Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S)

Disability Support Programs and Services (DSP&S)

Rights and Responsibilities


1. My participation in DSPS shall be entirely voluntary.

2. Receiving academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction shall not preclude me from also participating in any other course, program or activity offered by the college.

3. All records and information maintained by DSPS personnel pertaining to me shall be protected from disclosure and shall be subject to all other requirements for handling of student records.

4. All college personnel are mandated reporters and are required to report any known or suspected child abuse or neglect to the Los Rios Police and/or other county officials.


1. When I receive academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction, I will:

? comply with CRC's student code of conduct and all other applicable statutes and regulations related to student conduct in the same manner as all CRC students;

? be responsible in my use of DSPS services and adhere to written service provision policies, or guidelines adopted by DSPS; and

? make measurable progress toward the goals developed for the course when enrolled in educational assistance classes as established in my Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP), or when I am enrolled in general college classes. I must meet academic standards established by the college, as applied to all students.

2. I agree that any audio recordings of lectures and digital copies of instructional materials will be for personal use only and I will not share, copy, or release the recordings, transcriptions, or files to any other person or entity;

3. I will make an effort to (a) request academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and services before the term begins; and (b) attend scheduled appointments with DSPS. If I need to reschedule or cancel my appointment, I will contact DSPS at least one business day in advance of the scheduled meeting day/time when possible. By not showing up for my appointments, I may delay my receipt of services.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 67312, 70901 and 84850, Education Code. Reference: Sections 67310-67312 and 84850, Education Code.

I understand the consequences of failing to comply with the rules of responsible use of DSPS services-which may lead to the suspension of services. I will be notified in writing before any action is taken to suspend services. I will have the opportunity to appeal the decision. To learn more visit under DSPS-Appeal of Suspension.

COSUMNES RIVER COLLEGE Disability Support Programs & Services

8401 Center Parkway, BS 104 - Sacramento, CA 95823

(916) 691-7275 crc.losrios.edu/dsps crc-dsps@crc.losrios.edu


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