
London Marathon Journey – JanuaryMy barriers to running at the moment are snow, ice and the proximity of chocolate biscuits! I headed out this morning only to retreat due to the slippery conditions. It’s still cold, still muddy, and still dark in the mornings but it is, at least, now 2021. The legacy of last year means that making plans is hard but I’m determined to stay as productive as I can. I’ve added to the strength training by starting an online Pilates class. I used to attend this previously and now that it has become a virtual class I can, once again, participate. It’s fraught with danger though: balancing on one foot whilst watching a screen and trying to hide a pile of ironing will only end in disaster one of these days!The London Marathon is scheduled for October. My longest runs in December were 6 miles. By my reckoning, this should allow me to increase my distance by 2 miles each month, leading to a 22 mile run in September. I can’t believe that I just typed those words but that’s the reality. I will also be emailing Simon, the running coach I met with, to get some more professional guidance to build a specific programme. A lot of the process, I know, will be about mental strength. I’m certain all of us have our own disruptive inner critic. I imagine mine as a strange creature. I’m fortunate that normally it simply languishes on a shelf in a quiet corner of my brain, drawing lazy circles in the dust with its finger. However, after I have regulated my breathing and reassured myself that my heavy legs will not actually fall off, the creature springs into action making impertinent remarks and questioning my ability. I need techniques to banish it back to the shelf! My Christmas present from my lovely husband was a pair of headphones to wear when I’m running. I’m so excited to try them out. My plan is to listen to music, stories and podcasts to drown out my critic on the longer runs.I was feeling that it was time for a new virtual challenge too. I’ve got quite comfortable in my little routine and possibly things needed a shake – up. Luckily my crazy colleagues have included me in a virtual Everest climb they are doing. My mantra of “Well: what else will you be doing?” has served me well during the Lockdown wilderness, leading me to new adventures: knitting Christmas presents, recording choir tracks, answering calls for the British Red Cross National Support Helpline and, not least, learning about running a marathon! ................

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