOALS ................................................................................................................................ 3

SAFETY PARTNERS ............................................................................................................................. 3

EXISTING EFFORTS............................................................................................................................. 3

LRSP COLLISION ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 4


Analysis by Entire Roadway .......................................................................................................... 4


Analysis by Collision Hotspot ........................................................................................................ 4


Analysis by Injury Hotspot ............................................................................................................ 5


Analysis by Roadway Segment and Collision Rate ........................................................................ 5


Analysis by Intersection ................................................................................................................ 5


Analysis for Bicycle and Pedestrian Collisions .............................................................................. 6


RESULTS............................................................................................................................................. 7


Entire Roadway Analysis Results................................................................................................... 7


Collision Hotspot Analysis Results ................................................................................................ 7


Injury Hotspot Analysis Results ..................................................................................................... 8


Roadway Segment and Collision Rate Analysis Results ................................................................ 8


Intersection Analysis Results......................................................................................................... 9


Bicycle Collisions ........................................................................................................................... 9


Pedestrian Collisions ................................................................................................................... 10


EMPHASIS AREAS ............................................................................................................................ 11


River Rd (Entire Roadway) .......................................................................................................... 13


Lakeville Rd (Entire Roadway) ..................................................................................................... 14


Bennett Valley Rd Segment (PM 12.70-13.60) ........................................................................... 15


Porter Creek Rd Hotspot (PM 18.66-18.86) ................................................................................ 15


Calistoga Rd Segments (PM 11.85-12.07 and PM 15.95-16.45) ................................................. 16


Bodega Hwy Hotspot PM (16.65-16.78) ..................................................................................... 16


Intersection of Todd Rd and Santa Rosa Ave .............................................................................. 17


Intersection of Adobe Rd and Frates Rd ..................................................................................... 17


Intersection of Old Redwood Hwy and East Railroad Ave .......................................................... 18

7.10 Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions ................................................................................................ 18


EVALUATION & IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................ 21


FUTURE ITERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 21


Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 22

10.1 Emphasis Area Summary Table ................................................................................................... 22

10.2 Collision Rate Calculations .......................................................................................................... 25

10.3 Collisions by Year ........................................................................................................................ 26

10.4 Fatalities by Year ......................................................................................................................... 27

10.5 Roads with Highest Collision Rates ............................................................................................. 29

10.6 Highest Intersection Collisions .................................................................................................... 29

10.7 Bicycle Collisions ......................................................................................................................... 30

10.8 Pedestrian Collisions ................................................................................................................... 33

10.9 Collision Types............................................................................................................................. 34

10.10 Outreach ..................................................................................................................................... 39

i |Sonoma County Local Road Safety Plan 2020


The Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST) was signed into law on

December 4, 2015. The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is one of the programs

created by the FAST Act. HSIP is a federal-aid program that aims to achieve a significant reduction

in fatalities and serious injuries on public roadways. HSIP provides municipalities with funding

for projects that have the sole purpose of reducing crashes and improving roadway safety. Local

HSIP projects must be identified on the basis of crash severity, crash potential, crash rate, or other

data-supported means. Beginning 2022, a Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) will be required for an

agency to be eligible to apply for HSIP funds. Due to this requirement and the County¡¯s

commitment to improving transportation safety for all users on local roadways, the Sonoma

County Department of Transportation and Public Works has developed this LRSP.

The purpose of this LRSP report is to identify ¡®hotspot¡¯ collision areas on roadways within the

County and explore potential short term and long term corrective measures that may reduce

collision rates and improve roadway safety. This report focuses on the past five years (2015-2019)

of collisions within the County. During this timeframe, the County has experienced 5,542 reported

collisions, 78 of which were fatal (resulting in 84 fatalities total, i.e. some collisions resulted in

multiple fatalities). Based on the five years of data, there has been an average of 1,108

collisions/year and 16 fatalities/year on the County roadways.

For comparison, unincorporated Napa County had 1,675 collisions resulting in 20 fatalities and

unincorporated Marin County had 1,975 collisions resulting in 19 fatalities for the same time

period. Compared to these two counties, Sonoma County has a much higher number of collisions

and fatalities. However one should be cautious when drawing conclusions from these statistics,

due to the counties being different sizes, having different population densities, commute patterns,

and different total miles of roadway.

1 |Sonoma County Local Road Safety Plan 2020

Figure 1: Map of all collisions within unincorporated county

Sonoma County has approximately 1,400 miles of roadway under its jurisdiction. This report

focuses solely on roadways within the unincorporated portions of the County and therefore all

analyses and statistics are based on collisions that occurred on unincorporated County roadways.

Collisions from cities and other jurisdictions are not included in this report.

This report is divided into the following sections:

? visions and goals of the LRSP,

? safety partners,

? existing County efforts to improve roadway safety,

? collision data analysis methodologies,

? presentation of results from analyses,

? further discussion of results based on hotspots identified,

? implementation of proposed improvements,

? and envisioned future iterations of this LRSP.

2 |Sonoma County Local Road Safety Plan 2020


Sonoma County¡¯s vision for this LRSP is to advance roadway safety within the County by reducing

fatal and serious injury collisions.

The goals of the LRSP are:

? Identify areas of concern

? Apply proven safety solutions systematically to reduce fatal and severe crashes.

? Reduce the number of fatal crashes to zero by 2030.

? Implement a holistic approach within the County to promote traffic safety and Zero Deaths

strategies that involves multiple divisions (land development, traffic, design, etc.).


A vital part of developing and implementing a LRSP is partnering with other agencies and

jurisdictions and seeking public input. Additional public input will be included in the LRSP

based on the Vision Zero program being spearheaded by Sonoma County Health Services and

the Transportation Authority. The following list of partners were consulted in the development of

this plan:





California Highway Patrol (CHP)

County of Sonoma

o Permit and Resource Management Department (PRMD)

o Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW)



Land Development

Road Maintenance

o Department of Health Services

o Transportation Authority (SCTA)

Sonoma County Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee

Sonoma County Vision Zero Advisory Committee


Sonoma County is continuously evaluating the safety of the roadways to reduce the number of

collisions. The following are actions that the Department of Transportation and Public Works

currently undertakes to improve roadway safety:









Weekly traffic meetings between staff and the department director to discuss current

roadway issues and potential solutions.

Inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian improvements into roadway improvement projects and

paving projects when feasible.

Recent installation of rumble strip and high reflective striping on Lakeville Rd.

Coordination with CHP to target high collision areas and discuss possible solutions.

Radar trailer program to target high speeding areas.

Proactive approach with land development projects to implement safety improvements.

Proactive sign installation and replacement approach.

Retro-reflectivity testing and replacement program for sign panels.

3 |Sonoma County Local Road Safety Plan 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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