Computer Graphics

|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |The term computer graphics is given by which of following equations |

|((OPTION_A)) |Computer Graphics = Data Structure + Algorithm |

|((OPTION_B)) |Computer Graphics = Data Structure + Languages |

|((OPTION_C)) |Computer Graphics = Data Structure + Algorithm + Languages |

|((OPTION_D)) |Computer Graphics = Data Structure |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |An application of computer vision is to create visual effect of |

|((OPTION_A)) |camera focusing |

|((OPTION_B)) |camera tracking |

|((OPTION_C)) |camera clicking |

|((OPTION_D)) |camera moving |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In computer graphics , a computer is used to create |

|((OPTION_A)) |Picture |

|((OPTION_B)) |Data Structure |

|((OPTION_C)) |Algorithm |

|((OPTION_D)) |To modify existing object |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Examples of Presentation Graphics is |

|((OPTION_A)) |Bar Charts |

|((OPTION_B)) |Line Graphs |

|((OPTION_C)) |CAD |

|((OPTION_D)) |Both A & B |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Which devices provides positional information to the graphics system ? |

|((OPTION_A)) |Input devices |

|((OPTION_B)) |Output devices |

|((OPTION_C)) |Pointing devices |

|((OPTION_D)) |Both A & C |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Resolution of 2x2 inch image that has 512x512 pixels |

|((OPTION_A)) |512x512 pixels per inch |

|((OPTION_B)) |512/2 pixels per inch |

|((OPTION_C)) |512 pixels per inch |

|((OPTION_D)) |None of above |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Width of an image having height of 5 inches and an aspect ratio 1.5 |

|((OPTION_A)) |7.5 inches |

|((OPTION_B)) |6 inches |

|((OPTION_C)) |5 inches |

|((OPTION_D)) |1.5 inches |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |What is the refresh rate of a 512x512 frame buffer , if access time for each pixel is 200 nanosecond(ns) |

|((OPTION_A)) |20 frames per second |

|((OPTION_B)) |12 frames per second |

|((OPTION_C)) |19 frames per second |

|((OPTION_D)) |15 frames per second |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |24 bit plane frame buffer i.e. 8 bit planes per color will generate |

|((OPTION_A)) |224 possible colours |

|((OPTION_B)) |212 possible colors |

|((OPTION_C)) |23 possible colors |

|((OPTION_D)) |28 possible colors |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |2 |

|((QUESTION)) |The amount of memory requires by a 1 plane frame buffer each of R, G and B of 800 x 600 screen resolution is |

|((OPTION_A)) |1440000 bits |

|((OPTION_B)) |1920000 bits |

|((OPTION_C)) |480000 bits |

|((OPTION_D)) |500000 bits |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In ______________ each character is displayed as a group of dots or pixels. |

|((OPTION_A)) |Text mode |

|((OPTION_B)) |Character mode |

|((OPTION_C)) |Graphics mode |

|((OPTION_D)) |All of above |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |2 |

|((QUESTION)) |How many bits are required for a 512 x 512 raster with each pixel being represented by 3 bits? |

|((OPTION_A)) |786431 bits |

|((OPTION_B)) |786432 bits |

|((OPTION_C)) |786433 bits |

|((OPTION_D)) |786344 bits |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |What is the rate of 1024 x 1024 frame buffer with an average access rate per pixel of 200 ns on a simple color|

| |display? |

|((OPTION_A)) |2 |

|((OPTION_B)) |3 |

|((OPTION_C)) |4 |

|((OPTION_D)) |1.6 |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |What is the access rate / pixel of a 4096 x 4096 raster having a refresh rate of 30 frames per seconds? |

|((OPTION_A)) |1 ns |

|((OPTION_B)) |2 ns |

|((OPTION_C)) |3 ns |

|((OPTION_D)) |4 ns |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |How many memory bits are required for a 24bit plane 1024 x 1024 element raster? |

|((OPTION_A)) |1048576 bits |

|((OPTION_B)) |24576 bits |

|((OPTION_C)) |1048575 bits |

|((OPTION_D)) |25165824 bits |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Pixel is the |

|((OPTION_A)) |Largest screen element which user can control |

|((OPTION_B)) |Smallest screen element which user can control |

|((OPTION_C)) |particular colour of the screen |

|((OPTION_D)) |one object on screen |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |______ refers to the number of dots on screen |

|((OPTION_A)) |pixel |

|((OPTION_B)) |Resolution |

|((OPTION_C)) |Aspect ratio |

|((OPTION_D)) |Frame buffer |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Frame buffer is part of the_________ which stores the image to be displayed on screen |

|((OPTION_A)) |main memory |

|((OPTION_B)) |ROM |

|((OPTION_C)) |External memory |

|((OPTION_D)) |Dynamic memory |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |To store black and white images ,black pixels are represented by________ in the frame buffer and white pixels |

| |by_______ |

|((OPTION_A)) |Zero and one |

|((OPTION_B)) |One and Zero |

|((OPTION_C)) |Both a & b |

|((OPTION_D)) |None |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In graphical system, the array of pixels in the picture are stored in |

|((OPTION_A)) |Memory |

|((OPTION_B)) |Frame buffer |

|((OPTION_C)) |Processor |

|((OPTION_D)) |All the above |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |The ____ simply reads each successive byte of data from the frame buffer ? |

|((OPTION_A)) |Digital Controller |

|((OPTION_B)) |Data Controller |

|((OPTION_C)) |Display controller |

|((OPTION_D)) |All of above |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |A 16*16array of black and white pixels could be represented by________ |

|((OPTION_A)) |64bytes |

|((OPTION_B)) |32bytes |

|((OPTION_C)) |128bytes |

|((OPTION_D)) |96bytes |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Aspect ratio means |

|((OPTION_A)) |Number of pixels |

|((OPTION_B)) |Ratio of vertical points to horizontal points |

|((OPTION_C)) |Ratio of horizontal points to vertical points |

|((OPTION_D)) |Both b and c |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Color depth can be defined by ________ which can be displayed on a display unit |

|((OPTION_A)) |Bits per pixel |

|((OPTION_B)) |Bytes per pixel |

|((OPTION_C)) |Megabyte per pixel |

|((OPTION_D)) |None of these |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is commonly called as |

|((OPTION_A)) |Pix map |

|((OPTION_B)) |Multi map |

|((OPTION_C)) |Bitmap |

|((OPTION_D)) |All the above |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In computer graphics, pictures or graphic objects are presented as a collection of discrete picture elements |

| |called _____ |

|((OPTION_A)) |dots |

|((OPTION_B)) |pixels |

|((OPTION_C)) |coordinates |

|((OPTION_D)) |points |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Pixel is also referred to as a ___ |

|((OPTION_A)) |point |

|((OPTION_B)) |do |

|((OPTION_C)) |pel |

|((OPTION_D)) |coordinate |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In raster scan display, the image is stored in the form of ____ in the refresh buffer. |

|((OPTION_A)) |1s |

|((OPTION_B)) |0s |

|((OPTION_C)) |1s and 0s |

|((OPTION_D)) |None |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |_____ is the smallest addressable screen element. |

|((OPTION_A)) |dot |

|((OPTION_B)) |spot |

|((OPTION_C)) |point |

|((OPTION_D)) |pixel |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |The selection of the pixel will depend on the____of the line |

|((OPTION_A)) |resolution |

|((OPTION_B)) |slope |

|((OPTION_C)) |length |

|((OPTION_D)) |breadth |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |A point (4.2,3.8) can be displayed on screen by pixel_ |

|((OPTION_A)) |(4,3) |

|((OPTION_B)) |(3,4) |

|((OPTION_C)) |(5,4) |

|((OPTION_D)) |(4,4) |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


| | |

|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Which method supports scaling of character? |

|((OPTION_A)) |Bitmap method |

|((OPTION_B)) |Stroke method |

|((OPTION_C)) |Starburst method |

|((OPTION_D)) |none of the above |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In UTF-8 Asian scripts are represented in |

|((OPTION_A)) |1 byte |

|((OPTION_B)) |either 1 or 2 bytes |

|((OPTION_C)) |3 bytes |

|((OPTION_D)) |4 bytes |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Which Unicode encoding is supported on UNIX platforms |

|((OPTION_A)) |UTF-8 |

|((OPTION_B)) |UTF-16 |

|((OPTION_C)) |UCS-2 |

|((OPTION_D)) |UTF-32 |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |___is not official Unicode standard |

|((OPTION_A)) |UCS 2 |

|((OPTION_B)) |UTF 8 |

|((OPTION_C)) |UTF 16 |

|((OPTION_D)) |UTF 32 |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Fixed width encoding supported by ___________ |

|((OPTION_A)) |UTF 32 |

|((OPTION_B)) |UTF 8 |

|((OPTION_C)) |UTF 16 |

|((OPTION_D)) |Both A and C |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |How many line segments used in Starbust Method |

|((OPTION_A)) |24 |

|((OPTION_B)) |12 |

|((OPTION_C)) |8 |

|((OPTION_D)) |14 |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Which method generates worst curve shape character |

|((OPTION_A)) |Bitmap method |

|((OPTION_B)) |Stroke method |

|((OPTION_C)) |Starburst method |

|((OPTION_D)) |All |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Which method generates smooth curve shape character |

|((OPTION_A)) |Bitmap method |

|((OPTION_B)) |Stroke method |

|((OPTION_C)) |Starburst method |

|((OPTION_D)) |All |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In stroke method small series of ______________are drawn like strokes of pen to form a character |

|((OPTION_A)) |Line segments |

|((OPTION_B)) |vectors |

|((OPTION_C)) |arcs |

|((OPTION_D)) |Pixels |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In UTF-16 Supplementary characters are represented in ________ Bytes |

|((OPTION_A)) |1 |

|((OPTION_B)) |2 |

|((OPTION_C)) |3 |

|((OPTION_D)) |4 |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Unicode Standard is a ………. encoding system |

|((OPTION_A)) |character |

|((OPTION_B)) |interger |

|((OPTION_C)) |data |

|((OPTION_D)) |real numbers |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |Stroke method supports scaling of the character by |

|((OPTION_A)) |Positioning the line segment |

|((OPTION_B)) |changing the length of the line segment. |

|((OPTION_C)) |rotating the line segment |

|((OPTION_D)) |does not supoort scaling |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In Bitmap method character is placed on the screen |

|((OPTION_A)) |By copying pixel values from character array into some portion of the screen’s frame buffer. |

|((OPTION_B)) |By copying 24-bit pattern values from character array into some portion of the screen’s frame buffer. |

|((OPTION_C)) |By copying lines from character array into some portion of the screen’s frame buffer. |

|((OPTION_D)) |All |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In starbust method to display character |

|((OPTION_A)) |Out of 12 line segments , segments required to display particular character are highlighted |

|((OPTION_B)) |Out of 24 line segments , segments required to display particular character are highlighted |

|((OPTION_C)) |Out of 12 X 12 line segments , segments required to display particular character are highlighted |

|((OPTION_D)) |Out of 24 X 24 line segments , segments required to display particular character are highlighted |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In midpoint line algorithm the decision parameter is given by ____Note:(Xp,Yp) is the point plotted on|

| |the line in kth step. |

|((OPTION_A)) |F(Xp +1,Yp+1/2) |

|((OPTION_B)) |F(Xp+1,Yp+1) |

|((OPTION_C)) |F(Xp+1/2,Yp+1/2) |

|((OPTION_D)) |F(Xp , Yp) |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In midpoint line algorithm if midpoint (M) of pixel A (pixel above in next step) and B (pixel below in next |

| |step)lies below true line then |

|((OPTION_A)) |Pixel neither A nor B is selected to display |

|((OPTION_B)) |Pixel B is selected to display |

|((OPTION_C)) |Pixel A is selected to display |

|((OPTION_D)) |Can not say |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In midpoint line algorithm if decision parameter (d) < 0 Which pixel is selected to display in the next |

| |step. |

| |NOTE: slope of line is between 0 to 1. |

|((OPTION_A)) |Pixel neither A nor B is selected to display |

|((OPTION_B)) |Pixel B is selected to display |

|((OPTION_C)) |Pixel A is selected to display |

|((OPTION_D)) |Can not say |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In parallel line drawing let given number of processors are np =4 . Width of the line Δx =16. What is |

| |the width of each partition? |

|((OPTION_A)) |4 |

|((OPTION_B)) |10 |

|((OPTION_C)) |15 |

|((OPTION_D)) |16 |


|(A/B/C/D) | |


|((MARKS)) (1/2/3...) |1 |

|((QUESTION)) |In parallel line drawing let given number of processors are np=4 (0 to np -1) .Lets us assume we have |

| |line with width 16 and width of each partitions is 4. what is the starting ‘x’ co-ordinate of the 1st |

| |partition? Note: left end coordinate of the line is (x0,y0) and the slope is 0 ................

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