
UNIT TITLE: Pixel ArtYEAR: 8TIME SCALE: One Term – 10 weeksAREAS THE UNIT COVERS: Art Craft DesignIndividual / Collaborative workVISUAL ELEMENTS COVERED IN UNIT:Line Tone Pattern Texture Shape Form Colour SpaceKEY WORDS/NEW VOCABPixel, hama beads, Grid, finger printMajor contributions to cross-curricular themes:Math/numeracy: measuring and counting cells on a gridLiterary: Annotations on work, analytical writing skills, writing of evaluations of work and, art and design key words learntSpeaking and Listening skills: Discussions about own, peers and other artists work.AIMS for the unit of work:GENERATING IDEASSkills of Designing & Developing IdeasMAKINGSkills of Making Art, Craft & DesignEVALUATINGSkills of Judgement & EvaluationKNOWLEDGEKnowledge of Process & ContentSkills - aims/expectations1) To be able to simplify imagery down to pixels2) To use grids to create pixel style artwork3) To develop an understanding of the artists Chuck Close’s work and use this to inspire their own work. 3) To Investigate and develop skills with a range of media and techniques such as colouring pencils, Hama beads and paint.4) To use the technical knowledge gained from looking at work of Chuck Close to inspire and inform the making of their own pixel style celebrity portrait.5) Using patterns and grids to create pixel style artwork.6) To analyse and evaluate the work of Chuck Close7) To review, think about and discuss their own artwork and the work of their peers.8) To be able to discuss refinements and areas for improvement in their work.9) To know what a pixel is.10) To be able identify levels of tone.Teaching and learning activities1) Using grids students will be able to simplify ideas down to grid style drawings.2) By using varying sizes of grids students will be able to create pixel style artwork.3) Introducing the work of Chuck Close to students and demonstrating to them how to create artwork in a similar style.3) A range of lessons where each media is demonstrated to the class and then students have the opportunity to use each media and technique to create pixel based artwork.4) Lessons will be taught on each artist and studies will be made of the artist’s work. This will help students to have an understanding of the methods and techniques needed to create similar work.5) These techniques will be demonstrated to the whole class in lesson time and students will be able to apply this to their final outcomes.6) A lesson will be spent analysing the work of Chuck Close - visually, written and verbally7) Opportunities will be provided in lessons for self, peer and class critiques of artwork. This may be verbal or written.8) During lessons and at plenaries time will be made for students to review and discuss the work created. 9) Through the lessons this term students will encounter the word Pixel and its definition and application. 10) Mixing different levels of tone using black and white paint will be demonstrated to the class. Students will create a finger painting using these tones.Assessment Criteria1) Students will be able to simplify complex images down to pixels2) Students abilities to utilise grids in their work3) Students will have an understanding of Chuck Close and be able to use this to inspire and improve their own outcomes.3) Students will be able to develop their making skills with various media and techniques whilst making their outcomes. 4) Students will be able to use investigations into other artists and designers to inform their own making skills.5) Patterns created and attention to the grid marks will be assessed in the celebrity chuck close style portrait.6) Links to Chuck close should be clear in students work.7) All students will know how to provided constructive feedback. 8) Students will be able to highlight areas for improvement on both their own work and their peers.9) Students will be able to explain the term Pixel.10) Students will have the knowledge of how to mix levels of tone in paint.Evidence for assessment from:Assessing what students create;ProcessOutcomeObserving - how well they workTalking - find out what they know.1) Using the outcomes created by students the teacher will be able to assess how well they have be able to simplify imagery.2) By viewing the grid work the teacher will be able to assess each students understanding of how this method of working is used.3) Evidence of students understanding will be assessed via discussions in class, artist investigation pages and through studying the outcomes students’ produce.3) Student’s ability to control each media and technique will be assessed, via the work created both in the sketchbook and out. The teacher will observe each student at work and undertake discussions with him or her to assess their understanding.4) Final artwork created by each student will be assessed, looking for links to the methods and techniques used by Chuck Close.5) Use of pattern and an ability to use a grid will be assessed in the celebrity chuck close style portrait.6) Evidence will be provided in the celebrity chuck close style portrait, through discussions and in sketchbook work.7) Evidence will be provided in verbal discussion with students and via notes provided in sketchbooks.8) By listening to student feedback in lesson and plenaries the teacher will gather evidence of students noting refinements and improvements. Feedback may also be given via notes. 9) By having discussion with students it will become clear if students have understood the term.10) Evidence of application will be provided in the students celebrity chuck close style portrait.By the end of the unit All students will:Be able to draw out a face using grid paperAdd colour using colouring pencils to a gridded face drawingHave used Hama beads to create a portraitBe able to draw a full length portrait of themselves using a gridKnow what weaving is and will have experimented with this technique/processKnow simple information about the work of Chuck Close Know what tone isMost students will:Be able to apply colour using colouring pencils to the inside of the grid squaresHave created a Hama bead portrait that links closely to their designBe able to draw a gridded full length portrait of themselves that has complex shapes and patterns in itBe able to perform a simple weave using paper stripsBe able to describe the work of Chuck Close in some detailBe able to mix various tones using paintSome students will:Have worked on a bigger grid when developing their face drawingHave developed a rounded face drawing using the square gridBe able to independently work on creating their Hama bead portraitBe able to draw a gridded full length portrait of themselves that also includes an objectBe able to use various weaving methods with skill and show a good level of accuracy in their workBe able to discuss the mood, feelings and emotions shown in Chuck Close’s artworkBe able to apply tonal areas to their work effectively matching these to their source material.Dedicated Improvement Reflection TimeDuring the term opportunities should be identified for DIRT. This may take the form of students responding to teacher comments on class work and homework, students responding to peer comments or students responding to areas they have personally identified as needing refinement or improvement.DIRT could take place as a starter activity, a whole lesson, a homework task or as plenary activity (see the DIRT presentation in the Creative Arts Handbook for more information on this).LESSON OVERVIEWSLessonObjectives OutlineWhat pupils will produceAssessment (FOR and OF)LSA / SEND / IEP functionsLesson 1Pixel PortraitToday I am: using a square grid to draw a pixel portraitSo that I can: learn to simplify a complex image to just pixelsI know I’ve got it when: I have used my 8x8 grid to draw self-portrait.STARTERDiscuss the theme for this term and take questions from the class – also question them on prior learning.What is a pixel?MAINTeacher to demonstrate filling the 8x8 square grid and how to simplify key features down. Using the grid students complete a self-portrait, colour should be added to the design. Hama beads will be on hand for students to view the colour selection available.Lower ability – simpler methods for making eyes and nose etc usedG&T/Higher Ability – more complex pixel style used for features Extension Work - create portraits of friends or familyPLENERYSTUDENTS- self critique via two stars and a wish methodSuccess criteria from the lesson is shown on board TEACHER – led discussion of critiqueSET HWPixel Character - using square grid paper draw a pixel style character from one of your favourite TV shows or movies and remember to use colour.8x8 grid pixel portraits created.Some may have also drawn out family/friends in this style.Colour will be added via colouring pencils.Assessment FOR learningAnswers during starterQuestioning during demoOne to one discussionsQuestioning during mini plenaryAssessment OF learningFeatures includedSimilarity to ownerCareful application of colourLSA to write down key vocab (Pixel) in the vocab book of any students who have them. Re-cap the task with CT and you may have to produce mini examples to show her.May need help to draw features.Get SP to repeat the task back to you so you know the level of understanding.Encourage neat colour application by all students. LessonObjectives OutlineWhat pupils will produceAssessment (FOR and OF)LSA / SEND / IEP functionsLesson 2Full pixel portrait – using gridToday I am: drawing a full body portrait using a grid styleSo that I can: use a grid to create a pixel style portraitI know I’ve got it when: my pixel portrait resembles meSTARTERGet students to consider how they would create different body styles/ clothing etc using a gridMAINDemo how to set out the work on the bigger grid and using the resource images to aid ideas. Students create a full length version of themselves using rectangle grid paper.Lower ability – image reference sheets G&T/Higher Ability – more complex designs expected – objects could be included toPLENERYSTUDENTS – review each others work via success criteria on boardTEACHER – get feedback from around the roomSET HWPixel Food - using square grid paper draw a pixel style food item, make sure you add colour.A full length portrait using a rectangle grid – each cell is to be coloured643615150487Assessment FOR learningQuestioning during starterQuestioning during demoQuestioning during discussionOne to one / group discussions on artists workAssessment OF learningKey features includedColour carefully appliedResemblance to studentLSA to write down key vocab (Portrait) in the vocab book of any students who have them. Re-cap the task with CT and refer to the image sheet for ideas. Get SP to repeat the task back to you so you know the level of understanding.Encourage all students to keep inside the grid lines.LessonObjectives OutlineWhat pupils will produceAssessment (FOR and OF)LSA / SEND / IEP functionsLesson 3Hama Bead portraitToday I am: using Hama beads to create a portrait of myselfSo that I can: practice using this mediaI know I’ve got it when: my Hama bead piece resembles my plan from last weekSTARTER – teacher ledDemonstrate how to use the Hama bead board to recreate portraits from last few weeks lessons.MAINSelect beads that match their drawing either of of the last two weeks. Using the boards assemble beads – following plan in books carefully.Demonstrate how to apply the heat to fix the beads together – health and safety issues explained to whole class. Complete portrait and fix using the iron.Extension work - work on DIRT tasks from the last two weeks marking.Lower ability – less complex design to be followed G&T/Higher Ability – the more complex design to be followed PLENERYTEACHER – led discussion of whole class group critiqueSuccess criteria from the lesson will be on the board to refer to SET HWPixel Paper Mosaic - Create a pixel image of your choice using squares of coloured paper from magazines.A Hama bead portrait – Assessment FOR learningQuestioning during demoOne to one discussions on technique knowledge.Assessment OF learningAccurate line drawingsVarying tones used with charcoalMay need help to pick up individual beads and place on board, esp. CT and KH.Get SP to repeat the task back to you so you know the level of understandingWatch all students around the iron – H&SLessonObjectives OutlineWhat pupils will produceAssessment (FOR and OF)Lesson 4 Portrait Weaving Today I am: using the weaving technique to create a piece of workSo that I can: practice my weaving skilssI know I’ve got it when: my work features a face and various other papers. STARTER – teacher ledDemonstrate how to complete a basic weave using two colours of paper.MAINUsing various pieces of paper, such as magazines and coloured paper students create a woven piece that features squares/pixels.Extension work – create a more complex woven piece using advanced methods.Lower ability – basic woven method used to create piece G&T/Higher Ability – could start with a more complex method/ technique of weaving. PLENERYKey points to remember when weaving discussedSET HWGather images of Chuck Close’s work ready to use in the next lesson.A woven piece that features imagery and colour using squares. Assessment FOR learningQuestioning during demoOne to one discussions on technique knowledge.Assessment OF learningTight weave used Creative combinations of paper Help students to cut up even strips of paper.KH and CT may need assistance in lifting the paper to weave and pushing it to make it tight.During plenary assist CT with noting down her thoughts ready to share with the class. LessonObjectives OutlineWhat pupils will produceAssessment (FOR and OF)LSA / SEND / IEP functionsLesson 5 and 6Artist Investigation: Chuck Close Today I am: investigating the work of Chuck CloseSo that I can: understand the way he creates his artwork So that I can: know how to set out an artist investigation page I know I’ve got it when: I am able to discuss Chuck Close’s work confidently.STARTERShow clip on Chuck CloseView artists work and analyse in mini groups – feedback to whole classMAINDemonstrate how to set out an artist investigation page:TitleImageAnalysisStudy using colouring pencilsStudents add a title in the style of the artists workStudents stick down image by artist and analyse the work.Lower ability – sentence starters on handG&T/Higher Ability – Must attempt the higher questions. Detailed sentences expected and technical language to be used.PLENERYUsing the given success criteria students must peer analyse the workSET HWComplete the work highlighted by the peer assessment plenary task. An artist investigation page on the artist Chuck CloseIt must contain the following items:TitleImageAnalysisStudyAssessment FOR learningStarter Questioning during demoOne to one / group discussions on artists workAssessment OF learningUnderstanding of artists workPresentation of pageLSA to write down analysis in any students vocab book.Help with spellings and sentence structures during evaluation.Encourage the more able write in sentences rather than bullet points or short answers.Make sure students have a copy of the writing frame and sentence starters.Get SP to repeat the task back to you so you know the level of understanding.LessonObjectives OutlineWhat pupils will produceAssessment (FOR and OF)Lesson 7, 8, 9 and 10Cluck Close finger paintingI am: making a portrait of a celebrity in the style of Chuck Close’s finger painting styleSo that I can: gain an understanding of working with tone I know I’ve got it when: my portrait shows clear links to Chuck Close’s work and looks like the original image. STARTER – teacher led:Discuss Close’s finger print images as a whole class.Starters once work has begun should involve peer discussions on work and reviewing the success criteria.MAINFollowing various demonstrations from the teacher the students create a tonal finger painting linking to the work of Chuck Close. Lower ability – simpler imagery to be usedG&T/Higher Ability – more finger prints to be used and more tones to be applied to the work. PLENERYGroup critique led by teacher – reflecting on success criteria on the board – post it notes provided for work on next lesson. SET HWArtist Investigation - Research the artist Karina Dehtyar () Dot Portrait - produce a portrait using dots, in the style of Nathan ManireComputer Pixel Art - go to and click on the ‘draw’ button. Draw anything you like, save the work and stick a copy in your sketchbook.Evaluate the terms work.A Cluck Close style finger print portrait – Assessment FOR learningQuestioning during demosOne to one / group discussions on techniqueAssessment OF learningUse to toneLevel of detail appliedAccuracy of the workSupport students who need it with arranging their papers rand gathering the correct amount of paint ready for finger printing.Watch students carefully when they are working to ensure the paint goes only on their work and not on others – i.e. silliness.When clean up time happens help KH take paint to the sink and supervise the students around the sink area. ................

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