How to recognize a cramp? - Abbott

Young or old, fat or fit, no one has been spared from muscle cramps. All of us, at some point or the other, have woken up in the middle of the night with sharp unbearable pain in our calf muscles. Cramps can affect any muscle at any time. Let's understand how we can keep these at bay.

What are muscle cramps?

When a muscle involuntarily contracts and is unable to relax, it is known as a muscle cramp. The inability of the muscle to loosen causes that sharp, stabbing pain you experience when you get a cramp.

How to recognize a cramp?

Typically, the affected area becomes tender and the muscle starts bulging. There is a noticeable swelling around the firm or thickened part of the muscle. Though the lump formed disappears within a short span of time, the pain can continue for a few days. Parts of the body commonly affected are--hands, feet, thighs, neck, calves, abdomen and chest. Depending on the location, there are several types of cramps each with their own cause.


? Side cramps` 1. As the name implies, this cramp strikes you on your side or even in the lower abdominal area. Also commonly known as a 'stitch', it is mainly caused due to 'shallow breathing' or not breathing deeply from the lower lung. You may experience slight pain near your ribcage before the cramp occurs. This works to alert you about your faulty breathing technique.` 2. When you are nervous or stressed, your breathing gets altered. This can cause side cramps.` 3. Lack of electrolytes like calcium, potassium and sodium in your body might also lead to cramps.

? Stomach cramps` 1. Shallow breathing techniques and a deficiency of electrolytes can cause stomach cramps.` 2. Consuming too much food or fluid very close to your running or exercise time can restrict your breathing.

? Leg cramps` 1. Drinking very little water can cause your calf muscles to tense and give you leg cramps.` 2. A build up of lactic acid can also cause leg cramps.


1. Drink plenty of water 2. Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in water content and will also provide the

required minerals. 3. After your workout, stretch your muscles well

4. If you are prone to getting cramps while you sleep [night cramps], then make sure the temperature of the room is not too cold or too hot. Keeping your calves covered can help overheating or overcooling of muscles.


1. If you experience a stitch, slow down your running to a walk and do lower lung breathing exercises.

2. Stomach cramps are caused by trapped air, so burping or passing wind are solutions.

3. If your legs start to cramp while running, then stop, rest for some time and rehydrate. Consuming a sports drink containing electrolytes, or fresh fruit juice or water with a pinch of salt will replenish lost minerals.

4. Relax the muscle by gently massaging the area with warm oil. You can also reduce the pain by applying a cream or gel to the area.

5. You can treat the affected body part with ice. Ice acts as a pain reliever and an antiinflammatory agent.

6. If you regularly suffer from cramps, keep a heat pad with you because using heat enhances blood circulation in the area and calms the muscle.

7. If you keep getting frequent cramps consult with your physician to rule out the exact cause for this.

Cramps are a sign from your muscles that they are in need of adequate rest, proper hydration or a good stretch. Give them all three and your muscle cramps will be history.


Complete Wellbeing. Cramps: That sudden, sharp pain: Vinay Chauhan http:// article/that-sudden-sharp-pain/. Accessed on 5th December, 2014. Web MD. How to stop runners' cramps: Kathleen Doheny fitness-exercise/features/how-to-stop-runners-cramps. Accessed on 5th December, 2014. Mayo Clinic. Muscle cramp: Mayo Clinic Staff . Accessed on 5th December, 2014. . Muscle cramps: Daniel Gornel and Rich Weil http:// muscle_cramps/article.htm. Accessed on 5th December, 2014.


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