Social Studies Rigor Cheat Sheet

Planning to Reach Higher-Order Critical Thinking Skills in Social Studies:

The Social Studies Rigor Cheat Sheet

|Bloom’s Level |Verbs |Aligned Objectives |Aligned Assessment Items |Notes |

|I. Knowledge |List |1. SWBAT identify the economic |All of the following were factors that led to the Great Depression EXCEPT |This is at the Knowledge level of Bloom’s because it |

| |match |conditions that led to the |A. low-quality manufactured goods |requires students: |

|Recall or recognize |tell |Great Depression. |B. agricultural overproduction |recall the factors leading to the Great Depression. |

|information, usually in |label | |C. an overextension of credit | |

|the same way it was |name |(HS US History) |D. a runaway consumer buying spree | |

|learned. |locate | | | |

| |memorize | | | |

| |repeat | | | |

| | |2. SWBAT define federalism. |What is federalism? |This is at the Knowledge level of Bloom’s because it |

| | | |A. a form of government with elected representatives |requires students: |

| | |(HS Government) |B. a division of power between the national and state governments |memorize a definition of federalism |

| | | |C. a belief in the idea of national sovereignty | |

| | | |D. a form of government in which elected officials make all economic decisions | |

| | |3. SWBAT identify the major |During George Washington’s presidency, what was the major reason for conflict |This is at the Knowledge level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |domestic issues and conflicts |between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton? |requires students: |

| | |experienced by the United States |A. Washington’s decision not to seek a third term |memorize and recall the major conflicts between Thomas |

| | |during the Federalist Period. |B. the distribution of power between the judicial branch and the legislative |Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton |

| | | |branch | |

| | |(HS Government/US History) |C. the U.S. government’s decision to remain neutral in the war between France | |

| | | |and Britain | |

| | | |D. Hamilton’s objection to Jefferson’s strict interpretation of the | |

| | | |Constitution | |

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|II. Comprehension |Describe explain |1. SWBAT describe the |The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was criticized because it |This is at the Comprehension level of Bloom’s because |

| |summarize |liberal and conservative aspects |A. lacked government control |it requires students: |

|Understanding the meaning|restate identify |of the New Deal. |B. produced electricity inefficiently |identify the TVA as a liberal aspect of the New Deal |

|of information/ Translate|translate | |C. followed unsuccessful European plans too closely |describe characteristics of the TVA |

|or interpret prior | |(HS US History) |D. aroused fears of creeping socialism | |

|learning. | | | | |

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| | |SWBAT describe the effects of |How did U.S. participation in World War I impact U.S. foreign policy in the |This is at the Comprehension level of Bloom’s because |

| | |World War I on United States’ |decade right after the war? |it requires students: |

| | |foreign policy. |A. The United States became isolationist in its diplomatic and political |describe the impact of World War I on the United States|

| | | |relations. | |

| | |(HS US History) |B. The United States used the military to acquire new territories. | |

| | | |C. The United States joined the League of Nations. | |

| | | |D. The United States strengthened its alliances in Latin America. | |

| | |3. SWBAT describe the impact of |A major impact of the Columbian exchange on |This is at the Comprehension level of Bloom’s because |

| | |the Columbian exchange on the |western Europe was the introduction of: |it requires students: |

| | |cultures of American Indians, |A. Christianity that led to the rise of the Catholic Church |describe the impacts/affects of the Columbian Exchange |

| | |Europeans, and Africans. |B. new food crops that improved the European diet | |

| | | |C. new military technology that weakened local rulers | |

| | |(MS US History) |D. diseases that drastically reduced the population of Europe | |

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|III. Application |Solve |1. SWBAT explain how the concept |Which is an example of the concept of Manifest Destiny in action? |This is at the Application level of Bloom’s because it |

| |classify demonstrate|of Manifest Destiny led to |A. the Missouri Compromise |requires students: |

|Independently apply the |dramatize manipulate|territorial expansion and the |B. the annexation of Mexican Territory |define of Manifest Destiny |

|knowledge or skills | |admission of new states to the |C. the Transatlantic Slave Trade |describe the Missouri Compromise, annexation of Mexican|

|learned. | |United States. |D. the Compromise of 1850 |Territory, Transatlantic Slave Trade, and the |

| | | | |Compromise of 1850 |

| | |(HS US History) | |apply the definition of Manifest Destiny to each of the|

| | | | |answer choices and using the “criteria” of Manifest |

| | | | |Destiny, determine which choice is an example of |

| | | | |Manifest Destiny |

| | |2. SWBAT explain the |What is the best Social-Darwinist defense for U.S. imperialism? |This is at the Application level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |justifications the United States |A. Robber Barons deserved new markets to sell their goods and expand their |requires students: |

| | |had for increasing its |businesses. |know a definition and description of Social-Darwinism |

| | |participation in world affairs |B. The United States needed to compete with European nations to prove that the |and imperialism |

| | |(imperialism) in the early 20th |United States was superior. |describe the relationship between Social-Darwinism and |

| | |century by examining primary |C. Superior nations had an obligation to govern less-advanced nations. |imperialism |

| | |documents. |D. The United States needed to test its military strength to make any necessary|apply their knowledge of Social-Darwinism and |

| | | |improvements. |imperialism to the answer choices to determine which is|

| | |(HS US History) | |the best answer |

| | |3. SWBAT determine what the |Which type of cost occurs when an individual pays for a piano lesson instead of|This is at the Application level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |tradeoffs and opportunity costs |going to a movie? |requires students: |

| | |are when making economic choices. |A. opportunity cost |know the definition of opportunity cost |

| | | |B. marginal cost |apply the definition to a scenario (*this is a common |

| | |(HS Economics) |C. fixed cost |way to assess in Social Studies) |

| | | |D. residual cost | |

|IV. Analysis |Debate compare |1. SWBAT draw conclusions about |Presidential Vetoes, 1901–1990 |This is at the Analysis level of Bloom’s because it |

| |differentiate |the powers of the three branches |President |requires students: |

|Separate, examine, and |separate |of the federal government |Regular Vetoes |know the 3 branches of the federal government |

|draw conclusions from |group research |(legislative, executive, and |Pocket Vetoes |describe how checks and balances function-specifically |

|information. | |judicial) in relation to each |Total Vetoes |presidential vetoes and congressional overrides |

| | |other by examining the system of |Vetoes Overridden |use data about presidential vetoes and congressional |

| | |checks and balances. | |overrides to draw conclusions about the power of the |

| | | |T. Roosevelt |president in relation to the power of Congress |

| | |(HS Government) |42 | |

| | | |40 | |

| | | |82 | |

| | | |1 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Taft | |

| | | |30 | |

| | | |9 | |

| | | |39 | |

| | | |1 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Wilson | |

| | | |33 | |

| | | |11 | |

| | | |44 | |

| | | |6 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Harding | |

| | | |5 | |

| | | |1 | |

| | | |6 | |

| | | |- | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Coolidge | |

| | | |20 | |

| | | |30 | |

| | | |50 | |

| | | |4 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Hoover | |

| | | |21 | |

| | | |16 | |

| | | |37 | |

| | | |3 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |F. Roosevelt | |

| | | |372 | |

| | | |263 | |

| | | |635 | |

| | | |9 | |

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| | | |Truman | |

| | | |180 | |

| | | |70 | |

| | | |250 | |

| | | |12 | |

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| | | |Eisenhower | |

| | | |73 | |

| | | |108 | |

| | | |181 | |

| | | |2 | |

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| | | |Kennedy | |

| | | |12 | |

| | | |9 | |

| | | |21 | |

| | | |- | |

| | | | | |

| | | |L. Johnson | |

| | | |16 | |

| | | |14 | |

| | | |30 | |

| | | |- | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Nixon | |

| | | |24 | |

| | | |18 | |

| | | |42 | |

| | | |6 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Ford | |

| | | |53 | |

| | | |19 | |

| | | |72 | |

| | | |12 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Carter | |

| | | |13 | |

| | | |18 | |

| | | |31 | |

| | | |2 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reagan | |

| | | |39 | |

| | | |39 | |

| | | |78 | |

| | | |9 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |G. Bush | |

| | | |14 | |

| | | |6 | |

| | | |20 | |

| | | |0 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Based on the information about checks and balances in the chart above, explain | |

| | | |whether the president appears more or less powerful compared to other branches | |

| | | |of the federal government. Your response should: | |

| | | |Identify which branches of the federal government are represented in the chart.| |

| | | |Explain how the veto check and balance represented in the chart works. | |

| | | |Use the information in the chart to explain if the president appears more or | |

| | | |less powerful compared to other branches of the federal government. | |

| | |2. SWBAT trace the development of |Explain the relationship between the following documents: |This is at the Analysis level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |concepts of the Social Contract |Magna Carta, |requires students: |

| | |and natural rights in order to |Petition of Right |describe the main ideas of each document, Social |

| | |explain how these ideas laid the |English Bill of Rights |Contract Theory, and natural rights |

| | |foundation for the United States’ |Declaration of Independence |explain the importance of each document |

| | |government. |For each, write a few sentences to explain the significance of the document. |determine how each document is related by examining |

| | | | |their ideas about Social Contract Theory and natural |

| | |(HS Government) |Then, explain how each document helped lay the foundation of United States’ |rights |

| | | |government through its contributions to the development of Social Contract |connect ideas from each document to explain how they |

| | | |Theory and natural rights. |contributed to developing Social Contract Theory and |

| | | | |natural rights and therefore to the foundation of |

| | | | |United States’ government |

| | | | | |

| | |3. SWBAT explain how British |Describe the following British policies enacted between 1763 and 1776 and |This is at the Analysis level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |policies and responses to colonial|explain how they intensified colonials’ resistance to British rule and their |requires students: |

| | |protests eventually led to the |commitment to republican values: |examine the main components of each British policy |

| | |American Revolution. |The Stamp Act |describe colonial reactions to each policy |

| | | |The Quartering Act |draw conclusions about colonists’ increased commitment |

| | |(HS Government/US History) |The Revenue Act (also known as the Townshend Duties) |to republican values using details of British policies |

| | | |The Tea Act |and colonial reactions |

| | | |The Intolerable Acts | |

| | | |For each, write a few sentences to describe the main ideas of these policies. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Then, explain how colonials’ reactions to each of these policies intensified | |

| | | |over time and represented their commitment to republican values. | |

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|V. Synthesis |Create produce |1. SWBAT propose solutions to |Imagine you are a member of the local-government in Beijing, the capital of |This is at the Synthesis level of Bloom’s because it |

| |reconstruct arrange |environmental challenges faced by |China. Smog has increasingly become a challenge in the city. It is your job |requires students to: |

|Putting components |pretend assemble |China due to increased |to create a plan to improve the situation. Your plan must: |use what they know about the causes and effects of smog|

|together to form new |organize blend |industrialization. |Describe the main factors causing the smog problems |to create their own plan to solve a smog problem in a |

|ideas/Combine information|generate | |Describe the effects of smog on the population of Beijing |real-life situation |

|and apply it to a new | |(MS World Geography) |Propose solutions to address the main factors and effects you’ve described | |

|situation in order to | | | | |

|solve a problem. | | | | |

|VI. Evaluation |Assess |1. SWBAT evaluate the impact of |Evaluate the impact of the decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan on each |This is at the Evaluation level of Bloom’s because it |

| |Justify |the decision to drop the atomic |of the following: |requires students: |

|Judging the worth of an |rate |bombs during WWII by analyzing a |Japan’s defeat |explain the major and significant impacts of the |

|idea/ Make qualitative |revise defend |variety of primary and secondary |International Relations |decision to drop two atomic bombs |

|and quantitative |support prioritize |source perspectives on the issue. |The American home front |choose which impacts were most significant and defend |

|assessments using | | |Future use of nuclear warfare |their choice |

|specific criteria. | | |Ethics and morality | |

| | |(HS US History) | | |

| | | |For each, write a few sentences to explain the major and significant impacts. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Then, select the two most significant impacts that you identified and explain | |

| | | |why they are the most significant ones. | |

| | |2. SWBAT assess the degree to |Evaluate the impact of the Civil War on and the extent to which the national |This is at the Evaluation level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |which the Civil War and |government gained supremacy in TWO of the following regions by focusing on |requires students: |

| | |Reconstruction proved to be a test|political and economic developments in the regions between 1865 and 1900. |use the criteria of economic and political developments|

| | |of the supremacy of the national |The South |to assess how much power the national government gained|

| | |government. |The North |in the United States after the Civil War |

| | | |The West | |

| | |(HS US History) | | |

| | |3. SWBAT assess the impact of New |How successful were the programs of the New Deal in solving the problems of the|This is at the Evaluation level of Bloom’s because it |

| | |Deal reforms in enlarging the role|Great Depression by increasing the role of the federal government in the lives |requires students: |

| | |of the federal government in |of American citizens? Assess with respect to TWO of the following. |judge the success of New Deal programs based on a |

| | |American life. |Relief |specific set of criteria (the New Deal’s effect of |

| | | |Recovery |expanding the power of the federal government to |

| | |(HS US History) |Reform |address specific areas: Relief, Recovery, and Reform) |



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