Financial Freedom 101

Financial Freedom 101

3-Day Online Event

with Penelope Jane Smith Your Local Date & Time: __________________________________ __________________________________

Action Steps

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Participation Guidelines

? Video On

Please have your web cam ON so you can fully participate in the event, and turn it off if you need to step away for a moment.

? Microphone Off

To preserve the sound quality of the event, please keep your microphone OFF unless it's your turn to share.

? Engage & Connect

During our live sessions, the best place to engage and connect is through the Chat feature on Zoom. Between sessions, the best place is in our pop-up Facebook Group.

? Facebook Group

We've created temporary Facebook Group for you to connect and network with other amazing entrepreneurs. You can also comment on the specific Challenge posts throughout the event to win prizes! Search on Facebook for "Financial Freedom 101" and look for your event date.




What's your intention for this event? What do you most want to get out of it?

"Although we may not mentally know the specific details of our own path, and in fact, may actually feel confused, Intention is still able to sort, direct, and guide us in ways far beyond our mental capacities. This is possible because Intention is an activity of our Being, not our minds. As an activity of Being, it has access to all of the most expanded states of Knowing available through Self. When Intention is added to any activity, the potential for achieving the desired outcome is exponentially enhanced." - Jo Dunning



Guidelines for Living in Prosperity

1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________


The Financial Freedom Formula


> __________




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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