Nutrition Meme - Weebly

Nutrition Meme

Your Task:

We’ve all seen meme floating around on the internet concerning different issues in society today. Memes are a new and unique way for people to get information across. For this assignment you are going to create a meme that deals with some aspect of nutrition.

Remember: memes have a funny picture with a catchy/funny phrase to accompany them.

You may use the following website to generate your meme:

(OR type meme generator into google and this website should appear)

Here are two examples:



Nutrition Meme Rubric

| |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Organization | | | | |

|All the required components are |All |Most |Some |Few |

|included. | | | | |

|(T) | | | | |

|/2 | | | | |

|Catch Phrase | | | | |

|Phrase relates to a component of |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|nutrition. | | | | |

|(K/A) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Phrase is catchy and appropriate for a |Very catchy and appropriate |Catchy |Catchy but not really |No phrase included |

|meme. | | |appropriate | |

|(C) | | | | |

|/4 | | | | |

|Picture | | | | |

|Picture is appropriate for a meme |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|(T) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Student used creativity in creating | | | | |

|their final meme. |Thorough |Considerable |Somewhat |Limited |

|(A/C) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Meme is attractive and professional. | | | | |

|(A/C) | | | | |

|/4 |Very |Attractive and Neat |Appealing but needs to be |Lacks visual interest |

| | | |neater | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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