October 21, 2019 Cramer, Cramer, Cramer… oooh boy.

October 21, 2019 Cramer, Cramer, Cramer... oooh boy.

Cramer is so busy throwing himself under the bus these days...

I long for the time I thought he was ONE Republican that had values, cared about children, the laws... but wow, was I ever fooled! The minute he jumped up on that stage to support Trump, I saw who and what he really was.

I'm not sure what he thought he personally would get out of all this, aside from a Senate Seat that he has done nothing to improve the reputation of.

He knows what Trump is. He has always known what Trump is. But for some reason he figured that was the train he was going to jump on... and ride over the cliff. BRIDGE OUT AHEAD!

The latest & greatest move was his declaring the most blatant act of corruption, Trump awarding the G7 Contract to his own flea-bite hotel; Doral, Miami, in the summer, despite all the Health Code violations and one well documented lawsuit because of bedbugs (if you know about bedbugs, you know they infest entire buildings so there had to be many more) and Miami, that time of year is brutally uncomfortable... was also a flagrant violation of the emoluments clause in the Constitution. I know, there've been so many violations of just that one clause, it's hard to keep count.

Despite Trump awarding himself this contract, which would require at least $100 Million in Taxpayer funds to begin to bring it up to standards for such an event, upgrades that would coincidentally, increase the value of the resort, and put millions in the pocket of Trump, the Security concerns were going to be impossible to address, given the location.

But there was Cramer, Kevin Cramer, Kevvy Boy... going on TV and stating how `bold, refreshing... and brilliant' he thought this move was, by the most corrupt president ever to sit in the Oval. Essentially: "It's a crime, but look how wonderfully it's being executed!"

So, Cramer, out in the open, affirms the beauty of crimes being practiced that violate the Constitution, and which have no practical value except to enrich Trump, whose properties are floundering, all over the world, at the expense of taxpayers and World Leaders, all of whom have, over the course of this presidency, lost all respect for our once great nation.

And Cramer, like the teacher's pet, over-anxious to be seen as the one approving of what most decent people see as appalling, did it for nothing. Trump got so much pushback, he changed his mind. Who knows where the next venue of choice will be? Another Trump property that needs millions in basic repairs & upgrades? Typically, events of this sort are held at Camp David.

Restless Spirit

Date Posted: October 21, 2019

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Date Revised: 2019-10-20 7:34 PM


Wherever it is, you can bet, and I will bet, Cramer will be out there in his finest, most enthusiastic Teacher's Pet form, supporting it.

Teacher's Pet? Naw, that won't cut it. "Fascist's Pet", that works for me.

Cramer, whom I thought cared about children, as his one saving grace, has never once spoken against the tearing of children away from their parents at the Border. A practice that is still ongoing. These children are not cared for. They get sick and die. They are traumatized and the harm being done to them on that level alone, will last a lifetime. The children who are being trafficked and raped, well, Cramer can't see or hear those children, so they don't count.

That's your Senator, North Dakota. Ain't he somethin'? You vote Republican, you vote for this. I don't care what level it is at, the Republican Party, from the ground up, is corrupt, and in lockstep with crimes being committed, our allies being betrayed, and our money being squandered. Don't tell me you are `saving babies', I've seen what they allow to happen to babies and children. I've seen them profit from it. So have you.

Not sure how stupid the people of North Dakota are, but I have a feeling we're gonna find out if they value the Constitution or prefer fascism in the next election. We'll find out if they are fine with corruption, child trafficking and Concentration camps, and the brutality of ignoring basic Human Rights. It will be in who you vote for from Mayor to President. If they are Republican, you know who and what you are.


The trick with all of this is that it didn't happen overnight nor with one election. The Russians have been buying and corrupting key players for a very long time. Trump couldn't do what he does if it wasn't for a system of political support, throughout government, that would allow it.

We know that Russia hacked into and interfered in the 2016 elections. We know they accessed both the Voter Registration servers, and the voting machines in all 50 states. We put sanctions on them for it. But now, through the magic of Trump, he has quietly given the green light to Russia working within our systems, our entire cyber security system, and calling it a good thing.

The very system they accessed that gave them control not only over our votes for president, but for every elected official, is now rolling out the welcome mat for them to more easily do it again. Without Russian interference, hacking and otherwise, Republicans can't win and they know that. So this is okay with all of them.

Restless Spirit

Date Posted: October 21, 2019

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William Sessions, who was the Head of the FBI from 1987 (appointed by Pappy Bush) until he was fired by Clinton in 1993, turns out to have some very interesting investments. As head of the FBI, he knew Russia was trying to infiltrate our government, our economy, etc. He KNEW it. Yet, whatever it was that got him fired, which was unusual because most FBI Chiefs serve 10 years, was never really brought out into the open.

But now we see his son, Pete Sessions, who had been the Congressman for Texas, (was defeated and is running again) was involved in taking Russian money for his campaign, and that is against the law. And yes, he knew the source of the money (now he wants to give it back, so that, like a bank robber, getting caught, he erase his crime by returning the money??? doesn't work that way, Petey Boy) says that he never acted on what the Russians, KNOWN MOBSTER RUSSIANS, in case there was any doubt, wanted him to do--except that his voting record shows he did in fact, do what they wanted him to do. That's why they gave him over $3Million Dollars.

Turns out, Daddy Sessions lobbied on behalf of Putin and his Oligarchs, to defeat the Global Magnitsky Act. The Magnitsky Act imposes sanctions on Russia's Oligarchs who killed a Russian Attorney (threw him out of a high rise window after beating him up) who was exposing their corruption, embezzlement of Russian monies, bribery, etc., which he had uncovered while defending his client who was falsely accused of corruption because he wouldn't accommodate the mobsters in positions of power in Russian Government. Putin.

So, Daddy Sessions, the once great head of the most powerful investigation agency in the world, sold out to the most corrupt government in the world, and along the way, his son also decided he wanted some of that Pie as well.

So, it makes me wonder if Cramer wants a piece of that pie, or if his face is full of it already. What price is the going price for selling out your Country these days? I have a feeling we won't know until it's too late.

We've also seen Russian Mob Money influencing governor's races.

One of the Sanctioned companies is one owned by Oleg Deripraska. Aluminum is his stock and trade. He got the exclusive rights to make aluminum in Russia as long as he gives a cut to the mob boss, Vladimir Putin. They stole the aluminum mills from a guy who wouldn't play ball, and handed it over to Oleg.

Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the guy who makes up rules of his own such as not allowing Obama to pick a SCOTUS judge because he only had 18 months left to his second term (utter bs, folks), and who refused to allow Obama's picks for Federal judges to be confirmed despite there being a shortage on the Federal Benches of over 500 vacancies, throughout both

Restless Spirit

Date Posted: October 21, 2019

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of Obama's terms, decided to go into business with Oleg Deripraska on a $400 Million Aluminum factory in Kentucky! Yay! Jobs! Working for the Russian Mobsters!... only thing is, taxpayers would be funding the majority of the money and Oleg would be skimming off the majority of the money, and Kentuckians would be reaping the toxic wastes from the mills because Mobsters don't clean up pollution they create.

So, effectively, McConnell made a back door to neuter the sanctions on Deripaska. And now, Deripaska is being indicted... for even more crimes. Here. In the USA.

That, my friends, is a really strong indication that the Republican Party, entirely, is in bed with Russian Mobsters, from top to bottom. Do you think this will turn out well for your state? For the Nation?

And these Republican Senators and Congressmen just leaping up to support every aspect of this corruption, is this not an embarrassment to you as an American? That they are taking foreign money, and have been for a very long time, does this not concern you?

Congratulations Kentucky! You are now economically tied to an indicted Russian Oligarch, Mobster!

Okay, Let's Smack a "Democrat"

Democrats run a very open tent. Too open, if you ask me. But take a look at Tulsi Gabbard. Her claim to fame is that she served in the Armed Forces overseas. But she was raised in a very destructive cult, has lobbied for, supported some of the most vile authoritarian governments, like Syria's Assad, praising him, literally praising him for how strong he was, on the day he was slaughtering his own people using White Phosphorous chemical warfare, on civilians, and again praising Egypt's Sissi on the day he executed 800 protesters, and Modi... all of them.

She always slams and only slams Democrats, and yet, she's running as a Democrat for the Presidency! She has been endorsed by the KKK, Proud Boys, and Russia Today. She goes on White Supremacist radio/tv/podcast shows to bash Dems, and to yuck it up with those she considers like-minded.

A Hit Dog Hollers

Well, Hillary made a statement that a woman was being groomed as a Russian Asset, running for President this time around... she never said Tulsi's name, but Tulsi done lost her mind! She went on these racist shows and screamed that Hillary was calling her out.

Restless Spirit

Date Posted: October 21, 2019

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Date Revised: 2019-10-20 7:34 PM


Remember: Hillary never said her name, only that a woman candidate was a Russian Asset. The funny thing is, none of the other women running thought it was about them.

"Throw a rock," the saying goes, "and the dog that hollers is the one you hit." Apparently, the words: "Russian Asset" hit Tulsi right on the nose. She wants to bring the Democratic Party more inline with Authoritarian Regimes, with whom she is very friendly and to whom she is very helpful.

BTW, Andrew Yang jumped to her defense saying that she can't be criticized because she's a veteran. Reminder: Timothy McVeigh was a decorated veteran. Andrew Yang makes some very sweeping policy statements... but can't back them up with either facts or plans. He's a lightweight with absurd pie-in-the-sky promises that have not the slightest foundation whatsoever. The Stupid he is catering to, will vote for Republicans.

Nobody is condemning her for her service, but rather for her lies, racism, bigotry. Anybody who uses their service in the military as a shield to protect them from criticism for their statements of hatred toward other groups, or their actions against marginalized groups, has defiled their time in the service.

Another one who jumped to Tulsi's defense was Beto O'Rourke. Now, we can all look at him a little closer, can't we? Is he that na?ve? Or does he have too many points in common with the woman who thinks Russian Mobsters deserve to do business in the USA? Bye-Bye Beto.

Pete Buttigiege, biggest phony to hit the big time. Fired the Black Chief of Police in his town and replaced him, and every high-ranking Cop of Color, with a White man. Then he says, when complaints of the new Chief came in, that he was, as Mayor, not allowed to fire him. (Makes heads spin). He gives speeches and holds fundraisers with the Illinois DA that tried to hide the Lacquan MacDonald murder by police: Unarmed. 17 bullets in his back, the cop standing over his body and delivering 3 more shots as he lay there on the ground... yeah, that's the guy Buttigieg wants support from. Yes, he knew who he was. It made the news, especially in his region.

Marrianne Williamson... I dunno where to begin or end on that one. She promises us a ride on her unicorn, the one that only craps rainbows. Anyone taking her seriously I lose all respect for.

Don't ever say I don't know some rotten Democrats. I do. I'd go after Bernie the Fraud Sanders here, but he's never been a Democrat, despite running as one in 2016. And no, he never marched in any Civil Rights march. Ever.

Wow, the Reading list at the end of this (Website only), is going to be lit.


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