WASHINGTON, DC 20350-3000

MCO 8300.ID


Feb 16, 2012




Commandant of the Marine Corps

Distribution List




(a) DOD 4140.1R, "DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Regulation,"

May 23, 2003

(b) DOD 4000.25-2-M, "Military Standard Transaction Reporting and

Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP) Manual," September 1, 2001

(c) DOD 4000.25-M, "Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS)," Vol

II, Change 5, March 1, 2003

(d) MCO 5530.14A

(e) MCO P4400.150E w/ Erratum Ch 1-2

(f) MCO 4410.9G

(g) SECNAVINST 5500.4G

(h) SECNAV M 5210 .1

(i) MCO P4400.82F w/ Ch 1

(j) MCO 5800. 6A

(k) MCO 5750.1G w/ Ch 1

(1) U M -4400-15

(m) UM-4400-124

(n) DOD 4160.21-M, "Defense Materiel Distribution Manual," August 18,


(o) NAVSEAINST 8370.2 (Notal)

(p) MCO 8373 .2E

(q) MCBul 4130

(r) DTR 4500.9-R, "Defense Transportation Regulations," Part II, June

6 , 2002

(s) DODM 4160.28-M, "Defense Demilitarization Program Manual," Vol

1-3, June 7, 2011

(t) DOD Instruction 2030.08, "Implementation of Trade Security

Controls (TSC) for Transfers of DoD U. S. Munitions List (USML)

and Commerce Control List (CCL) Personal Property to Parties

Outside DoD Control," May 23, 2006

(u) DOD Instruction 5100.76-M, "Safeguarding Conventional Arms,

Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E) ," May 20, 2010

(v) MCO 5311.ID


(1) Marine Corps Serialized Small Arms/Light Weapons Accountability

Program Procedural Guidance

(2) National Stock Numbers/Management Control Numbers to be Reported

Report Required:

Small Arms/Light Weapons Serial Inventory

Symbol MC-8300-01) , e n d (1), par. 5. a.



(Report Control

Approved for public release; distribution is

MCO 830 0.ID

Feb 16, 2012

1. Situation. To provide guidance and reporting instructions for the Marine

Corps Serialized Control of Small Arms/Light Weapons System, per references

(a) through (v). The guidance cited herein will ensure Marine Corps

compliance with government regulations and Department of Defense (DOD)




MCO 8300.1C and MCBul 4440.

3. Mission. Ensure accurate accountability of small arms/light weapons is

maintained within Marine Corps accountable and custodial records, by serial

number, and mirrored in the Marine Corps Registry maintained by NSWC Crane.




Commander's Intent and Concept of Operations

(1) Commander's Intent

(a) The MCSSAAP meets DoD serialized small arms/light weapons

reporting and property accounting requirements, provides the means for timely

and accurate tracking of each small arm's status, and augments established

security procedures in accordance with the references.

(b) The objectives are supported through organizational level

reporting on all transactions that change the accountability status of

reportable small arms/light weapons.

(c) Collection and management of such data is performed by a

central registry, hereafter referred to as the "Marine Corps Registry."

Additionally, MCSSAAP reports, commonly referred to as "Crane Reports," shall

be submitted within the time frames prescribed within this directive, in all

cases of small arms/light weapons accounting changes (e.g., receipts, issues,

transfers, loss/recovery, or verified destruction).

(d) There is a continuing requirement by the Marine Corps to

improve control of serialized small arms/light weapons.

(e) The MCSSAAP does not reduce the requirement for strict

adherence to the demands for adequate security measures as expressed

specifically in reference (d), or generally referred to in other Marine Corps

directives, nor is it intended that the requirements for quantitative

reporting of controlled items be ignored, but rather that MCSSAAP act as an

adjunct to the overall small arms/light weapons security and controls

required by Federal law, DOD, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC).

(f) It is the intent of this Order that reportable small

arms/light weapons, as listed in enclosure (2), not be carried as collateral

equipment, in order to permit an accurate accounting of all reportable


(g) Authorized acquisition objectives (AAO), tables of equipment

(T/E's), and SL-3's shall reflect this policy.

(h) Questions concerning small arms/light weapons in relation to

collateral equipment shall be referred to the Commanding General (ATTN:

WSMC)/ MCLB, Albany, Georgia 31704.


MCO 8300.ID

Feb 16, 2012

(2) Concept of Operations

(a ) Commanders wi11 report the movement of smal1 arms/1ight

weapons by serial number to Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Crane

Division, whenever there is a change in the accountable unit against which

small arms/Iight weapons are being reported, from one DOD Activity Address

Code (DODAAC) to another DODAAC, (ex. , M203 61 to M20460), in accordance with

the references.

(b) For the purpose of this directive and as identified in

appendix one of reference (c), small arms/Iight weapons with a sensitive

items category code of II are identified as: weapons in serviceable,

unserviceable, or demilitarized condition including the following: rifles;

pistols; revolvers; line throwing guns; shotguns; machineguns; submachineguns; pyrotechnic pistols; flamethrowers; cannons up to and including

30mm; all grenade launchers; single, multi-shot, or portable rocket

launchers; individually operated weapons which are portable and/or can be

fired without special mounts or firing devices, and which have potential use

in civil disturbances and are vulnerable to theft; and all other hand or

shoulder-fired firearms, up to and including .60 caliber.

(c) Weapon components such as silencers, mufflers, and noise

suppression devices have a sensitive items code of Category II, as defined in

reference (d) and shall be accounted for, per the references.

(d) The following are reportable small arms/light weapons,

whether, serviceable, unserviceable, relic, or partially demilitarized

condition, and shall be registered in the MCSSAAP:


Match weapons


Rifles, pistols, revolvers,


Line throwing guns




Machineguns, submachine guns


Pyrotechnic pistols,




Cannons up to and including 30mm,


All grenade launchers,


Single, multi-shot or man-portable rocket launchers




Training devices


Silencers, suppressors and mufflers


Recoilless rifles


MCO 8300 .ID

Feb 16, 2012

1 5. Individually operated weapons which are portable and/or

can be fired without special mounts or firing devices, and which have

potential use in civil disturbances and are vulnerable to theft, and all

other hand or shoulder-fired firearms, up to and including .60 caliber.

1 6.

Any enemy weapons (captured or gifted).

Note: All reportable small arms/light weapons shall be registered in the

MCSSAAP, whether or not they currently have a National Stock Number

(NSN)/Management Control Number assigned, per reference (c).


Subordinate Element Missions

(1) Deputy Commandant, Installations & Logistics (DC, I&L) shall:


(a) Provide oversight of the MCSSAAP and establish supporting

Provide direction and clarification to current policy as required.

(b) Coordinate serialized small arms/light weapons initiatives

with other military services.

(c) Ensure compliance with this policy through the Field Supply

and Maintenance Analysis Office (FSMAO) Team inspection program and provide

assistance as necessary.

(d) Provide Marine Corps representation to the DOD Joint Small

Arms/Light Weapons Coordinating Group (JSA/LWCG).

(2) Commander, Marine Corps Logistics Command (COMMARCORLOGCOM)


(a) Serve as the Small Arms/Light Weapons Executive Agent (SAEA)

for all serialized small arms/light weapons reporting and provide primary

liaison with NSWC Crane.

(b) Coordinate with NSWC Crane to ensure a thorough search of all

USMC inventories is executed upon receipt of a Missing, Lost, Stolen, or

Recovered (MLSR) report; and facilitate corrections to property records


(c) Resolve any discrepancies/issues of concern between the

Marine Corps Registry and Marine Corps organizations participating in the

MCSSAAP and ensure Marine Corps wide implementation of the NSWC Crane webportal for reporting all weapons movements.

(d) Provide Marine Corps representation to the DoD Joint Small

Arms/Light Weapons Coordinating Group (JSA/LWCG).

(e) Submit shipment transaction(s) to the Marine Corps Registry

when small arms/light weapons are shipped by the Fleet Support Division to

Anniston, Alabama for demilitarization.

These transactions place the

shipment in an in-transit status.

(f) Facilitate storage and control over small arms/light weapons

affected by DEMIL moratoriums (a situation where designated weapons are no

longer being destroyed for a set period of time), mandated by the U.S.

Congress pursuant to the Defense Appropriation Acts issued each fiscal year.


MCO 830 0.ID

Feb 16, 2012

(g) Ensure remote storage activities are conducting Quality

Assurance (QA) sampling to ensure accuracy of serialized weapons reporting,

proper preservation of packaged materials, and submission of Supply

Discrepancy Reports (SDRs), as required.

(h) Monitor reporting of MLSRs to NCIS in order to ensure that

Marine Corps units are notifying NCIS timely of any reportable MLSR incidents

(e.g., missing, lost, or stolen, recovered small arms/light weapons).

(i) Ensure that Department of Defense Activity Address Directory

(DoDAAD) is reconciled annually against the NSWC small arms/light weapons

Registry DoDAAC directory for accuracy.

(3) Commander, Marine Corps Systems Command (COMMARCORSYSCOM) shall:

(a) Ensure Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) are

contractually obligated to ship weapons only to MCLC, and to provide advanced

shipping notices, with weapon serial numbers, to both the Marine Corps

Registry and MARCORLOGCOM prior to shipping.

(b) Ensure newly procured/new fielding project weapons are

shipped directly from manufacturer(s) to MARCORLOGCOM's remote storage


(c) Ensure al1 smal1 arms/1ight weapons requirements are

registered in Total Force Structure Management System (TFSMS) per reference

(v) .

(4) Commanders, Marine Corps Forces (MARFORS) and Supporting

Establishments (SE) shall:

(a) Develop internal controls and procedures to ensure compliance

with this directive.

(b) Ensure Commanding Officers/Officers in Charge of Marine Corps

organizations possessing small arms/light weapons designate responsibilities

for management of the MCSSAAP within their organizations.

(c) Require periodic reviews of the MCSSAAP to ensure that the

provisions of this policy are met.

(d) Ensure transfers, to include redistributions of serialized

small arms/light weapons, are directed by the Major Subordinate

Command/Marine Expeditionary Force/Marine Forces Reserve (MSC/MEF/MFR) via

Naval message.

(5) Unit Commanders. Commanders who possess small arms/Iight weapons

on their accountable records, shall ensure the following are conducted in

support of the MCSSAAP.

(a) Ensure property records, (GCSS-MC/SASSY or DPAS) accurately

identify the on-hand balance of serialized small arms/light weapons at 10 0

percent accuracy levels, whether forward deployed or in garrison.

(b) Ensure transfers, to include redistributions of serialized

small arms/light weapons, as directed by the Major Subordinate Command/Marine



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