Access Assignment

Create a new database called Inventory – your own name.

Create two tables within the database – Products and Suppliers and then enter the following data.


Make Product ID the primary key and set up each field with the appropriate data type and size.



Make Supplier ID the primary key and set up each field with the appropriate data type and size.


Create a form from the Products table and name it Products. Include all the fields from the Products table in the form.

Create a report from the Suppliers table and name it Suppliers and Regions. Include the Supplier Name and the Region in the report. Do not include the Supplier ID. Use Landscape Orientation for the report.

Create the following queries

• Display the Product Name and Category for all the records in the Products table. Save the query and name it Names and Categories.

• Display the Product Name and Category for all records in the Products table with a Unit Price greater than $100.00. Save the query and name it Large Price.

• Display the Product Name, Category, Units In Stock, and Unit Price for all records in the Product table where the Product Name includes the word “Carving”. Use a wildcard, not an OR condition. Save the query and name it Carving Products.

• Display the Product Name and Category for all records in the Products table with a Supplier ID of 20 and the Units In Stock less than 15. Save the query and name it Low Stock.

• Display the Product Name and Category for all records in the Products table with a Category of Art or a Supplier ID of 20. Sort the records in descending order by Product Name. Save the query and name it Art and North America.

• Join the Products table and the Suppliers table. Display the Product Name, Category and Supplier ID from the Products table and the Supplier Name and Region from the Supplier table. Sort the records in ascending order by Region, and within Region, by Product Name. Save the query and name it Products and Suppliers.

• Display the Product Name, Category, Units In Stock, Unit Price, and Extended Price for all records in the Products table. Calculate the extended price (Units In Stock * Unit Price). Save the query and name it Extended Price.

• Create a query based on the Products table to display the minimum, maximum, and average Unit Price of each Category field as shown below. Save the query and name it Category Stats.


Before you submit this assignment, make sure that your database (Inventory – your own name) contains the two tables – Products and Suppliers, the form – Products, the report – Suppliers and Regions, and the eight queries – Names and Categories, Large Price, Carving Products, Low Stock, Art and North America, Products and Suppliers, Extended Price, and Category Stats.

• consists of a discussion regarding collecting information about people in medical databases.

Part A

1. Visit the web site of an online medical database, for example Web MD. There are many others.

2. Navigate through the different areas of the web site and locate and read the site's privacy policy.

3. Write an essay answering the following question - "What are the advantages and disadvantages of increased access to medical records?" Base your essay on what you learned from the web site, what you learned about databases in this course, and your own personal experience.

4. Post the url you visited and your essay to the Database Issues CLASS forum.

Part B

5. Read the essays posted by others and respond to at least two by asking a question. (Choose classmates that have not already been asked questions by someone else, if any.) Your questions should be one of these three types:

• Clarification question - This kind of question helps the writer by asking him to clarify points that you think could be more fully explained. An example of clarification questions is, "You stated that personal information belongs to the individual. Can you explain what kinds of information you consider personal?"

• Hypothetical question - This kind of question helps the writer by asking her to test her argument by applying it to a situation that you specify. An example of a hypothetical question is, "Suppose somebody becomes gravely ill while traveling in a foreign country, and the doctors need immediate access to his medical history to save him. Would your proposal for information security allow the doctors to access his records?"

• Evidence question - When a writer states something as fact rather than personal opinion, his argument is stronger if he cites evidence that the fact is true. Facts can be evidenced, in approximate order of strongest evidence to weakest, (1) by citing trustworthy data, (2) by citing the opinions of experts, (3) by citing repeatable personal experience, or (4) by citing common opinion. This kind of question helps the writer by asking for evidence if he states something as fact but doesn't cite evidence. An example of an evidence question is, "Can you cite evidence that the security breaches at hospitals led to thousands of cases of insurance fraud in the past two years?"

1. Discussion is an exchange not a lecture. Do not post your comments and then disappear. Participate regularly and solicit feedback from your peers


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