World War II Research Project - Login

The Second World War

Internet Research project

DUE DATE: Tuesday, 11/24

What is due?

← 2 Website Review Worksheets

← 1 Research Organizer

← Works Cited Slide & MLA format citations

← Electronic Version of PowerPoint Presentation to Miss Clark

o (either on flash drive, cd, or drop in X drive)

← Printout of slides (3 per page)

← Prepared Notes on how you will elaborate on each slide.

World War II

Internet Research Project

Background: The failure of the western democracies to stop the rise of aggressive dictators after the First World War led to the Second World War. The Second World War was a worldwide conflict fought from 1939 until 1945 between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. World War II resulted in the deaths of over sixty million people.

Task: Create a PowerPoint Presentation to present your research on a topic from WWII.


1) FIND RELIABLE WEBSITES!!!Use the internet to research your topic. Complete 2 Website Review Forms

✓ Use a minimum of 2 RELIABLE internet sources.

✓ Wikipedia is not a reliable website because you cannot verify the credentials of the author of the article.

2) RECORD YOUR RESEARCH!!! Record your research on the research organizer. Make sure you address the following areas:

✓ Historical Background:

o What conditions and events happened before your topic that influenced your topic?

✓ Historical Detail:

o Research the details of your topic?

o What happened?

o How do we know? What evidence do we have?

✓ Analysis:

o Analyze the different issues and opinions your topic.

o Look at your topic from a variety of perspectives.

✓ Historical Impact & Significance:

o What was the impact of your event on history?

o Analyze the historical significance of your event? What lessons can be learned from your event?

3) CREATE A PowerPoint Presentation to present your research.

a. 10 Slide minimum

b. Remember, this presentation is for your audience to SEE, not for you to read from. Prepare to elaborate on each slide by preparing notes that you will use to add to each slide.

c. Keep your words large enough---at least size 24.

d. Limit the number of words you put on a page (no more than 50)

e. Avoid paragraphs and complete sentences

f. Use bullet points

i. Use succinct phrases instead of sentences

ii. Limit each slide to 6 bullet points

iii. Each bullet has eight words or less

iv. Each bullet begins with a capital letter

g. Prepare notes

i. at least 2 additional facts, points, or details to add for each slide

h. Cite your sources using MLA format

i. Use this link for MLA format:

ii. Link information (such as a book citation or a URL) to the text of your presentation by a number (such as [1.]), making sure the symbol or number match the citation in the works cited.

iii. Create a works cited slide as the last slide of your presentation. Include a list of the sources for your presentation. Link the citation information to your body text via numbers ([1.]). Use MLA format to cite sources.

4) Give an effective PowerPoint Presentation

a. Make eye contact

b. Speak, don’t read, to your audience

c. Elaborate on slides

d. Explain concepts SLOWLY & CLEARLY

e. Explain images


A. The Rise and Reign of Dictatorships: How did dictatorships rise to power in the 1930s? Once in power, how did they rule?

Benito Mussolini & Fascism

Adolf Hitler & The Rise of the Nazi Party

Josef Stalin & Life in Soviet Russia

Japanese Imperialism & the Co-Prosperity Sphere

B. Warfare During WWII:

Blitzkrieg & Germany Conquers Europe

Advances in Technology During WWII

The Battle of Britain and The London Blitz

Operation Barbarossa & The Invasion of the Soviet Union

The Pearl Harbor Attack & The End of American Isolationism

The War in the Pacific (Island-Hopping, Okinawa, Iwo Jima)

D-Day (The Allied Invasion of Normandy)

C. Controversy in War:

The Internment of Japanese Americans in the United States

The Allied Bombing of Dresden

Japan’s Treatment of Enemy Soldiers (Bataan Death March)

The Decision to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima & Nagasaki

D. The Holocaust:

Anti-Semitism & Propaganda in Nazi Germany

Dr. Josef Mengele & Nazi Medical Experiments

Jewish Resistance & The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Did the U.S. do enough to help the Jews?

Hitler’s Final Solution: Why did he almost succeed?

The Nuremberg Trials: Was Justice Served?

PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

|Rubric |Exemplary |Proficient |Developing |Deficient |

| |A |B |C |D-F |

|Research |Includes most information |Includes most information |Missing some important |Missing important |

| |from textbook, and extensive|from textbook, and some |information. |information |

| |outside research |outside research. | | |

|Citation |Perfect MLA citation |1-3 errors |4-6 errors |More than 6 errors |

|PowerPoint Design |Follows PPT guidelines. |Follows PPT guidelines. |Some errors related to PPT |Many errors related to PPT |

| |Highly effective use of | |guidelines. |guidelines. |

| |relevant and informative | | | |

| |images. | | | |

|Presentation |Consistent eye contact, |Frequent eye contact, some |Some eye contact, little |Slides not clearly explained|

| |detailed elaboration on |elaboration on slides, clear|elaboration on slides. | |

| |slides, persuasive and |delivery. | | |

| |enthusiastic delivery | | | |


Nazi Party Rally 1934



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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