“The Sniper” Suspense Paragraph

Suspense Paragraph #2 Due: ________________________________What is suspense? How does an author create it in a story? Using these questions, analyze how Shirley Jackson, the author of “The Possibility of Evil,” or Guy de Maupassant, the author of “The Necklace” uses irony to create suspense in the story. This paragraph will eventually become the second body paragraph of your Short Story Unit Essay, so make sure that you take the time to make it perfect.Your paragraph must be a minimum of 7-10 sentences and include the following:_____/5 Topic Sentence stating name of story, author, and a general idea about how the author uses irony to create suspense _____/3 1 sentence briefly summarizing the plot, without giving away the ending _____/ 3 3 examples of irony from the story that are well-developed (at least sentence per example)_____/ 3 Each example is immediately followed by explanation of how the example creates suspense. ______/2 A brief quotation from the story that helps to show one of your examples of conflict. The quote is introduced, explained, and properly cited._____/ 3 Concluding Sentence summarizing the paragraph _____/ 1 Written in Ink or Typed – please double space! _____/20 TotalSuspense Paragraph #2 Due: ________________________________What is suspense? How does an author create it in a story? Using these questions, analyze how Shirley Jackson, the author of “The Possibility of Evil,” or Guy de Maupassant, the author of “The Necklace” uses irony to create suspense in the story. This paragraph will eventually become the second body paragraph of your Short Story Unit Essay, so make sure that you take the time to make it perfect.Your paragraph must be a minimum of 7-10 sentences and include the following:_____/5 Topic Sentence stating name of story, author, and a general idea about how the author uses irony to create suspense _____/3 1 sentence briefly summarizing the plot, without giving away the ending _____/ 3 3 examples of irony from the story that are well-developed (at least sentence per example)_____/ 3 Each example is immediately followed by explanation of how the example creates suspense. ______/2 A brief quotation from the story that helps to show one of your examples of conflict. The quote is introduced, explained, and properly cited._____/ 3 Concluding Sentence summarizing the paragraph _____/ 1 Written in Ink or Typed – please double space! _____/20 TotalMy Examples of Irony that Create Suspense in “The Possibility of Evil” or “The Necklace”Write down the examples of suspense and the quotation you will use in your paragraph on this sheet. Having them here will mean that you do not have to take a copy of the story home. Suspense Quotation from the Story: Page # ______________Relates to Suspense Example # ______(Your quotation MUST help you show one of your suspense examples. You will place your quotation in your paragraph near the example it is related to.)Suspense Example #1: Explain in your own words the first suspenseful moment in the story.Suspense Example #2: Explain in your own words another suspenseful moment in the story. Suspense Example #3: Explain in your own words a third suspenseful moment in the story.NOW, PUT THESE EXAMPLES INTO A PERFECT PARAGRAPH! My Examples of Irony that Create Suspense in “The Possibility of Evil” or “The Necklace”Write down the examples of suspense and the quotation you will use in your paragraph on this sheet. Having them here will mean that you do not have to take a copy of the story home. Suspense Quotation from the Story: Page # ______________Relates to Suspense Example # ______(Your quotation MUST help you show one of your suspense examples. You will place your quotation in your paragraph near the example it is related to.)Suspense Example #1: Explain in your own words the first suspenseful moment in the story.Suspense Example #2: Explain in your own words another suspenseful moment in the story. Suspense Example #3: Explain in your own words a third suspenseful moment in the story.NOW, PUT THESE EXAMPLES INTO A PERFECT PARAGRAPH! ................

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