Sketchbook Cover: Create cover on your sketchbook based on ...

|Neurographic Drawing: Look up Neurographic drawing and | |Draw a Pile of Shoes: Zoom in. Fill up the page. Extend| |Advertisement of Yourself: What would you like to say |

|then create your own neurographic drawing using colors | |the composition to all four sides of the paper. Do it | |about yourself? Use mixed media to create an |

|and media of your choice. |in pencil, ink, charcoal or other media. Can be line, | |advertisement of yourself. |

| | |tone, contour, crosshatching, etc. | | |

|Response to a word: Create a full color composition in| |Create a visual jounal with mixed media. (open media 2| | Dollar Bill: Take out a One Dollar Bill and examine it|

|RESPONSE to one of the following ideas: Falling, | |pages) See for | |closely. Blow up one section of the dollar bill and |

|Singing, Swimming, Hunting (this can be an abstract | |visual journal examples. Be sure to have a THEME of | |fill one sketchbook page with the design you see. Use |

|composition) Any Media | |your choice and strong FOCAL POINT. | |pencil, pen and ink |

|Sketchbook Cover: Design an interesting cover for your | |Playing Card- Create a design for a playing card set. | |Skeleton: look up images for a skeleton of a small |

|sketchbook. This can be realistic, abstracted, or | |Create the back of the card design OR a face card of | |animal or bird (small or big.) Recreate a skeleton |

|non-objective. Your choice of media. | |your choice. (be sure to fill the page) | |(part or whole) onto the page in any media. (list the |

| | | | |animal) |

|Cut Square Drawing: Draw/paint a well-developed | |Exquisite Corpse-- Draw the head of one creature, the | |Blind Contour: Choose an animal photo from online or |

|picture. Cut the picture into squares. Re-arrange and | |torso of a second, and the tail/feet of a third to | |National Geographic.  Try several blind contour line |

|paste the squares in your sketchbook to create a | |create a new fantasy creature. Include an environment.| |drawings. Choose one to enhance (add facial features |

|design. Use another medium to add to the drawing. Mixed| | | |etc.) and then add color to the background using color |

|Media | | | |pencils, watercolor pencils or markers.  |

|One-Point Perspective: Draw/design something using one | |Mixed Media Collage: Choose a newspaper story important| |Foreshortened Figure Drawing: Do a drawing of a figure |

|point perspective. Can be a contour drawing, tonal | |to you. Cut it out, use it as a background to put | |in a foreshortened position. (look up foreshortened |

|drawing, colored pencils, or watercolor) | |collaged images on top. Draw/paint additional images. | |figures for ideas) |

| | |Include words. Change the scale of things. Integrate | | |

| | |large and small shapes. | | |

|Luke Dixon inspired: Look up the artist Luke Dixon and | |Self Identity: Identify an object that relates to your | |Character Scribble outline: Using markers, color |

|create a portrait with line design and color, like he | |identity. Create an artwork that uses the image of | |pencils or watercolor pencils; make scribble lines. |

|creates with his figures and/or animal portraits. Ig: | |that object (or the actual object) as the single focus | |Search for your character and outline it with |

|@thebearhugco | |of the artwork. | |pen. (like searching for things in clouds.) You can |

| | | | |add facial features and other details if needed.  |

|Deb Weiers Art: Look up the artist, @debweiersart on | |Bicycle: use any media to create An EXTREME close-up | |Detail of a Portrait Photo Blown Up: Cut out a square |

|Instagram or search for Deb Weiers wonky faces. Then | |drawing of a bicycle/tricycle from an unusual angle. | |(1 ½” x 1 ½”) from a portrait photo and blow it up to |

|create a “wonky face” or creature in the style of Deb | |Don’t just draw the bicycle from the side! (fill the | |the largest square you can make in your sketchbook—9” x|

|Weiers. | |page…this can overlap the sides) | |9”. |

|Distortion: Choose an object, person or another thing | |Juxtaposition: Combine unlikely images. Exchange, | |Fragment an Object, Person or Thing: Split, fragment, |

|and distort it, repeat it, enlarge it. Your choice of | |overlap, or superimpose parts to create unusual | |invert, rotate, shatter, superimpose, and/or divide an |

|media. | |relationships and a new synthesis. Use color, mixed | |image and then reconstruct it to create a new synthesis|

| | |media. | |of parts. |

Assignment Due Dates:

#1   Jan. 13--

#2   Jan. 20--

#3   Feb . 3-

#4   Feb. 10--

#5   Feb. 24--

#6  Mar. 3 --

#7 Mar. 17--

#8  Mar. 24--

#9  Mar. 31--

#10  April 21--

#11  April 28--

#12  May 12-- --(bonus sketchbook)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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