Unexpected - PBISWorld

Before beginning the lesson, read a recent article from the news about a drunk driving that led to tragedy or other substance abuse story that led to tragedy.

• Show the drug free world videos one after another, without talking and discussion between. They are titled “The Truth About Drugs” and can be viewed on Youtube by clicking here or going to this web address: .

• Now, bring up the news article you first read and use this to compare to the videos. Tell students that the videos they watched are very accurate and realistic portrayals of what happens to people and their lives when they do all the different drugs. Use this comparison to show students the videos mirror what really goes on and can be trusted as a picture of the truth about drugs.

o Now make a T-chart. Put good on one side and bad on the other.

▪ Ask students what good things happened to the kids on the videos after they did drugs.

• Examples will be very few and may include:

o Got high

o Felt good

o Relieved stress

▪ Ask students what bad things happened to the kids on the videos after they did drugs.

• Examples will be endless and may include:

o Death

o Injury

o Trouble with police

o Jail

o Running from police

o Stealing

o Robbing

o Using guns to rob stores

o Hurting and losing friends, family, and others

o Ruining future

o Destroying health and brain

o Doing anything to get more money for drugs, including hurting and killing others, even family and friends

o Stealing from family and friends to get money

o Spending thousands on drugs

o Ruining reputation

o Doing crazy things you would never normally do

o Etc.

▪ Have students observe that the bad side is way, way larger then the good side.

▪ Ask students which side they would rather be on, the good or bad side. Let each student respond.

• After letting students respond and think on this, tell them it’s a trick question. They would not want to be on either side!

• Explain that if you chose the good side, then the bad comes with it. And if you chose the bad side, the good comes with it. You cannot only choose to get the good parts of doing drugs. It is not a choice! You get the bad with the good.

• Erase the title “bad” on the board as well as the line between the good and bad sides. Write the word bad next to good. Reemphasize that there is no line between the good and bad of doing drugs, that they come together.

• Now, ask students if a couple hours of feeling the few good things on the board is worth all the bad on the board.

• The obvious answer is no. This is the truth about drugs.


For pdf booklets on each specific drug, posters, pledges, DVD’s, and other free downloadable resources from , go to:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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