Hangman Game (Wheel of Fortune) techniques

Hangman Game (Wheel of Fortune) techniques


The font used is Courier New, so it is easy to see that the words are all the same length in columns A through E.

Here is what the GUI looks like before executing the Show Word code, but after doing New Word (which is also done during the UserForm_Initialize() event. Notice that the user can see how many letters the random length secret word is.



How would you make an option to just do words of one specific word length? So the user could play with either 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, or 8 letter words only? Your option should allow the user to switch back to random word length too, of course.

How would you create a count of the words in the entire database of words, so that you would know when all the words had been seen already? What loop will have an infinite loop logic error, if we do NOT keep track and watch for when all the words have been seen? What button should be disabled when all the words have been seen?

How would you check to see if all of the n letter length words had already been seen? For example, suppose we offer the user the opportunity to play using 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 character lonwords, instead of random length words. What if they choose 7, and all of the 7 letter words have been played (previously seen) already? How would you check for that?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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