What are all the mods in crazy craft


What are all the mods in crazy craft

View source Mod Developer Adventure Backpack Chicky AnimationAPI thehippomaster21 Armourer's Workshop RiskyKen asielib asiekierka Baubles Azanor BiblioCraft Joseph `Nuchaz' Sinclair Carpenter's Blocks Mineshopper Chisel 2 Bapple Business CodeChickenCore ChickenBones CustomMenu rich1051414 CustomNpcs Noppes, DarkSignal(AI), Foxz(Commands) Damage Indicators rich1051414 Dark Core DarkholmeTenk Decocraft RazzleberryFox Equivalent Exchange 3 pahimar, x3n0ph0b3 FoodPlus JoseTheCrafter GravityGun iChun Hats iChun HatStand iChun iChunUtil iChun, Kihira Inventory Pets Dankmemester Iron Chest cpw Jewelrycraft 2 OnyxDarkKnight Killer Pacman FiskFille LuckyBlock ExampleDude Malisis' Core Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter Malisis' Doors Ordinastie Maze Mod supercat765 MC Helicopter EMB4 MineBlade Battlegear 2 ? Bullsey nerd-boy, GotoLink, coolAlias MobiusCore ProfMobius Mob Properties FatherToast Morph iChun MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod MrCrayfish Mutant Creatures thehippomaster21 NEI Addons bdew NotEnoughItems ChickenBones Opis ProfMobius Origin TheTemportalist Pandora's Box Ivorius PortalGun iChun Railcraft CovertJaguar Saintscore WThieves, The Minecraft Community SecurityCraft Geforce Soul Shards- The Old Ways Team Whammich Statues AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, asie Tardis Mod DarkholmeTenk The OreSpawn Mod TheyCallMeDanger The SecretRoomsMod AbrarSyed, alexbegt TrailMix iChun Transformers Mod FiskFille Weeping Angels TheTemportalist Witchery Orespawn Emoniph TheyCallMeDanger More mods mannikins Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Added on July 18, 2015 Mod Pack Image Mod Pack Video The Crazy Craft 3.0 Mod Pack is crazier than ever! This modpack focuses around outdoing the perfection of Crazy Craft 2.0! We have some custom mods and custom configs made just for the mod pack! The craziness has only begun boys and girls. This is minecraft re-imagined with creepers ranging from 100-300 health. All normal mobs boofed beyond belief. Stronger modded bosses. Witchery bosses reach over 5,000 health! Your big bertha is just not enough in this mod pack! You think you ran this joint in Crazy Craft 2.0 think again. There are custom youtuber hats found all around. Custom modded drops from mobs. It does not end take part of this crazy adventure and get ready to admit defeat! Your faces will be melted. Version: 3.0.3 Minecraft: 1.7.10 Multiplayer: Yes No. of Mods: 61 Screenshots After 5 years Crazy Craft 4.0 is finally getting released! I never thought I would update Crazy Craft 3.0, but here I am releasing one of the greatest mod packs we have ever created. This mod pack focuses on taking your minecraft knowledge and throwing it out the window. THIS IS CRAZY CRAFT 4.0 BABYYY...okay enough hype. This pack brings some of the greatest mods from 1.7.10 and with our custom randomizer mod it changes the adventure for everyone. No one player will have the same Crazy Craft 4.0 experience. We realize not everyone wants to have a scrambled recipe world. For them we have created a new world option when creating a world. You will simply turn off scrambled recipes which is located right under naming your new world. For server owners that want normal recipes there is a settings.dat file that you can edit and change to true. This will make all recipes default for your players. In the future we are adding a command that can change recipes server wide without restarting. We are also working on a command that can change recipes for a single player on the server. We get everyone has a different play style and this will help everyone create the adventure they want. The most notable mods included in Crazy Craft 4.0 are Orespawn, Legends mod, TragicMC, witchery, HBM nuclear tech, Mcheli and many more. We wanted to include many of the old mods you loved and obviously the biggest one was orespawn. We did however want to create a new experience and that meant new mods and the recipe scramble mod. The recipe scramble mod does not just randomize recipes, it will take all of minecraft and change every aspect. You can get random items from leaf decay, mob drops, breaking melons/glowstone, arrows are randomized, hoppers give random items, etc etc etc. We did hear fans express that randomized recipes was not their thing and we heard you loud and clear. We created a world gen option right on the world creation page to turn off random recipes. We recommend learning about the Tragic MC mod here, the HBM nuke tech mod here, legends mod here, and orespawn mod here. Good luck in your adventure and if you find bugs please report them HERE or on our Discord. You will receive no help on my youtube channel comments as there are way too many of them. Anyways happy crafting! Please alert us of any reuploading of our mod pack to any launcher outside the void launcher. This includes Technic, curseforge and others. We do not want players get wrong versions of the pack and us being unable to help them. Frequently asked Questions: Click hereQuestion: How do I reset recipes on my world?Answer: delete the recipes.cfg in your world folderQuestion: How do I turn recipes to normal on a server?Answer: Open settings.dat file in your world folder and change it from true to falseQuestion: I have a bug how do I report it?Answer: Upload your log or crash report to pastebin and post it in the comments or join our discord discord.gg/atlanticcraftQuestion: I am lagging how can I make my game go faster?Answer: download optifine for 1.7.10 and add it to your mod pack by selecting crazy craft 4 on the launcher and hitting the advanced button to find the mods folder. Then add optifineQuestion: How do I disable all the random features from recipe scramble?Answer: edit the recipescramble.cfg file located in your config folder Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again. Could someone tell me where I can download the crazy craft mod pack ssundee uses?Page 2 48 comments Crazy Craft 4.0 is one of the greatest mod packs. This one focuses on taking your Minecraft knowledge and throwing it out the window. It brings some of the greatest mods from 1.7.10 and with the custom randomizer mod it changes the adventure for everyone. No one will have the same Crazy Craft 4.0 experience. The creator of Crazy Craft realizes that not everyone wants to have a scrambled recipe world. For them, they have created a new world selection when creating a world. You can just simply turn off the scrambled recipes which are able to be found right under naming your new world. For the owners of the server who want the normal recipes, there is a setting.dat file that you are able to edit and change to true. It will make each recipe default for your players. In the future, they will add a command that is able to change recipes server wide without restarting. Aside from that, they are also working on a command that is able to change recipes for a single player on the server. They know that everyone has a different play style so this mod will help everyone create the adventure they want. The most notable mods in Crazy Craft 4.0 include Orespawn, TragicMC, Legends mod, witchery, Mcheli, HBM nuclear tech, and many more. The developers wanted to include many of the old ones you loved and clearly the biggest one was orespawn. However, they did not want to make a new experience and that meant new mods and the recipe scramble mod. The recipe scramble mod does not just randomize recipes, but it will also take all of Minecraft and change each aspect. You are able to get the random items from leaf decay, breaking melons, mob drops, and so on. The mod list of Crazy Craft 4.0: Adventure Backpack Filippi http-//forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2252109-wip-adventure-backpackmod-beta-0-7-3-updated-26 AnimationAPI thehippomaster21 http-//ic/1850860-/ Armourer's Workshop RiskyKen https-//RiskyKen/Armourers-Workshop asielib asiekierka Baubles Azanor http-//ic/2535073-baubles BiblioCraft Joseph `Nuchaz' Sinclair http-// Carpenter's Blocks Mineshopper Chisel 2 AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Pokefenn, Cricket, tterrag http-//forums/thread/1294901 CodeChickenCore ChickenBones CustomMenu rich1051414 CustomNpcs Noppes, DarkSignal(AI), Foxz(Commands) http-//customnpcs Damage Indicators rich1051414 http-//ic/1536685- Dark Core DarkholmeTenk http-//darkcraft.io Decocraft RazzleberryFox http-//minecraft.mc-mods/79616-decocraft2 Equivalent Exchange 3 pahimar, x3n0ph0b3 http-//ic/1106178- FoodPlus JoseTheCrafter http//forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1288375-food GravityGun iChun http-//ichun.us/mods/gravity-gun/ Hats iChun http-//ichun.us/mods/hats/ HatStand iChun http-//ichun.us/mods/hats/hat-stand/ iChunUtil iChun, Kihira http-//ichun.us/ Inventory Pets A_villager, Capn_Kirok Iron Chest cpw http//ic/981855- Jewelrycraft 2 OnyxDarkKnight http-//forums/topic/2414865 Killer Pacman FiskFille LuckyBlock ExampleDude Malisis' Core Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter http-//ordinastie/malisiscore Malisis' Doors Ordinastie http-//ordinastie Maze Mod supercat765 MC Helicopter EMB4 http-//forum.minecraftuser.jp/viewtopic.php?f=1=1483 MineBlade Battlegear 2 ? Bullsey nerd-boy, GotoLink, coolAlias http-//mc-mods/minecraft/mb-battlegear-2 MobiusCore ProfMobius Mob Properties FatherToast http-//ic/1153874-/ Morph iChun http-//ichun.us/mods/morph/ MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod MrCrayfish http-// Mutant Creatures thehippomaster21 http-//ic/1336132-/ NEI Addons bdew http-//neiaddons/ NotEnoughItems ChickenBones http-//Pages/links.html Opis ProfMobius Origin TheTemportalist Pandora's Box Ivorius http//ic/563257-152 PortalGun iChun Railcraft CovertJaguar http-// Saintscore WThieves, The Minecraft Community http-//wtmods.dubstep-gun-mod/ SecurityCraft Geforce Soul Shards- The Old Ways Team Whammich Statues AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, asie Tardis Mod DarkholmeTenk http//tardis.darkcraft.io The OreSpawn Mod TheyCallMeDanger The SecretRoomsMod AbrarSyed, alexbegt http-//ic/546192- TrailMix iChun http-//ichun.us/mods/trail-mix/ Transformers Mod FiskFille Weeping Angels TheTemportalist Witchery Emoniph http-//sites.site/witcherymod/

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