CHAPTER 4: THE FINAL BATTLE - Neverwinter Vault

Blackguard – Adventure Walkthrough


Class and Alignment

This module is designed for evil aligned characters. Lawful evil characters and neutral evil characters are acceptable albeit your natural choice - as a servant of Talos - should be oriented towards a chaotic evil character.

You can choose any class you wish - but you must become a blackguard to complete the module. You must become a blackguard to complete Chapter One and you must gain at least 5 levels as a blackguard to complete Chapter Two.

To qualify as a blackguard your character must have: a base attack bonus +6 or more, at least 5 ranks in the Hide skill, and the Cleave feat.

Level of Play

The module is intended to be played at the hardcore difficulty level.


If your character dies he’s gone forever – respawning is not permitted. So, save a lot!


You can have only one henchman at a time. In Chapter Two there will be a quest linked to each henchman.

Killer Instinct

As a rule, you can kill anyone who doesn’t bear a proper name (i.e. commoners, kids, patrons, guards, soldiers and so on). Mostly, killing someone won’t make their whole faction hostile – unless other factioneers witness the assassination. There are exceptions, though (i.e. Mornbryn’s Shield in Chapter Two).

Usually, killing an innocent will shift your alignment of 5 points towards evil.

Killing someone with a proper name could be a risky business. First, some people are crucial to complete the adventure. Second, a few people simply cannot be killed. Of course, you can kill anyone without qualms if you get the ‘attack’ option during a conversation.




Your adventure begins with a dream. A group of bloodthirsty orcs is busy butchering a bunch of commoners and children for your own enjoyment when a mysterious being comes in, asking why you’ve summoned him. It’s not the first time he visits you in your dreams, though you don’t remember to have ever called for him. The armored-clad being, however, claims he has made his way in dreams for centuries and he never come unsummoned. Anyway, the dreamwalker likes your dreams for they are full of hatred, blood, death and destruction. He questions, however, if you are up to the task you’ve chosen – destroy the city of Yartar. You reply by swearing the city is doomed. Tymora won’t save its people and they will all pay.

The dreamwalker is not so sure, though. Suddenly, a couple of guards appear to fight and kill the orcs. Such a disturbance angers you and you cry you will summon the dark powers if you must. No one will stop you and Yartar will fall. As you wave your hands calling forth the forces of darkness, four vrocks appear to slaughter the guards. The dreamwalker is amused by the show but he laughs you’re nothing but a novice. It will take a little more to summon any servant from the Abyss... If you want to learn, you have to meet a man who goes by the name of Fargrak. He’s waiting for you in Yartar. Follow his lead until you will be ready, then...

Time to wake up now!




As you wake up, a voice speaks in your mind: Fargrak is waiting for you in Yartar and he has already sent someone to meet you here. Go now!

Before moving on, you should throw a look at your inventory and read your personal diary. You've written many things in it during the past few years. Some pages are filled with minor notes of no importance, while others describe events that changed your entire life: ‘I can't believe this has happened... This can't be! My native city has betrayed me! NOOO!! (...) A week now... I had to leave, before they came for me... The pain is still fresh... They must not get away with this. SHE will not get away with this! (...) A whole year traveling around. I haven't forgotten... A whole year wondering about what must I do. I hate them! I HATE THEM! They must pay! All of them! Just like in my dreams... Who IS that man in my dreams? (...) It has been two years, now... I want revenge! REVENGE! I dream about it. I dream about their blood spattered everywhere. Soon... That... whoever he is... still appears from time to time. He says he likes it when I spill blood in my dreams. I told him to just enjoy the slaughter and keep quiet. I will leave none of them alive. NONE OF THEM ALIVE!!! (...) I spent the whole night dreaming about how I would kill her! When I woke up, I knew. Before this is over, her head will be up on a pike. Like a sharp rock in a boot, he was still there... watching me... (...) Three years traveling around the Dales... coming of age... learning to kill... It is time... I'm heading towards home... Home... is it really home anymore? The stranger appeared again last night in my dreams... just after I finished slaughtering all those... *people*, yet again... Then, he told me about this Fargrak fellow; I don't know why... I'm sick and tired of having to listen to him... (...) I stand near Yartar, my homeland. I sleep here tonight, and tomorrow, they will all feel my wrath’.


A man is standing here, near a signpost showing the way to Yartar. Morcis [LE, Ro3] has been sent by the Hand of Yartar – the local thieving guild – to assist you in any way he can. His aid, however, is limited to information only. After all, he’s just an errand boy.

Morcis says things are quiet in the city. The Waterbaroness is still in charge. She’s been there for many years now. Since she was elected, the city has prospered... which is good for the guild actually. But at the same time, the sheer number of guards around is totally insane. The Waterbaroness, a paladin of Tyr, is so motivated to have what she calls ‘the safest city in the North’, that she tripled the amount of guards on duty.

If you ask about Fargrak, Morcis says he’s staying at the guild these days. He’s a reserved man who looks too religious to the rogue’s taste. The access to the guild is restricted, though. You will not pass the entrance if you don’t have the proper ward token. And for that, only Grassar can help you. He’s the one responsible for giving out the ward tokens to those who need one. If you are lucky, you might catch him in one of the two taverns in Yartar... or if not, you could just ask there, maybe somebody will know more.

Morcis has nothing else to say. If you plan to kill the rogue to get his belongings, he won’t drop anything but an alexandrite gem.

When you’re done here, follow the road ahead to enter the city of Yartar.



Notes: As you walk about this large area you may meet thirtytwo commoners [N, Commoner 1], a couple of little kids [N, Commoner 1], two little girls [N, Commoner1], sixteen Shield guards [LG, F6 - F16] and seventeen Shield soldiers [LG, F7 - F9 - F17 - F19].

If you wish, you can attack and kill these people without messing the game. You should be wary to do that without others taking notice, however, or you will be soon in serious troubles.

Indeed, the Shield guards and soldiers are definitely tough to beat.

Fourteen guards are level 6 fighters but a couple of them are 16th level fighters! One of such guards stands at the bottom of the ramp leading to the Waterbaron’s Hall; the other is found by a well in the southeast corner of the area, just south of the thieving guild entrance.

The soldiers are level 7 or level 9 fighters – with two notable exceptions. One level 17 fighter stands near the bridge leading to the Western Bank; one 19th level fighter patrols the middle southern portion of this area. Be careful!

Shield guards and Shield soldiers leave a few things behind when killed: a Shield Armor (a banded mail+1), a Shield Helmet (it grants the wearer a +1 bonus on all saving throws), a Shield Halberd or a Shield Sword (guards have halberds, soldiers have swords. Both are weapons +1), a Shield Protector (a tower shield+1. Only the soldiers have one), a Potion of Barkskin and a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.

The ‘Shield’ items can only be used by lawful good characters, albeit a rogue having the use any item skill can overcome this limitation. Most merchants and shopkeepers will refuse to buy such items for they are stolen but you can sell them to Fribo at the thieving guild... they fetch a good price.

All the buildings and places you can enter are pinpointed on your area map. Don’t bother with the other doors - they are locked and cannot be opened. As your game progresses, other buildings will become accessible. New markers will be placed on your area map to pinpoint these locations.


Two Shield guards stand watch here at all times... unless you kill them, of course. Go through this gate if you want to leave Yartar.


The merchant’s shingle by the door informs you’ve found The Cointoss tavern.


Once an inn, this building now houses the poorest people in town.


From here you can enter the city sewers.


Four merchants are selling their wares near the stalls about here. Be warned that if you attack commoners or guards around here they will become hostiles as well and you will be forced to kill them.

One merchant [N, W2] deals in magical artifacts. His wares include a few robes (acid resistance, electrical resistance, mage’s battle robe, adventurer’s robe), many arcane scrolls (of level 0-3), non-curative potions (bull’s strength, cat’s grace, clarity, eagle’s splendor, endurance, fox’s cunning, invisibility, lore, owl’s wisdom, speed), protection items (amulet of natural armor+1, ring of protection+1, ring of clear thought+1, ring of resistance+1, scarab of protection+1) and miscellaneous stuff (a wand of missiles, a gem of seeing, a gem of brightness, a harp of haunting, a slaad’s tongue, dust of appearance, a chime of opening and two magic bags).

Another merchant [N, C2] deals in curative stuff. His wares include potions (antidote, barkskin, clarity, cure wounds – any types, eagle’s splendor, heal, owl’s wisdom), scrolls (greater restoration, lesser restoration, neutralize poison, protection from alignment, raise dead, remove fear, restoration, resurrection) and healer’s kits+1.

A third merchant [N, F2] deals in weapons and armor. His wares include light armor (hide, leather, padded, studded leather, studded leather+1), shields (small, small+1, large), common weapons, a few magic weapons and ammo (arrows+1, arrows+2, bolts+1, bullets+1, bullets+2, bullets of smiting, a composite longbow+1, a dagger+1, fire arrows, piercing arrows, a short sword+1 and a sling+1) and a pair of Boots of Hardiness+1.

The last merchant [N, Ra2] deals in miscellaneous items. She sells bracers (decterity+1, lesser gauntlets of ogre power), belts (agility+1, archer’s, brawler’s, monk’s, swordsman’s), cloaks (fortirication+1, nymph+2, protection+1), necklaces (glittering and common types), rings (of cyan, of crimson, of jade and common ones), torches and traps (all the minor kits plus a strong acid splash kit).


Two Shield guards stand at the bottom of the ramp leading here. The Hall’s gates are guarded by two Shield guards and a Shield officer [LG, F11].

The officer informs the Hall is the home of the elected ruler of Yartar. Since the Waterbaroness is currently absent, only a few important visitors are allowed in. If you ask about the Waterbaroness, the officer says she is loved by all the citizens. She has only ruled for a couple of years, but she has already performed great deeds.

A powerful ward has been placed on the Hall’s door and you won’t be able to pass through it. Move along.


A paladin of Tyr is standing here, together with four Shield guards. When you approach Lamir de la Bora [LG, P20], the paladin says your heart is black - he can smell the stench of evil at a hundred leagues. As a servant of the Lord of Justice, he won’t do anything to you now but he warns you’d better not stray from the path of righteousness, least he will hunt you down.

Lamir and his fellows won’t be here anymore once you’ve attained an higher level. Don’t worry, though - you shall meet again.


This is the recently established temple of Tyr. A couple of Tyr guards [LG, P16] stand watch at the entry door. If you somehow manage to kill them, they leave behind a full plate armor.


This is the local temple of Tymora. Two Tymora guards [LG, P16] stand by the door.


This building will become accessible only when you’ve found the Altar of Savil and then you’ve talked with the glabrezu you can summon there.


Both sides of this gate are guarded by a couple of Shield guards.


Cross the bridge to enter the western section of the town.


The merchant’s shingle near the door of this building, let you know this place is The Wink & the Kiss, Yartar’s most famous festhall.


This location will be shown on your map only when you have been given the ward token to enter this building. The token can be obtained from Grassar, the man who runs a warehouse in the western portion of the town.


The merchant’s shingle by the door of this tower informs the mage Esklindrar runs a library here. Also, he sells a lot of arcane scrolls and other interesting stuff.


Read the merchant’s shingle by the door of this building to learn this is the place to visit if you need to buy weapons or armor.


The merchant’s shingle near the door informs this is the Beldabar’s Rest inn.


This location will become accessible only when you’ve been asked from Massvik (at the Hand of Yartar guild) to come here and kill the tower’s owner.


A merchant’s shingle by the door, informs this is the Pearl-Handled Pipe Inn.


This building will become accessible only when its location has been revealed by the halfling Krip Fallflies - who’s found at the Beldabar’s Rest inn.


The merchant’s shingle by the door informs you’ve found the One Foot in the Boat tavern.


This building will become accessible only when you’ve obtained the finished Khalid poison.




Seven patrons [NG, Commoner 1] are found here, along with the owner of the place, Tanataskar Moonwind [LG, Commoner 4]. He explains this is the best place if you want to have a drink quietly. Here, they don’t like noisy or nosy people.

Be warned that if you ask for a beer and then you comment it tastes like cow pee, Tanataskar will take offence and he will refuse to speak with you again.

If you ask about Grassar, Tanataskar says you might find him at his warehouse. It is just across the bridge, in the western part of Yartar. For getting this information you will be given 50xp – unless you’ve already learned that information by the tavern keeper of the Foot in the Boat.

If you ask about Yartar, the tavern keeper says this is a fine city. Since Lady Belleethe Kheldorna was elected, she has done a fine job, fixing almost everything her predecessor messed up. Two years ago, she even ended the feud they had with their rival town, Triboar. Indeed, the old Waterbaron wasn’t that good with diplomacy... but the Lady is different. She’s a paladin of Tyr, always acting for the common good. Even the stubborn Lord Protector of Triboar couldn’t resist her. Recently, she has been very busy developing new relations with people from the North. It seems Yartar is going to have Mornbryn’s Shield as an ally, even if this is just a rumour.

If you plan to murder everyone here, keep in mind that Tanataskar cannot be killed. Don’t attack him or he will follow you everyehere!


Here is a chest you can search to find random treasure of minor value.




The two Tyr guards [LG, P16] standing by the temple’s door should be enough to ensure the safety of this holy place.

Here you can talk with the priest Benjam [LG, C7]. The Tyrran cleric can heal you (for 200 golds) or sell you his wares. The stuff he sells is mostly intended for clerics and monks even if includes curative potions, scrolls and other items suitable to all classes.

If you ask Benjam about this temple, he says it was built two years ago. The Waterbaroness, in her great wisdom, decided to give this city a place devoted to Tyr’s worship – an example to all her subjects of order, law and righteousness. Oh, she’s such a great woman! She fought the evil Kraken Society, she brought to justice many evil men, she’s a shining example to follow...

Well, if Benjam’s words make you sick just tell him to get to the point. Keep in mind that if you are offensive, the priest will refuse to speak again with someone of your ilk. Of course – you will be barred forever from his shop and services.

If you wish to bring havoc to the temple and if you manage to kill both Benjam and the two guards, after the slaughter you can search the cleric’s remains to get a banded mail+1, a large shield+1, a mace+1, a Periapt of Wisdom+2, a Potion of Bless, a Potion of Bull’s Strength, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and a Ring of Clear Thought+2. If you are a rogue with the pick pockets skill, you can try to steal the potions listed above from Benjam’s pockets.

The dead guards drop nothing but a full plate armor. A dexterous thief can pickpocket them for a couple Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, though.




This temple, devoted to worship the Lady Luck, is protected by four Tymora guards [LG, P16]. They should be enough to ensure you don’t bring havoc in this holy place.

Mornhal [NG, C6], the local priest, can show you his wares, mostly suitable for clerics and monks. By killing – or pickpocketing - him, you may get a mace, many potions (of Aid, of Antidote, of Barkskin, of Bless, of Bull’s Strength, of Cat’s Grace, of Clarity, of Cure Critical Wounds x4, of Heal, of Speed) and three gems (an aventurine, a diamond and a garnet).


Origas [NG, C3] is the priest in charge of delivering the temple’s services. Many people come here to receive the blessing of Tymora, while some others come for healing. Many are adventurers, much like yourself. That reminds him something he must do. There is a man called Hentian, at the House of the Poor, who is very sick. Origas has coconcted a special mixture for him and he will reward you if you bring it to Hentian.

Don’t discard the priest’s offer but agree to help him. Indeed, this quest will give you a chance to test your evilness. Take Origas’ cure and leave the temple.

When you have ‘delivered’ the cure to Hentian, return here and tell Origas he has not to worry about Hentian anymore. He’s cured... Such a kindness will be rewarded with 200xp and 100 golds.

As a side note, Origas cannot be killed so, don’t start a fight with him.




Two Shield guards [LG, F6] stand near the entry door of this place.


Here are two Shield guards [LG, F6], five beggars [N, Commoner 1] and a nurse [NG, Commoner 4] attending to five sick men laying on the floor.

The nurse explains this place is one of the finest things the Waterbaroness has done. She changed the White-Winged Griffon into a hostel for the poor after she had the two former owners arrested. Apparently, they were informers for the Zhentarim. Now, the beggars have a home! To make her angry, just say now that all the beggars are in one place you should lock all the doors and burn the whole building down...


This door is locked and cannot be opened.


Hentian [NG, Commoner 1] is very sick and he has nothing to tell you. If you got the cure from Origas at the temple of Tymora, tell the old man you are here to help him.

Giving Hentian the cure will shift your alignment of 10 points towards good. Of course, you can do better than that... Tell Origas to don’t move and assure him he won’t feel any pain, then, attack and kill him. This way your alignment will shift 10 points towards evil and you will get an additional reward of 100xp when Hentian dies. Now you can go back to the temple of Tymora and get your reward for having ‘cured’ Hentian.

Alternatively, if you have already visited the thieving guild and Fribo’s shop, you can give the man a vial of serpent venom instead than the cure. Again, your alignment will be shifted towards evil and you will get 100xp for your nefarìous action.




The main room of this tavern is crowded by seven drunk men [NG, Commoner 3], six patrons [NG, Commoner 1] and three Shield soldiers [LG, F7].

Walk to the southeastern corner of the room to meet the anonymous tavern keeper [LG, Commoner 10]. He explains this place is a haven for adventurers. This is the last stop you can make if you’re going north or east, towards the Evermoors. You had better get the blessing of Tymora before going out there. But, they also see some followers of Tyr around, as well. Many paladins come here to pray before going on holy quests of any kind. That’s why the city is so safe. Only a fool would try to cause any kind of trouble in Yartar. The two temples are doing a good job.

If you tell Tymora is just a crazy bitch, the tavern keeper will take offense and he will refuse to speak with you anymore. If you ask him about Grassar, instead, the tavernmaster says he’s one of his regulars. He has not seen him for a while, though. He’s spending a lot of time at his warehouse lately. You will find it in the western part of Yartar, across the bridge. For acquiring this piece of information you will be given 50xp – but only if you haven’t got the same reward by asking to the Cointoss’ tavern keeper.

02. LILI

When you approach this cowled woman, she looks at you and says you would be perfect for a little job. Lili [LN, Commoner 1] offers you 200 gold pieces if you recover a ring stolen from her by a scumbag by the name of Granim. Of course, his death will probably be necessary to get the ring. She doesn’t know where Granim is currently staying but she’s certain that he won’t hide in an inn or a tavern. He’s not the kind to hide in the wilderness, either.

If you want, you can try to persuade Lili to give more. If you succeed, she will give you 100 gold pieces in advance, and 200 more when the job is done.

When you return the ring to Lili, you will get the 200 gold pieces she promised, plus a reward of 400xp.


Here you can search a big crate and two smaller crates for random treasure.



Notes: About this area you may meet twelve commoners [N, Commoner 1], a little girl [N, Commoner 1], a little kid [N, Commoner 1] and five Shield soldiers [LG, F7 or F17]. Four soldiers are level 7 fighters but the one who patrols the western part of the area is a fighter of level 17. You’ve been warned.


Cross the bridge to go back to the City Core.


Two Shield guards [LG, F11] and a Shield officer [LG, F11] stand before the gates of the Yartar’s tower.

The officer explains the tower is the place where the Shield soldiers and guards are trained. Many times, the enemy of Yartar have tried to set foot inside the inner walls of this tower... and manty times, they have failed. The orcs and trolls of the Evermoors are not match for the Shield warriors. The Shield is the elite guard force of the town. Under the supervision of the Waterbaroness, they police Yartar and fight off orc and troll raid. Lady Belleethe Kheldorna, Waterbaroness of Yartar, has been very busy by late in getting rid of Kraken Society agents in town, and improving the diplomatic relations with Triboar.

The tower’s gates are protected by a powerful ward. You won’t be able to pass through it in Chapter One.


You can leave Yartar by going through this gate.


This location will become accessible only when you’ve been told about Grassar by the tavern keeper of The Cointoss or by the tavern keeper of the Foot in a Boat.


This location will become accessible only after you’ve visited the fake Dark Hand guild in the city core.


● First Floor



Two giant rats [N, Animal 1] will attack you when you enter the warehouse.

About here you can search several containers. Five crates, a chest, a loot bag and a large weapon rack hold a few potions and random treasure of minor value. Within the armoire on the left of the entry door there are a large shield, a lorebook, five potions (Barkskin, Bless and Cure Light Wounds x3) and a scroll of Cat’s Grace. The chest along the upper wall to the west of the entry door is locked [DC18] and holds random treasure of medium value.


Five giant rats are found about here.

Four crates, an armoire, an armor rack and a locked chest [DC18] can be searched for random treasure of low value.


When you’ve killed the four giant rats scuttling about here, you can collect a few treasure of minor value by searching one crate, a melee weapon rack and three chests. One chest is locked [DC18]. A keg along the west wall holds three Potions of Cure Light Wounds and random treasure of low value.


Four giant rats wander about here.

Treasure of minor value can be found within a crate, a chest and a locked cabinet [DC18].


Along this corridor you will be harassed by six giant rats.

Treasure of low value can be found inside seven crates and a heap of treasure.


Two giant rats lurk in the upper portion of the corridor. Kill them and go south to meet the man you’re looking for.

Grassar [NE, F7/Ro2] is cursing against some stupid asshole who caused the rat invasion in his warehouse. If you want to know where Fargrak is, you should go upstairs, find that stupid man and rip off his head... literally!! Show him no mercy! When you agree to help Grassar you get 200xp.

When you return the stupid man’s head to Grassar you will be given 200xp, 100 gold pieces and the Hand of Yartar ward. Grassar explains this token will let you pass the guild’s door. The guild hall is in the city core, south of the marketplace. Fargrak will be found there.

Before to go upstairs you can throw a look around here. A pile of stones holds nothing but a quartz crystal. Random treasure of minor value and a few potions can be found inside three crates, a desk and a couple of loot bags.


Go up these stairs to reach the second floor of the warehouse.

● Second Floor



The stairs to the east lead down to the first floor of the warehouse.

When you arrive here you are attacked by five giant rats. Kill the vermins, then throw a look around. The desk in front of the stairs holds random treasure of high value. Two crates near the desk hold a couple of potions and random treasure of low and medium value. More random stuff of minor value can be found within two armoires standing along the west wall.

The room on the northeast features two chests. The chest in the southwest corner holds random treasure of minor value. The chest in the northeast corner is locked [DC18] and holds a potion of Bull’s Strength, a scroll of Barkskin and random treasure of medium value.

The room on the northwest has nothing but a crate with random treasure of medium value.


Five giant rats wander about here. When the oversized rodents have been dealt with, you can search three crates. The crates in the middle of the room hold random treasure of minor value. The crate to the west holds random treasure of high value. The crate in the southwest corner of the room holds random treasure of medium value, an amethyst gem, a pair of Bracers of Dexterity+1, a lorebook, two Potions of Cure Light Wounds, a Potion of Fox’s Cunning and a set of thieves’ tools+1.


Here you can butcher five giant rats.

In the bottom part of the corridor there is a crate with random treasure of minor value. Halfway along the corridor, standing on the east wall, there’s another crate holding a couple of potions (Antidote, Cure Light Wounds) and random treasure of high value. North of this box, standing along the east wall, there is a chest with random stuff of low value. Similar treasure can be found within the locked chest [DC18] in the northeast corner of the area.


This portion of the warehouse features five giant rats for you to kill.

Besides the vermins, here are several containers to search. One crate at the eastern end of the corridor holds a Ring of Protection+1 and random treasure of medium value. Four more crates further forward hold random treasure of minor and medium value. A heap of treasure and a loot bag hold random stuff of high value. Finally, a chest at the western end of the corridor holds random treasure of medium value.


Five giant rats infest this portion of the warehouse.

A locked chest [DC18] along the west wall holds a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds and random treasure of high value. Three crates halfway along the corridor and a melee weapon rack at the bottom of the hallway hold random treasure of low value.


Here are three giant rats, a chest with a Raise Dead scroll and random treasure of high value, and two crates with a couple potions (Aid, Cure Light Wounds) and random treasure of minor and medium value.

Most of all, here is the stupid man Grassar asked you to kill. This guy is standing in the behind some barrels, presumably to escape the rats. Five barrels can be searched to find random treasure of minor value. Also, you have to bash a few barrels down to reach the man.

The stupid man [CE, Ro2] says it’s not his fault if he dropped the growth potion in a crate full of rats. Grassar should have cleaned his warehouse before! Mock the guy until he become hostile or simply attack him and rip his head off.

When he dies, search his remains to find the stupid man’s head, a bottle of spirits, a bottle of wine, a leather armor, a Potion of Cat’s Grace, two Potions of Cure Light Wounds, a Ring of Fortitude+1 and a short sword+1. When you pick up the head you are given 200xp. Bring your grisly trophy to Grassar and you will be further rewarded.




To enter the guild you need the proper ward token. You can get the token from Grassar, the man who runs a warehouse in the western portion of the town. Be careful to don’t lose this token or you won’t be able to come here anymore.


Fargrak [NE, C20], a priest of Talos, is waiting for you in this room. When you talk to him you are given 300xp.

Fargrak, who has been told about your great potential, asks about your dreams. Apparently the same being who visit your dreams told the priest about your coming. Fargrak won’t tell you who the being is. Just know he has been summoned by your desire for utter destruction. However, you are still a novice in the matter and there is much you have to learn before you have the power to destroy Yartar. To prove his point, Fargrak asks about your plans to bring down the city. Whatever your answers, the Talossan priest will show you how your strategy is faulty. At last, when you give up for loss of ideas, Fargrak says that only a true blackguard of Talos could send the city to its doom. You are not ready for the task but if you truly wish to destroy Yartar, Fragrak can show you the right way. He can teach you the ways of Talos but he warns that only a true blackguard could bring about such destruction. Become a blackguard, then, with the help of the dark powers, your dreams will come true. Will you devote your life to Talos? Will you submit your soul to the God of destruction?

Well, if you want to continue your adventure you have no choice but agree with Fargrak’s proposal. Embrace Talos’ faith and begin to learn the true path of destruction.

Once you’ve agreed to follow the Dark Path, Fargrak explains he is preparing a very special concoction. He will not tell you its nature just yet, for he still need to gather some additional ingredients in order to complete it. However, he needs your help to find those ingredients. The first reagent he needs is a belly from a mature fire beetle. You should be able to find fire beetles in the sewers.

Once you’ve talked with Fargrak, you should go speak with Massvik and get the job involving the iron mine. Before travelling to the mine, come back here and tell Fargrak about Massvik’s request. The priest says the mine provides all Yartar with iron ore. By making sure it is closed for a long time, you will cripple Yartar’s defenses. So, when you kill Jaon, you should make sure you also kill Mokui, his assistant. For that matter, you should kill all the miners! When you’re done, bring Mokui’s head here so Fargrak can put it on Talos’ altar. By the way, the Hand of Yartar should never know what you are planning. After all, you are to seriously impair their income...

When you start the dialogue to tell Fargrak about the mine, you get another conversation thread. Ask Fargrak how you are to proceed to destroy Yartar and the cleric will reply things of this magnitude need to be well planned. First, you will need to turn into a true weapon of mass destruction by becoming a blackguard. Second, there is a book called ‘Secrets of Yartar’ which he would like you to procure for him. The mage Esklindrar should have a copy of the book. Unfortunately, the mage enforces the same rule that Candlekeep does - anyone wanting to gain access to his ‘special’ bookstore has to provide him a new book of great value. So, you should keep your eyes open for rare books. Should you find one, give it to Esklindrar and buy a copy of ‘Secrets of Yartar’ for the Talossan cleric.

When you bring Fargrak the mature beetle’s belly, you are given 200xp. The cleric says now he needs you to find a leaf from a taggit plant. It is a very toxic and rare plant; you may find one in the wild.

Also, once you’ve brought him the first ingredient, you can ask Fargrak about the ways of destruction. The cleric asks how many creature you’ve killed to get that belly and if you had fun to do it. Sure, beetles are not like human beings, but you should have enjoyed to rip out their bellies. Indeed, a true blackguard always enjoy killing his victims. Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. This is your first lesson and it is worth 100xp.

Before leaving, you can ask Fargrak about the poison he’s preparing. Many years ago, the priest found some old tomes in a hidden ruined temple devoted to Talos. By reading the tomes he learned about the Khalid poison. This poison is not an ordinary toxic substance. It is highly magical in nature, and very powerful. It cannot be negated with common herbal remedies, or even by a simple magic spell. Just know it will serve your purpose well. Oh, and enjoy its preparation!

When you’ve talked with Massvik after you’ve completed the mine quest and you’ve been told about Dar Ju, come here. Give Fargrak Mokui’s head and you will get 100xp. Then, ask Fargrak about Dar Ju. The cleric gives you a paper tagged as ‘permission to Dar Ju’. Now you must go to the Wink & Kiss and give the document to the rogue. Simple enough, uh?

Once you’ve done the commission, return here and ask Fargrak if being almost blown up was another part of your training. The cleric laughs that part was just for fun, but, still, he killed Dar Ju without mercy, and most importantly, he enjoyed it. Fargrak lured him into his clutches and then destroyed hum. Now he is dead and the guild owes him for that. Control, indeed, it is one of the most important virtues a blackguard must possess. Fargrak controlled both the guild and their enemy in this matter. Of course, there are other virtues – patience, strength, power, mercilessness... but control is above all. To have lack of control is to be weak. Without control, you will bring about only your own destruction and not that of your enemies. You need control if you are to destroy this city. In time you will learn to control people weaker than yourself. Lure your enemies... deceive them... destroy them. For listening this lesson, you will get a reward of 200xp.

When you’ve been asked by Massvik to kill Marax, come here and ask Fargrak about the sorcerer. He cannot tell nothing about him except that you should bring something to protect yourself against magic. Also, don’t forget to enjoy his death.

Once you’ve stormed Marax’s tower, you should have found the rare tome you need to access Esklindrar’s ‘special’ selection of books. Go to the mage’s library and buy the book by the title ‘Secrets of Yartar’. Bring the book to Fargrak and you will get 200xp.

Also, when you’ve been asked by Massvik to search and kill Travio, come here and inform Fragrak about this quest. The priest says the ranger is also a Harper - you must kill him at any cost!

When you bring him the taggit leaf you may find deep in the High Forest, you are given 300xp. Then, Fargrak says a friend of him who goes by the name of Ern Hum should be arrived at Beldabar’s. He has brought a container of very special deadly scorpions. You should go over and get them for him.

Once you’ve brought Fargrak the taggit’s leaf, you have a conversation option to ask the cleric more information about how you are going to destroy Yartar. Fragrak explains the Khalid poison will bring the town to a crisis that will claim many lives. However, it will not be enough to destroy the city. Before this is over, you will have to control many people. You need patience... and you need to learn how you can control the weak. Fear is the key. When someone fears you, he can be controlled easily. There is a great potential in the North, A vast army could be built easily with many fearless, merciless and strong soldiers. Of course, he should also add... stupid – and easily controlled. That is exactly what you need. The orcs living in the north will be perfect for the task. Soon you will learn what an easy puppet an orc can be. Fear is your most valuable weapon. To listen this lesson you get 300xp.

When you bring him the scorpions, you get 400xp. Fragrak says the Khalid poison is almost finished. He still need to give magical powers to it, though. The cleric had asked a friend in Waterdeep to send him a pouch of lich ashes. Unfortunately, the caravan bringing the ashes has been ambushed and the pouch stolen, along with everything else in the caravan. If you find those responsible for this, you may also be able to find the ashes.

Also, about this point of the game you should have attained the experience needed to become a blackguard of Talos. Do that, then talk with Fargrak. The priest will rejoice, smelling the dark powers raging inside you. You have done well and the first part of your training is now complete. Soon the city will meet its doom. For now, Fargrak has a gift for you, a gift from a high priest to his blackguard. It is very powerful and you should use it well.

The Skull of Talos is a powerful tool. Made from the skull of a sacrificed human male, it is imbued with the divine power of destruction. Depending on what you might do, the skull's power may change. For now, it grants you the power to cast the Blood Frenzy, Darkness and Doom spell, each spell usable once per day.

When you bring back the pouch of lich ashes, you get 500xp. Fargrak claims the city is even closer to its doom. Now he will prepare everything needed for the final ritual. If you’re ready to face your destiny, time has come to fulfill your dreams. If you say you are ready, the priest gives you the unfinished Khalid poison. However, there’s still something you must do before it will be of any use. The poison has to be bound to Talos’ destructive power and to do that you have to summon Talos’ power. There are only a few places in this world where such a ritual could take place. With the book you’ve brought back, Fargrak has found a perfect location – the Altar of Savil. This is the place where Savil, a powerful necromancer, used to summon great dark powers. According to what he has read, it should be located below the northern crypt in the Yartar cemetery. Fargrak gives you the Khalid scroll, warning you should hang on to it for it contains the incantation you need to summon Talos’ spirit.

Once the Khalid poison is ready you should go to the southwestern corner of the city and find a way to the old sewer. The old sewer has been forgotten for a long time, but it’s still the junction point for all the wells in Yartar. There, you will know what to do. If you have unfinished business elsewhere in Yartar, you should go quickly and finish it. When all is done, you and Fargrak will leave the town and travel to the Evermoors to build an army.

To reach the cemetery, just leave the town by the east gate, then choose the option to go to the graveyard.


Three adventurers stand in the same room where you find Fargrak. They are willing to join you, however, you can have only one henchman at a time. Talk with the adventurers, then make your choice.

Gard [NE, Bb3] has been in Fargrak’s service for a year now, waiting to fulfill Talos’ will with his axes. Grown up in an Uthgardt tribe south of Luskan, Gard no longer recognize them as family. They are weak, always going on about honor. Gard found truth in the path of destruction. With Talos’ teaching, he has become a true warrior. Now his axes are hungry and he must feed them. Take him with you, and you will fulfill Talos’ will together. It will be an honor to spill blood at your side.

Gard’s starting equipment includes a chain shirt+1, Gard’s Helmet (it grants the wearer immunity to fear and a +1 bonus on the concentration skill), two handaxes+1, three Potions of Bull’s Strength and four Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds.

Harto [CE, Ro3] is a humble servant of Talos. Usually, he doesn’t trust people easily, but in your case, he will make an exception. He can disarm traps, pick locks, kill people and, of course, count gold pieces.

Harto’s starting equipment includes Harto’s Gauntlets (they grant a 5/- slashing damage resistance and a bonus +2 on the disable trap skill), a padded armor+2, five Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, three Potions of Invisibility, two short swords+1, two average spike trap kits and two minor spike trap kits.

Klarah [CE, C3] has devoted his life and soul to Talos. She knows what you are here for, and she’s at your service if you ever need her services. She can fight in battle and also cure your wounds.

Klarah’s starting equipment includes a chainmail+1, Klarah’s Amulet (it grants the wearer the power to cast the Divine Favor spell once per day), a morningstar+1, a Potion of Bless, a Potion of Clarity, five Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, two Potions of Owl’s Wisdom and a small shield.

Before to leave this room, you may want to search the chest along the south wall. It holds two Potions of Bless, a Potion of Bull’s Strength, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and a scroll of Resurrection.


This halfling lass within this room comes by the name of Fribo Anther [N, Ro2] and she’s the one you should talk to if you need any equipment around here. Her wares are mostly suitable for rogue-like characters and her prices are the cheapest in town. Also, she’s the only merchant who will buy your stolen goods (i.e. the ‘Shield’ items).


A female rogue by the name of Massvik [NE, Ro3] stands here, surrounded by five thieves [N, Ro7] wielding short swords+3.

Speak with Massvik once you’ve talked with Fargrak and she will say the cleric told her about certain skills you have that could be useful to the guild. Fargrak said that you were the kind of lad who could do some dirty work for a good reward and without feeling guilty or asking too many questions, aren’t you? If you are, Massvik is the right person to speak with. Indeed, she’s the lady in charge of assigning jobs to the guild’s members, as well as making sure they are done according to the guild’s policy, and to the satisfaction of their ‘customers’.

Currently, she has a few clients that have to be dealt with. If you’re willing to help, your first client will be Jaon, chief of the iron mine. The poor man was at the wrong place at the wrong time but the guild cannot allow a witness to go on breathing, can they? You should travel to the Yartar iron mine and eliminate Jaon. Just remember you must bring back proof of Jaon’s death. Guild rules, you know... Also, before leaving the guild you should talk to Fargrak regarding this affair.

When you return here with Jaon’s ring, show it to Massvik and you will get 100xp and 1,000 gold pieces as a reward.

Your next client is a rogue named Dar Ju. He’s not a member of the guild, but he’s been caught operating in Yartar. Let’s just say, that after a warning and some negotiations, they decided to give him permission to operate in town. Fargrak has the written permission document with him. Just take the paper, go to the Wink and Kiss and give Dar Ju the document.

When you return to Massvik after Dar Ju blew up you are given 1,000 gold pieces. Then, Massvik tells you about a sorcerer called Marax. Your task is simple enough: go to his tower and kill him. Nothing fancy, but, you should not underestimate him. Marax’s tower will be shown on your map once you have been given this quest.

When you return here with Marax’s head you will get a reward of 2,000 gold pieces. Also, Massvik has one last client for you. His name is Travio and he is a very skilled ranger. He also works for the Shield sometimes. He’s been meddling in the guild’s affairs for three months now, but they have never been able to catch him. Recently, they found out he’s not in the city, but he’s hiding with his brother – a member of a small druid enclave – in the High Forest. Track him down and kill him. Again, Fargrak would like to talk to you before you go.

When you return here with Travio’s ring you will be given 1,500xp and 2,000 gold pieces. Then, Massvik says that Likam, the guild master, has a little task that needs your kind of abilities. You should go to this room and talk with Likam about that task.

Once you’ve finished Likam’s quest, the guild master sends you back to Massvik. The rogue asks you to bring her the head of Vall, the leader of the rival guild. Problem is, they don’t know for certain where to start looking. However, Massvik may have a lead for you. There is a foreign rogue hanging about town, who wanted to join the guild not long ago. He said that he came from another city and wanted to move here because things were getting too dangerous there. At first, they didn’t think anything about any link between him and the attacks on the caravans but now they wonder if he’s not working for them. Maybe you should pay him a visit and see what you can learn. He said that he would be staying at Beldabar’s Inn while he waits for their decision. This could be a lead to help you find Vall. You should recognize him when he says ‘This is a fine inn indeed’. You should reply with ‘and they also have good ales’. Of course, you are allowed to use any method of persuasion you see fit, as long as it works. All they want is the head of Vall.

When you bring Massvik the head of Vall, you get 500xp and 3,000 gold pieces. Massvik says you have taken care of all the little problems of the guild. Now business will run as usual.


Likam [LE, Ro6], the guild master, has nothing to tell you until you’ve proven yourself by dealing with the guild’s ‘clients’. Once you’ve killed Travio and informed Massvik about the ranger’s death, she will send you here to talk with her boss.

Likam tells you about some recent incidents regarding a few caravans that have been attacked near Yartar. The guild is not involved with the raids, nonetheless they are causing them a few troubles. Indeed, the Waterbaroness thinks that they are responsible. The guild’s men have been spying on all the merchants and nobles of Yartar for a while. They have been able to find one that, by coincidence, seemed to prosper a little bit a few days after each attack on the caravans. His name is Elmaror. The guild send him a warning just to see how he would react. Well, they have been unable to find him ever since. His two sons have also disappeared. Last time they saw him, Elmaror was staying at the Pearl. You should track him down and use every possible means to acquire the information they seek. They need to know who attacked the caravans.

When you’ve found Elmaror and learned about the Dark Hand, return here and inform Likam. You will get 500xp and 2,000 gold pieces. Then, Likam will send you back to Massvik for she should have a last job for you.




Hasklar [N, F15/Bb6] buys and sells all kinds of weapons and armor. There is no blacksmith here – his entire inventory comes from adventurers like you. Many of them go up north, through the lands of the orc clans and barbarian tribes.

If you ask about the orcs, Hasklar says there are many orcish clans near the Evermoors. They sometimes try to raid the city but they’re no match for the local guards. By late, it seems that many of the orcish tribes are at war against each other. Even the trolls are getting involved.

If you ask about the barbarians, Hasklar says the Uthgardt tribes are everywhere in the north. There are few who are friendly and most of them will attack you for just about any kind of reason you can think of.

Hasklar can be killed – in theory, at least. Besides his high level of experience, he has a couple of Potions of Heal he’s ready to gulp down if his life is threatened. If he’s brought down, the shopkeeper drops Hasklar’s Armor (a full plate armor) and Hasklar’s Axe. No one really knows where this axe comes from. Local rumours are that Hasklar would've received it from a powerful being as a gift. This greataxe is a weapon +2 that grants the wielder an attack bonus +4 vs evil creatures and cause them 1d6 additional slashing damage.




The mage Esklindrar [NG, W17] sells many kinds of books (all the standard NWN lorebooks) and a lot of – pretty expensive - things for those who are adept at magic.

If you come here after you’ve been asked by Fargrak to fetch him a book labelled ‘Secrets of Yartar’, Esklindrar explains he enforces the same rule in place at Candlekeep - in order to have access to his best stock, you must first provide him with a book of great value.

If you have a tome by the title ‘Gargauth’s Exile’ (it is found in the library of the sorcerer Marax), give it to Esklindrar and he will allow you to look at his ‘special’ titles. The special books include: ‘Creatures of the Underdark’ (‘We do not have an exact count about the nations that exist in this dark place since they all tend to be very evil in nature and only few strong adventurers have been able to venture in the Underdark and live to tell the tale. The drow are without doubt it’s primary inhabitants. Many cities are spreaded throughout the Underdark. They are in large numbers, but the drow's most feared ennemy is still the drow. Very rarely, we can find them in peace internaly and with other cities. The duergar are also part of the Underdark. Always hidden in mountains or lost citadels, they tend to have the same behavior than their cousins, except for their evil nature. The illithids are probably the most powerful creatures found in the Underdark. Very little is known though because very rare are those who survive an encounter with them. Driders also could be found there, always fighting the drow’), ‘Mornbryn’s Shield’ (‘Mornbryn’s Shield takes its name from the rocky, horseshoe-shaped ridge that forms a natural rampart along the west and south sides of the settlement. It is this ridge that shields the community. Mornbryn was a ranger of some fame in the North, over 400 winters ago. Legend says that his underground tomb is somewhere under these rocks. This little hamlet do not stand alone in the lands of the orcs and trolls. The keep is used as armoury for the local militia. Protected by a ring of mist ward linked to fourteen helmed horrors, the keep is their strongest defense against ennemy raids’), ‘Secrets of Yartar’ (The book is filled with local rumours. None are really of importance except for fews exceptions: ‘There are also rumors of secret doors leading to deeper halls. At least one of these may lead to an ancient, abandoned, dwarven citadel that in turn is linked to the Underdark’, ‘...the Lost Guide. This is a fellow who disappeared alone somewhere between Triboar and Yartar. He was running a wagon loaded down with sacks of gold pieces. Each town blames the other for his murder and the disappearance of the gold. Others, however, think his bones lie in the Dessarin, the gold with him’ ‘...the altar of Savil. He had the ability to summon powers behond imagination. Some of them have never been put to sleep...’), ‘The Eternal Rivals’ (‘Yartar and Triboar have always been eternal rivals. The bad blood between the two towns has led to armed skirmishes. Whenever citizens of both places are under the same roof anywhere in the North, you can expect a brawl. The guides are always in competitions for clients who need to travel north across the troll's territory, the Evermoor’), ‘The Kraken Society’ (‘The Kraken society is an secret organisation of mages, assassins, thieves and many power hungry people. No one knows really what they are looking for or how the organisation is run since they do not tend to act like a common thieve guild or like another cult to some unknown god. Some say that they operate using independant cells and reporting to a powerful man named The Kraken who lives somewhere on an island. Some other would say that Alahar Khaumfros, former Waterbaron of Yartar, were the leader of the society and was reporting to a darker power such as the illithids’), ‘The Shield of Yartar’ (‘The west bank of the Subrin is the site of the Shield tower, home to the Shield of Yartar, over 150 Shield guards who police Yartar and fight off frequent orc and troll raids. The tower, with the years, has become a real stronghold. The inner sanctum is heavily guarded with traps and wards to which guardians are linked. The Tower has its own dock which is always heavily guarded. The dock is roofed to protect the barges from the weather. The Shield soldiers are very strong and skilled fighters. Only the best are chosen to wear the uniform’) and ‘The Wards of the North’ (‘An unusual, impressive, and potentially deadly feature of the North is its wards. Intended to keep undesirables like orcs, brigands, and hungry monsters, these are usually seen as rings of mist. They are often set up around inns, abbeys, keeps, and other inhabited places. Many an inn has a ward around its stables, gardens, and yard, hidden from the road or approach by a palisade or planting of trees. Most wards have tokens that allow someone to pass through the ward without suffering any of its effects, and in some cases without even knowing it is present. We see many different kinds of ward effects. Some are deadly in nature, some other for blocking undesirables’).

Once you have gained access to Esklindrar’s special bookstore, buy the book labeled ‘Secrets of Yartar’ (for 600 golds or something less), then bring the tome to Fargrak to get your reward.

If you plan to kill Esklindrar, be warned you cannot do that – but he CAN slay you. Don’t attack him!


Glimmering, magical sparks can be seen beyond this portcullis. It cannot be opened, though.


Impassable wards have been set by the mage to protect these bookcases.


This room features nothing but a warded chest you cannot open.




When you enter the sewers you will be immediately attacked by six fire beetles [N, Vermin 1] and two spitting fire beetles [N, Vermin 1]. The slain fire beetles leave behind a fire beetle belly, however, you don’t need any of them.

When the area has been made safe you can search three barrels to get a Potion of Cure Light Wounds and random treasure of minor value.


Here you will be put against four fire beetles, two spitting fire beetles, two stink beetles [N, Vermin 3] and a mature fire beetle [N, Vermin 3]. The latter leaves behind a mature fire beetle’s belly. This is the reagent Fargrak needs for his poison. Take the belly and bring it to the priest to get your reward.

After the battle, you can search five barrels for random treasure of low value. There is also a locked black barrel [DC18]. Within this barrel, along with random treasure of minor value, there are a Potion of Cure Light Wounds, two bottles of spirits and two bottles of wine.


This area is infested by beetles: a bombardier beetle [N, Vermin 2], a stink beetle and eight fire beetles.


More beetles lurk about here: a bombardier beetle, a stink beetle and six fire beetles.

Three crates and one barrel hold random treasure of minor and high value, a Potion of Antidote, a Potion of Clarity and a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.


A spitting fire beetle, a stink beetle and nine fire beetles are wandering about here. When they have been slain you can search five barrels and three crates. They hold 80 gold pieces, a Potion of Bull’s Strength, a Potion of Cure Light Wounds, plus random treasure of minor and medium value.

The door to the northwest is locked [DC23]. To go through it you have to pick the lock or bash it down.


A man is hiding here and he’s not happy about your intrusion. Indeed, Granim [CE, Ro5] will attack you on sight. Don’t charge headlong but let him rush towards you. This way you will avoid the trap [DC10/22; Minor Acid Splash] that has been placed on the floor near the center of the room.

When Granim is dead, search his remains to find an Amulet of Will+1, an Archer’s Belt, a pair of Boots of Elvenkind, a dagger+2, a leather armor+1, Lili’s ring, a Nymph Cloak+1, a Potion of Barkskin, a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, a Ring of Resistance+1 and a short sword+1. Lili’s ring doesn't seem to bear any magical power. Carved on it there is an inscription: ‘Forever – Lili’. Bring the ring to Lili at the Foot in the Boat tavern and you will get a reward.

Before to leave this place, search the room for treasure. Random stuff of low value can be found within two barrels, two loot bags and a chest.




You can enter this area only when you have been asked from Massvik to kill Jaon – and from Fargrak to kill Mokui. Once you’ve gotten that quest just leave Yartar from the east gate and choose to come here.

To return to the city, just go back this way.


Two bandits [CE, Ro1] will ambush you about here. They shouldn’t prove a threat, though. The bandits leave behind nothing but a padded armor and a short sword.


Go north from here to reach the Yartar iron mine.




Go south from here to return to Yartar.


Several people are standing here: seven miners [LG, Commoner 3], five guards [NG, F2] and Mokui [LG, Commoner4], Jaon’s assistant.

Talk to Mokui and he says the mine has been infested by monsters. Jaon has been trapped inside for days and they don’t have any news about the adventurers who went in to rescue him.

If you’ve talked with Fargrak at the thieving guild, you know you have to kill Mokui and all the miners. You can do that immediately or once you are back from the mines. Such an action, however, requires a bit of strategy or you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of your enemies.

After the slaughter you can search your victims’ remains. The miners drops nothing and the guards leave behind only a small shield and a warhammer. Mokui drops a dagger, an emerald and a garnet. Also, don’t forget to pick up Mokui’s head as a proof of his death for Fargrak.

The small building near the mine entry cannot be entered. On its east side, however, there is a melee weapon rack you may search to find random stuff of low value.


Go through this passage to enter the mine.

1.17 – IRON MINE

● Level One



When you enter the mine you will be immediately attacked by a giant spider [N, Vermin 4]. Another giant spider will arrive soon, coming from the north.

When the area is safe you can search the corpse of a dead miner, two barrels and three crates. This way you will collect few random treasure of low value.


A ruined wagon loaded with iron ore blocks this way but you can easily bash it down. Behind the wagon lurks a giant spider.


A formian warrior [LN, Outsider 4] and two formian workers [LN, Outsider 1] wander about here.

Two barrels hold random treasure of minor value.


Three formian workers are busy in this cave. Kill them, then search three crates and the corpse of a dead miner for random treasure of low value.


A giant spider dwells in this cave. There is nothing interesting here, except the corpse of a dead miner you can search for random treasure of minor value.


This tunnel is patrolled by two formian guards [LN, Outsider 3] and two formian workers.


Two formian guards patrol this tunnel.


To enter this room you have to go through a locked door [DC15]. A ruined wagon laden with iron ore has been placed before the door as an additional protection.

The cave beyond the door is inhabited by a giant spider and a formian worker. Random treasure of minor value can be found within two barrels and two crates.


Both the doors leading here are locked [DC15].

This cave features no enemies. Also, here is the only place on this level where you can rest.

Search the corpse of a dead miner and a desk to get random treasure of minor value. Random treasure of medium and high value can be found inside two crates and two chests. One chest holds also a Potion of Antidote and a Potion of Heal.


This large cave is inhabited by three formian guards and two formian workers.

Random treasure of minor value can be found by searching the bodies of two dead miners. The three crates to the southwest hold random treasure of minor, medium and high value. Random treasure of high value and a scroll of Raise Dead can be found inside two chests.

When you are done here, go down the stairs at the center of the cave to reach the level below.

● Level Two



Go up these stairs to return to the first level of the mines.


Wherever there is injustice, wherever evil lurks, wherever heroes are needed... here are Tymora’s Champions! These four fellows warn you shouldn’t be here for it’s waaaay too dangerous. You must understand, you’re not a hero like them.

Of course, you shouldn’t be told what you must do. Ready your weapons and charge those fools!

When Tymora’s champions are no more, don’t forget to search their remains.

The dwarf Doilir [LG, F2] drops an aventurine gem, a battleaxe, a breastplate, a fire agate, a pair of Gloves of Lightning (Once a personal "interrogation tool" of Rimardo Domine, an Overwizard of Luskan's Host Tower of the Arcane, these flexible leather gloves have since been circulated among powerful members of the pirate community. The gloves are covered with small copper rivets. The wearer may use the gloves to throw a sharp electric jolt at a nearby target),a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, a Potion of Endurance, a Potion of Speed and a winged helmet.

The mage Grane [NG, W3] drops an Amulet of Will+1, a Cloak of Fortification+1, a fire opal, a gold ring, a lorebook, three Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, a quarterstaff, two scrolls (Aura versus Alignment and Endurance) and a wizard’s robe.

Hernes [NG, Ra2] drops a sheaf of arrows, a horse hair helmet, a Lesser Ring of Power, a longbow, a longsword, two Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, a small shield and a studded leather armor.

The cleric Kente [NG, C3] drops an Amulet of Natural Armor+1, a leather armor, a mace, a Potion of Barkskin, a Potion of Bull’s Strength, three Potions of Cure Light Wounds and a scroll of Cat’s Grace.

Before moving on you can search three barrels and the corpse of a dead miner for random stuff of low value.


Here you will be attacked by two formian guards, three formian workers, a giant spider and a dangerous phase spider [N, Vermin 5].

Besides these creatures, here is nothing but the corpse of a dead miner with random treasure of minor value.


This cave is the only place on this level where you can rest.

Here you can search three barrels to find random treasure of minor value. Three crates hold random stuff of low, medium and high value.


The tunnel leading here is guarded by a formian warrior and a giant spider. The cave at the end of the tunnel is inhabited by two phase spiders. A formian guard stands at the beginning of the bridge leading west.


A formian warrior and six formian workers are waiting for you across the bridge.

To the northeast there is a barrel with random treasure of low value.


A lonely formian guard patrols this area, a place that seems different from the rest of the mine.

At bottom end of the cave the bodies of three dead miners lay before a door. You can search their remains to collect random treasure of minor value.


Go through this door to enter a large, natural cavern.

● Natural Cave



Go back through this passage to return to the second level of the iron mine.


Here are three formian warriors and two formian workers.

In the bottom part of the cave you can search three barrels for a Potion of Bull’s Strength, a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, a Potion of Lesser Restoration and random treasure of minor value. Near the barrels there is a black crate with two gems (alexandrite and garnet), a lorebook and a trap kit (average negative).


A formian guard and two formian warriors will try to prevent you from proceeding further on.


Here is the formian leader [LN, Outsider 4], standing atop a raised stone platform. The ant-men’s leader is guarded by four formian warriors and three formian workers.

When the formians have been destroyed, search the leader’s remains to find a formian key.

In the southwest corner of the cave there are three heaps of treasure and two chests. Search the heaps of treasure to find 400 gold pieces, a Horn of Blasting, a scroll of Resurrection, plus random treasure of minor, medium and high value.

The chests hold random treasure of medium and high value, plus five Potions of Critical Wounds.


Kill the formian guard and the two formian workers in this cave, then cross the bridge leading west.


A lone formian guard stands beyond the bridge, waiting to be slaughtered.

The three doors along the west wall are locked. To open them you need the formian key found on the ant-men’s leader.

Beyond the doors there are small cells where you can safely rest.

07. JAON

Jaon [LG, Commoner 6], the chief of the mine, is locked inside this cell. Of course, he’s very happy to see you, persuaded you have saved his life from those monsters...

Give Jaon the freedom he deserves, then be sure to search his remains to get Jaon’s ring. Bring the ring to Massvik at the thieves’ guild as a proof of the man’s death, so you can get your reward.


● Main Floor



Two Shield guards [LG, F6] and a bald man are found in this place.

Asklar [NG, F14] informs you this is the Wink and the Kiss festhall. Inside you will find gaudy decor, warm scented baths, and gilded draperies. Informality, fun and easy comraderie are all encouraged here. Asklar runs the festhall together with his brother Beldorm. It’s a quiet job and they get to meet many people from many different places. Of course, it’s not like the old days, when they used to adventure in Mulhorand...

I suggest you to don’t start a fight here. Besides his high level, Asklar has a whole array of powerful items (full plate+3, morningstar+3, tower shield+2, Amulet of Natural Armor+3, Boots of Hardiness+3, Bracers of Dexterity+3, Cloak of Fortification+3, Ring of Protection+3, Ring of Resistance+3 and two Potions of Heal) that made him an impossible foe. Also, if killed he leaves behind nothing.


Go down these stairs to enter the Maze.

● The Maze



Go up these stairs to return to the festhall’s entry room.

Beldorm [NG, F12], Asklar’s brother, patrols unceasingly the corridors of the maze. When you meet him, he explains this level is sort of a maze. Many wonderful things are scattered about here. Many of them were gathered back in his adventuring days.

If you plan to kill someone about here, be careful Beldorm is not nearby. If he catch you ripping off the guts of his customers he will immediately attack. Besides his fighting skills, Beldorm –just like his brother - comes with a nice equipment (full plate+2, light hammer+3, tower shield+2, Amulet of Will+5, Ring of Freedom, Ring of Protection+2 and two Potions of Heal). If killed, Beldorm drops nothing but the two potions – however, chance are he has gulped them down during the fight. The potions can be stolen from him, though – if you have the pick pockets skill.


Here is a gnome by the name of Perarry Gald [LG, W1]. Talk to him to learn he has devoted his life to the arts a long time ago. He comes here often for inspiration.

If you tell him you intend to turn this city into a masterpiece the gnome will be ecstatic, asking you for more details. Well, just to begin you may envision the Kiss looking very different... filled with many corpses... his own dead body being the first...

If you are already a blackguard when you talk with Perarry, you have the chance to offer him as a sacrifice to Talos.

Perarry drops nothing but a dagger and a wizard’s robe.


Two female commoners [N, Commoner 1] are chatting here. If you feel the urge to butcher the ladies, be sure Beldorm is not around here.


A lonely commoner [N, Commoner 1] is found in this room – the unlucky one...


A pretty elf by the name of Elring [CG, Bd2] is fascinated by the statues about here. She die every time she looks at them... Mmmh, maybe you can help the slut with that, can’t you?

If you kill her, Elring drops nothing but a short sword.


Two noblemen [N, Commoner 7] and a noblewoman [N, Commoner 3] are having fun in this room. Can you allow such debauchery?


Jond Welm [N, S5] lives in Waterdeep and every year he comes to this Festhall to enjoy what improvements the two brothers made during the year, like the wonderful sphinx statue he’s looking at. Tear this guy out of his reveries and ask him to give up all his possessions! The fool will hesitate to obey, forcing you to make sure this is his last visit to the Festhall.

Jond leaves behind an alexandrite gem, a lorebook, a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Invisibility and a quarterstaff+1.

08. DAR JU

Dar Ju [NE, Ro3/F2], the man standing in the northeast corner of this room, will pay you attention only when you’ve been told about him from Massvik. Then, you can deliver him the permission from Fargrak. When you do that, you are given 100xp.

A few moments after you’ve handed him the document, it will explode, causing Dar Ju to blow up. Be careful to don’t stay near the guy or you could be damaged as well.


● Level One



A fire mephit [NE, Outsider 3] guards this room. When you start a fight with the nasty creature, three fire elementals [N, Elemental 4] will join the fray, coming from the room to the northeast.


Once the fire elementals have been slain, you can come here to search an armoire and a chest. Inside these containers there are two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and random treasure of minor value.


This room cannot be entered without the proper key. To unlock the portcullis you need the strange ward you may find on level four.

With the ward in your possession you can enter this place – but be careful to the trap [DC22/22; Minor Negative] just past the threshold.

Here is a chest both locked and trapped [DC20. DC0/20; Average Spike]. Inside the chest there is random treasure of high value, plus two gems (alexandrite and greenstone), two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Ghostly Visage (an unique concoction), a Potion of Speed, a Ring of Spell Battle and a scroll of Raise Dead.


Two magma mephits [NE, Outsider 3] and a fire mephit are found in this otherwise empty room.


When you enter this corridor you will hear a laughter and a voice: ‘So a little worm is in the tower!’

The laughter is still ringing when you are attacked by a golem-like construct: a magic guardian [N, Construct 7]. These creatures leave behind a bar of steel when slain.


Go up these stairs to reach the second floor of the tower.

● Level Two



These stairs descend to the tower’s first floor.

Two krenshar [N, Magical Beast 2] are waiting at the corridor’s bend but you should dispatch them easily.


The door leading here is locked [DC23].

Unlock or bash the door to enter a sort of prison guarded by an earth elemental [N, Elemental 4]. Besides the guardian, there is nothing here but a barrel with random treasure of minor value, however, this is the only place you can safely rest on this level of the tower.


The door leading here cannot be opened without the proper key. You can find the bronze key you need to enter this bedroom on the tower’s third level.

This room is guarded by a dust mephit [NE, Outsider 3] an earth mephit [NE, Outsider 3] and an ooze mephit [NE, Outsider 3]. A trap [DC17/22; Average Sonic] has been placed just beyond the entry door.

When the mephits have been disposed of, search the two chests at the far end of the room. The bottom chest holds random treasure of low value and a scroll of Stone to Flesh. Take the scroll, for it could be turn handy later on. The upper chest holds random treasure of medium value and an iron key. The key unlocks the door before the stairs leading to the tower’s fourth level.

While you are here, you may also detect a hidden doorway in the southeast corner of the room. Go past this door to reach the next area.

As a side note, when you enter a hidden doorway, your henchman won’t follow you. If you want your companion on your side, once you’ve gone past the door you have to save and reload the game.


Here is a chest holding random treasure of minor value, a scroll of Raise Dead and a copper key. The key opens a locked chest found on the fourth level of the tower.


Be careful when you enter this small laboratory for a trap [DC10/22; Minor Negative] has been placed just past the portcullis leading here.

The alchemist’s apparatus in this room can be searched to find a Potion of Aid, a Potion of Barkskin, two Potions of Bless, two Potions of Bull’s Strength, seven Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, three Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, a Potion of Death Armor and a Potion of Lore.


This door is locked [DC18]. Within the small room beyond the door there is nothing but a locked and trapped door [DC18. DC0/15; Minor Spike] leading to the next location.


A magic guardian [N, Construct 7] has to be defeated if you want to loot the armoire and the chest found in this chamber. They hold a Potion of Clarity, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and random treasure of low value.


When you walk towards here, you will hear Marax’s laughter echoing through the corridor, then you will be attacked by an earth mephit.

Beyond the door at the end of the hallway there is a ramp of stairs leading up. A trap [DC17/22; Average Sonic] has been placed just before the door, though.

● Level Three



These stairs take you back to the second level of the tower.


When you enter this library, Marax’s voice booms through the room: ‘Enjoy the library, little worm! I’m waiting for you here...’

As the sorcerer’s laughter still echoes in your ears, you are attacked by a magic guardian and three air mephits [NE, Outsider 3].

When the monsters have been slain, search the four bookcases about here. Three bookcases hold lorebooks and several scrolls [Animate Dead, Burning Hands, Continual Flame, Darkness, Doom, Ghostly Visage, Greater Dispelling, Inflict Serious Wounds, Invisibility and Mass Heal]. The bookcase to the northwest holds a tome labeled as ‘Gargauth’s Exile’. An evil god whose foul nature was too much for others of his ilk, Gargauth was cast out of his palace in the lower planes and condemmed to wander the Prime Material Plane. He is said to appear as a charismatic, reasonable sage, but as he spends more time in one place, his true nature becomes apparent, as his flesh and clothing rots and twist, horns and jagged shards erupt from his face and back, and his claws and fangs grow. By this time, those under his influence are enspelled so as to be unaware of his deadly nature. Gargauth plots to recover all his lost lands and followers, seeking for the method by which Toril was sealed from the other planes. Few individuals worship Gargauth, for fear that he will drop in for a visit.

This book if quite valuable. Indeed, if you bring it to the mage Esklindrar, you will be given access to his ‘special’ selection of rare books.


Three sword spiders [N, Vermin 5] guard this room. When they are dead, you can search three chests to find two Potions of Cure Serious Wounds and random treasure of low, medium and high value.


Here you can rest safely. Just close the door behind you.

A crate and a chest hold 200 golds plus random treasure of minor and high value.


Come here to search a melee weapon rack and a barrel. The rack holds a Rod of Frost and random treasure of medium value. Inside the barrel you will find random treasure of low value and a bronze key. The key open a locked door on the second floor, at location 03.


A magic guardian stands before a locked door. To open this door you need the iron key you may find within a chest on the tower’s second floor, at location 03.

When you open the door, you have to listen once again Marax’s laughter. Ignore it and go up the stairs to reach the fourth level of the tower.

● Level Four



These stairs take you back to the third level of the tower.

When you first come here be ready to fight two salt mephits [NE, Outsider 3] and a steam mephit [NE, Outsider 3].


Two magic guardians stand here and they will come forth to attack when you start a fight with the mephits near the stairs.

When you enter the room, Marax’s laughter will echo through the hall.


Two cockatrices [N, Magical Beast 5] inhabit this room. Beware to their petrifying bite!

The chest at the far end of the room holds a Brawler’s Belt and random treasure of medium value.


The chest in this room is both trapped [DC0/15; Minor Spike] and locked. To unlock it, you need the copper key found in the secret room on level two, at location 04.

Inside the chest there are a Potion of Bless, a scroll of Animate Dead, a Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals and a strange ward. You need this ward to go past the locked portcullis on level one, at location 03.

If you need to rest, here you can safely do that.


When you’re ready, enter this glowing portal to reach a pocket plane. Marax is waiting for you...

● Somewhere in a Pocket Plane



The portal found on the fourth level of the tower takes you here, where you will be immediately attacked by two magic guardians.


One earth elemental guard this corridor.


One air elemental [N, Elemental 4] guard this corridor.


Marax [N, Sorcerer 7] is found in this room, together with two magic servants [CE, Outsider 4] and two skeletons [NE, Undead 1].

You should avoid to charge the mage, for a trap [DC17/26; Strong Tangle] has been placed just past the gate leading here.

Marax immediately hastes himself, then he turns invisibile. Once he has summoned a boar with his staff, he targets you with a Fireball and a Melf’s Acid Arrow.

When the mage dies, search his remains to find a pair of Boots of Reflexes+2, a pair of Gloves of Spellcraft, a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, a Ring of Disease Immunity, two scrolls (Ghostly Visage and Hold Person) and a Staff of Summoning. Don’t forget to take Marax’s head. You must bring it to Massvik at the thieving guild as a proof of the sorcerer’s demise.


Take your time to loot the three barrels and the six chests about this room. The barrels hold random treasure of minor value. Inside five chests you will find random treasure of medium and high value. The chest along the north wall is both locked and trapped [DC18. DC0/20; Average Gas]; it holds a scroll of Resurrection plus random treasure of high value.

When you’re ready to leave, enter the portal in the bottom part of this room and you will be taken to the tower’s first level.




Go west from here to return to the city of Yartar.

A commoner [N, Commoner 1] wanders nearby... waiting to be murdered!


Here you will be attacked by five bandits [CE, F4]. They drop a hide armor, a longsword and a small shield.


A commoner stands on this bridge [N, Commoner 1]. Again, feel free to take her life.


Go east from here to reach the next area.




To go back to Yartar, go west from here.


When you walk here, a cutscene movie starts to show a fairy approaching you. When she’s nearby, the sprite turn into a winged female. This spirit claims this land belongs to nature. Talos has no power here. You should go back where you come from, else you will suffer nature’s wrath.

While the spirit turns again into a fairy and fly away, you cannot restrain a laughter. Prepare your weapons and ready yourself to slaughter a few forest critters. Time to hunt!


A boar [N, Animal 3] and a pixie [NG, Fey 1] wander about here.


Here are a brown bear [N, Animal 6], two dryads [CG, Fey 2] and a grig [NG, Fey 1].


Two black bears [N, Animal 3], a brown bear [N, Animal 6] and a boar are found about here.


Here are three lions [N, Animal 5] feasting on a couple of corpses laying next to a campfire. Kill the beasts, then you can search the corpses and a near crate to find an aventurine gem, an emerald, plus random treasure of low and medium value.


Go up this rise to kill a couple of brown bears and to exterminate a pride made of nine leopards [N, Animal 3].


Here are a dryad with eight hungry panthers [N, Animal 3].


Here you can amuse yourself by killing a dryad and two nixies [N, Fey 1].


A black bear and a brown bear wander about here.


Around this area there are a boar, a dryad, a pixie, plus a pack made of two dire wolves [N, Animal 6] and seven wolves [N, Animal 2].


About here you can fight three black bears, two deers [N, Animal 1] and one nymph [N, Fey 3]. Be careful to approach the nymph for she radiates a blinding and stunning aura.


A dryad, a grig, two nixies and a pixie are found near this area.

Go east from here to reach a deeper portion of the High Forest.




Go west from here to return in the previous area. From there you can go back to the eastern road and then to Yartar.

Many forest creatures are found in the surrounding area. Indeed, in the western portion of the area you may fight eight black bears [N, Animal 3], four boars [N, Animal 3], four brown bears [N, Animal 6], two cougars [N, Animal 3], seven dryads [CG, Fey 2], three grigs [NG, Fey 1], a dangerous grizzly bear [N, Animal 8], a nixie [N, Fey 1], three nymphs [N, Fey 3] and four pixies [NG, Fey 1].

Among some ruins to the northwest there is a barrel you can search to find random treasure of low value. A chest is hidden amidst more ruins to the southwest; it holds a Potion of Death Armor, a Potion of Endurance and random treasure of medium value. Random treasure of minor value and a scroll of Stoneskin can be found on a corpse laying near the same ruins.


Take all your precautions before to storm the druidical enclave. About the camp there are twelve druids [N, D2-D4-D7], two black bears, two boars, a brown bear, a grizzly bear and... the ranger Travio [CG, Ra6] – the damn Harper you’re looking for.

Seven druids are level two characters. They drop nothing but a quarterstaff. Four druids are level four characters and leave behind a hide armor and a club+1. One druid is a pretty powerful level seven character - equipped with the magical staff Nature’s Wrath and a Ring of Protection+4. When killed, he drops a pair of Boots of Hardiness+1, a pair of Bracers of Dexterity+2, a Breastplate+2, a Cloak of Freedom, a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds and a Potion of Owl’s Wisdom.

Travio drops a sheaf of Acid Arrows, a chainmail+2, a longbow+2, a Ring of Animal Friendship and Travio’s ring. Don’t forget to take the ranger’s ring, then bring it to Massvik at the thieving guild as a proof of Travio’s death.

About the camp you can search five barrels holding random treasure of minor value and three chests holding random stuff of medium and high value.


Two druids [N, D4] and a brown bear are guarding a big chest at this location. The chest is both locked and trapped [DC18. DC0/15; Average Sonic]. Inside the chest there is a scroll of Raise Dead, plus random treasure of high value.


Ten deers [N, Animal 1] roam about here, together with a tough stag protector [N, Animal 10]. Ignore the common deers and concentrate your attacks on the protector.

In the northeast corner of the area there is a taggit plant. Don’t miss it! Pick up a taggit leaf and bring it to Fargrak at the thieving guild. The leaf is the second ingredient the cleric needs to prepare the deadly Khalid poison.


● Gateway



There is nothing here but two Shield guards [LG, F6] watching the door ahead.


Go down these stairs to enter the inn.

● Inn



Beldabar [N, F3/C5], the owner of this place, is standing to the northwest of this room. He welcomes you to the only underground inn in the North. He built it himself when he decided to retire from his adventuring days.

If you start a fight here and then you kill Beldabar, he drops an Amulet of Natural Armor+2, a fluorspar, a garnet, a mace+2, a paladin’s tunic, a Potion of Bless and a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds. Alternatively, such things – with the exception of the mace and the tunic – can be obtained by pickpocketing the innkepeer.

Besides Beldabar, here are a drunk man [NG, Commoner 3], two patrons [NG, Commoner 1], a Shield guard [LG, F6] and a halfling by the name of Krip Fallflies [CN, Ro4] – who sports a nice pair of sunglasses!

The first time you come here, Krip will ignore you. However his role is crucial to complete a quest you may be assigned later from Massvik. For this reason, you shouldn’t start a fight here until Krip is in the room.

Once you’ve been assigned that quest, come here and tell the password to the halfling. Krip says he won’t spill any information until you give him 2,000 golds. If you don’t want to pay, you can try to persuade Krip to speak. If you succeed – or if you pay the sum he asks for – the halfling says he had an argument with one of the leaders of the Dark Hand guild and he had to flee. Indeed, the guild is behind the attacks to the caravans. If you want to learn more, however, you should pay a visit to their headquarters. The building is in the southern part of the city, not far from the inn.

When you get this information, a new marker will appear on the Yartar city core area map to show the guild’s location. Also, if you leave the inn and then you re-enter it, you may notice the halfling is not here anymore.


A rather rude elf by the name of Eluldor Gallaben [CG, Ra4] is found in this room. If you don’t like his face, feel free to kill him outright. He leaves behind a sheaf of Arrows+1, an Elven Chain, a longbow and a longsword.


This guy will talk with you only when you’ve been asked from Fagrak to retrieve the scorpions he needs for his poison. Then, Ern Hum [LE, M7] will introduce himself as a monk of the Black Serpent Order. The members of the order strive to achieve perfection by killing people. Each life one takes, brings him closer to perfection. Fargrak gives Ern many opportunities to kill innocents, that is why he does errands for the priest.

Ern has the deadly scorpions you need but he will give them to you only in exchange for a service. This is a request you cannot refuse, so listen what he wants. When he entered the inn, Ern saw a monk from a rival temple. He discovered his name is Dence. His order believes perfection is achieved through helping people, which is totally absurd. Ern would gladly take his life by himself, but sending people to their death without being part of an actual battle is a different form of killing, which he would be happy to experience. You should kill Dence and bring back his heart.

When you bring Ern the heart of Dence, you get 300xp and the scorpions you need. Then, the monk squeezes Dence’s heart over a little vial and give it to you. Ern says you should taste your enemy’s blood. Consider it a gift from the Black Serpent Order. If you actually drink Dence’s blood, you will feel a strange power running through your body and you will get 1,000xp.


A Shield guard [LG, F6] stands at the end of the corridor. I bet you cannot resist the urge to murder him, can you?


Here are two barrels you can search for random treasure of minor value.


The door of this room is locked [DC28]. Inside the room there is a monk by the name of Dence [LG, M5], seeking enlightment by helping people. When you’ve talked with Ern Hum, come here and kill him.

The monk drops an alexandrite gem, an Amulet of Will+2, a Lesser Ring of Power, a Ring of Animal Friendship and Dence’s heart. Take the heart – still beating and slowly cooling down – and bring it to Ern to get your reward.


The young man inside this room will immediately call you by your name. Indeed, Jharad [NG, Bd3] considered himself a good friend of you.

Now, he has a problem. A scumbag by the name of Bokmir has stolen his family armor. The armor belonged to Jharad’s father, a famous paladin of Helm. He’s too old to take care of this matter and Jharad is just a little bard. Maybe you could help him. Just remember: he does not wish anyone to get hurt. His father, as a former paladin, would never forgive him.

Of course, you would do anything for your friends, wouldn’t you? Tell Jharad you will be happy to help him and he says Bokmir is staying at the Pearl-Handled Pipe Inn.

When you return here with the armor, Jharad will give you 200 gold pieces. Take the gold, then tell your ‘friend’ about the ‘convincing argument’ you used with Bokmir. When you throw him Bokmir’s head, Jharad starts to cry and scream. You cannot allow the idiot to yell like that, so silence him... forever!


The door of this room is locked [DC28]. Inside the room there is a locked and trapped chest [DC18. DC0/15; Average Negative] holding random treasure of low value.


Here you may discover a hidden doorway leading to a secret section of the inn.


This corridor is patrolled by a strange guardian [N, Construct 7].


Here are three barrels and three chests you may search to find random treasure of minor and medium value.

Along the east wall you may detect a hidden doorway leading to a secret room.


Another strange guardian will attack you when you enter this room.

In the northeast corner, a ramp of stairs lead to a strange door. The door is protected by a powerful bard and cannot be opened. Also, a trap has been placed on the stairs [DC14/26; Average Fire].

Before to leave this place, you can search four barrels to find random treasure of low value, and a couple of chests to get random treasure of medium and high value.


● Ground Floor



Within the main room of this inn – one of the top ten inns in the North - there are a couple of Shield soldiers [LG, F7], three noblemen [N, Commoner 7], a noblewoman [N, Commoner 3] and the innkeeper, Elladuth Myristar [LG, Commoner 4].

Once you’ve been asked by Likam to investigate about Elmaror, you can come here and ask Elladuth about the nobleman. Elladuth says he’s been absent for many days now but she doesn’t know where he is. If you wish to see his room, Elladuth is sorry but cannot let do that. Keeping the patrons’ privacy secure is really important to her.

To get the key of Elmaror’s room you can resort to a little persuasion – by telling Elladuth he’s an old friend of yours – or intimidate the innkeeper by remarking you all want this inn to stay... cosy. Of course, you can also get Elmaror’s room key by pickpocketing the innkeeper or you can just take it from her dead body...


The door leading here is locked [DC18].

Along the west wall of the room there is a locked chest [DC18] holding five healer’s kits+1.


Go up these stairs to reach the upper floor of the inn.

● Upper Floor



Go down these stairs to return to the inn’s ground floor.


The door of this room is locked and you need to get the key from Elladuth if you want to enter it.

Within the room there is a locked and trapped cabinet [DC15. DC17/17; Average Gas] that holds random treasure of minor value and a note left from Elmaror to his sons. The note reads: ‘Miriad and Josual, Something has happended and it is now dangerous for us to stay here. I left for the big hill to the south of Yartar. You are my sons and because of me, you will be in danger too so as soon as you find this note. Come to the big hill, Elmaror’.

Once you’ve read the note, you will get the option to travel to the hill the next time you try to leave the town.


The man in this room has nothing to tell you – unless you’ve been asked from Jharad (your ‘friend’ staying at Beldabar’s) to retrieve his father’s armor.

Once you’ve agreed to ‘help’ Jharad, come here and tell Bokmir Datson [CG, F5] you want the armor he’s wearing... else you will rip out his filthy guts.

A fight will ensue. When the bastard dies, he drops two alexandrite gems, a greataxe+1, Jharad’s family armor, a Potion of Bless, a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds and a Ring of Clear Thought+1. When you take the armor you get 300xp.

Also, don’t forget to take Bokmir’s head. I think Jharad deserves a small gift...


A belching drunk man [NG, Commoner 3] is found here. Feel free to cure his drunkness... once and for all.




Go back from here to return to Yartar. This area will be accessible only once you’ve read the note found inside the cabinet in Elmaror’s room, at the Pearl-Handled Pipe Inn.


The sons of Elmaror, Josual [NG, C6] and Miriad [NG, F4], have camped here, together with two bodyguards [LG, F3]. They arrived here not long ago and they are still trying to figure out what happened to their father who was supposed to be here, waiting for them.

Well, these guys don’t know anything useful, then there is really no point in keeping them alive, isn’t it?

Kill everyone, then loot the dead bodies. Josual drops a half plate, a morningstar, two Potions of Cure Serious Wounds and a Potion of Speed. Miriad leaves behind a pair of Boots of Striding+2, a full plate armor and a greatsword. Each bodyguard drops a half plate, a large shield, a light flail and a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds.


If you look at the ground near the place where Elmaror’s sons were standing, you may notice several strange tracks. Follow the tracks to this place, where you should discover a passage that leads to the next area.




Go back from here to return to the hill south of Yartar.

When you enter this area you will be attacked by a gnoll rogue [CE, Humanoid 2/Ro3], a gnoll shaman [CE, Humanoid 2/S3] and a gnoll veteran [CE, Humanoid 4].


Three gnoll veterans are guarding this area.

03. CAVE

Here is a cave under a waterfall.




When you enter the cave you will be immediately attacked by two gnoll rogues [CE, Humanoid 2/Ro3], a gnoll shaman [CE, Humanoid 2/S3] and two gnoll veterans [CE, Humanoid 4].


Here are one human bandit [CE, Ro1], a gnoll elite [CE, Humanoid 7], a gnoll shaman and a gnoll veteran. The bandit leaves behind a padded armor and a short sword.

When the area has been made safe, you can search two barrels and two chests to find random treasure of minor and medium value.


There is nothing here but a barrel with random treasure of low value.


Go across the stone bridge to fight a human bandit [CE, F4], a gnoll elite, a gnoll shaman and a gnoll veteran. The dead bandit drops a hide armor, a longsword and a small shield.


Prepare yourself for a battle before to enter this cave. Here you have to face a gnoll elite, a gnoll rogue, a gnoll shaman, a halfling rogue [CE, Ro7] and a tough half-orc barbarian by the name of Griimush [CE, Bb4/Ro4].

The halfling drops a shortsword+1. The barbarian leaves behind Mor’s Axe (Mor was an Uthgardt barbarian who seen his father killed right before his eyes by a sorcerer named Kolur. When is father fell, Mor charged the sorcerer with a spear in an attempt to impale him. Kolur just snapped his fingers and fled. Mor, paralysed by his magic had sworn his revenge on Kolur. The next time Mor and Kolur met, Mor had his axe. Kolur didn't last long. The axe is a weapon+2 that grants the wielder spell resistance 14. It can be used only by chaotic creatures, though), a Potion of Barkskin, a Potion of Bull’s Strength, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Ring of Resistance+1, a rusted helmet, a rusted key and a note. The note reads: ‘Griimush, take Elmaror alive. You are to stay at the cave and ready your gnolls for another attack. V.’

About the camp you can collect random treasure of low, medium and high value by looting three crates and two chests. One chest is both locked and trapped [DC18. DC0/25; Strong Gas].


A gnoll shaman and a gnoll veteran guard this tunnel.


The door leading here is locked [DC18].

Within this cave there are five gnoll veterans. When you engage them in a melee, more enemies will appear from the room to the south. They include two bandits [CE, Ro1] and a gnoll veteran.

When the area has been cleared out, you can search three crates and two barrels found in the upper portion of the cave to get random treasure of minor and medium value.

The door in the northwest corner of the cave is both locked and trapped [DC18. DC0/15; Average Acid Splash].


You can rest safely in this small cave. Just close the door behind you.

While you are here, you can search a pile of stones holding nothing but a quartz crystal, a loot bag with random treasure of medium value, and two crates holding random treasure of low and high value.


Be careful when you enter this cave for here are twelve gnoll veterans.

When the gnolls have been dealt with, you can collect random treasure of minor value by searching four barrels and one crate.


One human bandit [CE, Ro3], two gnoll elites and two gnoll veterans will attack you when you cross the bridge leading here.

The door to the southeast is locked [DC28].


A gnoll veteran guards this place.

The three doors to the south are locked. To open them, you need the rusted key you may find on the corpse of the half-orc barbarian (at location 5).


A little kid [CG, Commoner 1] is locked inside this cell. Of course, he’s happy to be free... very happy... too much happy... Indeed, the miserable brat is so obnoxious you shouldn’t be able to resist the urge to shut his mouth forever.


Elmaror [NG, Commoner 10] is kept as a prisoner in this cell and he’s very relieved by your coming. Without your intervention, the gnolls would have probably sold him as a slave on the black market. Well, you should inform the man he’s not free at all and he will die a very slow and painful death if he doesn’t answer your questions. The scared Elmaror says he will tell you everything if you promise to let him go afterwards.

This way you will learn about a new organization named the Dark Hand, led by a man called Vall. They come from another city in the North and they want to overthrow the Hand of Yartar. Vall had a half-orc friend who won a fighting contest against the leader of the gnoll clan. This way the barbarian became the new leader of the gnolls and led them to raid the caravans. Elmaror’s part was to go to the Council of Nobles and blame the Hand of Yartar for the attacks. When the Dark Hand realized their rivals had found him, Elmaror was captured and brought here. If you wish to find Vall, his headquarters is in a warehouse in Yartar.

Elmaror has told you everything he knows. Now, you should keep your promise and let him go. If you do that, your alignment will shift 5 points towards lawful. If you don’t like the idea, let him go... straight to the hell!!!

Once you’ve learned about the Dark Hand, you should return to Yartar and inform Likam about what you’ve discovered.




You can enter this building only when you’ve persuaded the halfling Krip Fallflies – who can be found at the Beldabar’s Rest inn – to tell you about the Dark Hand guild.

When you come here, however, you will immediately realize you’ve been duped and led into an ambush.

Indeed, once here you will be attacked by two rogues [CE, Ro7]. Krip Fallflies [CN, Ro4] is standing in the back of the room, spurring his flunkeys to kill you.

When you’ve disposed of the rogues (who drop shortswords+1), grab the little bastard and beat him up for good until he cannot stand more and begs for mercy. Promise you will spare his life if he coughs up the truth about the Dark Hand and you will learn that Vall, the head of the guild, planned everything. If you want to have a chat with him, he’s at the guild warehouse, on the western bank of the city.

Krip will even give you the guild key to get inside the warehouse. However, that shouldn’t be enough to save his life. Time to sacrifice a halfling to Talos!

When Krip is dead, search his corpse to find a short sword, a set of thieves’ tools+3 and a trap kit (average gas). Now you can leave this place and go to the western portion of Yartar to enter the real guildhouse.


● First Floor



When you enter the warehouse you will be attacked by three rogues [CE, Ro7]. When slain, they leave behind a shortsword+1.


Here are five bandits [CE, Ro3 x2] [CE F6/Ro1 x3].

When you’ve slaughtered them, you can search two barrels, two crates, an armoire and a chest. This way you may collect random treasure of minor and medium value.


Inside this room there are six bandits [CE, F4] and one rogue. The bandits drops a hide armor, a longsword and a small shield.

Random treasure of low and medium value can be found within a crate and a chest.

A trap [DC14/16; Average Tangle] has been placed on the floor a few steps before the door to the northeast.


Three bandits [CE, F6/Ro1 x2] [CE, Ro3] guard this place. One bandit drops a large shield+2 and two Potions of Cure Serious Wounds.

About here you can search two barrels, two crates and a chest to find random treasure of low value.


A little girl [CG, Commoner 1] is kept inside this cell. The bandits killed her parents and she sobs you should take her with you.

If you free the child, your alignment will shift 10 points towards good. This is an outcome you should avoid. As a blackguard, you cannot do nothing but offer the girl as a humble sacrifice to your dark god, the mighty Talos.


Here you will be put against two bandits [CE, F6/Ro1] [CE, Ro3].

Random treasure of minor and medium value can be found inside two barrels and one chest.


Enter this room to fight two bandits [CE, F4] [CE, Ro3] and five rogues.

When all the enemy have been killed, you may search a desk, three crates and a chest to find random treasure of low and high value.


Here are four bandits [CE, F4] and two rogues.


Once inside this room you will be attacked by one bandit [CE, F4] and four rogues.

Random treasure of minor, medium and high value can be found within one chest and four crates.

A trap [DC14/26; Minor Fire] has been placed on the floor in the upper portion of this room. Walk past the trap and you may detect a hidden doorway along the west wall. Enter the door to reach the next location.


Here are a bandit [CE, Ro3] to kill and a chest with random treasure of low value.


Two bandits [CE, F6/Ro1] guard this room. When they have been slain, you can search two barrels, two crates and two chests to find random treasure of minor, medium and high value.


There are no enemies here, however, a trap [DC18/31; Minor Gas] has been placed in the middle of the room.

The stairs to the north lead to the second floor of the warehouse. Before to go upstairs, you may want to search one barrel and two crates to find random treasure of minor, medium and high value.

● Second Floor



Go down these stairs to return to the warehouse’s first floor.

When you arrive here, you will be attacked by four bandits [CE, Ro3]. Pay attention to the floor trap [DC14/26; Average Fire] at the center of the room.


Here are three bandits [CE, F6/Ro1] [CE, Ro3 x2].


This portion of the warehouse is guarded by four bandits [CE, F6/Ro1] [CE, F4] [CE, Ro3]. The toughest bandit drops a longsword+2.

You shouldn’t charge the bandits, for a trap [DC14/26; Average Fire] has been placed just past the entry door.

About here you can search a crate, two barrels and a chest to find random treasure of minor value.


One bandit [CE, Ro3] and three rogues [CE, Ro7] wander about here. There is also a floor trap [DC14/26; Average Fire] you should try to avoid.

In the western portion of this area you may notice a big chest along the north wall. The chest stands behind a crate and four barrels holding random treasure of low and high value. Bash these containers to reach the chest. Inside you will find random treasure of medium value and a pouch of lich ashes. The ashes are the final ingredient Fagrak needs to prepare the Khalid poison. Don’t miss them!

Besides the containers listed above, about here you may search two barrels, four crates and a chest to get random treasure of minor, medium and high value.


This area is guarded by five bandits [CE, F6/Ro1] [CE, F4 x3] [CE, Ro3] and one rogue. The tougher bandit leaves behind a large shield+2.

Random treasure of low value is held inside three crates and a chest.

A trap [DC14/26; Average Fire] has been placed on the floor just before the door to the south.


This room is guarded by two bandits [CE, F4].

07. TRAP

Traps [DC14/26; Minor Fire] have been placed at both ends of this corridor.

The door to the south in the western portion of the hallway is guarded by two bandits [CE, F6/Ro1].

Kill the bandits, then prepare yourself for a battle before going through the door.


Here are six bandits [CE, F4] and two sorcerers [N, F6]. Concentrate your attacks on the spellcasters and try to bring them down quickly, then turn against the bandits.

One sorcerer drops a Ring of Disease Immunity; the other mage leaves behind a Censer of Controlling Air Elementals.

Around the hall there are three loot bags, two barrels and one chest you may search to find random treasure of low and high value.

09. VALL

Vall [N, Ro3/F5], the leader of the Dark Hand, is here, together with four rogues.

Kill everyone, then search Vall’s remains to get a Potion of Heal, a Potion of Speed, a splint mail+2, a two-bladed sword+2 and Vall’s head. Take the head and bring it back to Massvik at the Hand of Yartar guild to get your reward.

Random treasure of minor and medium value can be found inside two chests standing along the north and the south wall.

10. TRAP

A dangerous trap [DC14/26; Strong Negative] has been placed on the floor of this small room.


This bedroom features a locked and trapped chest [DC18. DC0/25; Strong Frost] in which you will find random treasure of high value.




Go back from here to return to the city of Yartar.

Ahead of you, a half-orc is standing among the graves. The dumb cemetery guardian [CG, Commoner 6] has nothing interesting to tell. If you ask about the northern crypt he just says it is a very creepy and dark place and he never goes there.

Before to enter the crypt, if you feel altruistic, you might cure the half-orc from his patetic life. Just tell him to close his eyes and...

Searching the guardian’s dead body won’t earn you anything but a club.


Go inside this crypt to enter the next area.



01. EXIT

Leave from here to return to the cemetery.

This place features seven sarcophagi you may search to get random treasure of low value. The coffin in the southwest corner is trapped [DC0/15; Average Spike].


Here is a hidden trapdoor. Once you’ve discovered it, go down the trapdoor to enter an ancient crypt.


● Upper Crypt



Going through the trapdoor found in the mausoleum, you will arrive in this chamber. Above you is a dangling rope you can use to return to the surface.

Four zombies [NE, Undead 2] guard this place but you shouldn’t have troubles to destroy them.

Along the walls of this room there are three sarcophagi you can search to get random treasure of minor value. More random treasure of low value can be found on a corpse that lay to the northwest. Two zombie corpses about here will spawn angry zombie warriors [NE, Undead 2/F3] if and when you walk nearby.

The upper door along the east wall is warded. You cannot open it without the proper key (skull key).


This chamber is inhabited by eleven allip [CE, Undead 4] and one wraith [CE, Undead 5]. A trap [DC10/22; Strong Frost] has been placed right at the center of the room.

Random treasure of low and medium value can be found inside two barrels and upon a corpse.

More random treasure of mixed value can be collected searching the five sarcophagi. Disturbing these coffins, however, will awake the corpses inside them. If you want to loot the tombs, be ready to fight a shadow [CE, Undead 3], two skeleton warriors [NE, Undead 6], a mummy [LE, Undead 6] and a zombie warrior.


Here you can rest safely.

The sarcophagus in this room hold random treasure but spawns forth a zombie warrior when disturbed.


Just like in the lower alcove, here you can rest safely if you close the door behind you.

The sarcophagus within this small room holds random treasure but a ghast [CE, Undead 4] will appear to fight you if the coffin is disturbed.


Here are a curst ranger [CN, Ra5], a curst warrior [CN, Bb5] and a zombie warrior. As you engage them in a melee, try to avoid the two floor traps about here [DC10/22; Average Negative] [DC10/22; Strong Frost].

This crypt features a big sarcophagus standing between two smaller sarcophagi. The smaller coffins hold random treasure and release a skeleton warrior and a mummy when disturbed. The big coffin is locked [DC18] and holds random treasure of high value.


Several undead infest this chamber: a ghast, a ghoul [CE, Undead 2], a shadow, two skeleton warriors and a wraith. Also, a zombie warrior will rise up when you walk near the zombie corpse laying on the floor.

When the area has been made safe, you can search two barrels, two chests and a sarcophagus to collect random treasure of minor and medium value. Another sarcophagus stands halfway along the north wall; it holds a skull key but releases a mummy when disturbed. The skull key opens the warded door in the northeast corner of the entry chamber.


A trap [DC10/22; Average Negative] has been placed before a gate at the center of this room. Beyond the gate you will be attacked by two mummies. Also, a zombie warrior will appear when you walk near the zombie corpse laying on the floor.

Random treasure is hidden inside two sarcophagi, but to get it you have to slay the skeleton warrior and the mummy who are awakened when you disturb their resting place.

The door in the southwest corner of this room is warded and you cannot open it without the proper key (bone key).


A vampire [CE, Undead 5] and two wights [LE, Undead 4] are found here, along with a zombie warrior who rises up when you walk near the zombie corpse laying on the ground.

Slay all the undead, then search the three chests about here. Two chests hold random treasure of high value. The chest bathed by an azure light is trapped [DC0/20; Average Gas] and holds a green ward. Don’t miss it!

When you’ve got the ward, walk back to the starting chamber, then use the skull key to unlock the door to the northeast.


A spectre [LE, Undead 7], a skeleton mage [N, Undead 1/W3] and a zombie warrior are found along this hallway. Another zombie warrior will rise up when you walk near the zombie corpse laying on the floor.


Here are two shadows and a wraith. Once the incorporeal monsters have been destroyed, the room is safe for you to rest in.

The corpse on the floor can be searched to get random treasure of high value. More random treasure can be found inside four sarcophagi. When disturbed, however, these coffins will release undead creatures: a shadow, two skeleton warriors and a zombie warrior. Before leaving, don’t forget to search the sarcophagus in the northwest corner of the room for it holds the bone key you need to unlock the warded door found in the southwest corner of location 6.


Many undead guard this area: one allip, one curst monk [CN, M5], two curst warriors, one skeleton [NE, Undead 1], one skeleton priest [NE, Undead 1/C3], two skeleton warriors and one zombie warrior. Another zombie warrior will rise up to attack if you walk near the zombie corpse laying on the floor.

Besides the undead, you should take care of a large trap [DC10/22; Average Negative] located in the upper portion of the room.

If you don’t mind to disturb the dead, you can collect random treasure by searching six sarcophagi. Doing so you will awaken three mummies and three zombie warriors.

The door to the northwest of the room is warded. A specific key is required to open it (evil key).

From this chamber you have to go back to location 6. Once there, use the bone key to open the warded door in the southwest corner of that room.


When you enter this chamber, be ready to fight two allip, a curst rogue [CN, Ro5], a curst warrior, a ghoul, two skeleton warriors, a wraith and a zombie warrior. As usual, walking near the zombie corpse laying on the floor will cause a zombie warrior to rise up.

Don’t charge the undead, however, for two traps [DC10/22; Average Frost] [DC10/22; Strong Cold] have been placed on the floor of this room.

The sarcophagus bathed in a red light is trapped [DC0/20; Average Negative] and holds a red ward. Make sure you get it.

Random treasure can be collected by looking inside four sarcophagi. Doing so you will awaken a ghast, a shadow and a couple of mummies. More random treasure - of medium value – is found within a chest standing in the southwest corner of the room.

The door on the north wall is warded. You need the proper key to open it (death key).


If you need to rest, here you can do that. Of course, before you can rest you have to slay the room’s inhabitants: eleven allip and a spectre. A zombie warrior will also appear when you walk near the zombie corpse laying not far from the entry door.

The nine sarcophagi in this chamber can all be searched to collect random treasure of mixed value. As usual, disturbing the coffins will cause undead beings to appear: two mummies, two shadows, two skeleton warriors and three zombie warriors.

The sarcophagus in the southwest corner of the room holds an evil key. This is the key you need to unlock the warded door at location 11. Once you have the key, go there and open the locked door to reach the next location.


Be careful when you enter this room for a paralyzing trap [DC10/22; Strong Frost] has been placed just beyond the entry door. Another trap [DC10/22; Strong Frost] is found at the far end of the chamber.

A big chest stands in the center of the room. Both locked and trapped [DC18. DC0/25; Deadly Spike], this coffer holds random treasure of medium value and a death key. This key opens the warded door at location 12.

Before to open the chest, however, you have to deal with a ghast, two mummies, a vampire and two zombie warriors. The zombies will rise up when you walk near the zombie corpses laying by the entry door.


One allip is found in the small corridor before this chamber. This room is guarded by one wraith.

The passage to the southwest leads to a warded door you cannot unlock without the proper key (demon key).

Along the passage leading to the door there is a zombie corpse that will release a zombie warrior when you walk nearby.


A spectre has to be dealt with before you can reach the bridge leading to this chamber. Halfway the easternmost bridge there are some skeleton bones. If you walk near them a skeleton warrior will appear to fight you.

The room beyond the bridges is guarded by three curst rangers. Here are also a floor trap [DC10/22; Average Negative] and a zombie corpse spawning a zombie warrior.

The big sarcophagus on the southeast is locked [DC18] and holds random treasure of high value.

The gate on the southwest is warded and cannot be opened until you’ve found a yellow ward. Open the near door, instead, to reach the next location.


This room is guarded by two curst rogues. Past a floor trap [DC10/22; Strong Frost] there is a corpse you can search to get random treasure of minor value.


Two allip and a shadow fiend [CE, Undead 7] are found here. Slay them, close the door and you can rest safely.

Standing along the south wall of this room there are five trapped chests [DC0/15; Average Spike, Strong Frost, Strong Gas, Strong Sonic, Average Spike]. Four chests have nothing inside. The fifth, however, holds random treasure of low value and a demon key. This key unlocks the warded door on the southwest of location 15. Grab the key, then go there and open the locked door to reach the next location.


A mummy stands before the gate at the center of this chamber. Another mummy waits juat beyond the gate. Also, a trap [DC10/22; Average Negative] has been placed in the northwest portion of the room.

When the mummies have been dealt with, search the trapped sarcophagus [DC0/20; Strong Sonic] bathed in a green light to find a yellow ward. With the ward in your possession, you can now go back to location 16 and open the locked gate.

Before to leave this room, you can search three other sarcophagi. Two coffins hold random treasure of minor value. Just like them, the third coffin holds random treasure - but when you disturb it, a skeketon warrior appears to fight you.


Before to walk to location 16, you may want to explore this corridor.

Along this hallway you will meet two allip, two shadows and a wraith. A zombie warrior will rise up when you walk near a zombie corpse.

Random treasure of low and medium value can be collected by searching four sarcophagi. Two of these coffins will release undead when disturbed, possibly a mummy and a skeleton warrior.


The gate at location 16 can be unlocked only when the yellow ward is in your possession. Once you’ve opened the gate follow the passage ahead of you, being careful to avoid a floor trap [DC10/22; Strong Frost]. At the end of the passage there is another gate you can open only if you have a red ward. Beyond the gate another passage leads to a third gate. Again, a trap [DC10/22; Strong Frost] has been placed along the corridor.

The third and last gate can be opened only if you have a green ward in your inventory.


A couple of tough zombie lords [CE, Undead 9] guard this chamber. They will be quickly joined by zombie warriors spawned from two zombie corpses laying on the floor.

When the walking dead have been dealt with, you can go down the stairs at the center of this room to reach a lower crypt.

● Altar of Savil



Go up through these stairs if you want to re-enter the upper crypt.


Two skeleton chieftains [NE, Undead 1/F6] guard this chamber.

The chest along the west wall holds random treasure of high value. More random treasure of mixed value can be found inside three sarcophagi. Disturbing these tombs, however, will cause zombie warriors [Undead 2/F3] to come awake.


This chamber is inhabited by two spectres [LE, Undead 7].

The three sarcophagi hold random treasure of mixed value but mummies [LE, Undead 6] will appear when the coffins are disturbed. The chest to the southeast holds random treasure of high value.


The Altar of Savil is here, atop a raised platform. Before you can reach it, however, you have to deal with four hell hounds [LE, Outsider 4] standing at the foot of the platform and a half-fiend warrior [CE, Bb10] standing just before the altar.

When the half-fiend has been slain, search his remains to find a greataxe+2, a Ring of Power and a Talisman of Pure Evil.

When the enemies are gone, use the Khalid scroll Fargrak wrote for you on the altar. When you do so, a fiend will be summoned amidst the magical circle on your right.

Go there and talk with the summoned glabrezu [CE, Outsider 10]. The glabrezu was waiting for you to summon him. Indeed, the dreamwalker who visits your dreams had told him about you. The fiend won’t reveal the dreamwalker’s name. He just says they are very close in some ways – they are both servants of destruction.

Speaking of destruction, the fiend has been waiting a long time for this moment. To complete the Khalid poison, however, a final ritual is needed. This ritual requires the sacrifice of ten innocent souls... ten children. You must find and kill these children, then you must return her bringing the heart of one of your victims. The heart will be offered to Talos, then, you will get what you seek.

You will find the children you need to kill in the Yartar’s school. The school’s location will be shown on the city core area map when you return to Yartar.

When you’re back after you’ve murdered the children, give the child’s heart to the glabrezu and the ritual will take place. When the incantation is completed, the fiend disappears but only after he has given you the Khalid poison.

With the poison in your possession return to Yartar. Look at your area map and you will discover a new location is shown, right in the southwest corner of the area. Go there and search a passage to the old sewer where Fagrak is waiting for you.


When you need to return to the surface, enter this portal. It will take you to the Yartar’s cemetery.




Two Shield guardians [LG, F6] stands by the entry door. Considering what you have to do here, you can kill them as well.

The door on the north wall is locked [DC18].


Here you can search two bookshelves, three book piles, four barrels and a chest-of-drawers to get random treasure of low value.

The door in the northwest corner is locked [DC18].


Here are a teacher [NG, Commoner 1], one boy [N, Commoner 1] and two girls [N, Commoner 1]. Kill them all and don’t forget to grab at least one innocent child’s heart.


A teacher, five boys and four girls are found in this room. Again, murder everyone. Keep in mind that you need to kill at least ten children for the ritual to take place.

When you’re done, return to the cemetery’s lower crypt and give the child’s heart to the fiend you’ve summoned.


● Way to the Old Sewer...



When you go inside the building in the southwest corner of the city core, you enter a small home where are an old man [NG, Commoner 1], an old woman [N, Commoner 1], a boy [N, Commoner 1] and a girl [N, Commoner 1].

The old man will immediately approach you, asking you to leave his home before he calls the guards. Of course he won’t be able to call anyone if you carve out his tongue first...

When you attack the man, the woman and the children will become hostile as well. Kill them all, then throw a look around.


The house is empty and the door leading upstairs cannot be opened. However, here you will discover a hidden trapdoor. Go through the trapdoor to enter the old sewer.

● Old Sewer



When you enter the old sewer and walk towards the gate at the center of the area, a man will move on to bar your way. This guy is Lamir de la Bora [LG, P9], the annoying paladin you’ve already met near the Temple of Tyr. Behind the paladin, at the far end of the room, you can see Fargrak [NE, C20] fighting against four Shield soldiers [LG, F7].

You should act quickly. Make your weapons ready and charge Lamir before he can gulp down too much potions. When the paladin falls, go ahead and help Fargrak to kill the soldiers.

When your enemies are gone, the priest says you have to hurry up. Pour the Khalid poison in the water before someone else comes.

Before to poison the well, however, you may want to search Lamir’s remains to get an Amulet of Fire Resistance, a full plate+1, a Holy Avenger longsword, a Potion of Bless, a Potion of Bull’s Strength and a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds.

02. PUMP

The pump standing here is the central water source for the city of Yartar. Pour the Khalid poison into the water and you will notice that the red substance seems to move all by itself, following the waves. You know it’s going to find its way to every well in the city. Your vengeance has truly begun... and you feel good.

Once you’ve poisoned the well, talk again to Fargrak. He says now you must leave Yartar and go north, near the Evermoors. There, you will build an army capable of turn the city into a beautoful ruin. In the next few days, there will be a crisis here. Many will die, hopefully some members of the Shield as well. The priests will be powerless. The city will be weakened only for a short while, but it should be enough for you to destroy it.

When Fargrak leaves follow him. Once you will go through the gate the screen will fade to black and you will be taken to the next area.




When you leave the old sewer, a cutscene movie starts. You and Fargrak are standing on the side of the road to the Evermoors when a small group of people approaches.

A little girl by the name of Jasmine is following her parents as they walk along the road. The child complains she’s thirsty and her daddy says she should have drink from the well before they left the city, just like her mother and himself did. Now she will have to wait until they see grandpa.

Liria (the woman), however, doesn’t feel good... such a bad headache... such a sudden weakness... Her husband feels kind of strange as well.

Suddenly, the woman’s body starts to spasm, then she literally blows up, the blood squirting everywhere. A few moments later her husband suffers the same fate. Only the girl stays alive, and she cannot do nothing but crying and calling for help.

‘It has begun,’ Fargrak says, ‘destruction is on its course’. As you look at the desperate child you start to laugh... your revenge is so sweet! Then, Fargrak take pity of the poor little thing... ‘Time to die!’ The priest waves his hands and Jasmine is gone forever.

Now, you have to go to the North. Near Mornbryn’s Shield you will build an army to destroy the hamlet. When all eyes will be turned on the North you will strike Yartar from the inside. Yes, this is only the beginning...

Chapter One ends here. Before to exit the game, don’t forget to save your character. Destruction will continue in the sequel: ‘The innocents’ blood’.

Chapter One Quest Summary

● A Rare Book

Fargrak [see 1.11] suggests that if you truly want to destroy Yartar you must know its secrets. He hints that having access to Esklindrar's ‘special’ bookshop could be very useful. However, like at Candlekeep, Esklindrar requires you to give him a book of substantial value before you will be able to buy any of the rare tomes in his shop.

You will find a book by the title 'Gargauth's Exile' as you explore Marax’s tower [see 1.19]. Bring the tome to Esklindrar at his library [see 1.13]. The mage will be very happy with this acquisition, as now he will be able to study this strange cult. Not that you really care, but at least now you have access to his valuable books. Fargrak wants a book called 'Secrets of Yartar'. Buy the book and bring it to Fargrak to get your reward.

● Ern Hum Errand

Ern Hum [see 1.23] tells you that he is a member of the Black Serpent order, a monastic temple devoted to the perfection of the spirit and body through killing people. Before giving you the scorpions you need for Fargrak, Ern Hum asks you to kill another monk named Dence, who is from a rival order and who’s also staying at Beldabar's. It seems Ern Hum wants to experience a new way of killing, by sending you instead of doing it himself. Agree to bring him Dence's heart after the job is done.

When you give Dence's heart to Ern Hum, after describing what happened, he will be very happy, and you will get the scorpions. Since you were the one who actually did the deed, he also gives you a vial of Dence's blood, so that you can, as he put it, ‘learn to taste your enemy's death’.

● Fargrak’s Ingredients

The first task Fargrak [see 1.11] gives to you is to get some ingredients for a concoction he is making. You have to find a mature fire beetle's belly. According to Fargrak, fire beetles can be found in the sewers [see 1.14].

When you give Fargrak the fire beetle's belly, the priest says the second reagent he wants you to look for is a taggit’s leaf. Apparently the leaves of this plant are very toxic. The problem is: taggit plants are not very common. You don't really know where to look for one in the city; perhaps you could find a way to get to the forest [see 1.22].

When you bring Fargrak the leaf he needs, he sends you on an errand at the Beldabar's Rest inn [see 1.23] to meet a friend of him named Ern Hum. You are to collect a container of rare scorpions from Ern Hum, and return them to Fargrak.

When you give the scorpions to Fargrak, you have one last ingredient to find - a pouch of lich ashes. Unfortunately, Fargrak doesn't really know where you should start looking for this. A few weeks ago, he asked a friend in Waterdeep in to send him the ingredient. Unfortunately, the caravan was ambushed, and the ingredient lost. Fargrak's guess is that the one who planned the attack on the caravan is still in Yartar, and that the pouch is probably still with him. You will find the ashes within a chest in the Dark Hand warehouse [see 1.29].

● Finding Fargrak

The dreamwalker [see 1.01] who often comes to visit you as you sleep tells you of a man named Fargrak you should meet. He also says somebody is waiting for you outside Yartar.

Near the city of Yartar [see 1.02] you meet Morcis, an errand boy from the Hand of Yartar. He tells you that Fargrak is staying at the guild. The guild is magically protected and you will need a magic ward to get through. He also tells you that a man named Grassar is in charge of providing members with wards. You should be able to find him in one of the taverns in Yartar.

Both the tavern keeper at the One Foot in the Boat [see 1.08] and Tanataskar Moonwind - the tavern keeper at the Cointoss Tavern [1.04] - say that Grassar is spending a lot of time at his warehouse lately. You can find Grassar's warehouse in the western part of Yartar, across the bridge [see 1.10].

When you finally meet Grassar he’s really mad for a giant rats infestation of his warehouse. He doesn't want to hear anything and gives you a simple quest - to rip off the head of a ‘stupid man’ in exchange for the information you need.

When you bring the stupid man’s head to Grassar, you both had a good laugh, then, he gives you the Hand of Yartar ward to enter the guild and some gold for your trouble. Now you should go visit the guild [see 1.11], which is located south of the market. When you meet Fargrak at the guildhall, he turns out to be a priest of Talos, god of destruction.

● Hand of Yartar’s Clients

Massvik [see 1.11], a member of the Hand of Yartar guild, asks you to get rid of Jaon, the chief of the local iron mine. It seems that he has been witness to some of the guild's illegal activities, and he is becoming a threat to the guild. You will find him near the mine outside the city [see 1.16]. Massvik tells you that before you leave, you should first speak to Fargrak regarding this task.

In the formians' lair below the mine [see 1.17], you will find Jaon. Kill him and take his ring as proof of his death. Give Jaon's ring to Massvik to get a nice reward. She also gives you a second job to do. This time, you are to meet a man named Dar Ju, a rogue who's been caught operating in this city without the guild's permission. You are to deliver a writ of permission to him. He should be at The Wink & the Kiss [see 1.18], a festall which is sort of a neutral zone. Massvik tells you to get the document from Fargrak. When Fargrak gives you the permission document you notice a weird smile on his face. It seems a bit strange for the priest to be handling the preparation of documents for the guild.

A few moments after you’ve delivered the document to Dar Ju, the note explodes and the rogue blows up. When you report to Massvik, she tells you that no outsider has the right to work in their territory... Guild policy. Massvik also gives you a third job to do. Nothing fancy this time - just kill the man. The sorcerer Marax is your target. He lives in a tower in the city [see 1.19]. You need to bring back a proof of his death.

When you give Marax's head to Massvik, she rewards you. Now you have to track down Travio, a ranger who's been in Yartar for several years working for the Shield. He's been working against the guild for the last three months, and now the guild demands retribution. They have been unable to find him in the city, so they believe he may be living with his brother in the High Forest to the east [see 1.22]. As usual, you must bring back proof of Travio's death.

When you bring Travio's ring to Massvik, she says you should talk to Likam, the guild master, to get another job.

● Jharad’s Family Armor

You meet a childhood ‘friend’ named Jharad at Beldabar's inn [see 1.23] (at least HE thinks you're friends; you never really gave a damn about him personally... You only associated with him because he was the only kid you knew who owned a boat capable of navigating the Dessarin River..). Jharad tells you about an old enemy of yours named Bokmir Datson (a man you had always hated). It seems Bokmir has a suit of armor that belonged to Jharad's father, and Jharad wants someone to try and get the armor from him, but without hurting Bokmir, if possible. Accept the task, if only because it will give you a chance to rip Bokmir's guts out... you can't even count all the times you've dreamed of killing that old bastard! Bokmir should be staying at the Pearl-Handled Pipe inn, just like he always used to.

You meet Bokmir Datson at the Pipe’s [see 1.24] and finally you kill that rat-bastard. Watching him die is such a treat - you enjoy every second of it. Now you have the armor Jharad's father used in his old glory days.

When you return at Beldabar’s with the Jharad’s family armor in your possession, throw Bokmir's head to Jharad. He starts to yell like crazy... until you put him out of his misery. What a funny way to end the life of a paladin's son...

● Kill Mokui

Regarding Massvik’s client at the iron mine, Fargrak [see 1.11] adds that for good measure, all the miners should be killed too. This will slowly weaken the city's forces. Not a bad idea. You are to bring him the head of Jaon's assistant, Mokui [see 1.16].

Give Mokui's head to Fargrak to get your reward. Now that the mine is empty of workers, the city will have difficulties getting iron, which will weaken its defenses.

● Likam’s Quest

Likam [see 1.11], the leader of the Hand of Yartat thieving guild, asks you to track down Elmaror, a nobleman from Yartar, and make him spit out what he knows about some recent attacks on caravans near Yartar. Likam tells you that Elmaror was last seen at the Pearl-Handled Pipe inn [see 1.24].

At the inn, talk to the owner, Elludar Myristar, until you manage to get Elmaror's room key. Inside the room you will find a note saying that Elmaror would be waiting for his sons just outside Yartar, at the big hill to the south.

When you arrive at the big hill south of Yartar [see 1.25] you find a wrecked encampment. Apparently, you are not the only one who's been looking for Elmaror. Talk to his sons, Miriad and Josual, both of whom had arrived just before you show up. They don't know anything. There are some strange tracks here, though... you wonder where they lead...

The tracks lead you to a cave inhabited by gnolls [see 1.26/1.27]. Exploring the cave, you will discover Griimush, a half-orc barbarian, seems to be the leader of this so-called 'clan'. You find a strange note on the barbarian, but it doesn't explain much. You also find a rusted key.

The key unlocks a cell where Elmaror is kept prisoner. Threaten to give him a slow and painful death if he doesn't cough up all he knows about the caravan attacks and the group that captured him. You will learn about a new thieves' guild operating in Yartar.

When you report back to Likam and explain about what Elmaror told you, the guildmaster doesn't look very happy. He gives you your reward, and tells you that you should talk again with Massvik.

● Lili’s Ring

You talk to a strange woman named Lili at the One Foot in the Boat tavern [see 1.08]. She’s looking for someone not afraid to do a dirty job - tracking down someone named Granim and recover her lost ring. According to Lili, he would be hiding somewhere in the city, but not in any of the inns or taverns. Perhaps somewhere underground?

You will find Granim in the sewers [see 1.14]. Kill him and take Granim’s ring. When you give the ring back to Lili, she gives you all the gold she had promised you.

● Origas’ Cure

Origas [see 1.06], a pathetic priest of Tymora, is so busy taking care of things in the Happy Hall, that he asks you to deliver a cure for a poor man named Hentian. You should find him at the 'House of the Poor' [see 1.07]. Take Origas’ cure and go the the House.

When you find Hentian, gives him what he really deserves... now, he's cured from his worthless life. After giving the ‘cure’ to Hentian you should go and talk to Origas about the reward; after all, Hentian isn't sick anymore...

● The Dark Hand Guild

When you offer your services to Massvik [see 1.11] to help in finding the Dark Hand guild in Yartar she says you must bring back the head of the guild master, someone named Vall. She doesn't really know where you should look, although she knows of a foreign rogue who had asked to join the Hand of Yartar guild. This fellow should still be waiting at Beldabar's; perhaps you could question him to see if he can give you a clue.

At Beldabar’s Rest [see 1.23] you meet the foreign rogue, a halfling named Krip Fallflies. It seems Krip had previously fled from the Dark Hand. After a brief discussion, he tells you the location of this new guild, near the southern part of Yartar [see 1.28].

That little bastard managed to trick you by sending you directly into a trap. Unfortunately for them, they thought they had a chance against you. Hah! After slaughtering the rogues and beating the crap out of that little sucker, Krip beomes a bit more cooperative. He gives you the real location of the Dark Hand guildhall and the guild key to open the door there. Now, you can take his worthless life.

After you’ve stormed the guild [see 1.29] you manage to kill Vall. Take Vall’s head and bring it to Massvik. She will reward you properly. Now, the guild will be client free for a while.

● The Dark Path

After you meet Fargrak [see 1.11], you make the most serious commitment you have ever made in your life. You are now a disciple of Talos, god of destruction. You tell Fargrak that you will follow his lead, and in turn he will teach you the ways of destruction and help you bring Yartar to its doom. By following Fargrak's lead, you will become a true blackguard of Talos, bred for destruction. Then, by using the dark powers, things will become pretty ugly...

Fargrak’s first lesson teaches that a true blackguard should always enjoy killing his victims, whether they are human or any other kind of creature. To take the life of others should always be a pleasure... sometimes slow, and sometimes quick. Fargrak also tells you about his concoction, a very special type of poison called Khalid. He says that it will serve the cause of destruction well, when it is finished.

Later on, Fargrak will tell you about the blackguard's virtues. He says that control is the most important one. To have a lack of control is to be weak, and it will result in your own destruction. He also says that in time, you will learn to control people weaker than yourself.

In his next lesson, Fargrak tells you about the ways to control the weak. Fear is your most efficient tool. Learn to bring fear into your enemy's eyes, and you will control whomever stands in front of you. In time, you will learn to control people around you by using their own fear against them. Then, he tells you that you and him together will raise an army using some of the orc tribes in the north. They are strong in battle, but stupid enough to be easily controlled. Fear should be your most valuable means to control them.

At last you will finally become a blackguard of Talos - a true weapon of mass destruction! You can feel the dark powers within you. You have gained the power you wanted, though you feel this is only the beginning. There is yet more power to gain, and more mischief to do.

● The Final Ritual

When Fargrak [see 1.11] has completed his concoction, he gives you the unfinished Khalid poison. The final ritual to empower the poison needs to be performed at the Altar of Savil. According to Fargrak, this altar should be located below the northern crypt in the Yartar cemetery [see 1.30/1.31/1.32]. He also gives you a Khalid scroll inscribed with all the required incantations. When the Khalid poison is ready, you need to go to the southwestern corner of the city and find a way into the old sewer of Yartar. The water source there links all the wells in Yartar.

When you find the Altar of Savil [see 1.32] and recite the incantation written on the Khalid scroll, a fiend from the lower planes appears before you. The glabrezu tells you that in order to complete the ritual, you need to sacrifice ten innocent children. The heart of one of the children will have to be taken. You need to find a large group of children together in one place... perhaps a school?

When you have killed the children at the school [see 1.33], take one innocent child’s heart and bring it to the glabrezu. After the tanar’ri does some kind of incantation, he gives you the Khalid poison, now ready to seek its victims. Now you must find the old house at the southwest corner of Yartar and enter the old sewer [see 1.34].

Fargrak is at the old sewer waiting for you – and fighting one paladin and some guards. When your enemies have been killed, he says that you should be the one to pour the poison into the water. Do that. Now, the doom of Yartar has begun...

● Troubles at the Iron Mine

There are troubles at the Yartar’s iron mine [see 1.16/1.17]. It seems that the mine has been invaded by monsters, and that Jaon is still inside. The troubles at the mine come from a tribe of formians that were wandering around below the mine. Jaon has been taken captive there.


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