A Step-By-Step Approach to Creating a Digital Story from ...


Welcome! The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate and learn how to create a digital story. Photo Story 3, a free software tool for creating digital stories, is utilized. This handout and the following website: digitalstory. will serve as the guides for our exploration into and our creation of digital stories.

|Conceptual Framework: |A Step by Step Approach to Create a Digital Story |

|Digital storytelling is grounded in creativity. It is a new |Background: Remember a digital story is powerful and elegant because it is|

|literacy which blends images, text, first-person narration, |simple and short. Keep it under three minutes. Here’s how: |

|and music. Being a digital storyteller gives one an |Step 1 – Pick a topic for your story. Keep it simple. Create a folder on |

|opportunity to author and shape media. This creative process |your desktop to store the media. |

|gives powerful representation to one’s voice; a process which |Step 2 – Select ten to fifteen images to fit your story topic. Images are |

|Zhao (2008) suggests represents the knowledge that has the |created with a digital camera or saved from flickr. Download and save |

|most worth. Thus, a key question for educators is: In what |all images to your desktop folder. |

|ways can digital storytelling be utilized in order to unleash |Step 3 – Begin new project in Photo Story 3. Import images from your |

|the creativity of learners? |folder. Create a storyboard. |

|Digital Storytelling Software: |Step 4 – Begin drafting your story. Think about your storyboard. Decide on|

|PC users – Photo Story 3 is a user friendly tool for creating |the purpose and point of view of your digital story. Write a script. |

|digital stories. See link: |Step 5 – Use computer microphone (USB mic) to record the narration of |

| script. |

|otostory/default.mspx |Step 6 – Score digital story with music. Select music from your library or|

|Mac users – iMovie can also be used create digital stories. |create music on Photo Story 3. |

|See link: |Step 7 – Finalize story as a Windows Media Video (.wmv) and share with |

| |friends. Congratulations on your digital story creation! |

|Reference: | |

|Zhao, Y. (2008). What knowledge has the most worth? The School| |

|Administrator. Retrieve from | |

| |

|r=9737. | |


Storytelling in the Digital Age: Creativity for the Classroom

A workshop by Erik Byker



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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