Well, i made it -- and it has gone much better than i ...

Just Jesus and Me

Journal of My Spiritual Retreat with Jesus in Jerusalem

By Jeannie

June 2005

I traveled alone … upon this lonesome way,

My burdens were heavy … and dark was my day.

I looked for a friend … not knowing that He,

Had all of the time … been looking for me.

Forever I’ll sing … of His great love to me,

Forever I’ll tell it … on land and on sea;

I’ll stay by His side … contented I’ll be,

For all of my life … it’s Jesus and me.

Now it is Jesus and me … for each tomorrow … for every heartache and every sorrow;

I know that I can depend upon my new-found Friend, and so till the end … it’s Jesus and me.

Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:00 a.m.

Good morning, Father … and in the early morning stillness of this day I commit my mind and energies and heart and will to You – that You may fill me in these next two weeks as never before.

For at least five years the deep desire to return to Jerusalem has chomped at the bit. I have prayed over Jerusalem as I looked at the scenic panorama picture of the city as seen from the Mount of Olives. I’ve wanted so much to go there – to pray around those old walls that circle the city – to walk its street and remember when Jesus was there on the Temple Mount – to sit at the olive trees at Gethsemane and look over the Kidron Valley toward Jerusalem and weep for it as He did. I wanted to carry my Bible and sit and read and journal – to pray from one end of it to the other – to read the prophecies that are fulfilled and those yet ahead that will take place right there. For years I’ve even marked Scriptures that I wanted to read there – to be able to look out and see where it will take place.

And the day has finally come! And even so, I leave the actual fulfillment of all these dreams in Your hands. You alone know my real heart in all this.

I’m sure some think it just another ‘world-wide trip’ I’ve got in my head! Or maybe they see it as a ‘loner’ off on another venture! Others may see it as a self-righteous display to gain attention. Whatever they think, You know my heart – You alone know the countless tears that have and are falling – in simply thinking of being there – and those that will come in these days ahead.

My Protector – Guide – Teacher – Best Friend! It is You alone who will go beside and ahead of me each step. You have never failed me – and my total trust in You gives me every confidence I need.

Two verses immediately come to mind this morning – and they speak my heart and intent for these past years as I’ve waited to return to Jerusalem …

“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You, who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves; and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” Isaiah 62:6

“And He looked over the city and had compassion … Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.” Matthew 23:37-39

3:30 pm Newark/New York City

As we pull out of Newark, we face New York City – and a blimp is hanging over the area where the Twin Towers once were. And it’s eerie realizing you look at the site where those planes crashed and so many died so quickly. And I wonder if they didn’t take out from here – this airport – which is a straight ‘shot’ across the bay. Don’t want to dwell on that today.

Getting onto this plane has been a long process – the check-in in Atlanta for international flights was at LEAST 1 ½ times the full length of the Atlanta front lobby (Memorial Day weekend!). We wound and wound thru lines and then finally to the gate. I was there almost 3 hours early – and yet they called the flight as soon as I got to the gate! In Newark I’d asked for a wheelchair, knowing it was a long way and I didn’t know how to get to the next place – and I had only little over an hour to do so! It was at another terminal – by train – elevators – very complicated – and as soon as I got to the gate, they called for boarding – even with the lady who knows where to go pushing me! Believe me – paying the tip for a wheelchair is well worth it! I just pray now that the baggage made it on too!

What day is it? Oh yeah ….. Sunday, May 29, 2005 8 a.m.

Good morning, Father – so our vacation together has started!  As we fly the last hour over the Mediterranean Sea, I couldn't help but compare this arduous journey overnight – with screaming kids most of the night, and feet and legs squashed and aching – with the one ahead, where we will ride into Jerusalem – thru the skies alright – but on fabulous white horses!  Imagine that!  I think the sight of it alone will frazzle the armies surrounding the city!  And just HOW horses march from heaven to earth is just one of those God things!  But until then . . . Continental has to get me there!

When we landed in Tel Aviv, I looked out the window and saw the baggage truck begin to unload – mine was the first one off!  Yeah!


Took a taxi to Jerusalem and to ___ hotel where I’d made reservations – which was a dump – I think they patterned it from an old concentration camp. The room, up three flights of old concrete steps, was tiny – the bed was a small iron bed with floppy mattress – the hallways were filled from end to end with dirty linen – the so-called panoramic view it was to have was a 2x3 window overlooking the store across the street! It was creepy! So I walked in, checked out the room, walked back downstairs and said, "Please call me a taxi – I can't stay here."  The guy said, "Is there a problem?"  I just didn't go there – so he said, "Where do you want to go?"  I said, "To the hotel down the street," – and he said, "They probably don't have vacancies” – but I called anyway and they did – and it was two blocks away!  And they had a great front room with a fantastic view of the city and it's a corner room so it also looks west toward the city and also south toward Bethlehem – and the back of their courtyard looks East where you can see Bethany and the Dead Sea!  It has a hair dryer – has free email – has two restaurants – buffet every night – and it's clean – and only $15 more than the dump!  So Jesus is looking out for me!


Was really exhausted today, so rested in the room awhile and settled in. They also have a safety deposit box like the bank with dual keys, so put most everything there and will take out in small increments – and leave passport there the whole time. So I'm doing well – can hardly believe I'm here – so tomorrow will get out and start early in the morning with taking in this awesome city! 


Rev. 19:11-21   "And I saw heaven opened, and a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True . . . the Word of God.  And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, following Him on white horses . . ." yeah – won’t that be something!


4:45 p.m.   Waiting for early supper. They also have two restaurants here – very nice – overlooking the city.  At 6:30 there's a dinner buffet ($15) – but I wanted a lite bite and ordered onion soup and grilled cheese at the second restaurant – the bistro.  The soup is enough for 3 people, and the sandwich is double-decker with fries and slaw and tomatoes and fresh bread – so all that was $8.00 – and I could only eat less than half – so is great to have a good place to eat right here in the hotel!

About the same time I sat down at the bistro, three American women came in and sat at the table next to me – we were the only ones in there. And also within minutes I realized their like-heart for Jerusalem as they talked.  So before I left, I introduced myself – and found they have moved here as volunteers for Bridges for Peace and go to a Church of God here on Mt Olive – and Cathleen lives here on the Mount.  So we talked and I got their phone numbers and will touch base later in the week. A divine appoint, I think!



Monday, May 30, 2005 6 am

Good morning, Father – and what a place to wake up to!  The sun is coming across the top of Jerusalem – the gold dome (Moslem Dome of the Rock) is shining – a few cars are out, not many – the breeze is blowing the trees – big blue sky above – the double Eastern Golden Gate and top of the city wall is just beginning to get the sun's light – the Kidron Valley/Rift is just below me.  And the only ones close enough to look in my big open window as I sit here (in bed!) are several feet under ground – in the Jewish cemetery here on the side of the Mount of Olives!  This is SO ideal – that I know You have arranged it! Thank You!


The ones who set up this room lacked imagination though – and I wonder if others haven't done what I did – within minutes of coming in here – which was to push the bed (single) from the far corner over in front of the picture window – so I can sit in bed and see it all! (When I told this to my family, Donna wrote and said, “I can’t believe you have already rearranged the furniture at the hotel!”)


Father, truly "my time is in Your hands."  I've come here for one reason – to be alone with You – to read Your Word, talk to You, enjoy being in Your chosen city on earth.  So I rest myself in Your care and direction, knowing that this time will be put together by You for Your purposes.


So – where do we begin!  As I lay here and think about what I've learned from the Bible, I know that when Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation, with us, on the white horses thru the sky (!) to the armies encircling Jerusalem that are defying God, that His feet will come down on this Mt Olive and it will divide by an earthquake line running about where I sit!  Looking ahead – to the Med Sea – and behind – to the Dead Sea – a waterbed will be created for the river that will flow from Jerusalem toward both seas – and will make the Dead Sea a live sea!  The land will change and Jerusalem will be totally lifted up higher and Christ will make it His royal city to reign from for 1000 earthly years.  Then afterward the judgment and then the new heaven and new earth – the heavenly Jerusalem will come down to earth and be the focus of our eternal home.  But that Jerusalem is almost unimaginable – being a cube of 1500 miles on all sides – which is half the width of the US!  wide – long – high!  And 12 foundations equally divided by those 1500 miles!  Imagine!  But that's the way God does things, isn't it!


"Our God is an awesome God – He reigns from heaven above – with wisdom, power and love – our God is an awesome God."


"Jerusalem – John saw the city – caught a glimpse of the golden throne – crystal sea.  I want to go to the new city he saw – Jerusalem.  I want to walk your streets where the angels have trod – to rest on the banks of your river –- in that city of God!" (just happened to have Gaither’s last CD along on my MP3 – my neatest toy the size of a cigarette lighter – that also acts as a tape recorder!)


So what makes this city so different – so special?  Today as I begin with Genesis, open my eyes and heart – show me from the Word You've given us, Father – show me Your heart in this place.


8:00 am     Funny – my watch stopped as I began to walk down the path of Mt Olive!  Good sign – as I begin my long-awaited walk to and around the city! But my first stop is the Dominus Flevit – or Tear Drop of the Lord – and the front window of this tear-shaped chapel overlooks the city – and the verses inside are the ones I wrote yesterday (Matt 23:37-39) – "Jerusalem . . that kills the prophets ....I long to gather your children as a hen gathers her brook under her wings."  The other is the one I searched for and could not find (Luke 19:41-44) – "As He approached Jerusalem (along the Mt Olive path) and saw the city, He wept over it ..."


Well, it seems I've begun to make friends – even here – as the gardener came up and wiped out a lounge chair for me and said, "Sit, rest, read, meditate, pray – take your time."  So I did – great view – nice breeze – shade – and lots of time!


After reading and studying there, I walked on down the path – very steep – having to go very slowly so as not to slip – the flowers bloomed and hung over the top of the walls on either side of the road. I picked a few that were especially pretty and unknown.  As I continued on I reached another road and saw people crossing it and going into a gate – so I did the old "join the group" thing – listened as their tour guide explained – as we walked thru the Garden of Gethsemane and saw the roses among the olive trees – old and gnarled and still there from the time of Jesus.  A few feet away is the Church of Nations (Church of Agony) – its front doors look straight across to the Golden Gate – the double Eastern Gate.


Though the guide gave her viewpoint – and I was good and did not interrupt or contradict! – I believe the first and second Temple lined up with this gate – with the Holy of Holies and now that I'm here inside, I realize it also lines up with this place – with the large rock inside this chapel where it is said Jesus went a little ways away and prayed.  From this place He would have looked straight thru the gate, thru the Temple – to the Holy of Holies – with His God vision.  He agonized with great drops of sweat as blood over what lay ahead of Him.


Jesus, my precious Jesus – what did You see?  Did you see a people who You knew were even then preparing to come here and take You – to be beaten and killed?  Did You look across there and see Abraham atop that other mount – placing Isaac on that rock on Mount Moriah which is the Temple Mount – about to sacrifice Isaac?  Did You see the angel come and withhold Abraham's hand and hear him say, "Abraham – Abraham, do not lay a hand on the boy."  And then as Abraham had already said, "God Himself will provide the lamb," (Gen 22) – did you realize the 2000-year-old fulfillment as you knelt there – the very Lamb of God promised so long ago?


Did you feel the thorns on Your brow already – the cat-o-nine tails cutting thru Your holy back again and again and again and again and again . . .?  Did You already feel the agony of sin being laid on you – my sin – the unholiness against a holy God that mankind – that I – insisted on having my own way?


In the inside roof of this darkened room is a blue sky – and many stars glittering – like the stars that hovered over You that night.  Did not Your birth star hang over You that night and cry aloud to see You in such agony – about to face death?


Outside – just a few feet away – were Peter, James and John – wanting to wait and pray – but in the lateness of the midnight – a big Passover meal in their tummy – several glasses of wine – they could not stay awake – and there under the olive trees they fell asleep – again – and again.


"It was alone the Savior prayed – in dark Gethsemane; alone He drained the bitter cup – and suffered – there – for me.  Alone – alone – He bore it all alone.  He gave Himself to save His own.  He suffered – bled – and died – alone - - - alone."


Mark 14:32   "They went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Sit here while I pray’.  He took Peter, James and John along with Him, and He began to be deeply distressed and troubled.  'My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death . . . Abba, Father, everything is possible for You – take this cup from Me.  Yet, not what I will, but what You will.’"


I walked on from the chapel on toward Jerusalem - just across the road – and used my MP3 to record as I walked – and now I can translate it into the journal:  I pray as I walk outside this NE wall and Arab children all around – I pray for their hearts – and I pray for Your protection as people look at me and wonder.  It's a long way up this hill!  I'm already out of breath – yet this is what I've dreamed of – waited for!  They've put graves here – Muslim – along the ground by the wall and in front of the Golden Gate - thinking they will keep out the Messiah from coming back thru that gate – what a joke – what a joke!  And now as I near the NE corner beyond here is the Hebrew University – but right here is a lot of garbage dumps! 


When You looked down here and saw Jerusalem, Lord, what did You see?  Coming up the road from the road from the Kidron to Stephen's Gate, it's steep, steep, steep – and at the top of the hill at an Arab kiosk I got a Diet Coke I needed badly! 


Going on around the NE corner and going left (West) along the North Wall – it's quite flat – thank You!  North of here is Calvary, but that will be another day just for that alone.  It's not always possible to walk right along the wall – too deep, weedy – but a good sidewalk goes all along the way.  Here at the first gate – Herod's Gate on the North Wall – going into the Arab Sector – doesn't look like anything I'm ready to walk into – so keep walking!  People are sitting along here, talking, eating, and holding children's hands as they walk – lots of people, but feels safe.


The wall here is built atop huge rock strata – wall of 30-40 one-foot rock blocks atop another 60-70 feet of rock running diagonally.  Am almost to the end of the North wall – nice garden here with flowers – lots of Arabs – lots of Arabs – but no problem.  Here at the next gate now, Damascus Gate, which is much bigger and busier – going into the area of the Arabs/Christian Sector – but think I'll keep going!  This street goes into the Via Dolorosa, but will do that later.


Oh my goodness – here comes a cart toward me stacked so high, 8 cases deep of drinks – can't even see the guy pushing it – PLEASE keep that thing away from me – whew – got past him!  I thought I saw the corner – yet not yet – still see wall!  It's hot – sun directly over me and going up hill again (pant, pant!) – and realize it's hard to do this kind of walking and keep praying too!  But this is what I've waited for – keep going!  On and on – up these stairs – people looking at me – wondering . . . "What's that little telephone she's talking into?" – a telephone eh? Well, just as well they think that!   Am I close?  I still see wall!  I am just – whew – don't think I could ever do this all in one day – we'll see!  Oh man – this is getting steeper and steeper – I didn't realize this side went so high – the upper portion of the Tyrolean Valley.... keep going ... lunch soon!  One good thing – once you get to the top, it's downhill from there – right?! 

Now coming to the next gate – the New Gate – still on the North wall – and my goal was to walk all the way around the outside, right – so won't cut short on the corners – and still doesn't look like a place I'm ready to walk into!  Keep going!  I'm about to get to a corner – (hahaha) – it goes in and then out again – wouldn't you know it – not there yet (hahaha)!  OK – keep going! 


NOW – we've made the corner and on the West side – and Lord, I continue to pray for the people inside this city – and all these outside – this is a huge place all around – large apartment buildings on every hillside you see.  I pray they will come to know truth – and that truth is You.  Here at the NW corner I picked up a little purple, thorny stem – pretty little thing to remind me of this corner.  Coming up on the first Western gate – the Jaffa Gate, which comes in from the side, but then a big gate for cars comes in beside it straight on. 

As I walked on around toward what was the Jaffa Gate, an Arab merchant professionally sidetracked me – I went in to the shop –his assistant/brother took over and began to show me jewelry – which I wasn't really interested in – and when he finally said a price – $200 – for a little pendant not worth $25 – I smiled and started walking out – him still calling me and already coming down – I just kept walking – was ready to get out of there anyway. 

Next door was the place I was looking for though – the Christ Church and Bookstore – and walked into the wrong door (not really!) and talked to the lady inside and found it a Messianic ministry – guest house – chapel – so got times of services.  I then walked out the wrong door (not really!) and stumbled onto a group of people milling around – not locals – and as I walked toward the chapel to see what it was like, they too walked in – and again I'd stumbled into what God had intended – a Bible study for a group of people that obviously were taking a class and I benefited as the teacher talked about God's times and seasons – was great timing for me – thank You again, Lord!

Notes: “The Times and Seasons” – is wonderful to be on God’s schedule here!

Ecclesiastes 3: “A time to … a time and purpose for everything….”

Genesis 8: God’s promise of continuing seasons – day/night

To be frustrated is to be out of balance – and maybe doing the right things, but in the wrong season. God doesn’t do spontaneous – but is planned, purposed, and timely. Important not to violate seasons – as in Sweden we have severe differences – and a farmer doesn’t try to reap in the winter. God is a farmer! Not a quick-fix God – but long-term, in seasons – never frustrated. He’s in rhythm – we need to find that – the rhythm of walking – understand sowing time comes before the harvest.

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, for what he sows, he reaps.” What you do/live today brings harvest after awhile. Different seasons of our – 1) Receiving 2) Preparation 3) Accomplishing 4) Impartation. (Funny how Jimmy and I were having a near conversation like this the other day – talking about how God is preparing him for tomorrow’s work.) And this cycle continues to revolve again – we get comfortable where we are and don’t want to go on into a new season – our walk stops and we don’t go forward. But with God the seasons continue to go around – again and again.

Acts 1: God calls us – and there is a moment – sometimes it’s a long-term time – but He asks us to listen to His Spirit at this time – this moment. There are times of shifting in your life and you have to decide what you will do – have faith and courage to step ahead. The easiest thing is to stay, where you are. (Oh my – is THIS why You walked me in here?!)

Receiving the Word – God’s impartation – His blessings – an intimate time with things of God – when God plants a need into your heart. Accept the seed (as into fertile ground).

Preparations – seed developing the things of God in your life – the longest time. As Jesus prepared 30 years – then 3 ½ years accomplished His work. Nine months to prepare a baby – and only hours to deliver!

Accomplishing – in 3 years He accomplished much…

Impartation – when He gave out to the disciples the work to continue on – as with every rotation of seasons, there is a gap …

Galatians 4: 1) chronos (chronological time) 2) quias (sp?) (quantity of time). God comes in His own time agenda and says, “Do you have time for Me in your time?” A disciple has to understand – you sit here because you know there’s something in your heart drawing you to Him – and then chronos knocks and the chronological time begins. “When the fullness of time had come….” God’s season for Christ’s birth – planned – and then He came. And what we know of Christianity began then.

Matthew 4-5: “Follow Me … and they followed Him … Jesus calls us to follow Him into the next season – although you don’t know anything about it. He calls you many times. If you respond, He will bless you and call you to the next step.

1:00 p.m. My – what a first day already! Found Papa Andreas Restaurant close by – down a couple souk streets (Arab shops close, close close!) – just keep walking as the street vendors all said, "Madame – Madame – let me show you – where are you going – where are you from – "  and I just kept walking!  Papa's was a nice roof garden restaurant where I ordered chicken a la king – and got grilled chicken and fries – but it was good and very tasty.  As I sat there and looked ahead of me, it was looking directly at my hotel room across the Kidron Valley! 


Going back outside several taxi drivers called to me – wanted 40 shekels/$10) to go to Mt Olives – I shook my head and walked away – they kept calling – I kept shaking my head no!  Figured I'd walk a little closer and then get a taxi.  Didn't go far and saw the Rampart Walk – so for $4 you can walk ATOP the city walls instead of around them!  Why not – I'd wanted to do that!  Just didn't realize what I'd gotten myself into – again!  Used the MP3 to record along the way – you just don't hear the huffing and puffing and groaning that was going on in the recordings via this journal – just use your imagination!


I have set watchmen on your walls – that's what Isaiah 62 says – and now I'm walking the tops – enjoying them – praying – going up first these steep, winding spiral staircases that bring you to a walkway like a moat with solid rock wall about 6' high on left and about 4' on right – an opening cut every so far to look out – to shoot – who knows!  Up, up, up, up, up, up – higher still we go – oh my – these are steep steps – about 8-12" rock stone blocks!  And just me and the little birds up here – and my Best Friend who keeps showing me the way around His town!  Oh, it feels good up here!  Now . . . we have to carefully step – down ..down..down..down..down..down .... is that my knees I hear clicking?!  Somebody might say I'm too old for this stuff – where would they get that idea?!  This is exactly what you need to be doing (hahahaha) – in the last days of your life!


OK – up..up..up.. – oh a little yellow flower – you're going with me – up..up..up..up.....whew!  UP...up...up!! Oh my goodness – why couldn't they just make these things straight across?  And hey – we're at the far SW corner now, about to turn left to the South wall!  Oh wow – an arch that's been covered up – got to get a picture of that.  Oh, a cemetery over here – with crosses of iron – so this is the Armenian Quarter – yeah – the SW quarter – and further over I should come out at the Jewish Quarter – OK – keep going! (I really have no choice at this point!)


Guess what I found!  A whole field up here of Queen Anne's lace flowers – and I thought that was a Georgia thing!  My goodness!  It really is hard – keeping on praying and walking around this wall – because I just keep seeing more and more that so astounds me and captures me.

Down the South wall – I can't describe it – it's like seeing the old part of the city hewn out in holes – in caves – and it's down below the golden wall – it's a totally different layer – it's the old, old city walls!


Well, I came down off the Rampart – had to come down when I came to a possible exit – couldn't do it anymore!  I didn't make it to Lion's Gate – but I'll keep walking along the outside!  Getting tired – thought I'd get a taxi – made a signal for one and he pulled over –told him the Hotel on Mt of Olives – he hesitated a long time – then finally said 70 shekels ($18) – I shook my head and walked away – no way!  Keep going!  I've heard the Jewish taxis don't like to go to that hotel – King Hussein of Jordan built it after the war – took the land – and built it over part of the Jewish cemetery.  No, I don't like that he did that – but yesterday I had no choice but to stay there.  So – under my rooms – are many, many rooms – uggh – such a thought!


Now in the Jewish sector – near the SE corner – and oh, I wish I could take a picture – but don't dare – there are about 30 or 40 young Hasidic Jews – teenagers led by 2 older men – probably a school – and they are dressed in their long black clothes, with their locks on the side – see short hair under their kipas, but those locks are impressive!


Again – you think you've come to the corner – and then it goes left and then right and farther and farther!  Now the lower end of what would be the City of David – much more detail now than the cut out areas just before – so I must get pictures – actual rooms, columns – great!


Guess what!  The old woman's still got it in her!  I'm coming around the bend – literally – to face the Church of Nations where I was about 7 hours ago!  Well – first lap about the city walls – in 7 hours – not too bad, is it? hahahaha!  Well, actually was probably about 7 miles from the hotel back to the hotel. Thank You, Lord – you let me do it!  Now, let's take a picture from here of the church.


Back across the Kidron Valley – past the church – crossing the street into the Jewish cemetery which covers the side of the Mt Olive.  This is ... a heart-breaking place....because I wonder how many of these....will be resurrected when Jesus returns....into the Millennium?  I pray they will .... Abraham ... Joseph ... Moise ... Esther ... all these great Jewish names on the graves.  This is the hardest thing I've done all day (weeping.....) ...and they're all stacked and stacked – who knows how deep .... facing the city ....waiting for Messiah.... How heart breaking .... and only You know, Father.  Maybe this is where You wept, Lord – maybe this is where You looked over them – and did You realize here in this place – those Pharisees who were so religious – and now, are they in hell?  It takes more than religion – it takes knowing God.


Almost to the top of the hill now – where the hotel is just across the road – I'm among all the thousands of tombs – stacked as close as can be – half of them in shambles – the tops knocked off – broken – scattered – weeds grown up – it's pitiful – and yet I know You, Father, know every single one of them – all the names and lives and prayers they prayed – and you remember what army took their life – what disease.  And after a day here in this city, it's almost overwhelming – it is overwhelming.  I had no idea it was going to be like this – no idea.


Jeannie ..... this is the craziest thing you've ever tried to do!  Taking a short cut thru a cemetery – to get back to the hotel – to keep from paying $18 for a taxi – and now – you're trying to climb up on this 4' ledge to get over to that little gate by the road – the only way out of here unless I walk ALL the walk back down and come BACK up that long steep road!  Ugggghhhhh!  Now ... who do you think is looking..... yes, I see two devout Jewish Hassidic over there – probably someone looking out a hotel room up there.  So this ledge is over waist high – I just need to find another rock to stack on top of this one – okay?  Do you see me, Donna – do you see me, girl?  Okay – here goes – uh uh uh .... can't do it!  Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh...... now I have to go ALL the way back down – thru those graves.....ugghhhhh!  If someone could just come along and pull me up!!!  But – nobody!  Rats!  OK – back thru the cemetery we go – apologizing to everyone I step on – trying to get out of this terrible maze of thousands! 


OK – it's 4:00 – I hear the Moslem call to prayer – all over the city – as I traipse across these tombs!  Jeannie – you are cra–zy!  If your Mama could see you now – she would shake her head – oh my goodness – here's one – oh my goodness – oh no – here's one that's been dug out and a cave down there – OPEN – with steps down to it!  Guess who's NOT going down there – not unless I FALL in – trying to get around this pile of dirt and rock right next to it!  That's the only way – and yet it's a possibility!  I can't believe that thing is open!  It must be 15' down – and about 12 steps – a big chamber –– uhhhhhhh-=-==== time to get out of this place – uhhhhhhh–- bad enough in bright sunlight – what would it be like tonight – it I don't get OUT!!!    You remember – how the Bible talked about the crazy people living out in the tombs?  Well – think I just saw one of their houses!


Oh my – finally got back over here to the gate – it's closed!  Uhhhhhhh – let's see if I can get it open!  ...... yep – just got to know how to fiddle with the lock!  Thanks!  Now you've got a long, long – steep, hill – which I came down this morning – holding on so not to slip!  Wonder how many times I'll have to stop before I get to the top of this thing!  I'm testing my heart today!  think I'm going in – going to get me some ice cream and a pitcher of ice water – then get a shower – put on my gown – at 6 pm!!! 


Well, I finally made it up the hill – the last time I stopped for a break – about the 7th – I stood beside a gate that said Haggai and Zechariah's tomb – so thought  – why not?! The Arab guide showed me thru it – DOWN the stairs (uggh) – and into a huge dug-out rock cave where supposedly they were buried – with many others – their disciples and children.  Very interesting – he was Arab Christian and we shared some good thoughts and words.  I DID go straight to the bistro and got a huge bowl of chocolate and pistachio ice cream and nuts and chocolate sauce – and a whole pitcher of ice water – and think I'll beat the sun to bed tonight!  Great day!


Tuesday, May 31    2:50 a.m.

Good early morning, Father!  And yes, I've been awake awhile – finally decided to get up and read awhile – had a good little nap and will rest later.  Enjoying an early breakfast too – my left over flat bread and can cheese and Coke!  Such nutrition!


Genesis 8:20-25 “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord … the Lord said to Himself, ‘I will never again curse the ground on account of man … while the earth remains, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.’” (This is what the teacher taught yesterday – God’s seasons)

Genesis 12:1-3, 7 “The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your country … to land I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you … and bless you …. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed … to your descendants I will give this land.’”

Genesis 13:3, 14-16 “… (Abram came back to) Bethel … place of the altar (north of Jerusalem, atop the mountains). “Now … look … North, South, East, and West – for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever.” (this seems to imply that this present earth will remain and then be renewed (Rev 21) rather than a totally new earth.)

Genesis 14:18 “And Melchizedek, king of Salem (now Jerusalem) brought out bread and wine … priest of God Most High … he blessed him (Abraham) and he (Abraham) gave him (Melchizedek) a tithe.” (Melchizedek is a mystery (Heb 7:1-10) – yet God placed him as His priest in Jerusalem almost 4000 years ago!)

Genesis 15:18 “To your (Abraham) descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt (Red Sea/Nile to the South) as far as the Euphrates (from Persian Gulf in East to Turkey in the North)” … (I have a feeling this area was the original Garden of Eden – before the land shifted and continents separated (Gen 10:25) – why else would this area be so special to God?)

Genesis 16: Abram yields to Sarai’s pleading and has a child (Ishmael) by handmaid Hagar – son of the flesh/works (law – Gal 4:22-31). Ishmael is father of Arabs, who was then, and is now, the perpetual antagonist/rival of Isaac/the Jews.

Genesis 21:1-3 “Then the Lord took note of Sarah as He had said (promised) and the Lord did for Sarah as He had promised (to Abraham – Gen 17:16). So Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham .. in his old age (100), at the appointed time … and called him Isaac.” (Isaac is the son of promise/faith/grace – the opposite of Ishmael (faith/works/law – Gal 4:22-31)


This morning as I lay in bed and looked to the Dome, I realized I was already tired of seeing it!  Not tired of Jerusalem – but of the Moslem Dome of the Rock with its gold dome that dominates not only the holy Temple Mount, but the entire view of Jerusalem.  Then I thought . . . if I'm tired of seeing it there after 4 days, isn't God tired of seeing it there after 1300 years?!  It made me start to think – the Moslems worship Allah there, and they say Allah is another name for God – and Moslems believe in Jesus, but not that He was divine – only a teacher/prophet.  So if they worship the same God, why does their Koran and leaders teach that all Jews must die – that they will not rest until they have killed them all? And yet we know God chose the Jews as His own special people and Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy of the Messiah to their people and will return yet to be their King and build His kingdom here.  It all boils down to idols by different names – Baal – Buddha – Allah – all of which are Satan's deception, using just enough likeness to Scripture to convince many to believe a lie.


So the question remains – when will God remove this abomination from the holy Mount where His Temple was – should be – and will be?  Like we heard yesterday – He has a specific time – a fullness of time and events – and now is the time of the Gentiles we read about in the Bible.  Remember how He punished Israel with captivity for their idol worship? And yet His long suffering has permitted this – actually since 70 A.D. – almost 2000 years – when Titus of Rome destroyed the Temple and the city – and then a temple to Jupiter was erected.  And it will only get worse – because the Antichrist will build a temple for the Jews and then go into it and proclaim Himself as God.  All right over there – on that big slab of rock and concrete.


Lord, give me that patience to wait on Your timing – help me understand Your love for all mankind.


1:00 p.m.  Can't get my watch working right since I got here!  It quit the day I arrived and started walking down the Mount of Olives!  It needs a nap – like me!  Really tired today – just maybe I overdid it yesterday – but it was worth it!  Came down to the bistro for some chicken soup and fries and lots to drink – can't get enough to drink here – is very dry.  The climate dries you out – and the constant sun is hard on your eyes too – realizing I need to close the curtains – some – the glare of the sun on the dome and all this light rock can be a bit much.



Wednesday, June 1    8:20 a.m.

Good morning, Father – and when I asked for a good night's rest I didn't imagine that the city would be in full sunlight already when I awoke!  I even put on my sunglasses for awhile – in bed! – to look at the city – it's so bright.  And one day there will be no sun at all – just You!  No more sun glasses to keep up with – yeah!


Spent lots of time yesterday reading the Word and going over the many materials I brought with me about what's here.  There is the Old City within these walls – which I'm guessing is equivalent to about 100 or 150 city blocks.  On the East is the Mount Olives where I'm staying – religious sites, apartments, few stores, etc – very Arab.  On the South appears a valley of apartment buildings and such that reaches back over the next mountain as far as you can see – the hillsides are covered with apartments.  To the West and North is the New City – West Jerusalem is the center of the government area and newer businesses and lots of shops, restaurants, etc – museums, parks – thick, but nearly as dense as the Old City.


It's hard to not get wrapped up in going and seeing – and getting sidetracked from focusing on studying and praying.  But then I know I can't do either continuously – has to be balanced – and that's what I pray for – as always.


Yesterday I looked at Abraham – Your promise for a son and a nation and a land – an everlasting promise. And no other people on earth has survived as a nation like Israel! Almost 4000 years since You fulfilled the first promise of Isaac, and You have been completing the rest ever since – with much more yet to come!

Isaac blessed his son Jacob – who then struggled to find his way for years. He later found himself and his 12 sons – in Egypt under Joseph’s tender care. But just as the enemy had tried to rid the world of Godly men before, so he tried to end the Jewish race under Pharaoh – but adversity only grew the Jews stronger! Moses came and took them to the door of the land You promised. Again they endured and were victorious in conquering the enemies there and they settled into their land.

Is that not the most dangerous time for us – when we settle in – when we let our guard down – when we don’t even realize that slowly, ever so slowly, we may be falling into complacency? Of course that doesn’t mean Israel didn’t struggle all along the way there – they did! Well, enough of my philosophizing! On to the Word!

I like what Joshua said – all along God had him by Moses’ side – training him for what was ahead. Then just as they were to take the victory steps across the Jordan into the Land, God handed the baton to Joshua and took Moses home. I remember standing atop Mt Nebo in Jordan (which is NE of here across the Dead Sea – behind the hotel). I stood there where possibly Moses stood and saw the Land – I was going across – he didn’t. Yet ONE day he did! Because in Matthew 17 Jesus took His three buddies up a high mountain and was transfigured into His Godly glory before them. And there beside Him were even older buddies – Moses and Elijah – the two no one buried!

But back to Joshua 1: In the first chapter God spoke to him and again drew out the lines of the land of Israel and said, “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous … do not turn from it (God’s Word) to the right or to the left … so that you may have success wherever you do … Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

And they had victory over the land (Josh 21:43-45) – God went before them and the land was conquered. But – they let little things slide – they allowed some of the enemy to stay on – they even took on some of their ways – they took their focus from God when they felt the job was done – and they began to pattern their life according to man’s word – not God’s Word.

One of those paths led them to desire a king over them – a leader they could see – where God they could not. Imagine – trading the power and wisdom of God’s direction for man’s! Yet – we do it too – we can’t condemn them. Yet even in that, You conceded to give them a king – and Saul gave them a big, strong man who gave the visible image of a great king. But he quickly let selfishness and greed undermine his dependence on God.

Maybe Saul thought that since God had Samuel anoint him king, he had free reign to ‘interpret’ God’s commands and he would still be king – but, not so! Do we think that because we know we are God’s child we can ‘interpret’ His words and direction to us and it will still be OK – because we are His chosen – we are doing His work. And yet we, like Saul, may find our work taken and given to someone else if we don’t follow as He leads.

Lord, it’s humbling to even realize how You have chosen me as Your own – how You have given me this family – have blessed us in so many ways and places. I pray that You will always keep me close – “under your wing” as Jesus said here on the Mt of Olives. Do not let my heart and mind wander toward the busies of the world – the things that clutter and distract and consume precious time. As I think again of Joshua, I realize now he was probably my age when he came to the Jordan and You said, “Be courageous – I’m with you – go on and do what I tell you.” Maybe – just maybe – Joshua was starting to feel those aches and pains and wanted to say, "Lord, You know – I've tramped thru that wilderness for 40 years with these folks – and I'd love to just find a little spot and settle in and take my grandchildren fishing and just rock on the front porch awhile.  Couldn't You just work that into the plan – and let these younger men take the baton from here?"  And I can just see You smile at him and hold it out there and say, "Joshua, it has your name on it – just a little longer, son – just a little longer.  There's plenty of fish in My pond at home – don't waste your time on these little minnows down here!"


I speak of Joshua – yet You know who I speak of, Lord.  It would be so easy to just sit down and rock and fish – so easy.  But just as You took my hand around that entire wall, and led me back safely – so I know You will take my hand every step You have planned. As long as my hand is in Yours, I can keep walking.


Well, back to our story . . . then along came John . . . no, I mean David!  hahaha – You have a sense of humor, don't You, Father – you gave it to me!  Of course these young ones won't understand – that song was long before their time.  But I love the story of I Samuel 16, where the old prophet Samuel, following Your guidance, taking the bottle of oil down the hills behind me to a farm out from Bethlehem – just a hop and skip from here over that big hill.  Jesse recognized the old prophet and rounded up his boys to come into the house.  And can't you just see mama now – "Hurry – hurry – leave your little brother with the sheep and you big boys get in here and brush your hair – and for goodness sake, put on a clean shirt – and be nice and respectful!"  Samuel looks at the oldest, smiles and thinks, Yes, surely this is the one the Lord would anoint.  But God said to him, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him, for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  And seven sons passed before Samuel, and then he said, "Are these all?"  Jesse said, "There remains the youngest – tending the sheep."  So he brought in David – ruddy, beautiful eyes, handsome – sounds like a great Irish lad to me!  And Samuel knew - "This is he."  No seminary – no fancy clothes – just a heart that God knew and loved!


Did David walk from there into the palace and put on the crown?  God had anointed him – chosen him to be king – and the "Spirit of God came mightily upon David from that day forward."  But God's clock moves precisely on His arm – not ours.  But the next second on the watch reveals, "Now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul. . ."  What a terrible thing – the worse thing in life.  Scholars of the Bible tell us the Holy Spirit came to people in the Old Testament times and filled them for a special work of God.  Just as a man can do anything when he is filled with God's Spirit, so the opposite can also be true.  Saul became fearful, distraught, uncertain, needing a psychiatrist perhaps?  And since they weren't licensed yet, someone suggested calming music might help.  "Yeah, I've heard of a lad that strums a cool lyre down near Bethlehem – let's bring him up and see if that helps."  And sure enough – along came – David!  And guess what – "Saul loved him greatly – and he became his armor bearer.”


Did you know, David?  Did the Spirit give you the wisdom and yet humility to not say anything?  The country boy came to town – playing his guitar for the king – winning his heart with his eyes and smile and gentle ways – and heavenly music!  You may have sensed God had a job for you – but like us, you had no idea the road that lay before the throne – or after it.  As Saul loved you, so he came to hate you because everyone came to love David – he slew the giant, he killed thousands of Philistines – he bent down and talked to the poorest beggar – and he became king in their eyes – though Saul still wore the crown!  Would you ever have guessed, David, that it would be years of dodging Saul's spear – or riding with the vigilantes thru the desert – of fleeing from and yet still protecting Saul?  You could have become impatient – you had the opportunity to just make it happen.  But the Spirit of God led you to wait – on God's clock – and on His way.  David didn't do Saul in – he did himself in.


For 7 years David was king in Hebron and then 33 more in Jerusalem – over all Israel.  His life is not that of a perfect man – he loved God – he wrote our favorite Psalms – and yet he was not perfect.  He failed often as a husband and father and king – yet the Bible says was a man after God’s own heart.  God knows we will not be perfect – but He simply wants our heart – our love – our will and devotion.


I could write all day on David – and on His Psalms – perhaps the rest of today we'll do that – the Psalms – which so express a heart for and to God.


11:15  a.m. Got up to take a stretch – a break – looked out the windows and saw a young teen with a donkey out here waiting for customers – other tourists along the guard rail looking toward the city – as they do all day long.  And I looked Southward and wondered what I'd do today.  Within a few minutes I started hearing a siren – looked out the window again in the same direction and saw lots of smoke – a fire – even saw the flames at times – on the South hill in what is the City of David – 2-3 miles from here but in clear view.  The young teen suddenly ran – jumped the guard rails, flew down the steep banks – a cop car came and took someone away from the crowd – the smoke got bigger – I had no idea what was going on. Later I saw a big hill was burned off – maybe it was just a grass fire – you wonder first if it's a bombed bus – but all seems ok now and guess I'll get out and go a bit.


Took a taxi to the Ticho House in North Jerusalem (New City) – is an old Arab mansion owned for years by a Jewish doctor who treated everyone, regardless of race or income – his wife was an artist, and the upstairs museum holds much of her art work.  Had a great lunch there – the Senior Lunch special! – onion soup, baked potato covered with sour cream and smoked salmon, hot wheat/berry bread with herb/garlic butter, hot apple pie and ice cream, and mint tea!  Was a real treat – and I needed some good food like that – was only $15!  A deal! 


The clientele here is almost all Jewish – guard at the door to look thru your purse – normal.  And I can't put it into words, but I feel relaxed and at home among the Jewish people – there is a calmness and serenity that police and security cannot provide.  And it's in stark contrast to being among the Arabs – they are constantly 'cautious' and hostile feeling.  It’s like day and night being with them.  The Arabs are nice enough to take your money – but you feel welcome among the Jews.


OK – after 'observing' these women for over an hour, I now know what I need – a cool hat!  These women are so smart!  Why do your hair – when you just need a hat?!  So that's what I'll look for as I stroll on this side of town.


Outside there was a little door that said, "House of the Psalms" – am not surprised – that's the way it seems to happen!  So went back by there – was an art gallery an old Jewish man had done of a painting of nearly all the psalms – modern art – but was good.  Picked up a very small picture/card as an illustration of his work.


Walked down the sidewalk and came to a busy area – is very much like Buenos Aires – buildings 200 years old (not the 2000 years old like in the Old City) – wider streets – crazy drivers – many people coming/going – lots of shops and restaurants.  Walked into a jewelry store – and guess what – bought myself a necklace.  Is hand-made of blue and white stones – is very nice – and a special treat!


Kept on walking toward the Old City, and just before I got near the wall I saw a Bible store – thought that odd – and as I went in, I went in the wrong door – again (and again – not really!).  My Best Friend is trying to lead me all these places, but when I head toward what I think is the right door, He always takes me next door!  Is funny!  So, I asked the guy, "This is a Bible store?"  And he said, "Oh no – that's next door."  Well, he seemed like such a nice Jewish man, I began to look around in his store – to be nice, you know.  And I began to realize – this is like nothing else I've seen here – great stuff – study helps – BOOKS!  (I can hear Donna groan now!)  All kinds of good stuff!  And of course, being the good Jewish salesman he was, he walked with me – telling me about this and that.  And yes, I did pick up a FEW things!  (Glad I brought that flat duffel bag with me! hehehehe!)  As he rang it up, I asked if there was a good synagogue he might recommend – which he did – and then he asked if I were Jewish.  I said, "Well, in my heart I am – but I'm a Christian."  He smiled and began talking even more openly – his name is Josef – his wife is Miriam!!  And he is pastor of a Messianic congregation upstairs – about 50 members!  So they showed me the whole place – we talked a long time – an hour or so – and I plan to go there Saturday morning for service!  Another divine appoint, I'd say!  I tried thru several contacts to set up a meeting with a Messianic group here, but none of them seemed to have time or it just didn’t work out, and now I know why!  I told my family and friends that You were my personal guide and would show me where to go – and don't think they believed me – but I had no doubt!  Still – it's great fun to see you do all these neat things!


6:00 pm – home – having a 'few' grilled cheese sandwiches!  I think all inventors must have traveled a lot!  You don't have the normal stuff, so you re-invent it!  Like – stacked grilled cheese sandwiches!  You only need two things and you can make them ANYwhere!  One:  a can of Kraft cheddar cheese that comes out in dainty little swirls – 2:  a can of Pringles!  Pump on the cheese – stack ‘em up – forget the griddle!  Great stuff – and cheap!


Finished the evening with reading many Psalms – down to about 37 – always a great retreat place!



Thursday, June 2   10 am

Good morning, Father – not that we haven't already shared some good Psalm time together already!  It looks like this might be another rest day.  It seems to take heaps out of me to be out all day, and it's hard to go out and come back after 3 hours, it seems.  So not quite up to going yet – maybe later.


Maybe I'll have some of Josef David's good onion soup downstairs for lunch –check/send emails – take a taxi midafternoon to go – somewhere!


Guess too I'm realizing there's lots yet I want to do and see – so am spending time every day reading through info and planning what is where and when to do it – making the best of it when I go in a certain direction.


Cannot imagine what my frustration would have been to come for only a week – as I first planned.  I'd have worn myself out for sure.  This way I study and read more to take rest and get off my feet.  But surprisingly (shouldn't be!) – the feet are fine!  Thanks to those praying for my feet!  But it's almost like still being out there – even while in my bed – because my window/bed looks straight toward it all with NO obstructions.  Could not have hoped for a better view!  Again – thank You!


12:00 p.m.  Took taxi to Spaghettim – or – where the rubble is that used to be it!  Finding that's often true!  But nearby was another Italian place – and decided on pizza – that seems to be the specialty here – big open stone oven with the guy kneading the dough and making it right in front of me!  The driver took the wrong path – I tried to tell him (!!) – I've watched this traffic from the window in this direction and it's always standing on the South side – BUT – he went that way anyway – oh well – I pay him the same price!  But anyway, saw a different area – nice to be able to check out these areas by taxi before heading out there on foot – some of them you know then you don't want to walk through!


Later – took taxi from Jaffa Gate thru South of Old City and back to hotel.  There was a hot 'debate' at the taxi stand – seems the Arab thought he should take me – not a lot of tourists these days!  Is funny – they DID remember me from before when I asked them 'how much' – because this time instead of 40 shekels, it was immediately 30 – which is about $7.  At least they know I'm on to their game!


Was quite hot this afternoon – did not have a clear direction to head – so – came 'home' and napped and got good supper at the bistro downstairs – almandine trout – very good.  Would’ve freaked some of the folks out I know (YOU know who you are!) – to see the head still on – but – was tasty and what I needed – and NO – you don't eat the head!


Friday, June 3   5:22 a.m.

Good morning, Father – and what a great time of day this is – amazingly very light – though no sun yet.  Need to ask what time they open the doors here so I can go out back early one morning and get the sun coming up over these mountains to the East and the Dead Sea at the bottom of them – you see a nice narrow strip of the Sea from here – blue!  Almost NO cars going around the city – saw 3 on the S & E side together!  These near-buzzard type birds are busy though – they are like huge crows – more distinctly marked – they love to come as close as they can to this corner window!  Think they're spying on me – the only one where the curtains stay open night and day!


Let's get into the Word early – and then get going – wherever You lead.  Last night I went thru most of the new book I bought at Jerusalem Experience about the Temple.  It includes a lot of Jewish 'tradition' as well as Bible references.  It begins by saying Mount Moriah was the stone – foundation stone of the earth – where Adam first made offering – where Cain and Abel brought their offering "on the first anniversary of the earth."  (THAT one seems such an obvious blooper – one year after Adam and Eve were created, wasn't the first child no MORE than 3 months old!)  So – then this was for sure the place Abraham brought Isaac – and it goes into the others – the Temples and Tabernacles – is really a beautiful book.  And the next step in our story is the Temple – what a coincidence!!!


It was tradition that the oldest son took over his father's business – and as with David – the throne.  But God looks inside and chose Solomon rather than the older sons (as with David). And in our human reasoning, it doesn't seem possible – for after the first baby of David and Bathsheba died, Solomon was their next child – who healed the loss of that pain of losing the other baby – showing God's compassion and forgiveness.  And David must have done something right as a father – for Solomon's request was not for more power and riches – but for more wisdom. (I Kings 3). 

In the 4th year of his reign, Solomon began to build the house of the Lord. It was 90' long, 30' wide and 45' high – made of stone cut at the quarry (and there seems NO risk of a stone shortage in this place – perhaps Mount Moriah is the mother tip of a massive mountain of God called Israel!  COULD very well be true!)  The inside was covered with cedar and that covered with gold!  Can you imagine!  It took 7 years to complete and was a royal palace for God to dwell, although Solomon said at its opening ceremony (I Kings 8), "Will God indeed dwell on the earth?  Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You, how much less this house which I have built?"  And the cloud of the Lord's presence filled the Temple!  Right over there!  And can you imagine being right here on that day and witnessing such an event!  People came of royalty from all around to see this place, and God blessed Solomon and his reign with peace.  God later appeared to Solomon and said, "I've heard your prayer; I have consecrated this house which you have built by putting my name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually."


What does that mean?  Just what it says?  That He continually has eyes on this place – that His heart is here?  There is something about it we don't know yet – and yet it's enough to know what we do.  God's heart is here, and also within me – and that is why I'm drawn here – and that is also why it grieves me to see an idol temple there.  At the Western Wall, which is the only part left of the retaining wall of the Temple, the Jews are constantly in prayer. It is their Temple, that wall – where they believe You still are, Lord, and meet them there.  How much more blessed I am – and all believers in Jesus – for I Corinthians 6:19 says, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God?"


The first temple was destroyed by Babylon (II Chronicles 36) in 586 BC – "and then they burned the house of God and broke down the wall of Jerusalem, and burned all its fortified buildings with fire and destroyed all its valuable articles and carried them away as captives ...so to fulfill the word of the Lord...until the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths.”


Who broke a promise here?  Not God – but His people – who became lax and too "at east in Zion" – who thought it was not important to keep the Sabbath holy – who failed to let the land have its Sabbath rest – who traded the value of the Lord God Creator for the worthlessness of images made with hands. And we do the very same.  You wonder how God has restrained Himself so long – we just cannot fathom His depth of love and mercy.


But – along with God's judgment of His children, there always comes a reunion of fellowship.  No matter what a child has done, the parent's love is greater!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!


And God's ways can never be imagined!  For after He had brought about Mede/Persia to defeat Babylon, God put into the Persian king's heart and mind to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem – 70 years after they went into captivity.  God is a precise, timely God!  His watch never naps!  (like mine!) (Ezra 1)


So then we come to a blessed time of rebuilding – the temple, the walls, the worship relationship with God.  Ezra and Nehemiah tell that story – Ezra led a group of the faithful back to Jerusalem from Babylon – being sure he had Levite priests along – for his mission was to re-institute daily worship and sacrifice in the Temple which would be rebuilt.  In 586 B.C. the Temple was razed with fire by Babylon – and in 516 it was RAISED again by God's servants – exactly 70 years!


This too was confirmed to Daniel in his vision of the 70 weeks – an amazing prophecy – where each week represented 7 years (Daniel 9).  First of all, he found Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years captivity – and at that time, 66 years had lapsed.  "So I gave attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications. . . 'Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His commandments . . . so listen to the prayer of Your servant... and for Your sake, O Lord, let Your face shine on Your desolate sanctuary.'”


Daniel was far away in Persia – probably didn't know that Ezra had begun the work in Jerusalem, which had ceased due to opposition from the surrounding inhabitants, like Sanbalit.  The work ceased until "the second year of King Darius."  And we find Daniel's prayer was "in the first year of Darius."!! Can God use our prayers from afar?  Obviously!  He even puts in our heart what to pray – for He had spoken to Daniel to pray and intercede – and at the same time the issues resolved in Jerusalem and the work resumed and was completed! 


As Daniel prayed, the angel Gabriel came and told him the prophecy of the 70 weeks – "…for your people (Israel) and your holy city (Jerusalem), to finish transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring an everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.  So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until messiah the Prince there will be 69 weeks." (The 7 + 62 – the 7x7 was in rebuilding, and the 7x62 was the time that would lapse until Christ was crucified – and this actually happened – and why am I surprised – God's watch!)  He then describes that last week – the 7 years where the "people of the prince (Antichrist) who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary ... make a firm covenant with the people for one week (7 years), but in the middle of the week (at 3 ½ yrs) he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering (in the rebuilt Temple of the Tribulation), and until complete destruction ... is poured out on the one who (causes) the destruction (Antichrist)."


John received the vision also, as Revelation gives us much more detail about those 7 years – that 70th week.  The unknown length of time between the 69th and 70th week is the Age of the Church, beginning at Pentecost 7 days after Jesus ascended – until the Rapture, when He comes back to take the Church out and back to heaven.  "The time of the Gentiles" continues those 7 more years after the Rapture – and ends with the return of Christ – here on the Mount of Olives – but let's not get there yet!


All the pieces fit – it's an enormous puzzle – and yet every piece fits one after the other in the right place and time.  The second temple was elaborated on by King Herod to placate and win favor with the Jews and also to build a name for himself – was 46 years in restoration.  Yet standing before it and being confronted by the Jews as to who He was, Jesus said, "Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up."  (John 2:19)  They mocked – as if that were absurd – "Restore in 3 days what took 46 years to build?!"  He spoke of Himself – the sanctuary of God – buried and risen 3 days later.


Time and space does not permit more elaboration – but we know God's perfect number is 7 – so 7 temples represent the times: 

1) Solomon's Temple (about 950 BC); 

2) Zerubbabel's Temple (after the captivity in Babylon about 516 BC);  

3) Herod's Temple (about A.D. 30 completed);

4) Within the heart of believers (about A.D. 33 until Rapture); 

5) Tribulation Temple (after the Rapture); 

6) Millennial Temple (built by Jesus for His 1000 year reign); 

7) the Eternal Temple (no building!  God Himself is with us and IS the Temple!)  – will look more at these last two later!  Well, that's how Jeannie sees it!  May not click with Bible scholars, but it does with me!


Taking a breather – after about 3 hours – looked out toward the cemetery before me.  A tour group walked up to the gate – about 25 people – a handful cautiously walked in about 15 steps and looked around – the rest hovered at the gate!  Within 2 minutes they left!  You cowards!  Where's your sense of adventure!  Hahaha!


10:30 a.m.  Funny sight – from the window I see a family hesitantly walk toward the guy with the camel who waits for tourists – the 6 yr boy bravely gets on (after the camel sits) – the 4 yr old isn't sure, but agrees to get on; the Mommy comes to their side and anxiously blows them a kiss and touches their hand as if she may never see them again; Daddy gets on behind the boys on the camel; driver walks them around the cul-de-sac, some 50' at most – with Mommy following, snapping her camera!  Is cute!  The 4 yr old didn't make it the whole way – had to go to Mama!


12:30 p.m.  Glad I came on early for lunch – my lite bite in the room was vanishing – and after trying the hotel's breakfast, I'd rather have my own!  Lunch here at the American Colony Hotel on the north side was su-perb!  Fennel soup and fresh bread, then scrumptious cannelloni with spinach and cheese, cream sauce, delicate flavors of a great chef; topped off with walnut apple cake in pastry, with whip cream and strawberries and ice cream!  Mmmmmmm – would love to come back here too!  And the steep price I expected obviously is for supper – for altogether it was $15 – great deal!  I love the good, hearty lunch and small bite in evening – and it is cheaper that way too! Still holding on to those bucks!


2:00 p.m. This afternoon – at Calvary – where do I begin?  The Word said, "The Lamb of God, slain from the creation of the world." (Revelation13:8)  What does that mean, Father?  That You knew when You began what the price would be?  That He knew when He spoke and there was light and stars and heavens and mountains and animals and plants – when He reached down and took the clay and formed man and made him in His own likeness – that man would soon fail?  And yet He did not turn back.  Could any of us do that – knowing – and not turn back – knowing the millennia ahead of wars and violence and killings and deception – and still go on with the plan?  It is beyond our ability to fathom such love – way beyond – and we can only accept and embrace it in faith – for it cannot be reasoned out – ever.


"For God ...so loved the world (...so loved me)... that He gave His only begotten Son...that whosoever believeth on Him would not perish– but have everlasting life."


I can't see where all the pieces fit yet – the days of the Jewish patriarchs – trying to live by God's Law – sacrificing a lamb  for cleansing of sin – those 4000 years  – seems an eternity of lives – and yet You waited – until the fullness of time – God's watch – came to that fateful day when His own Lamb would be slain.


Well, I'm here – at Calvary – a lonely, rugged hill.  But today it is behind the bus station – 2000 years ago it was on this same Nablus Road that headed obviously to Nablus, where pilgrims would be passing – many, many of them – heading to the Temple, probably another mile or so South, with their lamb for the Passover.  At the Temple the lamb would be slain, its blood sprinkled for atonement, then they would take the lamb wherever they were to prepare the Passover meal – the Seder – that evening.  As they passed by they would have seen atop the craggy hill three crosses, and in the middle was the one and only, pure and perfect, once and for all Lamb of God – His blood running in rivulets to the ground – atoning for their sin – my sin – and the sin of all mankind from Adam on.

And again, thank You Lord – and thank You for helping me find this little MP3 that I could record the hymns I wanted to remember here in this place ….


"Alas and did my Savior die ... at the cross, at the cross ..."


"Up Calvary's mountain one dreadful morn ... wounded and bleeding, dying for me..."


"Calvary covers it all ... my past with its sin and shame; my guilt and despair Jesus took on Him there, and Calvary covers it all ...."


"Down at the cross where my Savior died ... glory to His name..."


".. yonder on Calvry's mount outpoured, there where the blood of the Lamb was spilt –- grace, grace, God's grace – grace that will pardon and cleanse within; grace, grace God's grace – grace that is greater than all our sin."


"Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah for the cross!  It shall never suffer loss. . ." – picture it – no glory – yet what glory!


"He did it all for me, each drop of blood He shed for even me; when the Savior cried, bowed His head and died – oh praise the Lord, He did it all for me."


"He left the splendor of heaven, knowing His destiny ... if that isn't love, the ocean is dry – there's no stars in the sky, and the sparrow can't fly.  If that isn't love, then heaven's a myth, there's no feeling like this, if that isn't love."


"It is finished – the battle is over!  It is finished, there'll be no more war; it is finished, the end of all conflict; it is finished, and Jesus is Lord!"


"Out of the ivory palaces, into a world of woe – only His great eternal love, made my Savior go..."


"Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow...And when, before the throne,  I stand in Him complete – Jesus died my soul to save, my lips shall still repeat... Jesus paid it all!"


"Kneel at the cross – leave every care ... Jesus will meet you there..." – my best Friend, my Savior, brings me back.


"Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget Thine agony; lest I forget Thy love for me – lead me to Calvary."


"Jesus, keep me near the cross – in the cross, be my glory ever – till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river."


"Lonely road – Calvary's way was a lonely toad to Jesus that day; heavy load – He bore our sins on that lonely road up Calvary's way..."  And it's a long, rugged, uphill path from the Old City – probably a 20-minute walk from Pilate's hall.  How could He do it – after the beatings and bleeding – how?  Only His great love made Him go."


"See my Jesus on the cross – the people crying, looking on – a man would think it tragedy.  But what this world could not see was when they nailed Him to that tree, it would break the chains of sin's captivity!  Love grew – where the blood fell – flowers of hope sprang up for men in misery; sin died where the blood fell – I'm so glad this precious blood has covered me!"


"There's room at the cross for you ... though millions have come, there's still room for more – there's room at the cross for you."


"He was wounded for my transgressions – He was bruised for our iniquities; surely He bore our sorrows, and by His stripes we are healed."


"On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross ... and I'll cherish that old rugged cross ..."


"Oh what a Savior – O hallelujah!  His heart was broken on Calvary.  His hands were nail-scarred, His side was riven – He gave His life blood – for even me."


"When I survey the wondrous cross … on which the Prince of glory died – my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.... love so amazing, so divine – demands my soul, my life – my all."



Oh, Jesus, how can words or songs ever tell what You did – or ever express our feeling for what You did?  Many words, many songs – John said the world's books could not hold all the story.  But today I come in memory of that Friday – almost 2000 years ago, and I bow my heart and give myself fully to You afresh.  You gave it all for me – how can I do less – and yet all I have and give is nothing compared to what You gave.


It's 3:00.  "At the 6th hour (noon) darkness came over the whole land until the 9th hour (3:00 pm), when Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' (Matthew 15:33-34)   "With a loud voice Jesus called out, "Father into Your hands I commit my Spirit."  (Luke 24:46)  "It is finished!"  (John 19:30)


Finished!  From the creation of earth – to cover sin till the end of days – the payment was made – it was accomplished – complete – done!  The agony and torture over – the terrible weight of sin gone now from His shoulders – and it was finished!


They took His battered body from the cross – carefully wrapped Him and carried Him down the hill – not far away – maybe 500 feet, where Joseph's new grave had been dug – prepared for the right time.  And here they brought Him and placed Him in a new tomb never used.  They sealed it – and why do you seal a tomb?  Were they trying to keep Him in?  Did they think, "Could He possibly have meant 'in 3 DAYS I'll raise this temple? – surely He didn't mean – Himself?! But – He did bring several back to life – so we'll put this huge stone over it – and THAT will keep Him in – surely – won't it?"


"One day the grave could conceal Him no longer!  One day the stone rolled away from the door!  Then He arose over death He had conquered!  Now is ascended, My Lord evermore!  Living He loved me – dying He saved me – buried He carried my sins far away!  Rising He justified, freely, forever!  ONE DAY He's coming – oh glorious day!"


"And it's all because of God's amazing grace!  And some day, some glorious morning – I'll see Him face to face – all because of God's amazing grace!"


“All hail the power of Jesus' name – let angels prostrate fall – and crown Him, LORD of all!"


"Breathe on me – breathe on me – Holy Spirit, breathe on me.  Take Thou my heart, cleanse every part – Holy Spirit, breathe on me."


"Constantly abiding – Jesus is mine!  He never leaves me lonely – whispers, oh so kind – I will never leave thee!  Jesus is mine!"


"Face to face shall I behold Him – far beyond the starry sky; face to face in all His glory – I shall see Him by and by."


"I sing because I'm happy – I sing because I'm free – for His eye is only this little bitty sparrow – and I know He watches me!"


"I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold – I'd rather be His than have riches untold; I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands – I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hand."


"In His time – in His time – He makes all things beautiful in His time.  Lord, please show me every day – as You're teaching me Your way – that You do just what You say – in Your time."


This afternoon – after reading of the Word, after the songs of praise – as the birds sing lovelier than I could ever play on this little MP3 – the breeze blows gently, the flowers all thru this shady and sheltered garden blooming to remind us – He lives!  Christ Jesus lives today!  He lives within my heart – and nothing else in all the world can bring such peace!  Amen!


4:43 p.m. At the Great Synagogue that Josef told me about – it's here – but no one else is!  Josef said 4:30 – think he might have been off about 2-3 hours – as it's supposed to be near sundown!  Oh well, Shabbat – rest – right?!  And found a nice shady plaza in front of the Jewish Agency for Israel – a stone wall I can sit atop and 'rest'.  My first idea – hahaha – was, I'll get find a little cafe and sit and have something cold to drink – and wait.  So walked a block or so – then it dawned on me – there won't BE any place – it's Sabbath – late Friday afternoon – and in this area, NOTHING is open!  So, I can rest – me and my Friend who said Sabbath is for man – not man for Sabbath/Shabbat.


Well, well, well – there IS a place for the weary!  Actually a cool, elegant place – with lots of cushy leather couches – overlooking a pool patio where people wait for Shabbat!  After about 30 minutes on the concrete blocks UP the street, I just knew if I looked . . . and ta-da!  The Sheraton Plaza of Jerusalem!  You just walk in – act like you know what you're doing – casually flop on a couch away from the crowd – and you're set!  If anyone asks, I'm waiting for a Friend – to escort me to the Synagogue for Shabbat!  And good thing I settled here instead of the well-to-do group outside – as thru this big window I see film cameras emerging!  So – perhaps a dignitary is arriving!  Good place and time to write up a few cards to send home. . .


Well, 6:00 – the crowd left – guess it's getting close to Shabbat time – and I got my cards all done – but they never DID bring me orange juice!  Should have been braver – and just gone to the table and picked up one!  Naw – don't push it!


6:30 p.m. In the Great Synagogue of Jerusalem – and it is beautiful – lots of stained glass at the top and above the altar/Torah area – very modern, where the one in Buenos Aires was old and traditional.  Well – at least I'm not late!  The security here is a joke – they don't give you the once over and 20 questions like in B.A. either!  OK – enough of the outward – enjoy Shabbat – rest – and be at one with God.  Oh, by the way – I'm STILL the only one here!


Psalm 100:   "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.  Know that the Lord is God.  It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.  Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.  For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.  His faithfulness continues thru all generations."


9:00 p.m. Aha – finally home!  Was beginning to wonder – but it worked out.  Shabbat was honestly a disappointment.  And I know my only comparison is to the one in B.A., but I felt so in-time with the music and prayers down there – that I had spent time in worship with God.  Here, the words, the readings, the prayers, all were so rushed – it was like a race to get thru and get it all in.  Sometimes less is more.  But – it was an experience, and I'm glad I went.


Afterward – no taxis like those lined up in B.A. either – and since seemingly everyone headed back to the Sheraton, so did I!  Safety in numbers, especially at night.  Figured I could get a taxi there – but when the driver came, he refused to take me to the Mt of Olives.  I knew that was a big possibility in that area – especially on Shabbat and with most of those there Jewish drivers – they don't like this Arab side of town.  But he called me another, and the second guy wanted to ask many questions, but I politely deferred.  So – got back here – having a bowl of their good onion soup and then will call it a night.  What a day!

Saturday, June 4    6:30 a.m.

Good morning, Father – and as always here in the summer, it's a bright sunny day already – bright blue skies every day!  Will have to get up early one morning to see the sun come up over the Dead Sea (which you can see from the back of the hotel toward the East).  After almost a week now, am finally getting switched over to their time – getting up and going to bed and sleeping thru and lasting the whole day. It takes awhile when you come 7 hours this direction.


And today still Shabbat!  I think more praise is appropriate today rather than history!  Can never praise Him enough!


Psalm 40:  ". . He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.  He put a new song in my mouth...”


Psalm 48:  "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness... walk about Zion and go around her (!!!!) – count her towers (gates!!! – 7!), consider her ramparts (they are steep steps but fun to see from!!!) – go thru her palaces, that you may tell it to the next generation (are yall listening, children?!!).  For such is God, our God forever and ever .... He will guide us until death."


Psalm 68:  "Because of Your Temple at Jerusalem, kings will bring You gifts; His majesty is over Israel and His strength in the skies.  ...”


Psalm 75:  "When I select an appointed time, it is I (God) who judges with equity..."


Psalm 87:  “His foundation is in the holy mountains (maybe THIS is where they get the belief that the foundation stone is Mount Moriah!) – The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwelling places of Jacob.  Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God.”


Psalm 102:  "You will arise and have compassion on Zion; for it is TIME to be gracious to her, for the appointed TIME has come ... so the nations will fear the name of the Lord and all the kings of the earth Your glory... for the Lord has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory ... when the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the Lord ... the children of your servants will continue, and their descendants will be established before You."


Psalm 119:  "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path ... they are the joy of my heart ... those who love Your law have great peace ...


Psalm 122:  “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go to the house of the Lord.  Our feet are standing within Your gates, O Jerusalem ... pray for the peace of Jerusalem...”


Psalm 125:  “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth ....”


Psalm 137:  “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her skill; if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy...”


Psalm 150:  “Praise the Lord!  Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighyt expanse.  Praise Him for His mighty deeds; praise Him according to His excellent greatness.  Praise Him with trumpet...with harp and lyre...with timbrel and dancing...with stringed instruments and pipe...with resounding cymbals.  Let EVERYthing that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord!!”


10:30 a.m.  Made it!  I knew better than the taxi driver where this street was – he had to stop and ask his buddies.  The street/sidewalk is empty – guess I briefly doubted if I was right on the street when he let me out half a block away.  But up the block, there it was – Jerusalem Experience – the store – the 'front' for the congregation.  Is SO very different here – I feel the Spirit of God here – in the quiet, very firm reading of Psalm 90 (where I was this morning – does not surprise me – almost normal now!).


Song – To God Be the Glory!


Psalm 56:  "When I am afraid, I will trust in You."  (That's for sure – everyday You are by my side!)


Psalm 8:  "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth ...”.


Numbers 1:  God tells Moses to number the people by tribes.  (There are two interpreter/women here speaking to interpret what Josef says in Hebrew – his wife Miriam speaks in Dutch for 3 women on her row; and her daughter Rachel speaks in English for the 6 on our row – both talking at the same time when he pauses!  But it works!)  David numbered the people – and judgment came – so what's the difference?  In the New Testament there was a census when Jesus was born – David's action was to count them to have confidence in man's might – but with Moses it was God's command.  Sometimes people ask a sign and He punishes; other times they ask a sign – and He blesses!


Hosea 3:16-23   God calls back His wayward, adulterous wife, Israel, and restores her to her place as His wife .. "I will betroth you forever."


Song:  I Need Thee Every Hour – beautiful – in Hebrew, Swedish and English – all at the same time –


Matthew 10:1-5   Just as God appointed 12 tribes, Jesus called 12 apostles ...


Song:  The Love of God ... is greater far..” – wonderful! 


Psalm 51:  “Have mercy on me O God, according to Your unfailing love... the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart; O God, You will not despise...” (this is another one I read this morning!)


Ephesians 6:10-24  & Galatians 5:16  " ... live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature ... if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law (for the Spirit leads you always in what to do) ... since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”


Song:  Christ Receiveth Sinful Men


Hosea 2:19-21  God asked Hosea to do something not normal to the ways of God – to marry a prostitute and have children from her – very extreme – that God's man who carries God's Word that declares holiness is asked to take a woman not holy.  God wants to reach Israel's heart – who went so far from God, and God uses this extreme situation to relate to them.  God opens His heart to us this morning and shares His feelings.  In Numbers we read how God spoke to them in the desert ... in Leviticus He shows where the focus of the relationship should be – around the Ark of the Tabernacle.  In Numbers He talks of where we stand spiritually before God – for 40 years He spoke to them – and that is the point – that for 40 years He spoke to Israel's heart – not so much where they were physically, but more so, spiritually. 

In marriage, God shows us the strongest human bond – to become one – and that's the connection/unity God wanted to express between Himself and Israel.  "Wow!", said Josef!  (same in all languages! As he raises his voice, the two women do too – all at the same time and same expression – an echo twice!)  God says, "I don't want you to choose Me because I'm stronger.  Yesterday you had gods of Egypt – tomorrow it will be another, Baal – and Baal also means husband/god.  God told us to change our 'god' – and the third meaning of Baal is one who controls/possesses – the landlord, owner of the house or anything – as a husband! 

"Up to now we prayed to the gods for food – found them not so strong – so now we go to God of Israel – to give us food, clothes, work, house, help."  So – what do you need – money?  What else can you ask?  Security? Love? What else in your shopping cart?  Did you come here with your shopping cart – to ask of God?  What's at the top of the list?  Love?  Wisdom – like Solomon?  But God says this isn't the bond I want with you – when you marry there's a pact – for no one knows what will happen – and you might want to know how to split things up!  Does this happen?  Yes, it does.  He says, "I don't want to be your Baal – to control – to be your warehouse – your supermarket.  The bond I want with you is incomparable!  Don't come so you can have bread – or life forever.  But I want a deeper bond to your heart – like between a husband and wife – the bond of one – of love.  Not an outer beauty – but deeper.  It's not like a bond of a friend or family.  Your view has to change.  Husbands truly should not be the Baal relationship who controls and owns and rules and thinks of her as property. 

Verse 19 says, "I bond to you in love, kindness, compassion, in righteousness and justice."  There is wisdom – knowledge – and to know.  In wisdom we learn from someone – and God gives us wisdom – like when the Temple was built, He gave wisdom in how to do that to David and Solomon.  We know knowledge – such as 1+1=2 –– then 2+2=4.  It's a conclusion – a reasoning.  "To know" is something you can only know thru His Spirit.  And then you will "know" the Lord – not because I split the Red Sea – or sent plagues on Egypt – or took water out of the stone – or gave you manna.  This is the bond God wants with His people.  We love Him – He loves us – and this is the base – we have faith in Him and He in us – and this is how we become one flesh – to know God.


Song:  He Hideth My Soul in the Cleft of the Rock


2:00 p.m.  My, my, my, my, my!  God is good!  Sabbath is for man!  Will shock my Southern family and tell them I'm wining and dining on the Lord's day of rest – and my day of rest too!  Back at the American Colony now for lunch – their Shabbat buffet – everything – juicy, tasty salmon, cold asparagus soup that's great – corn, stir fry rice, pasta bows with mushrooms, scalloped potatoes, and cannelloni with spinach (just as good as the day before!) – ham (NOT Kosher here!) – all kinds of fresh rolls and cheese – a table of desserts – not there yet!  Sat down to my table, realized I didn't get a spoon, so turned and went a few steps to the waiter – and when I turned back, two sparrows perched on my patio table, nibbling off my plate!  So shooed them away!  They watch for tables unattended and are quick as a minute!  It's really wonderful here on this garden patio.


SO – back to the Shabbat service!  Could never explain the Spirit of that service – unlike anything I've ever shared with believers!  The back and forth songs – then Word – then Songs – message – Song – Word – Song – prayer – and it all fit – it all worked together.  Have never heard God's desired relationship with us the way Josef explained it today.  At the end they did communion.  They had EXACTLY the number of cups set out – BEFORE service began and we got there!  And we came together in a circle and Josef went to each of us and broke off the matzah bread and said, "The body of Christ, broken for you,"  and he prayed and we ate it.  Then he brought around a golden chalice of wine, and poured into each cup and said, "The blood of Christ, shed to cleanse you of sin."  And we drank.  I prayed I would not COUGH – had never drunk that much wine at once – if I’m in such a situation, I usually sip!  But I had to drink it all at once – and after I coughed, several others coughed too!  Good – I wasn't the only one!


Afterward a lady in my (English!) row asked where I was from – I told her – and she said, "Hmmm – thought so!"  She is Ann, from Lubbock, Texas – been here 3 ½ yrs.  We went and fellowshipped with the group for 30-40 minutes and talked a lot.  I asked her for lunch, but she had to get on home – but she did drive me over to the American Colony – and I promised to call her later today and will get together this week.  She lives just south of the city in the neighborhood of Gilo – this side of Bethlehem.  She came and worked at Bridges for Peace (with Cathleen!) for awhile – but now works getting in medical supplies for people here. 


One funny thing she told me – I asked her how she found out about Jerusalem Experience – she said, "Well, it was a funny thing – I was walking down that street – saw a Bible store – but when I went toward it, I walked into the wrong door – and met Josef at Jerusalem Experience."  I died laughing!  Ann and I are going to be good friends.  She also told me about the Baptist House here in West Jerusalem – where she goes on Sunday – so may meet her there tomorrow. 


Now – back to lunch!  To top off this wonderful meal – with chocolate mousse – flan – cigarillo!  hahaha – that will shock my mama!  Cigarillo is a rich pastry of some sort, rolled like a cigar, with pistachio nut filling – VERY rich!  WOW, now I say!  I need a nap – to digest this physical and spiritual food!


Sunday, June 5   8:30 a.m.

Good morning, Father – getting a later start than usual – getting tired I think.  Talked with Ann this morning on the phone and plan to meet her at the Baptist House about 10:15 and have lunch there with their congregation – hopefully not make a long day of it today.  Have been out and going every day but Sun and Tues – so need to get in a rest day soon.


There are so many relevant Scriptures in the prophets.  I began in Buenos Aires marking them "to read in Jerusalem"!!  I had faith that I'd get here!  So I'll look at these for awhile before I go.


Nehemiah 2:11-18   Nehemiah goes out with a few men at night – riding an animal (smart guy – wish I'd had one) and went around to inspect the broken walls of Jerusalem and the burned gates – then said, "The God of heaven will give us success."


Nehemiah 12:27-43  At the dedication of the walls, singers stood on the ramparts (tops) and marched and sang (THAT would be a challenge – was all I could do to breath!)


Jeremiah 3:11-18  "At that time (Millennium) they will call Jerusalem 'The Throne of the Lord' – and all the nations will be gathered to it – nor will they walk anymore after the stubbornness of their evil heart.."


Micah 4:   Gives the description of Christ's Millennial reign – ". . the mountain of the house of the Lord (Mt Moriah) will be established as the chief of the mountains – raised above the hills – and people will stream into it saying, 'Come, let us go that He may teach us ... the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem ... and they will hammer their swords into plows ... and never will they train for war ... with no one to make them afraid."  (Today Mt Olives is about 3000' above sea level and looks down on Mt Moriah (Jerusalem) which is about 2500' above sea level – so Mt Olive will split at Jesus' return and Jerusalem will raise up higher!  Wow!


Habakkuk 3:1-13   "God comes ... the Holy One... His splendor covers the heavens and the earth is full of His praise .. His radiance like the sunlight .. He looked and startled the nations .. yes, the perpetual mountains were shattered, the ancient hills collapsed .. in anger You trampled the nations .. You went forth for the salvation of Your people."


Zephaniah 3:12-20   "I will leave among you a humble people .. The Lord has cleared your enemies, the King of Israel, the Lord is in your midst... Do not be afraid, O Zion ... He will be quiet in His love and rejoice over you with shouts of joy ... I will bring you in, gather you together .. when I restore your fortunes before your eyes."


Haggai 2:6-9   "Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and earth, the sea and dry land, and shake all nations – they will come with wealth – and I will fill this house with glory ... the latter glory of this house (Millennial Temple) will be greater than the former (Solomon's Temple)."


Zechariah 6:12-14  "Behold, a man whose name is Branch (branch of David – Jesus), for He will branch out from where He is and will build the Temple of the Lord ... and rule on His throne .. and will be priest .. and counsel of peace between the two offices (priest/king)."



10:45 a.m.  At the Baptist House Center – and glad I came on – this place really feels at home – small group practicing around the piano – trumpet on the side.


Songs:  Great is Thy Faithfulness – My Faith Has Found a Resting Place


Their choir sang acapella "Lead Me to Calvary" (which was one of the songs I sang Friday at Calvary).  Was a mixed service – in that the music was very uplifting – but unfortunately a guest speaker from Virginia who was there with a group spoke – and for about 80 minutes he tried to tell us all he knew of the Bible – in one sermon – nothing connected. He went off many rabbit trails – stopped 4-5 times as if he'd lost his train of thought and would say, "Help me out here – now what is that verse ...?"  Someone – usually Eric – the pianist/choir director would come up with the answer and he was off and running again.  The lady to my left was bent over her arm – the lady beyond her was deep asleep with her head dropped backward and mouth open – the deacon two rows up from me was asleep with his chin on his chest –his wife didn't even try to wake him up – everyone was shifting, yawning aloud – but the guy persisted to give us every page of his notes!  "Finally," he said – and we all looked up eagerly!  I was sitting with Ann and she said, "It's not usually like this!"  Being a preacher's kid, I remember a few instances of such guest speakers too! 


After the invitation, two deacons (one the one who slept) came forward and they began communion.  I saw a guy walking around with a camera taking pictures of people from different places – and it became obnoxious in that it was while we were taking communion.  He got bolder and bolder – even up on the platform while one lady sang – and no one stopped him.  This went on even after the communion was over and we stood to sing the triumphant song, "Crown Him with Many Crowns."  Well, I cannot even get to the end of that first line and of course my hand went up in praise for the whole song – is such a great song of praise.  The camera guy had gone to the back – and then came back to the front while we sang – was looking diagonally as if that was where he would take the picture – and then suddenly turned directly toward me and took the picture!  I wasn't doing it for him – and he didn't intimidate me to lower my hand.  After service Ann said, "This guy is here from the Jerusalem Post newspaper – they called to say they'd like to take pictures of these Baptists who drink the blood of Jesus – and they're doing an article for the paper.  He probably heard you when you stood to introduce yourself, and he may single you out."  Well, in the first of the service they had asked visitors to stand – say who you were, where from and why you were in Jerusalem.  I told my name, where I was from and said, "I'm here on a two-week spiritual retreat with my best Friend – Jesus Christ."  The lady in front of said, "Oh – I know Him too!" 


Well, we were to have a lunch afterward – the traditional Baptist covered dish – even in Jerusalem – a bit different here! And I guess I felt such a quick bond with these folks – or who knows why – but I thought, you know, Jesus said to love your enemies – obviously this chap with the camera doing the story is trying to belittle us and make us look foolish – but that's no reason to look down on him.  So I walked over to the lady with the cameraman and said, "You're both welcome to stay for lunch."  (WHO was I to invite them to stay for lunch!  Well, we are all ONE body – right?!)  Well, she said yes and then latched on – immediately started pumping me with questions.  When someone else came up to her, I made my escape and found Ann.  But in the lunch line the lady (who is actually the reporter) kept asking me questions – came right up to where I was in line ahead of the others and kept talking to me.  I wanted to be kind – but knew I needed to also be wise and discerning.  She wanted to know where I was staying – why I was here – did I come with a group – what I'd been doing. I tried to answer – yet was vague at times – was hard to know what to say, knowing she might twist it all.  Then she wanted to know what I did in the U.S. – told her I was a grandma of 14 and that kept me busy!  Then she wanted to know if I was Baptist – and were there lots of Baptists in Atlanta – I said yes, but many other denominations too – and named some – and she said, "and Jewish?" – I said, "Yes – actually one of my best friends is Jewish."  She said she hoped to go to Atlanta in the fall – so I said, "Take down my phone number and call me and I'll show you around."  She looked very surprised (actually I was too that I'd said that!!!) – and she said, "I may do that!"  – who knows!!


Oh me – you never know what's in store for the day!  She said, "You will probably find yourself in this article – it will publish here in Jerusalem as well as in the States in a big issue about Israel."  Oh me ..... well, it was funny – and challenging all at the same time!


But back to the young woman in front of me in church – when everyone went around and shook hands with visitors, I did too – and asked her what her name was – she was obviously American – and she said, "Carmella."  I said, "I've sent you several emails."  She is one of the IMB contacts I wrote to several times and she never would send me her phone number or give me anything definite ... said she had a couple groups there during that time and would be difficult to get together.  And afterward she made no attempt to talk – so I didn't either.  Guess she was on MY list – but not on my Guide's list!


Instead, on His list was Eric – the pianist/choir director – who came over and sat by me during lunch.  His wife died and he had retired as pastor and was open to God's leading – which wound up being here, where he met his second wife and they do ministry with different groups here.  He seemed right in tune in hearing what I was doing here and told me of a good 24-hour prayer chapel – drew me a map to it!


Then of course there's Ann – have only known her about 24 hours and already we are sharing and very comfortable to talk openly.  She brought me back to the hotel – and as I talked – and she talked – we both realized the same heart – and that we BOTH had worked thru the International Mission Board – gone to MLC (Missionary Learning Center in Richmond) – she several years ago with her husband – but he died last year – sad story.  We have many similarities and I look forward to seeing her again this week.


So she went on home down toward Bethlehem – about 15 minutes away – I rested in my room awhile – then sauntered down to get my bowl of late afternoon ice cream!  One more week yet here – who KNOWS what I can find to get into yet!  hahaha  – honestly – I don't TRY to get into these fixes – they just FIND me!!!


Monday, June 6   7:20 a.m.

Good morning, Father – a sunny and clear day for Jerusalem Day – like a 4th of July of sort – and the fireworks began about 9:30 last night.  I heard a noise and HOPED it was fireworks – and sure enough to the SW corner outside the walls they were going off continuously for about 15 minutes – very beautiful from here – looked like twinkling stars falling!  There's a parade and lots of stuff – but haven't decided what to do yet.  For now – just take it easy and read.


Have sort of gotten on the in-roads with the hotel staff – and they've been very nice.  Yesterday I told the front manager that I'd recommended the hotel for him – he grinned – then I told him I'd been interviewed by the Jerusalem Post reporter and recommended it to her – he REALLY grinned!  So I expect I'll get good service even more and no sneaky stuff!  The cleaning staff is a group of teenage boys – nice guys – but today was the FIRST day I'd let them in!  Really!!  I'd left the Do Not Disturb sign on the door since last Sunday and just switched the beds mid-week – hung the towels out to dry – took a couple rolls of toilet paper from their buggy one day!  The front clerk asked one day, "Are you OK in your room – no one has been in to clean....?"  I laughed and said, "I'm fine – I'll let you know when!"  So this morning when I heard the guys outside my door – I'm on the 2nd floor, on the end of the hall by the road and they start there – I had just gotten out of the shower and dressed, and I opened it and held the little red sign and turned it over to "Clean" – and they smiled and said, "Finally!"  We all laughed!  They are nice kids.  One day I caught them lying on some loungers at the end of the hall – they suddenly sat up – I laughed and said, "Yall are working hard I see!"  One spoke English and he translated – and they all laughed!  The guy at the front door gets me a good taxi whenever I ask – and they are very reasonable – have never been overpriced by a single one – at least none that I TOOK - some I turned them down!!!  The guy in the bistro is always the same – a head waiter whose name is Mohammed Ali! I'm usually there when no one else is – and I tip him a $1 if it's for a coke, ice cream, or dinner – so he likes me too!  Is worth a $1 to have them like you – remember, they are all Arabs here at this hotel!

Zechariah 9:9-16   "Behold, your King is coming to you ...humble and mounted on a donkey (the first time He came) ... Then the Lord will appear over them... His arrow as lightning ... will blow the trumpet ... the Lord of hosts will defend them ... and will save them in that day as the flock of His people, for they are as the stones of a crown, sparkling in His hand."


Zechariah 12:   "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all peoples around … will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all peoples ... and the nations will be gathered against it ... in that day will set about to destroy all nations who come against Jerusalem ... and will pour out on the house of David the Spirit of grace and supplication, so they will look on Me whom they have pierced, and will mourn for Him, as for an only son, and weep bitterly as over a firstborn ... the land will mourn, and each family by themselves.”


Zechariah 13:  "In that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David .. for sin... in that day I will cut off idols and they will not be remembered ... and remove unclean spirit from the land... two parts will be cut off and perish but the third part will be left in the land ... and will bring the third part through the fire ... refine them as silver and test them as gold ... I will say, They are My people, and they will say, The Lord is my God."


Zechariah 14:  “In that day His feet will stand on the mount of Olives.. to the East of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from East to West by a very large valley ... then the Lord, my God, will come, and all the holy ones with Him!  (Yes, riding those white horses across the sky!)  ... In that day there will be no light... the luminaries (sun/moon) will dwindle ... a unique day, known to the Lord, ... in that day living water will flow out of Jerusalem, half toward the East Sea (Dead Sea) and the other half to the West Sea (Mediterranean) – it will be in summer as well as in winter.  And the Lord will be king over all the earth; in that day the Lord will be the only one, and His name the only one.  All the land will be changed into a plain (all these up and down and up and down little mountains!) – but Jerusalem will rise and remain on its site .. for Jerusalem will dwell in security..."


Joel 3:  “In that day the mountains will drip with sweet wine – the hills flowing with milk – brooks will flow with water – and a spring will go out from the house of the Lord to water the valley ... Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem for all generations."


Amos 9:13  "Behold, the days are coming, said the Lord, when the plowman will overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows seed;  I will plant (My people Israel) on their land, and they will not be rooted out from their land which I gave them."


Daniel 12:  "Now at that time (end of the Tribulation/Antichrist), Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people (Israel's angel), will arise (Revelation 12) and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred ... at that time your people, everyone found written in the book (Revelation 7,Revelation 20:10 – book of life) will be rescued, many of those who sleep (as those in this huge cemetery outside the window) will awake – those to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. Those who have insight (are wise) will shine brightly as the stars .. but as for you, Daniel, seal up these words until the end time .. when many will go back and forth (great travel) and knowledge will increase (never like the explosion of knowledge today!)”. 


I suppose Daniel was buried in Persia – but he will rise with those all over the Mount of Olives when Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation.  THIS is the reason they come from everywhere to be buried here – there are literally thousands of tombs on both sides of this mountain – stacked who knows how many deep – waiting for Messiah to return to the Mount of Olives and resurrect them!


Isaiah 65:  "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.  But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing and her people for gladness."


10:45 a.m.  Already at the bistro – needed some food in me!  Guess ice cream for supper doesn't get you to lunch the next day.  They are so kind – and making me some fries.  The breakfast is yuk – so having potatoes to get my blood going – that Grandma Uber gene, you know!  Will get to a good new restaurant for lunch – and back here for some rest.


Haha – waiter just brought me the check to sign and only the Coke was on it – he said, "For your breakfast – no charge for fries – we want you to be happy!"  (I'd told him I didn't care for the breakfast bar!)  OK reporter girl – you've done me a great favor – hahaha!


2:45 p.m.   Decided to try the Panorama Restaurant – the picture in the tourist brochure described Italian and Mexican – so took taxi over there – and think I've now tried my last Arab restaurant!  Little shady looking – I was only one there – the panorama of the windows on the back of the big room overlooked my hotel!  Had TV on so asked if they could turn it up – they gladly did – three of them to adjust it.  So figured I'd watch the movie – Wild Bill Hickock no less!  They brought the onion soup first – was good.  Couple young women came in and sat few feet away from me – chatted 'friendly' with the owner – and he brought them a 'canister' like an oxygen tank (!) that he set on the floor and one 'lady' took the 'air hose' – drew in – puffed out huge smoke – which drifted right to me!  So – I picked up my soup bowl, moved several tables away – they brought the chicken pasta – and I couldn't eat it – strange flavor.  And I've learned you don't have to stay!  So I paid the check, left no tip, had them call my taxi – and came home!  Glad to get here too!


One good thing – Abraham, the hotel taxi man, took me over there.  He's older, kind, speaks English very well, is Arabic, but doesn't have the attitude.  So he wrote his phone number down and I'll call him from now on. Arranged for him to take me to the airport Sunday.  He told me he'd eaten at the Panorama and wasn't satisfied with it either – but hated to tell me and disappoint me!  So he said when I'm ready for pasta to call him and he'd take me to West Jerusalem (the better side of town, I've learned) to a good place he knew.  The police are closing down the streets for the parade this evening/afternoon late – party time in the city till late – so good time to get back here and settle in for the evening.  Talked with Ann earlier and we're going to meet in West Jerusalem at 11 tomorrow and go to a Jewish conference being held in town this week.


Tuesday, June 7  6:15 am

Good morning, Father – and have enjoyed being up early.  Went out back to get a picture of the sun rise at 5:30, but it beat me up!  Still great time to take pictures – so did in all directions – front and back.  There are bells that ring in Jerusalem as the sun hits the city – is neat.  Should've had my journal outside – maybe another day – now that I know how nice it is at 5:30 – next time 5:15!


We cannot do real justice to the depth of the Old Testament Scriptures concerning God's plan for Israel – for Jerusalem – for us as believers.  But in a small way we've done an overall sketch so far.  I think it's time to study what Jesus and John said – so we span the 400 years from Malachi to Matthew, during which the Greeks conquered the land – Alexander the Great, as Daniel prophesied as the third great world power after Babylon and Mede/Persia.  About 176 B.C., I think, Antiochus of Greece plundered the Jerusalem Temple and defiled it – a precursor to the Antichrist that will come yet.  Often we see a double occurrence in prophecy, where it happens early on and then again, usually in greater degree and much later.  I think that is the case when Jesus prophesied that no stone would be left not turned over in the Temple.  In A.D. 70 Titus of Rome did that, but even more so, it will happen to greater degree when Christ returns, his feet on the Mount of Olives, which sets up a fault line crater and Jerusalem is heaved higher than any land in this area.  As I walk around the city, I realize when we come back with Him to live here, it will not be as it is today.  That's one reason I wanted to come now – to look back – yet look ahead!  The walls, the valleys between all these surrounding mountains, the almost endless history that has happened here, and the events that will happen here – the fact that God has appointed this place to be the center of earth's life – it all makes Jerusalem a very unique and special place.


We know that when He returns, Jesus will defeat His and Israel's enemies and set up His 1000-year Millennial kingdom that will be based here at the Temple He will build.  Yet again and again He speaks of the kingdom of heaven – the kingdom of God – as existing even then – even now – within us as joint believers in Him.  He doesn't put a definition on it, but makes many comparisons to it in life situation examples, such as:


*   he who keeps and teaches the Word is greatest in the kingdom of heaven  Matthew 5:19

*   seek first His kingdom ... and all (other) things will be given you   Matthew 6:33

*   to you has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven  (Matthew 13:11

*   compared to the sower of good seed, but enemy came in by night and planted imitation weeks/tares – both grew together, but at harvest the wheat was gathered and the tares burned  Matthew 13:24-43

*   compared to treasure found by a man; sold all he had to purchase that field   Matthew 6:44

* compared to merchant seeking fine pearls, finding one of great value; sold all to buy it  Matthew 6:45

*   like dragnet for fish that catches good/bad, then good fish separated from bad   Matthew 6:47

*   only one who humbles himself as a child can enter the kingdom of heaven  Matthew 18:1-5

* compared to king who settled his debts; forgave servant of large sum, yet servant refused to forgive another of small amount   Matthew 18:23-35

*   is very hard for rich to enter kingdom of heaven because wealth is more valuable to them   Matthew 19:23

*   compared to landowner who hired workers all day and paid same amount to all   Matthew 20:1-15

*   tax collectors and prostitutes will get into kingdom of God before Pharisees because they are humble and repentant   Matthew 21:31

*   compared to landowner who rented out vineyard – sent servants then son to collect harvest; but vine growers beat and killed them; he then threw them out and found new vine growers for his fields – taken from you and given to others  Matthew 21:32-41

*   compared to king who gave wedding feast; those he invited gave excuses; so he invited everyone off the streets, but must put on wedding robe  Matthew 22:1-13

*   compared to 10 virgins who waited for bridegroom; 5 had oil, others not; those prepared went in when He arrived   Matthew 25:1-12

*   man who leaves his servants with his wealth as he journeys; returns to find some invested wisely – others did not  Matthew 25:14-30

*   compared to mustard seek; yet planted is great tree  Mark 4:31

*   sower who plants seed; it comes up, but growth is of God  Mark 4:26

*   compared to woman who hid leaven in 3 bags of wheat until it was all leavened  Luke 13:21

*   unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God  John 3:13

*  "My kingdom is not of this world (when questioned by Pilate if He was King of the Jews).  If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."


What unites us?  Is it law – or loyalty?  As Americans, is it the Constitution and its laws – or is it patriotism for our country?  Then what unites us in the kingdom of heaven?  Is it the laws of the Bible?  Baptism?  A denomination?  Family tradition of our faith?  A church building?  To have true, lasting, powerful unity – that lasts through centuries of time, it has to be from a bond much stronger than any of these.  The only element with that bonding power is the Spirit of God, which anoints and baptizes us into that kingdom when we are born again – when we place our child-like faith in the one and only Savior, Jesus Christ, and become part of His flock that cannot be disbanded.


In looking for these Scriptures this morning, I found the one I'd searched for all week!  I should've known it was in John – he had a unique heart among the 12 – he's my favorite writer of the New Testament, where David is in the Old Testament.  So John 10 speaks of His/Jesus' flock – the believers:

*   The Shepherd speaks and His sheep hear and know His voice

*   He goes ahead of them and leads them out – they follow because they know His voice

*   I AM the door of the sheep; if anyone enters thru Me, he will be saved

*   The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep

*   I know My own, and My own know Me.

*   "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also; and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one Shepherd."  THAT's the verse!


This verse describes the grafting in of Gentiles believers into the vine – of us being added to His first flock – the Jews.  Of both Jew and Gentile believers joining as one flock – no longer Jew or Gentile – but His flock!  Following and being led by one Shepherd!


8:00 a.m. Flipped on CNN, then the local news – and the reporter stands with her back to Jerusalem – and it looks very familiar!  Sure enough, I opened the curtains, looked on the street below – and there they are filming now!  This spot is where the vast majority of Jerusalem photos come from – just outside my window! 


10:00 a.m. At the chapel of ascension atop the Mount of Olives – where it is said Jesus ascended.  In John an angel appeared to the disciples and said, "This same Jesus will return in like manner."  Several places in the O.T. spoke of His return to the Mount – and one day when the fulfillment of times comes, He will come here again – with His white horse army – and I'll be with Him! 


11:00 a.m.  With Ann at the Festival of Shavuot (Pentecost) Conference over in West Jerusalem.  The theme is Jerusalem: Preparing for her King – right on target with my studies this week!  Can understand why Arab/Jewish taxis rather not 'cross over territories' – as the Arab driver from the hotel had a good size rock thrown at his taxi over here in the Jewish area.  We both turned and looked at the guy who obviously did it, and he just shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know why we were looking!

They sing "until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a peace in the earth" – Isaiah 62:6 – that has been on my bedroom wall for the past 6 years under the picture of this city!


Couple things that I learned from today's conference (will not include my notes in the updates – but was very interesting).  1) Today, June 7, is the 38th anniversary of the 1967 War here, where Israel took back Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.  But amazingly, within days or weeks they gave the Temple Mount back to the Arabs – afraid of mass killings? Not sure all that went into that.  2) The theme of Rabbi Cohen's message was this – an idea I'd not realized, but is true.  In Egypt with Pharaoh – at the Red Sea – with the man Job – many times over and over, we see that God uses Israel as bait – as cheese in the trap – to draw out the enemy – to let the enemy think they've won, and then miraculously rescues Israel – to show the unbelievers that He is God Almighty – as well as to remind Israel of the same.  When Gog/Magog (Russia) fulfills Ezekiel's prophecy of swarming down to take the undefended Israel in a so-called time of peace, again God will use the same "cheese" strategy and more of Israel will be saved.  Was very interesting.


1:00 p.m. After the great teaching service, Ann and I went to Ticho House for lunch – this time I tried the salmon blintz (like a crepe) and it was outstanding!  We sat and talked openly – both learned a lot about each other.  It's great when you find someone and they have the same heart, understanding – so would love to stay in touch with her.  We drove around a bit afterward and then back to the hotel, where I collapsed – was about 4:00 by then.  Donna and Mom both called (Donna got one of the $5 cards of 8 hours to Israel!) – so was wonderful to hear their voices.  I counted the days to come here – now counting down to go home!  Five days counting today – so want to use my time wisely.


Wednesday, June 8   5:15 a.m.

Good morning, Father – nice breezy wind this early in the morning, but by the time the sun rises over the Mt of Olives and hits the city, it quickly warms up!  Yesterday was a hot one – but so enjoyed the day with Ann.  Today I hope to head out early to the Jewish Quarter – to the Western/Wailing Wall – have passed thru that corner twice but not stopped – so hopefully today.


The more I study the Word and hear great Bible teachers – and the Spirit continues to teach me – the more the fact that God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one becomes real to me.  I think as Christians we see the Old Testament with the Jews as the Father's 'territory' – His main object being His chosen people.  Then the New Testament brings in Jesus and His ministry and the introduction/appearance of the Spirit, who has actively worked these past two thousand years.  And in my ‘Bible facts’ mind, I accept and know with my mind that they are one – yet keep seeing them as three separately.


So this morning – yet not just today – I would ask You, Father, Son, Spirit, to reveal and open the Word to me – to open my eyes and heart of understanding – to see You truly as one – one mind – one heart – one purpose – one ministry – to understand and see You as the One God You are – the great I AM.


Gen 1:1-3   "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth ... and the Spirit of GOD was moving over the surface of the waters, Then GOD said, (the Word), 'Let there be light' ... and GOD saw .. it was good." 


John 1:1-18  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through Him ... in Him was life, and the life was the Light of men... the true Light, which, coming into the world, enlightens every man... He came to His own... and they did not receive Him .. and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us ... as the only begotten from the Father .. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God (Son) who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained (demonstrated) Him (that we may see God)."


Deut. 6:4  "Hear, O Israel!  The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!"  This is the Shema – my very favorite part of Shabbat service – to sing these words in Hebrew is like standing on holy ground!  "Shema, Israel!  Adonai Elohenu; Adonai edad."  Short words and probably not all spelled right – but they are without doubt the most often quoted verse by the Jews, as one single phrase in the Bible.  How I wish we could incorporate it into our church service!


Gen 1:26-27  "Then God said, (the Word), "Let us make man in our image, according go our likeness ... God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female.."

So what is the image – the likeness of God?  If indeed we are like Him, how are we ourselves?  We first think of ourselves as physical – the highly intricate make-up of a body – that only God could have created – from dust, no less!  The body/physical performs actions.  But it takes the mind – the knowledge within us – the thinking, active, perhaps superior (in one way) aspect of us to instruct the body in what to do.  But beyond all that is a very intangible aspect – the spirit – which was created, as I think, a homing device toward God.  It is where we meet and fellowship and know, and worship and love God.  It is the part of us that does not die – even when the body and mind are gone, the spirit remains.  And I know – I'm getting into deep waters that I know little about, but I'm searching – my mind and spirit is searching for understanding.  So are not the same three "likenesses – image" – the same?  The mind (knowing), the body (doing/speaking), the spirit (the Godly link) all as God is?  And yet, I am one  – and He is one!  Yet He has the power to manifest Himself in each of these three ways – yet no matter whether Father, Son or Spirit – He is entirely one at all times.  Is much more involved, but my human mind cannot fathom it!


So then the Creator – the Almighty God of the Old Testament – the Babe in the manger, the Messiah/ Servant/Son of Man/Jesus – the Holy Spirit of Pentecost and the Church Age for 2000 years – the King of Kings who returns to Jerusalem – the Judge at the end of man's history – the Alpha and Omega who sits on the eternal throne here in the new earth and new Jerusalem – this is all the Lord God – one!


The "other" flock and "this" flock become one – under one Shepherd.  The Lord God – one!  Every book of the Bible has a different description and aspect of who He is – but all are of the Lord God – one!  Will work on that tomorrow!



2:00 p.m.  Aha!  Finally – a place to sit and breathe and rest while stuffed zucchini/egg plant prepares – then the main meal of penne alfredo – and LOTS of ice water!  I’m atop the NW corner – across from the New Gate – where Notre Dame sits as a queen on the top corner of the Old City.  This morning has been a totally different experience – taking in the Old City diagonally – from lower SE corner, beginning at the Western Wall, up the many steps to the Jewish Quarter – back down those steps for an incredible tunnel tour that goes from the visible part of the Western Wall (some 60 feet) as it goes left facing it) along the length of the Western Wall – some 465 feet I think in entirety – and again up and down the stairs to the various excavated levels below.  I used the MP3 with the guide for awhile, but wasn't always close to her, so hope the brochure and book will fill in the many details.  She was VERY good and told us much, much more than excavation.  I loved the Jewish Quarter also – just was getting into it when I had to return for the tunnel tour – but there's still time to come back there when I can take my time.


I asked the guide about the possibility of an arched bridge over the Kidron from the Temple Mount to Mt Olives (which I'd seen in several artists' conceptions) – she said it would have been temporary if at all – only for use once or twice a year – for special sacrifices (red heifer, i.e.) – but I think such a construction for one day a year and then removed doesn't make sense.


She showed at the beginning a lower level of laid stone, the largest of which was 45' in length, 21' in width and 9' in height – at least 600 TONS for one cut, chiseled stone (done at the quarry at the NW corner – never done at the Temple site) – then moved by logs beneath pulleys.  Seems impossible, but it is there!  She said the main question is not HOW, but why!  Why not put 3 stones instead of 1 huge one.  Stability!  And fortress!  Which is harder to push off you – 3 little boys or 1 really big fat kid?  When the Romans tore down the walls and buildings, they pushed them over to the commercial street below – destroying spiritual and economic life.  Stones such as these could not be pushed – they chiseled off the tops.  You see that here, but they couldn't budge the stones!  They are stacked – obviously largest on bottom and each row is mortared and recessed from the one below it by 3 cm.  This Temple Mount was squared/leveled off atop Mount Moriah – so they had to fill in as it dropped on all sides – but when they reached literal bedrock, that became the foundation.  The inside of this tunnel would not work for a claustrophobic person, but I found it very fascinating!  It is a long series of arches that spanned the lower areas to create the flat Temple Mount – and streets atop this giant stone mountain – (twin sister to ours in Atlanta?!)


Below is the MP3 recordings from earlier in the morning .....

8:30 a.m.   I'm in the Ophel Archeology Park – an awesome display of yesterday!  A plaque as you enter explains how this area is the heart of the world – the foundation stone – and how the world's armies have attempted to destroy this place again and again – yet it still retains its history and unique character! (will not include all I read and saw there – picked up a book!).


A virtual tour shows a man buying a sheep, taking it to the Temple for sacrifice – the virtual aspect gives you a great idea of what it might have been like inside the Temple ....


Going back out of Davidson Museum and back into Ophel, it really is a garden full of all kinds of evergreens – short and very tall and slender that mix in among the rock and the various excavations.  Here's one so-called path that's put together ... in the shape of a cross ... actually all of these are in the shape of a cross ... interesting! 


Going on over this area (SE outside corner of the city walls) . . . oh my - oh my – I cannot describe this ... cannot.  As I walk around an endless amount of rock – endless – I see these dug-out walls and look behind and see the many layers of wall construction – distinction where it was torn down and rebuilt – where those lines are.  Here is the triple gate at the top of a stairway that would have led into the Temple Mount area – and you realize that here on these steps – that have not been redone, but have stood here for over 2000 years – that led up from the City of David just south of these steps.  This is where David would have walked up ... where Solomon would have walked up ... this is the stairs that Jesus would have walked up had He not come up through the Golden/Eastern Gate.  "I walked today where Jesus walked," and I have the great opportunity of hearing the Gaithers sing that now right here! 

I too must walk to the top – this is one place you don't take an elevator – not that it's available – it's NOT!  But if you could, you would not!  "I walked today where Jesus walked ...." – was He carrying a sheep over His shoulder – was He carrying grain in His hand for the offering ...... knowing that He would be the one and only offering in a few days?  To the left I look back at the thousands of tombs on the Mount of Olives – of people who walked here on these same steps – and who am I to have the opportunity to do this?  How humble .... how humble you feel ... when you realize you walked right here.  The columns that stood .... and He walked right here.  (panting ..... weeping.....)


The size of these rocks are enormous!  Enormous!  There were no caterpillars to move them – yet they moved them, stacked them, lifted them onto these walls – how did they do it?!    Here to the left I see part of an arch – perhaps Robinsons – I'll check – still has the delicate markings on the outside.  This is an awesome, awesome place!


"I walked today where Jesus walked .... and felt Him close ..... to me."  Close to me .... within me ... around me... behind me ... before me .... God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit – one – in me – a God that cannot be held in the heavens – and yet He chooses to live in me!  Amazing grace .... thank You, Lord.


Going out of Ophel there were two Jewish men playing instruments – with their little violin case open for donations!  I stopped and taped some of the music – very traditional Jewish!  Almost like ... the fiddler on the roof ... right here before me! 


Going in now through the security gates at the Western Wall ... a very long line of people waiting ... I got in line .. thinking that's what I needed to do.  Then after a bit I thought, let's go around this and see what I find!  So I walked on around 100 yards or so – and walked right into the Western/Wailing Wall area – no guard – no barrier – you just walk in.  And as I walk in here, there are many women here on the right side (the women's side), you know you're standing on holy ground.  And Lord, as I stand beside the walls that held the Temple Mount .... and I know Your Presence will always be here – You said You'd be here eternally.  Here – these huge, enormous walls – where out from them comes actual life – in the form of flowers growing from them!  And I pray, "Shema, Israel!  Adonai Elohenu.  Adonai edad."  Hear O Israel – the Lord God is one.  You are one – eternal – yesterday – perhaps you founded the earth itself right here.  And I bend my knee here – not to the wall or tradition – but to You, Lord, the Great Almighty – the Great I AM.  And I commit my life to you for ever after.  And I pray for my family  – for Donna, Barry, Allie, Heather, Mandy, Katie, Christopher – for Jerri, Richard, Lorrin, Will, Marissa – for Jimmy, Shana, Emma, Nathan, Andrew – for Tim, Kim, Taylor and Austin – for Mom, Sam and Doug – for Jim, Ann, Lisa, Allison, James and Josh – Paul, Sandy, David and Joe.  I thank You for those who have gone before me that have given me a knowledge and love for You.  And  thank You for being who You are.  I don't need to put a note in the wall – because You hear me and are here, right within me.  And I thank You for allowing me to come here to this holy place.


And this is a holy place – and although there are many, many people here with prayer books, reading, praying, walking backwards to leave – You understand the heart and motives of those here.  And what I realize – right here – as I stand before the wall – perhaps it's the only place in Jerusalem that you can't see the golden dome!  Hallelujah!


Well, sometimes you have to go around the crowd – again and again.  After I went to the Wall and prayed and walked back out – just a few hundred yards away is a sign that says ‘Rabbinic Tunnel’ – which goes along the Western Wall many feet below.  Well, there's a line of people there – many – and yet beyond them I see a door – I go through the door – find a couple secretaries working – ask them how I can get a ticket.  She kindly explained (giving me a card) I needed to call and make a reservation.  I asked if I had to return to my hotel to call – because otherwise I didn't not have a way to call.  She walked me several hundred yards to a ticket office, found there was a spot open at the 12:20 tour – and helped me get a ticket!  He said it was 18 shekels – I said I didn't have shekels, would he take $5 (which was little more than 18 shekels) – and he said, "Sure!"  (hahaha)  So I have a ticket for the tour!  There are many kind people here!  Many!  Need to catch a bite to eat and fortify my energy before then.


(pant pant!)  Walking up a series of steps – each series is seven steps – have come up about 20 so far – about 10 more series to go!  This looks straight back over the Western Wall – and to the left is the Mount of Olives – the tombs I tried to climb over!  And I've found there is a way to get through this city – just don't stand in lines!  No wonder these tour groups take forever!  It's a great shot here – will have to take it.


If I can hold on, at this little plaza (Hurva Square) – the ground slants down – and the table sits on the ground – having a nice Italian bread/cream cheese/salmon/onion/tomato sandwich!  Walking around here in the Jewish Quarter – has a totally different atmosphere to it – should have been here the whole time – is quiet and peaceful!


Abraham told me something this morning as he drove me here - that people come here and look and look – but they don't talk to anyone – so they don't know what people think and believe.  So what is more important here – the buildings, the streets, the excavations – or the people of Israel – the remnant – as well as the many diverse inhabitants of Jerusalem – many nationalities.  So, today as I came into the Wall and traipsed up those steps, there's such a vast contrast between here in this area – versus the area around the Wall and Arab Quarter and outside – totally different atmosphere!  You talk about shalom – and you feel it here in this area!


Walked into couple shops – second one was geared toward Biblical things – a Jewish man – and I thought, you know what have I got to lose here – so I talked to him about the Temple Mount – and asked how Jews could continue to look at the Dome and not feel total frustration with it right here in their midst.  He said, "They don't even see it – they look right through it!  They look to the foundation stone."  And he too talked about it being the foundation stone of the earth – about Adam, Abraham's 'cycle' here – he said Jews saw things as cyclical – what did – will happen here.


 I asked him if he believed that the Dome would be removed and the Temple rebuilt, and he said, "Oh, I have no doubt – it will be."  So I said, "Do you think it is the true foundation stone, or could it further north on the Mount (which is a very debatable theory)?"  He said, "I used to believe that – we know that the Temple was lined up with the Eastern Gate, and people see the Golden Gate and naturally feel that it should be directly in line with that.  But today they are finding the excavations of a gate that does line up with the Dome and the Rock beneath it.  We believe that this was the original gate, rather than the Golden Gate."  And I can imagine that could well be true – with all the tearing down and rebuilding again and again.  Very interesting to talk to – gave me his web site where he writes articles.  It's a store that opens to Jewish/Christian debate/discussions – and he was very kind to talk with me.  Another great divine appointment.


I took a break for the wrist and walked up to the dining room to see what they had out on the buffet tonight – have only done it once – usually go to the bistro.  Tonight they had fried fish – bachlava – new potatoes – so just for those I decided I'd eat there.  Was funny – as no one was in the dining room yet – I asked one of the guys standing around (6-7 of them cook staff) when it would begin – he looked at the others, who I've gotten to know by name – and they all said, let her eat now (though 30 minutes later no one had come in yet - guess it opened at 7:30 or 8:00).  So I stood at the buffet and laughed and talked with the different ones who work there – Mohammed serves me in the bistro – and tonight he took it upon himself to wait on me in the dining room! 

I'd met a guy at a bookstore today who said he was the brother-in-law of the chef here, and I'd already heard that he'd worked in Buenos Aires – so asked the guy I thought might be chef if he'd been to B.A. – he said, no, it was the other one (this guy was a helper).  So I sat down to eat, and within minutes – before I'd gotten a bite of fish, the chef comes out and talks and talks and talks – 20 minutes – my food was almost cold by the time he left!  It was OK food – not great – but he told me of all the medals he'd gotten – of the great hotels he'd cooked for in B.A. – in Italy – how he'd taught the chef at Notre Dame (I told him I'd eaten lunch there) – was funny.  They have all come to give me special privileges here it seems – cater to me!  Don't know if it's because they like to talk to me and I talk to them – or because the manager told them to be extra nice since I'd recommended it to the Jerusalem Post reporter!  –– hahaha – While typing in this update in the office, maybe 10 minutes after I'd left the dining room, Oden, the chef comes in (don't know how he knew where I was) – and brought me the cookbook he wrote (I'd asked him if he had written one) – and also some of his special certificates to show me!  Thankfully, Abraham, the taxi driver came in too and Oden left!  So have set up with Abraham for tomorrow morning!  It's getting to be old home folk week around here!




Thursday, June 9    6 a.m.

Good morning, Father – well, after such a long, busy day in the city yesterday, I'm not so eager to get out and get going today.  Being back home and having some Kraft Dinner sounds pretty good to me!  So hopefully in 5 days I can do that very thing!  Four days here – one on the road – supper at home!


Yesterday during the tunnel tour the guide was showing us the section of Western Wall directly opposite the Dome of the Rock, how the Byzantines had come in and laid the wall beyond it, having notched out holes in the Western Wall to use as a place for brick ties of sort to their wall.  Later theirs was torn down – the Second Temple period walls remained – and today people stuff the notches with prayer notes!  The guide said, "Jerusalem always takes what the conqueror leaves and uses it for good – today their wall notches are our mail boxes to God!"  One of the tourists by me whispered, "But who will be the mail man?"  – almost seriously – not joking.  I did not put prayer notes in the wall – I prayed there and God heard – didn't need to leave a note – though it is traditional.


While at the Wailing Wall, you could hear the 'wails' of the Arabs on the other side at the Dome of the Rock. It’s funny – they do this hyena type call to Allah – the Jews on the other side of the wall are silently praying to God.  So maybe Allah is "stone deaf" – hehehe – is like the kidding/mocking Elijah did with 400 prophets of Baal when they agreed to both offer sacrifice.  When the prophets of Baal did so, and called out to Baal from morning to noon and leaped about – but no voice of Baal responded, Elijah mocked them and said, "Call with a loud voice – either he is occupied or gone aside, or on a journey, or is asleep!"  Isn't it good to  know God is as close as my heart – He knows every tear that falls and why – He never sleeps or is busy that He is not with me!  And not just me, but every believer as well!  We are blessed with an awesome God!


Yesterday I began – today I finished the names/attributes (PARTIALLY! – how can you exhaust the attributes of God):

*   Genesis:  Creator; with infinite wisdom, knowledge; God-will-provide

*   Exodus:   I AM – eternally present in history past and future to come.

*   Leviticus:  Deliverer – powerful to protect and defend

*   Numbers:  Priest – link/intercessor from God to man

*   Deuteronomy:  Law giver – providing man with direction for a good life

*   Joshua:  Mighty warrior – leader of His righteous army

*   Judges:  Judge – declaring and discerning the right

*   Ruth:  Redeemer – reclaiming His own and redeeming their life

*   I Samuel:  Prophet – declaring Godly plans for mankind

*   II Samuel:  King – dominion over His kingdom

*   I/II Kings/Chronicles:  Sustainer of Israel – through defeats and captivity and renewal

*   Ezra/Nehemiah:  Rebuilder – new life from ruins and destruction

*   Esther:  Providential care – to work over evil's schemes to bring good

*   Job:  Almighty God who is sovereign over all

*   Psalm:  Shepherd of His flock, Shield, Glory, Hearer of prayers, Refuge, Avenger, Majesty, Eternal, Righteous, Trier of hearts, my Rock, my Stronghold, Lamp to my feet, my Light, my Fortress, Preserver of life, my Hope, and the list goes on and on!

*   Proverbs:  Source of all wisdom and understanding and knowledge

*   Isaia:  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace – all these encircle the Father, Son, Spirit

*  Jeremiah/Lamentations:  Keeper of promises and prophecies

*   Ezekiel:  I AM the LORD – sovereign and almighty – breath of life to dry bones of Israel

*   Daniel:  Revealer of His plans, Most High God above all others, Ancient of Days

*   Hosea:  Husband of prostitute wife Israel

*   Joel:  Commander of Day of the Lord

*   Amos:  Restorer of Israel: Holiness

*   Obadiah:  Avenger and deliver of Israel

*   Jonah:  Appointer of intricate ways

*   Micah:  Jehovah, Lord God forever, pardoner of sin

*   Nahum:  Jealous, avenging evil, slow to anger, great in power

*   Habakkuk:  Reviver of His work among His people

*   Zephaniah:  Measures out perfect justice, yet very merciful

*   Haggai:  Omnipotent Judge

*   Zechariah:  Branch of David who builds the Temple

*   Malachi:  Master, Lord of Hosts


*   Matthew:  Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of the Sabbath, Bread of Life

*   Mark:  Servant, giving Himself

*   Luke:  Son of Man, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies

*   John:  God in the flesh, Lamb of God, Good Shepherd, Truth, Life, the Way

*   Acts:  Holy Spirit, building and teaching the Church, the body of Christ

*   Romans:  Justifier by faith alone – not of law/works

*   I Corinthians:  Sanctifier of life of believers

*   II Corinthians:  Comforter in affliction and persecution

*   Galatians:  the grace giver – for salvation and for life

*   Ephesians:  Father who adopts us as His children

*   Philippians:  Sustainer and perfecter of our faith and lives

*   Collossians:  Christ, the image of the invisible God, the fullness of Deity, firstborn of all creation

*   I Thessalonians:  God of peace, faithful

*   II Thessalonians:  Executor of judgment at His second coming

*   I Timothy:  Christ, mediator between God and man, ransom for all

*   II Timothy:  the Holy Spirit who dwells in us

*   Titus:  Holy Spirit who gives regeneration and renewing

*   Philemon:  frees us from imprisonment of our evil flesh

*   Hebrews:  Priest in order of Melchizadek, superior in every way

*   James:  keeper of promises, without partiality, lawgiver, judge, able to save/destroy

*   I Peter: whose eyes are toward the righteous and attends to their prayer

*   II Peter:  the Majestic Glory, Beloved Son, comes as thief in the night

*   I John:  Word of life, manifested to us, Light

*   II John:  Teacher of truth

*   III John:  the one who does good and full of truth

*   Jude:  coming with many thousands of His holy ones

*   Revelation:  Coming Lord, the eternal Temple of our worship


Wow!  What a God! 


Today wound up being a wipe-out for 'going' – could not decide which direction to go – so went first downstairs and entered most of yesterday's journal and MP3 to email, but just before finishing, it got wiped out – after 45 min. of typing!  So left to go to lunch – that was a disappointment.  Sat there about 15 minutes just thinking – trying to decide – and realized how very tired I was – my legs just didn't want to work!  So came back, watched couple movies and even ordered onion soup with room service!  Hopefully the energy and drive to go will return tomorrow!


Friday, June 10    5:30 am

Good morning, Father – the sun is creeping across the top of Mt Moriah – the clouds are quickly burning off – and am realizing the few clouds in the far horizon I see every morning early and late afternoon are over the Med Sea – probably 40 miles West of here.  Interesting how at daybreak and sunset we are captivated to look up!  Toward the heavens!  Toward You!  To be still and quiet.  Yet where most of us live – in our crowded cities and shut up houses – we seldom ever see these two beautiful paintings of Yours which are given freely – daily.  So much of the life You intended for us has gone awry – and I so look forward to the day that we can start over – and live the way You first designed for us.


So, where do we go in these last few days of sharing the Word?  It is an inexhaustible treasure book – so much that at times, you hardly know where to begin.  Today I feel the need to not study – but to simply nestle under Your wing – to read of simply You – and there are three places in particular I love to go to do that – the last chapters of Job – the Psalms – and the last chapters of Revelation.  So today, let's look at Job!


In the CFI Conference Tuesday, Chuck Cohen illustrated how God uses Israel – and us – as bait for the enemy – to show them His might and righteousness and glory.  Job was one of those examples – for Satan did not go seeking Job – God pointed him out to Satan!  And Job was totally unaware of the heavenly 'chess game'!  Yet the speaker added, "Job could trust God – and God knew He could trust Job!"  To live such a life that God can trust you – no matter what comes – that's what we all pray for.


So immediately Satan began pulling out his arsenal – and in one day Job lost all his donkeys, sheep, camels, servants – and the final, greatest blow that day was the death of his seven sons and three daughters as the house collapsed on them.  Who has ever had to deal with such loss – all coming within minutes.  Seems more than God should allow – yet He did – because He knew Job's heart – and He trusted Job to trust Him.  'Friends' came to console – and then preach to him – to get his heart cleaned up!  Such friends – who only wanted to spout their supposed knowledge of how God works.  Who can know His ways – His purposes – the intricate patterns of events and people and desires He puts in our life – simply to work it all together for good?!


And after the 'three wise men' – Job's friends – exhausted their words – after God shut them up, He then turned to Job – Friend to friend – and God relieves Job's burden of pain and emotional exhaustion – and shares Himself.  He reminds Job of His true Friend!


Job 38-42   "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind ....

*   I will ask you and you instruct Me!  (tongue in cheek!)

*   Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?

*   Who set its measurements – its bases – its cornerstone?

*   Who enclosed the sea with doors when it went forth from the womb?

*   Have you entered the springs of the sea ... walked the recesses of the deep?

*   Where is the dwelling of light – and the place of darkness?

*   Have you entered the storehouses of the snow – the hail?

*   Who has cleft a channel ... for the thunderbolt ... to bring rain..?

*   Can you bind the chains of Pleiades (the 7-star cluster)?

*   Do you know the ordinances of the heavens or fix their rule over earth?

*   Who has put wisdom in the innermost being or understanding to the mind?

*   Can you hunt prey for the lion?

*   Do you know the time the mountain goats give birth?  the deer?

*   Who set the wild donkey free – to whom I gave the wilderness as home?

*   Do you give the horse his might – clothe his neck with a mane?

*   Is it by your understanding the hawk soars?  or the eagle mounts up?

*   Will the fault finder contend with the Almighty?


And Job humbly answered, "Behold, I am insignificant – what can I reply to You ...."


"Then the Lord answered out of the storm ... I will ask .. you instruct Me ....

*   Will you really annul My judgment?  Condemn Me so you may be justified?

*   Do you have an arm ... a voice like His?

*   Adorn yourself with eminence .. dignity ... honor ... majesty.. look on the proud, and humble him.. tread down the wicked ... then I will also confess to you, that your own right hand can save you."


Then Job answered the Lord, "I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted ... therefore I have declared that which I did not understand ... things too wonderful for me..  You say to me, 'Hear now, and I will speak ... I will ask .. you instruct Me.'  I have heard of You by hearing .. but now my eye sees You .. I retract and repent."


God then turned to the friends and told them they did not speak right of Him, but Job had.  He told them to offer a burnt offering and Job would pray for them.


"The Lord restored the fortunes (and children) of Job when he prayed for his friends."  (Perhaps it was also when Job forgave and had pity on his hurtful friends!)  "The Lord increased all Job had twofold – and blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning."


A great story of faithful, righteous, patient man – yet the treasure is in the awesome picture God paints of Himself in our heart and mind – a timely reminder of His love and wisdom and plan.

11 a.m.   This morning I asked Abraham to drive me up to see Hadassah Hospital – that was a major point in the 1948 war and rescue of many – the Hebrew University right there also, and the panorama site from the North of the city – and Mea Shearim, the Hassidic/Orthodox area – then on to the Ticho House for lunch – probably my favorite restaurant here, that has a great garden patio for dining and on Friday there are immigrant musicians that play.  Then will head toward King David Hotel/YMCA area and shop that a bit – on toward Mt Zion (Hebron Rd!) – and meet Ann there at 4:00.  She and her room mates are making lasagna for supper – yeah!  Abraham will pick me up there about 8:00.


Ah – never a disappointment at Ticho lunch!  Could not even think of ordering anything other than the blintz salmon – mmmmmmmmmm – scrumptious!  Either smoked or finely chopped fresh salmon – not heavy – but more than enough for flavor – a crepe wrapped around the salmon and ?herbs? – very light onions? – creamy sauce with hint of cheese flavor – then baked in ceramic bowl in the delicate but rich sauce – and it comes out slightly browned and bubbly hot!  Now – to try and put away this cheese cake, whipped cream with cinnamon!  mmmmmmmmm


3:40  p.m. Walked and walked and walked – till I thought I couldn't make another step – finally gave up trying to find the House of Prayer – think it's an underground Baptist secret – no one knows of it around here!  So stopped to rest at Begin Museum – have kosher chocolate ice cream and rest!  Then waited an hour in the lobby of Mt Zion Hotel which has a great view of the Hinnon Valley and South part of the wall.


9:00 p.m.  Had really nice evening with Ann at her apartment – 15 minutes South toward Bethlehem – her roommate Jane is a bookkeeper at Bridges and Charleeta is a graphic designer for their magazine – all three in their late 50s/60s – grown children in States.  Jane made the lasagna, Charleeta the salad – Ann the garlic bread and hummingbird cake – delicious!  We talked for hours – learned much from them about Israel and Jerusalem.  Then they came with Ann to drive me home – we drove through the narrow, winding streets of the Old City, and then stood at the panorama here on the Mt of Olives – was very nice evening.




Saturday, June 11   6:30 am

Good morning, Father – has been a very nice surprise to meet these new friends in Jerusalem, and to even feel 'favor' with the Arabs I've gotten to know here at the hotel.  About 7:15 last night as we were eating supper, Abraham called Ann's house to see if I needed him to pick me up yet.  She said, "I could just hear his protection for you as he said twice, "So, you are going to bring her back to the hotel – and I don't need to pick her up?" 


So, on to the Word – this morning a few Psalms that describe God.  Will not list chapters this time – just attributes of God and His love for me:  a shield about me – sustains me – answers me – protects – delivers – brings true joy and peace – hates all evil – abundant loving kindness – blesses the righteous – surrounds him with favor (yeah!) – gracious – my refuge – has maintained my just cause – abides forever – judges the world in righteousness – helper of the orphan – strengthens the heart of the humble – purity of words – counsels and instructs me – tries my heart – illumines my darkness – His gentleness makes me great – delivers me from the enemy – compassionate, holds my times in His hand – provides me every good thing – leaves me with no wants – near the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit – my help in time of trouble – has given his angels care to watch over me – faithful to all generations – pardons my sin, heals, redeems my life, satisfied with good things, slow to anger, mindful of my frailty – covers Himself with cloak of light – makes the clouds His chariot – establishes earth on its foundations – sends springs into the valleys – waters the mountains from His upper chambers – causes grass to grow for the cattle – and vegetation for man – made moon for seasons – made all creation in His wisdom – remembers His covenant forever – knows me inside and out and is constantly with me wherever I go – fulfills the desires of those who love and reverence Him – gives food to hungry – opens eyes of the blind – builds up Jerusalem – gathers the outcasts of Israel – counts and names the stars – His understanding is infinite – takes pleasure in His people – so very worthy of our praise!


5:30 p.m. Just got back with Ann to the hotel – had lunch at the bistro – talked about 2 hours or more.  She's told me more and more of this ministry that she is doing – bringing in medical supplies from the States – the red tape and politics and taxes and board members – has turned into a project involving the Knesset – Israel's congress!  She may be through Atlanta in a few weeks to speak in fund raising with the Jewish community – so if so, she'll come stay with me.  In one week's time we've learned much of each other and gained each other's trust.  It's a very unexpected, additional blessing from this trip!



Sunday, June 12   5:30 am

Good morning, Father – and we've come to our last day here.  It's been such a full, satisfying time – more than I'd even hoped for.  It's the completion of a special dream and goal – and You gave it to me – thank You! In the recent Gaither video on Jerusalem, Gloria said something that's very true.  You come here wanting to see and experience the 'places' – yet you do not want to worship these places – but the One who was here in these places.  For me, being in Israel – especially Jerusalem – just brings me even closer to the reality of His life – and when I read the Word again, after being here – it is clear in my mind.


It is a vast world of history that's been played from this place.  Knowing this is where it ends – concluding with the 1000-year reign of Christ and then the New Jerusalem coming down from the new heavens to the new earth – here – it really confirms to me that it's also the beginning point.  But no matter – I know one thing for sure – I'll be back!  If not in this lifetime, then with Jesus (in His physical person) when we all ride into town on our white stallions!  That day is getting closer and closer!  And – it's appropriate that it's the final Scripture for the time in Jerusalem!


Revelation 1:  "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him.  So it is to be.  Amen.  I AM the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and end), says the Lord God, who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."


Chapters 2 and 3 describe the 7 churches – the historic churches of the New Testament –but as often happens in Scripture, also a deeper, longer-view picture of the seven periods of time of the almost 2000-year Church Age.  And when you realize that, then Revelation 4:1 is an emphatic breaking point in the Church Age:  "After these things (after the seven periods of church time), I (John) looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things."


I believe this describes the Rapture of the Church we read of in I Thessalonians 4 – where Christ descends from heaven with a shout .. voice of a trumpet .. and the dead in Christ will rise (believers from all church ages) and those believers living are caught up to heaven to meet Him – after which comes the Tribulation.


Revelation 4-5 describes the scene then in heaven, with the saints around God's throne – giving thanks and worshipping Him.  And the wheels are then set in motion – the opening of the seals – that begin the 7-yr clock of Tribulation described in chapters 6-18.  This Church Age is the space of time between the 69th week and the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy - that depicts Israel's history.  That last week – 7 yrs – resumes with the beginning of the Tribulation – and God completes His appointed time for the deliverance of Israel – the land and the people.


Revelation 19:  The scene goes back to heaven, where a great celebration begins – the marriage supper of the Lamb – with His bride – his one flock – united as one body – that of His bride.

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.  His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.  He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called the Word of God.  And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in white linen (righteousness of the saints) white and clean, were following Him on white horses ... and on His robe .. a name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords."


And with His triumphant march thru the skies with untold millions of believers, imagine the scene of nuclear war and devastation taking place, here in Israel – here in the Kidron Valley of Jerusalem.  The world's armies look up and see what's coming – WHO's coming!  Don't you love it!  I can hardly wait!  What a day that will be!  No nuclear missiles or tanks for Jesus – He merely speaks – the very Word of God Himself that spoke creation into being – and the war is over – the enemies dissolve where they stand (Zechariah 14) – and the Lord of Lords has returned – not as a babe in a lowly manger – or Servant – but as King of all!  Amen!  And no one will be missing that day – no one who has put their trust in Him will be in the grave.  David is raised up – Abraham – Isaac – Ruth – David – Solomon – Ezekiel – will rise and join the bride – as one – one Bride for the Bridegroom Jesus!  Weddings are wonderful – and no one can begin to imagine the glory of this one! But as marvelous as that is – it gets better!  When the appointed time for judgment is over and the 1000-year reign has completed, then God puts the icing on the cake!


Revelation 21-22:  “Then I saw a new heaven and new earth .. and the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband ... and God is among man ... will dwell among them ... and wipe away every tear .. no more death .. mourning or crying or pain .. Behold, I am making all things new... It is done.  And the angel showed me the city ... having the glory of God – her brilliance like a costly stone – it had great walls with 12 gates – 12 foundations (layers/floors) ... laid out as a square (cube even) – 1500 miles wide, long and high.  I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.  The nations will walk by its light – the glory of God has illumined it.  Then I saw the river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne.” 


"And behold, I am coming quickly.  Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.  I am the root and the descendant of David ... Yes, I am coming quickly.   Amen – Come, Lord Jesus."

 You can't add anything to that – the Book is closed – the journal is closed – and God has fulfilled the desires of my heart! Amen!


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