Burgettstown Area School District

Using filters

Gmail's filters allow you to manage the flow of incoming messages. Using filters, you can automatically label, archive, delete, star, or forward your mail, even keep it out of Spam -- all based on a combination of keywords, sender, recipients, and more.

To create a filter: Go to Settings


Then select the FILTERS Tab


Now select create a new filter


No you can choose how to filter incoming email. So if you want every email from tech support to come to a certain label you can add techadmin in the from box. Then hit Next Step


Now you can choose from the list above. Choose Apply the label. And then choose NEW LABEL.

A text box will show up and give the label a name.

Once you have finished that hit create the filter.

Now your filter will show up on your mail list.[pic]

Choose a color for your label just to left of the labels name.

Now when you get an email that has a filter you will get a colorful box before the email


Lastly, If you delete a filtered email in the inbox it will delete from the labels box as well, To avoid this select the email and then select the move to drop down box. And you can move the email to the whichever label you choose.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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