Doyle's Diary - 1948/ Frances' Diary - 1948

Doyle's Diary - 1948/ Frances' Diary - 1948

Thursday, January 1, 1948...We worked on the upstairs and Campbells come up and borrowed 2 sacks of coal.

Warmer. We worked on the upstairs. I sewed on Gladys' plaid dress. Lawrence

was here in the eve.

Jan. 2...We worked on the upstairs and I went to Nunn and got groceries and the mail.

Warmer. We worked on the upstairs. I finished Gladys' dress.

Jan. 3...We worked on the upstairs and Lawrence come and borrowed the bicycle.

I did the washing and helped Doyle on the upstairs. Lawrence was here.

Sunday. January 4, 1948...We went to Nunn and got the paper and we went to Harry Boyd's and stayed about 2 hours in the p.m. and Mary stayed all night with Faye, and Harold and Shirley come up.

I went to Nunn with Doyle to get the paper. We went to Harry Boyds. Mary stayed with Faye. Harold, Shirley & Lawrence were here . We made taffee.

Jan. 5...We ground feed and we hauled a load of straw and a load of manure and Goof stayed at Campbell's all day.

We ground feed till noon. Then hauled load of straw. Nice day.

Jan. 6...We threshed a load of oats and we hauled a load of straw.

I got up at 3:45 and ironed. We went to 14 got cane and threshed oats.

Jan. 7...We unloaded a load of oats and I went to Pierce and got a sack of bran and groceries and we went to the Lloyd place and got some wood.

Nice day. We scooped off the oats. Hauled a load of straw. Went to the Loyd


Jan. 8...Windy. Frances had a cold and I worked on some batteries and Faye come home with Mary.

Windy. I felt awful. Faye stayed with Mary. I patched.

Jan. 9...We went to Greeley & got 5 gal. of Kem Tone and groceries. Went to Harold & Shirley's. The axle broke and the wrecker had to drag us home.

We went to Greeley got paint & groceries. Went to see Harold & S broke an

axle. Got home late.

Jan. 10...I put another axle in the car. Went to Pierce and paid Tom Galleton $5.50 for the wrecker, on to Charley's and adjusted his valves on his truck.

Nice day. I washed dishes till noon. Doyle went to Pierce & Charleys. I cleaned

house some.

Sunday, January 11...Windy. I went to Ault to get Income Tax papers fixed up and I paid $281.00 on my income tax and $5.00 for making out the papers,

Windy. Doyle went to Ault to fix Income tax papers. I made pies for the sale.

Jan. 12...We went to a sale at Carleton Lodell's and I bought a binder, duckfoot, and a bed and it was cold all day,

Cold. We went to Ladell's sale. Sold 500 dinners.

Jan. 13...Cold and cloudy. We hauled a load of oat straw and I put a trailer hitch on the 29 truck.

Warmer. i washed out some things. We hauled in straw. I cleaned walls.

Jan. 14...I got the truck and trailer ready to go get my binder and I went to Greeley with Charley.

Warmer. I did the big washing. Doyle went to Greeley with Charley. Shirley & H.

were here a ... (ed. can't read this word)

Jan. 15...The wind blew and it snowed. We stayed home and worked in the house.

Awful windy. We put on one piece of wallboard. I painted ceiling & part of the walls. It snowed.

Jan. 16...I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries and I fixed the fanbelt. Frances painted in the living room and dining room.

Doyle went to Nunn. I painted walls and ceiling. Cold.

Jan. 17...Cold. We stayed home and I sold Raymond F. Larson 3 cows for $365.00 and I put down some linoleum and Frances painted,

Doyle sold 3 cows, Ett, Betty, Cookie. I finished painting walls. Cleaned 2 rooms.

ironed after supper. Lawrence was here in the eve.

Sunday, January 18...Cold and windy. We stayed home all day.

Awful cold and windy. We stayed home all day. Made fudge.

Jan. 19...We hauled a load of straw and Raymond Larson come and got the 3 cows I sold him and I went to the Lloyd place and got a load of barbwire and I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries.

Warmer. I cleaned out the stove, mopped the kitchen, patched and they came

after Betty, Cookie & Ett.

Jan. 20...I had a headache and I straightened the front axle on my 29 truck and I went to Nunn and got the mail.

Warmer. Doyle laid around all day with a headache. ! patched, washed my hair.

Jan. 21...I went to Harold Galgart's and got my binder and duckfoot. Charley went with me.

Nice day. Doyle went to Lodell's to get machinery so ! sewed. Made Gladys

dresses. Hauled straw.

Jan. 22...We went to Ault and I deposited $350.00 in the bank and I rented a safety deposit box for 1 year at the bank for $2.40 and it snowed.

We went to Ault & deposited money and gas & groceries & things. It snowed

hard. I sewed.

Jan. 23...Cold and snowy and Charley Cozad was here and Campbells was here and got two tires fixed and Frances painted the ceiling of our bedroom,

I cleaned bedroom walls, and painted the bedroom ceiling. Camels were here

also Charleys.

Jan. 24...Cold and snowy. We ground feed and Frances painted our bedroom.

It snowed. I painted the bedroom walls. We ground feed.

Sunday, January 25...Cold, windy and snowy. We stayed home all day.

Awfully snowey and windy. We laid around all day. popped corn, listened to the radio.

Jan. 26...Windy, snowy, and cold. No school. We stayed home and picked over some beans.

Terribly snowey and windy. Bus never came. We picked over beans.

Jan. 27...I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries and old Ceil got foundered. I took Keenan his beans and he paid me $8.00.

Sunny. the cows stole the grain last nite, painted in the kitchen. Doyle went to


Jan. 28...I went to a sale at Dunaders and I bought a paint sprayer, truck tire, and some drill bits.

Nice day. Doyle went to a sale. I finished painting the kitchen walls. Ray was


Jan. 29...Nice day. We hauled a load of straw and I started Campbell's car for him and I put an engine on the well and pumped the tank full of water.

Nice day. I painted plastic on the dining room linoleum. We hauled load of


Jan. 30...I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries and I took Charley the Sears Catalogue.

Nice day. Doyle went to Nunn. Bobbie still in bed. I had a sore throat.

Jan. 31...I took the ice out of the tank and pumped the tank full of water.

l had an awful sore throat. Never did much.

Sunday, February 1 ...I went to Nunn and got the paper and mail.

Nice day. Doyle went to Nunn. We stayed home. Lawrence was here twice.

Feb. 2...I took Campbell to Eaton and got him a truck load of coal and I got six boxes of insulation and a step ladder at Ault, and it snowed.

Snowey all day. Doyle went to Eaton & got coal for Camel. I cleaned house.

Feb. 3...Cold and windy. We worked on the upstairs and I pumped water.

I washed some. We worked on the upstairs.

Feb. 4...I ground feed and went to Nunn and got the mail and Sarah and Dean come over for Kenneth's birthday supper.

Nice day. I washed. Made a birthday cake. Made icecream. Sarah & Dean came over and had supper with us.

Feb. 5...I stayed home all day and it was cold and windy.

Cold. I sorted and sprinkled clothes. Had a bad cold.

Feb. 6...I went to Pierce and Ault and I got coal and lumber at Ault.

Nice day till eve. then it snowed. I ironed and mended. Charley was here. Doyle went after coal.

Feb. 7...I pulled Campbell's well and fixed it and put it back and I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries.

Cold & clear. I made 2 apple pies. Doyle fixed Camel's well & went to Nunn.

Sunday, February 8...We stayed home all day. Cozads and Harold and Shirley was here.

Nice day. Charley and Lula were here. Harold & Shirley were here.

Feb. 9...I went to Pierce and got a load of coal and a block of salt and I went to a telephone meeting at Nunn.

Swell day. Doyle went to Pierce for coal. I patched. Cleaned some in the cellar.

Feb. 10...Cold, windy, and snowy. We stayed home.

Terribly windy & snowey. Gladys was sick. I patched.

Feb. 11...Cold and snowed. No school.

Too cold for the bus to come. I made litebread. Kenneth was sick.

Feb. 12...I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries and I hauled a load of oats to the cows.

Bus came at 9:15. Doyle went to Nunn. I started Gladys dress.

Feb. 13...Windy. No school. We stayed home.

Windy. The bus never came. l made Gladys a plaid dress. Kenneth had stiff neck.

Feb. 14...I went to Ault and Eaton - got groceries, sack of spuds.

(ed. Frances' diary is blank this day.)

Sunday, February 15... Nice day. We went to Cozad's. Harold and Shirley were here.

Nice day. We went to Cozad's in the p.m. Shirley & Harold were here in the eve. Windy.

Feb. 16...Windy. We went to Greeley and got truck and car license. Took Shirley with us.

Windy. We went to Greeley. took Shirley. We got trimming for walls. She got


Feb. 17...I was sick. Laid around.

Nice day. I washed. Doyle was sick. Bobby was awful sick with sore throat.

Feb. 18...I went to Nunn and got the mail and my tractor parts.

Nice day. Doyle went to Nunn & stayed at Charleys for dinner. I ironed. Got the pkg. from Ollie's.

Feb. 19...I had a cold and headache all day and Campbell was here.

Colder. I patched. Campbell was here.

Feb. 20...Cold. I sat around with a cold.

Doyle was sick. I cut out my good dress.

Feb. 21...I was sick all day.

Cold. Doyle was awful sick. I made him a birthday cake.

Sunday, February 22...Nice. Art was here for dinner. Harry B. was here. Harold and Shirley were here for supper.

Nice day. Art was here for dinner. Harry Boyds were here. Harold & Shirley

were here for supper.

Feb. 23...Cold and windy. I didn't feel good. Helped Ma put on wall trim. The bus left Kenneth.

Cold & windy. I put on the wall trim. The bus left Kenneth.

Feb. 24...I went to Nunn & got groceries and mail.

Cold. I put 4 treads down on the stairs. Doyle went to Nunn.

Feb. 25...I felt tuff. Went to Campbell’s and started his car.

I wanted to go to club.

Feb. 26...Nice day. We ground feed. Went to Ault and got paint, varnish, and groceries, and a sack of bran.

Nice day. We ground feed till noon. Went to Ault & got groceries & paint.

Feb. 27...I fixed a battery.

I painted woodwork in the kitchen all day.

Feb. 28...I hauled a load of oats around to the bunk.

Cold. I cleaned house and mopped. Laid down a while.

Sunday, February 29...Snowy. We stayed home all day.

Blizzard last nite. We sat around.

March 1...I went to Nunn and messed around till after dark.

I scrubbed the stairway and varnished the woodwork in the stairway. Doyle went to Nunn.

Mar. 2... Nice day. I went to the sale at Auskins. I bought a table and dishes and traps & stuff. Sold Earl Collins some parts for a 29 truck.

I felt bum. sewed on my dress and made a comb case. Doyle went to a sale &

got a kitchen table.

Mar. 3...Snowy and windy. Done chores.

I was sick with a sore throat. patched some. The kids come home early. Awful snowey & windy.

Mar. 4...Snowy and cold.

Cold & snowey. I made litebread. Still had a sore throat. Kenneth went to school with an earache.

Mar. 5...Nice day. I had rheumatism in my knee. I went to Nunn, hauled a load of oats. Bill Row was here after a paper; and we worked with Tarhead until 1 a.m.

Nice day. Bill Row was here after a paper. I shined the good dishes. Doyle went to Nunn. Doyle had to walk home. We tryed to get Tarhead's calf till 1:00 o'clock and give up.

Mar. 6...I went to Hobarts on Tessie to call a vet and Franklin took me to Buchanan's and I called Doc MacKey at Greeley and Curtis come up and took Tarhead's calf and I paid him $17.50.

We got the veterinary for Tar head. They took her calf. Mary and I did chores.

We dried Tar Head.

Sunday, March 7... Harold and Shirley were here. Herb and Doris were here with them.

Nice day. Shirley, Harold, Herb & Doris were here. S & H came back in the eve. I helped Mary make a cake.

Mar. 8...Campbell came after his cat. I hauled a load of oats for the cows.

Nice day. I did the big washing.

Mar. 9...Windy and snowy. Brought the engine in and pumped water.

Snowey & cold all day. We doctored Tarbaby. I cleaned house. Mary made some oatmeal cookies.

Mar. 10... Warmer. Soldered a cream separator.

Warmer. We doctored Tarbaby.

Mar. 11...I worked my pump engine over and I pumped water and Stephens was here and got a Stillson and a pipe jack.

I painted on the woodwork and Kem-toned in the kitchen.

Mar. 12...Stephens brought my Stillson back and we put a linoleum down in the bedroom.

Nice day. I painted woodwork. We put the linoleum down in the bedroom.

Shirley & Harold came after we were in bed.

Mar. 13...I went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries and i hauled a load of oats & ground feed.

Swell day. I cleaned house & we ground feed. Doyle went to Nunn.

Sunday, March 14... Nice, warm day. We stayed home all day. Aggie had a white-faced heifer calf.

Nice day. We stayed home all day. made fudge. Aggie's calf was born. Doyle

carried it in.

Mar. 15...I cleaned some manure out of the barn.

Windy. I cleaned the paper off the hallway and Kem-toned it. Patched some.

Mar. 16...I went to Ault and got a sofa, $109.00, and groceries and paint.

Doyle went to Ault & got a new sofa. I put up curtains and washed windows.

Mar. 17...I fixed the clutch in the Oldsmobile and i went to Nunn and got the mail and groceries and I got stuck in the mud and Charley Cozad pulled me out with his tractor.

Nice day. Doyle fixed the car. I painted the cabinet & door. put on trim. pasted

oilcloth on the wall. Doyle stayed late at Nunn. Kenneth & I did the chores.

Mar. 18...I went to Greeley with Charley Cozad and Edd Johnson and I paid my taxes, $134.92, and I bought 2 bu. of apples and a wash tub and a sack of spuds at Hoovers and Sonyia had a brockle-face heifer calf.

Nice day. Doyle went to Greeley with Cozad. l made curtains. Sonia had a calf.

Mar. 19...I worked on the Oldsmobile starter and I pulled the school bus out of the mud with my tractor.

Nice day. I did the washing. Doyle worked on the car.

Mar. 20...We worked on the upstairs and I went to Pierce to get groceries.

We worked on the upstairs and I put up curtains. Harry & Ray were here for dinner.

Sunday, March 21...We went to Harry Boyd's for dinner and.... (no further entry)

We went to Hazel & Harry's for dinner.

Mar. 22...I helped Charley butcher a hog and I worked on his tractors and Campbell come over and got his seed oats and rye.

I cleaned the double rooms and bedroom. Doyle went to Charleys to butcher.

Mar. 23...I sold Willie Markham 1500 Ibs of barley for $52.50 and I went to Nunn and got groceries, and I went to 14 and got my tractor mag.

I cleaned the kitchen. Doyle put a floor on the back porch. Murray was here.

Doyle went to Nunn.

Mar. 24...Frances had club and I helped Harry Boyd haul a load of beet tops.

Nice day. I had club. had a nice crowd. Had a covered dish dinner. Mary stayed with Faye.

Mar. 25...I duckfooted the garden and I duckfooted a patch for oat and drilled it to oats.

Swell day. We plowed the garden and planted some oats. ground feed. The wind

came up hard.

Mar. 26...Windy and dirty. We stayed home and Keenan come and got a reverse gear for his Wallis tractor, and Batman was here to see about barley seed.

Awful windy. Keenan was here. So was Batman.

Mar. 27...We picked corn and went to the Lloyd place and got one of my buildings and we went to Nunn and got groceries.

Cool. We picked corn. Moved a building and went to Nunn.

Sunday, March 28...We went to Harold and Shirley's for dinner and old Joy had a white-face heifer calf:

Nice day. We went to Harold & Shirleys for dinner.

Mar. 29...I ear marked and clipped brands on 5 calves and I went to Nunn and signed up on the AAA program; and Keenan and Gordon was here and got tractor parts.

I did the washing. Windy.

Mar. 30...Windy and dirty. Keith Smith was here and I hauled a load of manure.

Awful windy. I did the ironing.

Mar. 31...I hauled a load of manure out of the barn and put it in the field, and I sold B. C. Batman 2790 Ibs. of barley for $97.65 and I got the barley off 14. and Jan had a white-face heifer calf. I traded it to Mary for Tarhead.

Cold. Art was here for dinner. I patched. Doyle & B.C. went to get barley on 14.

April 1...Windy. We hauled a load of oats to the cattle and 2 loads of straw.

We hauled feed and straw.

Apr. 2...We went to 14 and got my 20-30 tractor on my trailer and got a load of barley and a hammermill, and we picked a load of corn.

We went to 14 & got the 20-30. Picked corn in the afternoon. Brot a load of

barley from 14.

Apr. 3...We picked corn. Harry Boyd came after seed. We went to Pierce.

We finished picking corn. Harry B. was here. Doyle & I went to Pierce.

Sunday, April 4...We went to Sarah's, stayed for dinner, stopped at Cozad's on the way home.

Nice day. We went to Sarah's, stayed for dinner. Frank Komma died. We

stopped at Cozad's.

Apr. 5...I went to Harry Boyd's and worked on his tractor, and I went to Greeley with Harry and Hazel and got 100 chicks and a pressure cooker and two dish pans and a 100 lb. sack of sugar.

Doyle went to Harry Boyds and to Greeley & got a pressure cooker & 100 chix.

I sewed.

Apr. 6...I went to Cozad's & butchered a beef. I traded Sammy Sheller my trailer for $20.00 and a saddle.

Doyle butchered Charleys beef. Sammy came after the trailer. I sewed on my

dress. K stayed home with chicken pox.

Apr. 7...We went to Nunn and to Cozads & got our 1/2 beef. We cut up the hind quarters & took it to Pierce.

We went to Nunn to Cozads & got our 1/2 beef. We cut it up & Doyle took it

to Pierce.

Apr. 8...Went to Pickett sale, bought cook stove, barbwire, pump pipe, paint, tub. All came to $84.50.

We went to Pickett sale. Got a new stove and paint & stuff. Kenneth stayed


Apr. 9...We went to Frank Komma's funeral and I went to Ault and put beef in the locker and paid it up until Sept. 7, and I bought a linoleum.

We ground feed and went to Frank Komma's funeral. Doyle went to Ault. Got a


Apr. 10...We took the old stove out and put down a new linoleum and set up our new stove.

Windy. We took down the old stove. put down new linoleum and put up the new stove.

Sunday, April 11...We stayed home all day and Kenneth Smith was here for dinner and Edd Staley was here in the p.m.

Cold. We stayed home aIl day. Staley was here to rent land.

Apr. 12...I hauled a load of oats and I branded 3 calves and I went to Nunn and got groceries and the mail.

I washed. Turned off windy. Doyle went to Nunn. I mopped.

Apr. 13...We ground feed and I went to Pierce and got 5 gals. of oil.

Cool. We set up the hammer mill & ground feed. Doyle went to Pierce.

Apr. 14...I duckfooted and drilled oats. Harold and Shirley were here in the afternoon.

Nice day. Bathed kids. cleaned house. Shirley & Harold were in awhile. Put the chix in the box. Planted oats.

Apr. 15...Windy. I worked on my car, getting it ready for a sticker.

Windy. I did the ironing. Patched some.

Apr. 16...I got the car ready and went to Pierce and got a sticker. Hepplers were here after supper.

I patched. We went to Pierce & got a sticker & sold eggs. Came back thru


Apr. 17...We built fence on the pasture.

We built pasture fence. Mary had the chicken pox.

Sunday April 18...Nice day. Kenneth Smith & Lawrence were here. We stayed home all day.

Nice day. Kenneth Smith was here for dinner. We laid around.

Apr. 19...We went to Greeley and got clothing and groceries and a rope and we set some fence posts and I stretched some

Windy. We went to Greeley & sold cream. Got clothes and groceries.

Apr. 20...I took my 12-20 to 14 on the truck and we built pasture fence on home place. Got done.

Nice day. We loaded the 12-20 on the truck. Doyle took it to 14. We finished

the pasture fence.

Apr. 21...We dehorned and branded 3 calves and Harry Boyd come and got 450 lb. of seed oats and I took Frances to club.

We branded calves. Hazel & Harry were here. I went to club at Lewis' (Mae)

with Helen.

Apr. 22...I onewayed on 14 and Vanwhy brought me $101.67 worth of gas and oil.

Doyle went to 14. Mary & l cleaned chicken house, took up the hem on Mary's spring coat.

Apr. 23...I onewayed on 14.

Cooler. We planted onions. I patched & patched.

Apr. 24...It rained and we branded 5 calves and the wind charger blew down.

It rained most of the day. We branded the 5 big heifers. I mopped the kitchen.

Sunday, April 25...We stayed home all day and Heplers & Harold and Shirley was


Windy. We stayed home all day. Heplers were here. So was Harold & Shirley.

Apr. 26...I put shovels on my IHC duckfoot and I onewayed on 14.

Cool. I washed. Harry Boyd came after the hoist & tripod. Doyle went to 14 after dinner.

Apr. 27...We cleaned barley seed and I got done onewaying on 14 and I drilled barley and I went to Coffmans to see about dehorning his cattle.

We cleaned barley seed & I ironed for 2 hrs.

Apr. 28...I dehorned Coffman's cattle and i drilled barley on 14.

We went to Coffman's & de-horned cattle and cleaned seed barley. I mopped & waxed the kitchen floor.

Apr. 29...I drilled barley on 14 and the 12-20 broke down and I worked on Charley's oneway wheel.

We cleaned barley seed. i patched. Doyle tore the 12-20 to pieces. I snoozed.

Apr. 30...I borrowed Charley's 10-20 and I drilled barley on 14. Got done. And I drilled Speltz, and Sammy hauled my 12-20 home for me.

They brot the 12-20 home on Sammy's trailer. l patched.

May 1...We went to Pierce and got groceries and sold eggs. I sent my gas rebate off and I took Charlev's 10-20 home and we around feed, and it rained a tittle, and...

We took eggs to Pierce. Brot Charley's tractor home. Ground feed till it rained.

Sunday, May 2...We went to Ed Johnson's and got old Dandy and I paid Ed $6.00 pasture. Bill and I sold $22.25 worth of junk to Younts.

We went to Johnson's & got Dandy. Shirley & Harold were here for dinner. They

went fishing.

May 3...I took old Dandy to Coffman's and hooked him to a disk, and we ground feed and cleaned beans.

We ground feed. Hepler came after the brooders. We winded beans. The junk

men were here.

May 4...We went to Ault and got wallboard, 4 pieces, and groceries, and Kenneth had a tooth pulled.

We winded beans & took them to Ault. Had Kenneth's tooth pulled. got


May 5...Windy and dirty. I bought a 36 Fort V8 truck from Rollo J. Yount for $425.00 and some junk.

Windy. We put a piece of linoleum down. Doyle bought a Fort truck from Vant.

May 6...We put my 20-30 in the barn and we pulled the motor and transmission.

We tore the 20-30 down. Rawleigh man was here.

May 7...We worked on the 20-30 and we went to Nunn and got groceries and some bolts, and Charley Cozad was here.

We worked on the 20-30. Went to Nunn & sold eggs & got groceries & bolts.

Kenneth went to Greeley with his class.

May 8...We worked on the 20-30, put the new sleeves in and worked on the clutch.

We worked on the 20-30 all day put the sleeves in.

Sunday, May 9...We went over to see Fred Pomeroy in the a.m. and over to Hepler's in the p.m.

Cool. They went to Fred's. We went to see the Hepplers.

May 10-We went to Greeley and I got my drivers license and truck license and we got groceries.

Cold. We had trouble starting the car. Went to Greeley. Got truck license straw

hats. Bobbie's picture.

May 11... We cleaned on the barley bin and we worked on the 20-30.

Cold & rainey. We cleaned out the barley bin. put pistons in the 20-30.

May 12... We worked on the 20-30.

I did the biggest washing. Helped Doyle put the motor in the 20-30.

May 13... We finished the tractor and started it, and plowed the garden and planted some corn, burned a rod out in the tractor, and worked on it till dark.

We finished the tractor & plowed the garden. Burned a rod out and strung it


May 14...Ma went to the school picnic. I put the tractor together and duckfooted south of the pasture.

Mrs. Anderson came by & we went to the last day of school picnic. planted


May 15...Me, Ma, and Kenneth went to the Lloyd place and put timbers under the grainery. Franklin Hobart pulled it down. We went to Nunn and to 14 and to Pierce. Harry Boyd hauled the hog home for me.

We went to the Loyd place & moved the grainery down. Went to Nunn and to 14.

Sunday, May 16...f went to Charley Cozad's. Ollie's and Frank's families were here for dinner.

Ma, Phyllis, Frank, Ollie, Shiriey & kids were here for dinner. Had a nice visit.

May 17... We put the fender on the 20-30 and loaded it on the truck and moved it to 14. I onewayed.

Nice day. We got the tractor ready to go to 14. Doyfe & Kenneth went to 14. I

watered garden.

May 18...I onewayed on 14, finished one patch. Hepplers were here for supper. The wind blew hard.

I cleaned house. Mopped & waxed kitchen. Hepplers were here for supper. Wind


May 19...I onewayed on 14, got done on the three cornered piece and it rained and hailed a little.

I made Gladys a brown jacket.

May 20...I onewaved on 14.

I cleaned cellar. We cleaned yard. Picked up insulators. It rained good m the eve.

May 21...I went by Fred P.'s and Ed J.'s and put a rod bearing in the tractor and onewayed.

We planted garden all day. Doyle came in after a bearing. I got an awful


May 22...I onewayed on 14, came home by way of Pierce and got ice and groceries, and ordered gas.

Hot. I drove Hobart's car into Pierce. Mopped and made buns and rolls.

Sunday, May 23...Hot. Charley was here. We went to Coffman's. No one home.

Hot Charley was here early. We went to Coffmans. No one home. Shirley & H. here in the eve.

Mav 24...Cool. I onewaved on 14, qot done, and it rained a little.

Cool & windy. I put out a row of cabbages. painted the tub stand. It rained.

May 25...We butchered a hog and ground feed and put the windcharger up and ...(no further entry).

We butchered a hog. ground feed and put up the windcharger.

May 26...We cut up the hog and took it to Ault and Pierce and put it in the lockers and we got 40 posts and some wall board and 16 2x6-12 ft. long.

We cut up meat and took it to the locker. got posts, wall board.

Mav 27...We built fence on home place.

l did the big washing. We built so. pasture. Gladys came down where we were.

May 28...We pulled posts and built pasture fence.

We pulled post and built fence all day.

May 29...We built south pasture fence. Hepplers were here in the eve.

We dug post holes. built pasture fence. Hepplers were here brot our stuff home.

Sunday, May 30...Cloudy. Harold & Shirley were here for dinner. Me and Harold went to Keenan's.

Cloudy. Harold and Shirley were here for dinner. We just laid around.

May 31...We finished the pasture fence on the home place and we went to Coffman's and got his bull and I helped Coffman fix his well.

We finished the so. pasture fence. Went to Koffmans and got their bull.

June 1...We went to Pierce and got groceries and salt and we pulled the motor out of the 12-20.

We went into Pierce in the morning. Worked on the 12-20.

Jun. 2...We went to Nunn and ordered tractor parts and we worked on the 12-20.

We went to Nunn & Pierce. Got my club book from Norma. Worked on the 12-20.

Jun. 3... Kenneth and I took a hog to Hoovers sale and sold it for $60.25, and I bought some dishes and 8 camp stoves and I bought Harry's half of old Berky for $27.00.

Doyle & Kenneth took the black hog to the sale. I worked in the garden. Made doughnuts.

Jun. 4...We went to the Lloyd place and blocked up the garage. I went to 14, and worked on the fence.

We went to the Lloyd place & jacked up the garage.

Jun. 5...Kenneth and I went to 14 and fixed fence.

Doyle & K. fixed fence on 14. I cleaned house and worked in the garden.

Sunday, June 6...Hot. We went to Boyd's.

We went to Harrey & Hazels. Butlers were there. Harold & Shirley were here in the eve.


Jun. 7...Kenneth & I went to 14, duckfooted, harrowed barley. Kenneth pulled rye.

I washed out some things. They went to 14.

Jun. 8...I finished harrowing barley and I duckfooted on 14 and the duckfoot broke.

We set out cabbage plants. The wind blew.

Jun. 9...I took Keenan's Graham home to 14 and chiseled on my fallow.

Doyle & Kenneth went to 14. I washed & ironed. Harry & Hazel & Faye were

here after their cows.

Jun. 10...We went to a sale at Hoover's and I sold a hog for $65.00, and I bought some tools,

We took a hog to Hoover's sale. t took Mary to see Dr. Barber. Got home late.

Jun. 11...We took Mary to Greeley and had her tonsils out and it cost $50.00, and I bought some stuff at Kaiser's sale.

We took Mary to Barber. He took out her tonsils. We brot her home about 2.

(Bob- Mary kept her tonsils in a jar of alcohol for a long time afterwards. They looked like chicken lungs.)

Jun. 12...I duckfooted on 14 and Kenneth lost a toenail.

Doyle went to 14. I cleaned house & patched. Harold & Shirley were here a min.

(Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from Frances Russell's autobiography, "FROM THERE TO HERE" which is a more detailed account of Mary's tonsillectomy and the loss of Kenneth's toenail.)

"Mary had always had trouble with her tonsils. There were always swelling and sore. So the next summer we decided to have her tonsils taken out. The doctor took them out in his office, and we took her home the same day.

Mary and Bobby were our horse lovers. They loved to spend their spare time playing with Old Tessie. This was the same old loco mare that nearly sawed Doyle's thumb off in the barb wire fence. Kenneth never cared for horses. He did what he had to with them.

With Mary still laid up from her tonsillectomy, that left Kenneth to ride old Tessie after the cows. This was usually Mary's job, and she enjoyed it. It was time to put the saddle on Tessie so Kenneth could go bring the cows in. He was having trouble getting the saddle cinched up right. I couldn't help him so Mary got out of bed and went out and cinched up the saddle for Kenneth. This made her feel quite superior. In the process of bringing in the cows Kenneth had to get off of the horse, stand on the barb wire fence to let the cows across. This part went fine until he started to get back on Tessie. As I said Tess was loco. this loco weed that horses eat affects their brain. And Tessie was badly affected. She would not stand still for a person to get on. She kept moving sideways. Well, Kenneth had one foot in the stirrup and one on the ground when Tessie stepped sideways toward him and stepped on his big toe. I guess it hurt awful. He wound up leading Tessie home behind the cows.

He was cussing when he told us what had happened. As he took off his sock, his big toe nail stayed inside the sock. She had slipped his toe nail completely off. This did not add to his love for horses. Especially old Tessie."

Sundav, June 13...I went in to Nunn and got the Post. We staved home and slept.

Doyle went after the paper. I made a pie. We snoozed around.

Jun. 14...I chiseled on 14.

Doyle went to 14. I patched and made a baby kimona far Shirley. Watered garden.

Jun. 15...I chiseled on 14. Got done and took Keenan's Graham Hoeme back. Got the 20-30 home.

Doyle went to 14. I made a baby gown and slip for Shirley.

Jun. 16...Unloaded the 20-30. We went to Nunn & Pierce and sold eggs and got groceries. Shirley was here. Mary went home with her.

We went to Nunn & Pierce. Shirley, Doris & Earleen were here. Mary went

home with her.

Jun. 17...I changed oil in my 20-30 and I tightened 2 rods and put the chisels on the duckfoot; and I went to Nunn and bought Slim Johnston's 12-20 for $200.00.

We herded cows along the road. ! mopped and sewed.

Jun. 18...We took Mary to Greeley to see Dr. Barber and we got 50 chics for $.10 each and we brought my 12-20 tractor home from Nunn.

We took Mary to see Dr. Barber. I got me some nylons, brassier & groceries.

Jun. 19...I went to Cozad's and to 14 to look about the well and I went to a sale with Charley and helped him load 12 pigs that he bought from Fred PQmeroy at $11.00 each, and it rained.

Cloudy & rainey. Doyle run around with Charley all day. I made a cake,


Sunday, June 20...We stayed home most of the day and we went to Harry Coffman's and stayed a little while in the p.m.

Foggy. We stayed home till eve. Doyle & I & Gladys went to Coffman's.

Jun. 21...It rained in the a.m. and I went to Cozad's and got Henry Trout and went to 14 and we worked on the well in the p.m., and it rained.

It rained till noon. i sewed for Shirley. Henry helped Doyle.

Jun. 22... Henry and I worked on my well on 14.

I mopped and cleaned out upstairs. Henry & Doyle dug on the well.

Jun. 23...It rained all the a.m. and we worked a little on the 12-20, and we cut old Berkey, and Ronnie came up and we worked on the well on 14.

Too rainey to wash. I made me the dress Ollie sent me for Xmas. Ronnie came up.

Photo here (l to r…Gladys, Kenneth, Ronnie & Bobbie on horse)

Jun. 24...I went to Belview with Slim Johnston to look about lumber, and Henry and I worked on the fence on the home place.

Nice day at last. I did the big washing. Doyte went with Slim Johnston.

Jun. 25...We went to 14 and worked on the well and it rained and hailed and I took Sarah 190 Ibs. of millet and Foster 1040 Ibs, and I bought a water tank from Foster for $31.51.

(ed. Frances' diary is blank this day.)

Jun. 26...We ground feed in the a.m. and we worked on the well in the p.m. We took Sarah 1060 Ibs of oats at $3.50 a hundred.

They ground feed for Sarah. I cleaned house, hoed garden, made a cake.

Sunday, June 27...We went to Nunn and got the paper and it rained, and Harold and Shirley was here for supper.

Doyle & Henry went to town. It rained. Harold & Shirley were here for supper. I

went to a show in Ault with Harold & Shirley.

Jun. 28...Henry, Ronnie, Kenneth, and I worked on the well on 14.

We hoed in the garden. I made doughnuts.

Jun. 29...We went to Ault and I bought 200 new bricks, $8.25, and a pile of used bricks for $15.00 and 3 sacks of cement, $3.30, and I sold Coffman a telephone for $6.00.

They worked on the well. We looked for Snuffey. Lila & Ray were here. So were

Coffmans. I cut out me a dress.

Jun. 30...We worked on the well on 14 and looked at Harry Boyd's tractor.

I made Gladys a birthday cake. Sewed on my dress some.

(Doyle and Gladys in the yard)

July 1...Frances and I went to Ault and got 100 fence posts and 500 bricks for $59.42, and we fixed fence on the home place and Keenan come and got 1000 Ibs. of seed, $35.00.

Hot. We went to Ault got brick & posts. I sewed on my dress. Keenan was here

for dinner.

Jul. 2...We worked on the well on 14 and Keenan qot my wheat drills.

They bricked on the well. I finished my dress.

Jul. 3...I paid Henry off for 10-1/2 days work, $52.50, and he went to Charley's, and Harry and Hazel was here, and I went to Harry Boyd's and took the transmission out of his tractor.

Harry & Hazel were here for dinner. I mopped. Charley was here. He took Henry.

Sundav. Julv 4...We went to Charlev Cozad's for dinner and it was a nice day.

Hot. We went to Cozads for, dinner.

Jul. 5...I chiseled my horse pasture and I mowed the oats and some weeds.

Hot. I felt bum. We hoed in the garden.

Jul. 6...I cultivated the corn and we raked some oats, and a rod broke in the 20-30, and we worked on the Slim 12-20.

Hot. I washed. We started to rake hay and tore the tractor up. Coffmans were

here in the eve.

Jul. 7...I worked on the Johnston 12-20, took Ma to club, and Sid came. Heppler's were here in the eve.

We worked on the Slim tractor. I went to club at Norma's. Sid came. Hepplers

were here.

Jul. 8...We raked oat hay. I went to Harry Boyd's and worked on his tractor. Went to Pierce and got groceries.

We raked the oats. Mary & Doyle went to Harry Boyd's.

Jul. 9...We hauled in the oats and put them in the loft, and I went to Harry Boyd's and put the transmission in his 10-20.

We hauled the oats in and put them in the loft.

Jul. 10...We went to Nunn and got combine parts and we worked on my combine and it rained.

We went to Nunn in the morning. I cleaned house. I made a cake.

Sundav. Julv 11...We staved home all day. Harold and Shirlev was here.

Shirley & Harold were here for dinner. We went to Campbell's a few min.

Jul. 12...We worked on the combine and welder.

Shirley came up and we did our washing. I patched & helped Doyle on the 12-20.

Jul. 13...We put my 12-20 together and started it.

We worked on the 12-20 all day. got it going. The roofing man was here.

Jul. 14...I took my combine to Harry Coffman's and I combined his wheat. Got done and he paid me $10.00 and I pulled in on Campbell's and cut a 1/2 round, and we put a new floor in my Ford truck.

We cut Coffman's wheat and we put a new floor in the Ford truck.

Jul. 15...We fixed the truck bed wheat tight and we went to Pierce to get groceries, and we cut a load of wheat on Campbell's and took it to Nunn, 6010 Ibs. Sid paid $20.00 on his board.

We finished the truck box & went to Pierce & got groceries. They cut wheat.

Harold & S. were up, I ironed.

Jul. 16...I cut wheat on Campbell's and burned out a rod on the 12-20, and put a new rod in and left the wheat set on the truck over night.

They cut wheat. I patched & hoed. Mrs. Buchannan was here.

Jul. 17...We took a load of wheat to Nunn and it was too green, and I took it to Ault and sold it for $1.80 bu.

We took a load of wheat to Nunn & on to Ault. I cleaned house & made a cake.

Sunday, July 18...I went to Charley's and I fixed the clutch in his truck and we went to Heppler's and picked 101 Ibs. of cherries. I paid $4.04 for them.

Doyie worked on Chariey's truck. We went to Hepplers and got 101 ibs. Of cherries.

Jul. 19...I cut a load of wheat on Campbell's and I took it to Ault, and I got done combining wheat on Campbell's.

We canned 37 qts. Of cherries. They took a load of wheat to Ault.

Jul. 20...I took some wheat & Campbell to Ault and sold the wheat and went to Nunn and sold our wheat. I got $489.33 in all, and I cut wheat for Harold Bucannon. Got done.

We cut that strip of wheat for Bucannan.

Jul. 21...I cut wheat. It rained a little. I took Ma to club, went to 14 and worked on the 25


I washed. Doyle cut wheat on this place. It rained some. I went to club at Jennies with Norma.

Jul. 22...We worked on the tail end of the combine about all day. I cut 3 bins of wheat.

They worked on the combine. I washed out some things. Mrs. Caywood came after 6 fryers.

Jul. 23...I combined wheat on the home place and hauled 2 loads to Ault - 14, 820 Ibs.

Mary & Bobbie went to Ault with Doyle.

Jul. 24...I cut a load of wheat and took it to Ault and I broke a piston in the combine engine.

We went to Nunn & got mail & groceries. I cleaned house. Doyle broke the

combine. We raked straw.

Sunday, July 25...I went to Nunn and got the paper and I ordered a piston & we went to Heppler's and got cherries and went swimming.

Shirley & Harold were here for dinner. We went swimming & picked a few

cherries. Cozads were here.

Jul. 26...We raked straw and I worked on the 20-30, started it and ground feed and Harry Boyd was here.

We raked straw. I canned cherries. I sewed on Gladys a dress.

Jul. 27...We went to Nunn and saw Murrav & I took Ma into Sarah K's mother's funeral.

I sewed. We went to Nunn & back to Granny Miller's funeral.

Jul. 28...I worked on the truck lights. I took Sid to the bus in Greeley. Got 1/2 bu. of apricots.

Doyle took Sid to Greeley to the bus. I worked on baby clothes.

Jul. 29...I fixed the combine motor and cut a load of wheat.

! finished Shirley's baby gowns.

Jul. 30...I took a load of wheat to Ault and finished cutting wheat on the home place.

Bobbie & Mary went to Ault with Doyle. Agnes & Florence were here.

Jul. 31-We raked straw, took a load of wheat to Ault, went to Nunn, bought roofing at AuIt, $99.25 worth. Sold $1110 worth of wheat.

We raked hay. Went to Ault with a load of wheat. Cleaned house.

Sundav. Auqust 1...We went to Nunn after the paper and on out to 14.

We went after the Post and on out to 14 and looked around.

Aug. 2...We went to Ault and got 6 Ibs of nails and 2 ft. of 18" valley and a can of plastic, and Tommy Laird put a new roof on my porch and a part of the northside, and it rained a little and Harold and Shirley was here. I done some welding.

Laird worked on the roof. I washed on the back porch. Shirley & Harold were

here in the eve.

Aug. 3...We went to Ault and got 4 bundles of roofing $21.00 and Tommy finished roofing the north side of the house and I combined a bin of wheat

I went to Ault with Doyle to get shingles. I ironed.

Aug. 4...We hauled a load of straw and ! burned holes in 15 drill shovels, and I worked on the truck brakes.

I patched most all day.

Aug. 5...I worked on my Ford truck brakes and lights and we went to Pierce and Nunn and got a sticker and groceries.

I sewed some. Went to Pierce to get a sticker & to Nunn & 14. Felt bad.

Aug. 6...I worked on my 20-30 and I took it to 14 and onewayed some and Vanwhy brought me 316 gals. of gas; $69.52.

Felt bad. I finished Mary's plaid dress. Coffman's were here and Harold &


Aug. 7... Ronnie and I onewayed on 14.

I felt bum. Washed & ironed curtains and cleaned house. Made a cake.

Sunday. August 8...We stayed home in the a.m. and we went to Harry Boyd in the p.m.

We went to Harry & Hazel's in the eve. Shirley & Harold were here in the eve.

Aug. 9…Kenneth and I onewayed on 14.

Doyle & Kenneth went to 14. Cleaned chicken house and made fudge.

Aug. 10…Ronnie and I built fence on 14 and Kenneth onewayed.

I painted the front porch.

Aug. 11... Ronnie and I built fence on 14 and Kenneth onewayed.

I painted on the front porch. Made a cake.

Aug. 12...I onewayed on 14, got done, and Kenneth and Ronnie pulled nails.

I finished painting. Art was here for dinner.

(Ronnie sticking his tongue out)

Aug. 13...I changed oil in my 12-20 and I put a trailer hitch on my Ford truck, and we took the tractor and combine to 14 and cut a bin of barley.

Cool. We hauled a load of hay. They took the outfit to 14. I cleaned bedroom.

Aug. 14...We went to Ft. Collins and l paid $54.50 on my welder. l still owe $150.00 on it, and I got welding rod and groceries.

We went to ft. Collins. I got some new shoes. saw Sarah. Got groceries.

! took Ronnie's pants off. Hot. We stayed home all day. Harold & Shirley came in the eve.

(Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from Frances Russell's autobiography, "FROM THERE TO HERE" with a more detailed account of Frances pulling Ronnie's pants off.)

"Most every summer Ronnie Smith spent the summer with us. Ronnie was my nephew. He was Ollie and Shirley's son. He was just one month younger than Kenneth. He liked to spend the summers on the farm. They lived in Denver, so the farm looked good to Ronnie. He was a lot of help. But he was an ornery little cuss. He liked to throw grasshoppers on me. Well I'm terrified of any kind of bug. He thought this was great fun to hear me scream. I told him if he threw another grasshopper on me, I was going to "pants" him and pour sand in his crack. Oh boy! This was a challenge! So he threw another grasshopper on me. ! grabbed him out in the front yard. He was about thirteen and almost more than I could handle. Over and over we went. He fought like the dickens to keep his pants on, and I fought like the dickens to take them off. I never did get his pants off but I sure poured several hands full of sand down his back side. We must have been at this for over a half an hour. It was summertime and we both had enough.”

Aug. 16...We combined barley on 14. Coffman was here in the eve.

Hot. I washed. They cut barley on 14. Coffmans were here in the eve & brot pickles. I ironed.

Auq. 17...We combined barley on 14 and Kenneth onewayed on 14.

They went to 14. I finished ironing and patched.

Aug. 18...We combined some barley & speltz on 14. Kenneth onewayed, had a flat tire on the 20-30. I took Ma to club at Lemons.

I mopped & patched. Doyle took me to club at Roxie's. We had the initiation.

Aug. 13...We went to the sale at Hoover's. I bought some tools and Ma gave $14.00 for an icebox- Kenneth stayed home.

We went to Hoover's sale. I bought an ice box. School stuff, groceries. Kenneth

stayed home.

Aug. 20...Me and the boys went to 14 and Kenneth onewayed and Ronnie and I threshed 2 little stacks of millet, and I onewayed out the corners.

They went to 14. I cleaned house.

Aug. 21...We went to 14 and finished onewaying the barley stubble and we brought the 20-30 and combine home.

I baked two cakes & cleaned house. They brot the combine home. Shirley &

Harold came in the eve.

Sundav. Auqust 22...Shirley & Harold was here for supper and Cozads was here.

We stayed home Shirley & Harold were here for supper. Cozads were here in the p.m.

Aug. 23...We took Ronnie to Pierce to catch the bus, and we hauled straw and Vanwhy brought me a load of gas.

We took Ronnie to Pierce to the bus. I painted the west half of the porch floor.

Auq. 24... We qround feed and hauled a load of straw.

We ground feed till 3:30 then hauled a load of hay. It sprinkled.

Aug. 25...I had a stomachache and we went to Nunn and to Boyd's

Doyle was sick. We went to Nunn & got mail & groceries.

Aug. 26...We built fence on the so. side of the place.

We built fence on the so. side of the place.

Aug. 27...We built fence on the home place. Hauled hay.

We fixed fence and hauled straw. Mary made her contest cake. I mopped.

Auq. 28...We went to Nunn to the Harvest Rodeo and Marv won 2 first prizes.

We went to the Nunn festival. Mary won 1st with her cake. We got 2 watermelons.

Sunday, August 29...Art come up for dinner and we went to Nunn and got the mail and the Denver Post; and Harold and Shirley was here.

Hot. Art took us to Nunn after the Post. We stayed home in the p.m.

Auq. 30...The kids started to school and we fixed some fence.

I washed. the kids started to school. We fixed fence.

Aug. 31... We hauled a load of straw; and I went to the Lloyd place and got a load of lumber and iron, and Coffman and Harry Jones was here.

We hauled hay. I ironed. Doyle went to the Lloyd place.

September 1...I took Coffrnan's bull home and we went to Nunn and to 14 and to Eicheim's and I bought 60 steel posts, $15.00.

Doyle took Coffman's bull home. I sorted out mgs (???) for Mary. We went to

Nunn & got the mail.

Sept. 2...We went to Greeley to Hoover's to a sale and I bought a Thour washing machine and I sold it to Harold for $18.00.

We went to Greeley & to Hoovers sale. 1 got a suit & 112 bu. of carrots. Harold

& S. came after their machine.

Sept. 3. We straightened steel fence posts and we set 29 in pasture fence.

We straightened up steel posts. Set a fence with them. The kids went to P.T.C. with Andersons.

Sept. 4... We built fence on the home place and Kenneth and I went to Pierce and Nunn.

We fixed fence till noon. I cleaned house & made Mary's birthday cake.

Photo here (Mary & Gladys by Chevy ton-and-a-half truck)

Sunday, September 5...Bobby Huff and family come up and stayed all night, and George Anderson's was here and Harold and Shirley was here.

Bob, Doris, Ma came up. Harold & Shirley & H. & George Andersons were

here for Mary's birthday party.

Sept. 6...We went to Purcell and to the Callendar place and I went to the Charley Lloyds place and got a load of lumber.

Cool. Bob, Doris, Ma & us took a drive over to Uncle M's place. they left We

went to the Lloyd place.

Sept. 7...Cool and misty. I fixed my pocket knife and Harry Boyd and I went to the Lloyd place in the p.m. and worked on my buildings.

Cold & cloudy. Harry Boyd was here for dinner & supper. I painted on the front


Sept. 8...Harry Boyd and I worked on the Charley Lloyd place, tore down the chicken house and hauled it home.

Harry Boyd helped move bldgs. I painted the no. side of the house.

Sept. 9…I helped Harry Boyd load two cows and we went to a sale at Hoovers got tomatoes and peaches.

We went by Harry's & helped him load his cows and to the sale, got 2-1/2 bu. of tomatoes & 1 of peaches.

Sept. 10...I worked on my pump engine and I helped Hary Boyd build forms for his barn.

Doyle fixed the motor. I canned 19-1/2 qt. of peaches and tomatoes and chili


Sept. 11...I helped Harrey Boyd on his barn. We hauled rock from 14. Went thru Nunn & got mail & bread.

Doyle helped Harrey. ! washed & ironed finished ironing after supper.

Sunday, September 12...We stayed home in the a.m. and we went to Nunn and to Charley Cozads in the p.m.

We went after the Post and back by Charleys. Bobbie got lost.

Sept. 13...I helped Hary Boyd work on his barn and we run concrete

I patched most of the day. Canned tomato juice.

Sept. 14...I helped Hary Boyd on his barn

I cleaned the no. room upstairs and straightened up jars down in the cellar. Doyle got home late.

Sept. 15...I helped Hary Boyd on his barn and I took Frances to club and the state

agriculture man was here.

I made apple & peach jelly. Doyle took me to Lucille's to club. He never came after me till dark.

Sept. 16...We went Hary Boyds and he went with us to Greeley to a sale at Hoovers

We went to Greeley and ! got 2 jars at Hoovers. We took Harrey 8. Got 2 bu. of ripe peaches.

Sept. 17...I worked on mv hog lot and hog house

I canned peaches. Made peach butter. Made 12 pt. of sandwich spread. Sure tired too.

Photo here (Berky the hog)

Sept. 18...I helped Charley Cozad haul millet got done and he paid me $5.00

I mopped and cleaned house. Made sandwich spread. Doyle helped Charley.

Sunday, September 19...Marion and Floyd Miller and Harold and Shirley was here for dinner

Marian, Floyd & Harold & Shirley were here for dinner. It rained in the eve.

Sept. 20...We worked on mv hog house and hog lot

We built a hog house all day.

Photo here (Floyd & Marion Miller with baby Steve)

Sept. 21...We worked on my hog house and hog lot

We finished the hoghouse and started on the hog pen.

Sept. 22...We went to Nunn and to 14 and we stretched hog wire around my hog corral

We went to Nunn, got groceries & to Ed J's & to 14. and worked on the pigpen. We went to the Circus.

Sept. 23...We stretched barbwire and we went to Hoovers sale got tomatoes and apples and Coffmans was here

We finished the hog pen & went to Greeley. Got a bu. of apples & 1 of


Sept. 24... We screened grain and ground feed and Ray rode old Mickie & Harold and Shirley was here

We cleaned out the grain bin. We ground feed. The wind came up. Ray came &

rode Mickie. Our little pigs were born. Shirley & Harold were here in the eve.

Sept. 25...I tightened the rods in my 20-30 and we ground some feed

I did the washing. Canned mine & Shirley's tomatoe juice, mopped floors. Bought 3 bu. of apples. We ground feed in the wind.

Sunday, September 26...I went and got Ray Annis and he rode old Mickey and Charley and Art was here

Windy. Charley was here. Doyle went after Ray and he rode Mickey. Art was


Sept. 27...Charley Cozad and I went to Wellington to look for hay and we took my ford and Charley's Chev and got 9775 Ibs of hay it cost $20.00 a ton or $97.75

I canned tomatoe juice. Went with Doyle after a load of hay at Cooper Edwards.

Sept. 28...Charley and I hauled a load of hay from Cooper Edwards and I paid Edwards $169.75 for 16975 Ibs. of hay and I worked on Charleys tractor in the p.m.

They hauled hay in the morning. I painted on the no. side of the house. mopped.

Doyle went to Charleys.

Sept. 29...I worked on Charley Cozads 22-36 and his 30 Chev truck

Doyle worked for Charley. I painted window frames outside. Fought with Campbell's bull.

Sept. 30...I worked on Charlevs tractor 1/2 day and we around feed 1/2 day

Doyle worked for Charley. I made apple pies. We ground feed till noon.

October 1...I worked on Charleys tractor got done and i took my combine to Coffmans and I threshed a little barley

Doyle went to Charleys. I bathed Gladys. Washed my hair. Cleaned house.

Photo here (Shirley Russell with Carol Jean)

Oct. 2...We went to Ault to the Fair and we went Greelev to see Shirley and her baby.

We went to the Ault fair and to Greeley & saw Shirley got groceries.

Sunday, October 3...Art come up and took us to the mountains up the Tompson to the top

Art took us to the mts. We ate dinner above timberline. saw Phygene at Drake.

Had a nice trip.

Photo here (Doyle in the mountains 1948)

Oct. 4...! threshed Coffmans barley and I brought my combine home and Ray rode old Mickey. Coffman paid me $15.00 for threshing his barley

Doyle went to Coffman's to thresh.

Oct. 5...We worked on my 20-30 and we went to Nunn got the mail and grocerys and it was cold and windy and froze ice 1/2 in thick

We hauled a load of hay. Worked on the 20-30. Went to Nunn & about froze.

Oct. 6...Cold and windy I worked on the washing machine engine and it was cold and windy

Windy, snowey & cold. I canned apples. Doyle worked on the wash machine


Oct. 7...I cleaned the wheat out of the coal bin and the wind blew.

Windy. I washed tho felt rotten. Franklin was here to talk telephone.

Oct. 8...I worked on my 20-30 and started it and I drilled the hog lot to wheat & rye and I drilled some rye in the little pasture

We hauled a load of hay. l canned apples and mopped the kitchen.

Oct. 9...I went to Nunn, Pierce and Ault got coal & grocery and I went to Harold's and hauled his coal and chairs to Campbells

Doyle & Kenneth went after coal. I cleaned house. Made a cake. Went to

Campbell's to see Shirley. Rode with Franklin.

Sunday, October 10...We stayed home all day and Hary Boyd's was here

We stayed home. Ray was here. Hazel, Harry, Nancy & Faye came in the eve.

Oct. 11...I hauled Harold household goods and pulled his car up here from Manuel Buderus and I worked on Hary Boyds barn in the p.m.

Doyle moved Harold's stuff up here. I patched. We went to P.T C. I spoke.

Oct. 12...I worked on Harys Bovd barn and went to Nunn and got the mail

Doyle helped Harry B. Harold was here. I made cookies. Nice day.

Oct. 13...! helped Hary Boyd run concrete in his barn wall got done and I finished drilling rye and wheat in my little pasture

I did our & Harold's washing & ironing.

Oct. 14...We went to a sale at Hoovers and I bought a 15-30 IHC tractor and a stock trailer for $220.00 and we brought them home

Nice day. We went to the sale. Brot the tractor & trailer home.

Oct. 15...Windy and dirty Harold, Shirley and baby was here all day and Charley Cozad was here

Windy. Shirley, Harold & baby were here all day. Charley came to butcher. Too


Oct. 16...Cold and snowy

It snowed & blowed, awful cold. Doyle slept. I made pies.

Sunday, October 17... Harold moved his household goods to Campbell's and we

went to Coffman's in the p.m.

Harold moved his stuff out. We went to Coffman's in the p.m. Warm, snow


Oct. 18...We went to Nunn and got the mail and Charley Cozad and I butchered old Blundy and Charley got 1/2 of him it weighed 156 Ibs. I still owe Charley 19 Ibs of beef

Nice day. We fixed to butcher. Ate dinner at Cozads. They butchered old Blundy.

Went to Nunn.

Oct. 19...We cut and wrapped the beef and took it to Pierce and Ault and ! went to 14 and I put up keep out signs and Frances went to club at Hansons

We cut up meat & took it to the lockers. He took me to club at Hanson's.

Oct. 20 Wind blew and ! went to Greeley and sold 3 beef hides $9.50 and I got a sack of sugar $8.75, sack of flour 50 Ibs $2.98, sack of apples $1.98, and we hauled a load of straw

Windy. We ground hamburger. I made mince meat. Made pies. Hauled a load

of straw.

Oct. 21...I onewayed on 14 in the a.m. and ! went to the cattle sale at the Experiment station

Doyle took me to Normas. We sold dinners at the sale. Bob Boyd brot me to


Oct. 22...I duckfooted on the home place worked down 2 sand ridges

I cleaned house all day.

Oct. 23...! pumped up the hind tire on the 20-30 and drilled and chiseled in the so. pasture.

I helped Doyle till noon. Then made a cake & washed windows.

Sunday, October 24...We went to Nunn and to Fred Pomeroy's got cabbage and carrots and Art was here for dinner and Harold and Shirley was here

We went after the Post & to Freds. Art was here for dinner.

Oct. 25...I worked on my pump engine and I helped Franklin Hobart pull his pump and put it back

I did all the chores, brot in my wash water & washed & made 2 cherry pies.

Oct. 26...I duckfooted and drilled rye on the home place and I disked down some sand ridges and Frances went to a cattle sale east of Purcell.

Doyle took me to Normas. We went to the sale. Harold brot us home.

Oct. 27...We cleaned and ground oats and burned out a rod in the 20-30

We cleaned oats till noon. Then ground oats. Burned out a rod in the 20-30.

Oct. 28...I changed oil and put in a rod in the 20-30 Wallis and ground feed and went to Nunn and got the mail

Colder. We ironed and ground feed. Doyle went to Nunn.

Oct. 29...Charley Cozad and I butchered two hogs one for me and one for Charley

They butchered Berky and went to Charley to butcher his hog. I made Gladys a green dress.

Oct. 30...We cut and wrapped meat and I took it to Pierce and Ault to the lockers 135 lb

We cut up part of Berky. Doyle took it to the locker. t rendered lard.

Sundav. October 31...We stayed home and Harold and Shirley was here for dinner

Harold & Shirley were here for dinner. I rendered lard all day.

November 1...We cut up meat, ground sausage, hauled weeds to the ditch.

We cut up the rest of the meat & I salted it down. I felt rotten.

Nov. 2...We went to Pierce and voted. I took the windcharger apart and Harold and Shirley was here to hear the election returns

We took windcharger down. Went to Pierce and voted. Sat up till 12:30 &

listened to the radio. Harold & Shirley were here in the eve.

Nov. 3...I went to Ault and got 3 tons of Hannah coal and I took Frances to club and Lightburns and I got a load of oats and barley hay

Doyle went to Ault after coal. He took me to Liteburns to club. I salted the meat down.

Nov. 4...Windv and cold. I fixed the basement window, worked on the windcharger

Windy & cold. I made Gladys' green skirt.

Nov. 5...I tore weeds out of the fence. The wind blew. Worked on the windcharger mag

I finished Gladys skirt. cut her out a blouse. Windy & cold.

Nov. 6...I fixed the pump engine. Burned weeds and re-built fence

I washed. Helped rebuild fence and burn weeds.

Sunday, November 7...We stayed home all day. It snowed & blowed.

Cold and snowey & windy. We stayed home. We made fudge.

Nov. 8...I went to Nunn & Pierce and got bran and oyster shell. Shirley and Harold were here for supper.

Harold brot Shirley by to spend the p.m. I ironed. They stayed for supper.

Nov. 9…Cold & windy. I straiqhtened out hay wire.

Windy & cold. I patched. Shirley & Harold brot Kenneth home.

Nov. 10...I put cardboard in the truck windows. Went to Charley Lloyds and blocked up the garage.

I washed a line of things by hand. We put cardboard in the truck windows.

started snowing.

Nov. 11...I took Ma to Johnsons to go to the sale. I went to the sale.

Snowed last nite. Doyle took me to Normas. We sold lunch at the sale. turned off nice.

Nov. 12...I worked on the carburetor on the I.H.C.

I cleaned house till noon. Sewed on Gladys’ doll coat.

Photo here(Gladys with her doll)

Nov. 13...Franklins pulled the garage down. We went to Nunn & to 14 and got hay. got groceries.

Franklin moved the garage down. I mopped & cleaned. We hauled hay from 14. Went thru Nunn.

Sunday, November 14...We stayed home in the a.m. and we went over to George Anderson’s in the p.m.

Nice day. We went to George Andersons & spent the afternoon.

Nov. 15...We went to 14 and got a load of oat and barley hay and ! drilled rye and wheat on the home place

We went to 14 after a load of hay. We pulled fence posts.

Nov. 16...We went to Pierce and Ault and and Shirley went with us and we got grocerys and I bought a 1936 V8 Ford motor for $20.40

We took Shirley with us to Ault. They took me to Rose Kommas shower. I spoke.

Nov. 17...Cold. Took Ma to club. Went to Pomeroy's & got wagon wheels. Give Kenneth a check for $28.00 for Trumpet

Snowed & blowed. I went to Club at Winifreds. Bought 2 boxes of Xmas cards.

Nov. 18...Cold and windy I filled Harold's car with transmission grease

Cold & wind. Mary stayed home, sick. Harold was here to get Doyle to grease his car.

Nov. 19...! cleaned fences and burned weeds and we went to Pierce to the carnival with Harold

I did the washing, pressed clothes. We went to the carnival with Shirley &


Nov. 20...I worked at home in the a.m. and I helped Franklin pull the well on the Charley Lloyd place in the p. m. and we went to Nunn and Pierce got mail and grocerys and it snowed

! cleaned house. Bob was sick in bed. We went to Nunn & Pierce in the eve. Sh.

& Ha. were here.

Sunday, November 21...Cool and cloudy we stayed home all day and Franklin shot a coyote and I skinned it

We stayed home. I made 2 apple pies.

Nov. 22...I put oil in the transmission on my truck and we went to Pierce and got 30 gals of gas and 30 gals of kerosene and we went to 14 and got a load of barley hay

We went to Pierce & to Nunn, & to 14 and got a load of hay. I did most of the


Nov. 23...I cleaned fence and I burned weeds

I had a stomachache. finished ironing. mended.

Nov. 24...We went to Nunn and got grocerys and mail and the wind and dirt blew all day.

We went to Nunn. I dressed a hen. Made a cake. S. & H. came & brot a duck.

Nov. 25... Harold and Shirlev was here for dinner and it was cold and windv

Shirley & Harold had Thanksgiving dinner with us. Mary went home with them.

Nov. 26...We went to 14 and got a load of barley hay and ground feed and I done some blank listing on the home place

We went to 14 and got a load of hay. Ground feed. Shirley & Lawrence were

here horseback.

Nov. 27...Cold and windy ! filed two meat saws and put heel on Kenneth's boots and

Hazel and Hary was here

Cold. I made rolls. Hazel & Harrey were here. It turned awful cold.

Sunday, November 28...We went to Cozad's in the p.m.

Bobbie was sick. We went to Cozads. Kenneth & Bobby stayed home.

Nov. 29...I worked on the windcharger and put it up

I wanted to wash. Too windy. ! patched and sewed on doll clothes. Put up the windcharger.

Nov. 30...We went to 14 and got a load of hay and I had a headache

Swell day. I washed. We went to 1 4 & got a load of hay.

December 1…I went to Bill Karney's sale down by Eaton and I bought a cow $145.08 and some belting and a hog crate and Harold went with me. He bought a barrel and a weed burner

Cold & windy. Doyle & Harold went to a sale.

Dec. 2...We went to Greeley to Hoover's sale and I sold 3 pigs for $40.50 and we bought grocerys and a bu. of apples

We took 3 pigs to Hoovers. Went to Mutuals for groceries. Heplers were here

while we were gone.

Photo here (pigs)

Dec. 3...We went to 14 got a load of straw and and ! cut a boar for Billy Wilson and Heplers was here and I put a partition in the hog house

We went to 14. Got hay. Heplers were here for a while.

Dec. 4…The wind blew and it was cold and I worked on mv stock trailer

I cleaned house all day. Made a cake.

Sunday, December S...We went to Nunn and got the mail and paper

Cold & windy. Doyle went to Nunn & got the paper. Made ice cream.

Dec. 6...I went to Walt Keenans got a sofa for Harold and I butchered a hog for Harold

I made doll clothes for Gladys doll.

Dec. 7...I cut up a hog for Harold and it was cold and windy

Cold. We went to Walt Keenans and took Harolds stuff home. Doyle & H. butchered a hog for Harold.

Dec. 8...Wed Dec 4 1948 (no further entry)

Windy. We cut up Harold's hog. Kept their baby while they went to town.

Dec. 9...We went to Greeley to the sale and we bought grocerys and I signed my summer follow papers

Cold. We went to Greeley about froze at the sale. Done some of my shopping.

Dec. 10…We took Sarah 200 Ibs of millet $6.00 and we went to Pierce and got 30 gals of gas $6.90

We took Sarah 2 sacks of millet. Wind came up. We came home thru Pierce.

Dec. 11...I cut 3 pigs and I took the kids to Ault and got 16 sacks of barley rolled and I got 2 tons of coal at Pierce

I felt bad. Harold came after his wash. machine. Doyle took the kids to Ault. got


Sunday, December 12...We stayed home and Cozads was here and Harold and Shirley come up and stayed all night and Harold worked on his car

Charley & Lula were here in the p.m. Harold & S were here for supper. Stayed


Dec. 13...I unloaded a load of coal and barley and I helped Charley Cozad butcher a hog and we cut 6 pigs & Frances went to Cheyenne with Harold and Shirley

Nice day. We went to Cheyenne with Harold & S. Came home thru Pierce.

Dec. 14...Hary Boyd and Ray was here and I fixed Hary's washing machine engine and Harold and Shirley was here

Foggy. Harry & Ray were here for dinner. I wrapped pkgs.

Dec. 15...I went to a sale at J. O. Collins' and I bought a tumble scraper, roll of woven wire, wagon and a spring tooth harrow for $40.75 and I sold Fred Pomeroy a 2 section springtooth for $7.50

We went to the sale at Collins and I went to club at Helens.

Dec. 16...We went to 14 and got a load of straw and I pulled my wagon home that I bought at Collins sale. We went to Ault and got a tooth pulled

Hauled a load of hay. I washed. We went to Ault & got Doyle's tooth pulled.

Dec. 17...I worked on the combine and it was cold

I sewed on Bobbie's p. j.'s

Dec. 18...We threshed some oats and I went to Pierce and got the mail got my gas rebait (rebate) check $69.18 mailed 2 packages and I got 2 sacks of feed at the elevator

We threshed till noon. We went to the club supper.

Sunday, December 19...We stayed home and Harold and Shirley was here for dinner and supper and we played dominoes

I sewed on Bobbie's p.j.'s Shirley & Harold were here for dinner. We played


Dec. 20...Windy and dirty. We went to Greeley and got grocerys and Christmas presents and overalls

Awful windy. I was sick. We went to Greeley finished Xmas shopping.

Dec. 21...It snowed about all day and I worked on the upstairs a little

I cleaned all 4 rooms. Ironed after supper.

Dec. 22...Cold and snowy. ! went to Nunn and got the mail and we went to the Xmas program at Pierce with Harold and Shirley

Snowed most all day. I pressed Kenneth & Doyle's suits. We went to the Xmas program at Pierce.

Dec. 23...Cold and snowy. I went to George Andersons with Harold to break ice so the cattle could drink.

It snowed all day. I cleaned house. Made 2 pies.

Dec. 24... Kenneth and I went to Nunn and to Pierce and got the mail and grocerys and we got stuck in the snow with the truck

Cold. Kenneth & Doyle went to Nunn & Pierce. got stuck. I mopped. Sh. & H.

came by.

Dec. 25...We stayed home and Harold and Shirley was here and Mary went home with them

Shirley & Harold came by & we exchanged gifts. Mary went home with them.

Photos here of kids at Christmas

Sunday, December 26...We stayed home all day

Cold & clear. We sat around and played dominoes.

Dec. 27...We worked on the upstairs and Harold and Shirley brought Mary home

We worked on the upstairs. Harold & S. brot Mary home.

Dec. 28...Windy and snowy we worked on the upstairs

Windy & snowey all day. We worked on the upstairs. I patched my dress.

Dec. 29...We went to Pierce and Nunn got the mail and grocerys

Nice day. I patched. Kenneth & Doyle went & got mail & groceries. I popped corn.

Dec. 30...Cold and windy we stayed home and ! ripped two boards on a angle for the upstairs

Windy. I patched.

Dec. 31 ...We stayed home Frances washed and ! took a wheel off my Ford truck and Harold & Shirley was here for dinner and I helped them get their car out of a snow drift

I washed. Shirley & H. got stuck & were here for dinner.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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