How to create “HEADINGS” for reports


New website –

User Quick Reference Guide

Prepared For:

All Users

Prepared by:


Updated May 2011

Table of Contents







2.1. Registration 3

2.2. Login 5

2.3. About Menu 6

2.4. Pricing 6

2.5. Resources 7

2.5.1. First Login with 7

2.5.2. Checklist for Readiness to send via 8

2.5.3. Frequently Asked Questions 9

2.5.4. How-To Video Tutorials 9

2.5.5. Letter to Parents 10

2.5.6. User Information 10

2.6. IPPN Services 10

2.7. Contact Us 10




5.1. Counters 15

5.2. Non-standard characters 15

5.3. Schedule a Message 16

5.4. Save Template 16



7.1. Proceed button – delays loading Paypal 18

7.2. Why Paypal? 19

8. My Contacts 20

8.1. Copy and Paste....................................................................................21

8.2. Upload File (Using CSV) 21

8.2.1. Setting up contacts without a group 21

8.2.2. Setting up contacts within a group 22

9. My REPORTS 25

9.1. Send History 25

9.2. Error Log 26

9.3. Purchase History 27

9.4. Access Log 27

10. Tutorials 28

11. LOGOUT 29


The new website has the following new features:


1. Ability to record both names and mobile phone numbers for all contacts and groups

2. Upload contacts and groups via CSV file or copy and paste – note: correct formatting is crucial!


1. An unlimited number of account ‘users’ can be set up within the school account. It is recommended that each individual within the school community who uses TextaParent (whether to maintain data or send messages) be set up with a separate user. Note: All users within an account (roll number) access the same contact information, text units, reports etc. Reports then identify which user bought text units, sent messages, logged in/out etc.

2. Once the initial user is set up, other users must be set up by the Principal. Once set up, the individuals log-in with their own user.

3. All ‘school profile’ data is managed from within one screen e.g. school name, text unit reminder indicator, management of users etc, Sender ID, etc

4. The school’s ‘Short Name’ has been copied across as a ‘Sender’ so you can use this if you wish.To set up additional Senders or delete existing Senders, there are two options:

Go to the ‘School Profile’ screen. On the top half of the screen is a new area to add and remove Senders and to set a Sender as the default for the school. To add a new Sender, click ‘Add’ and type in the name of the person you would like to send the text from (maximum 11 characters - no apostrophes or other characters please). To set a default Sender, select the relevant name from the list and click the ‘Default’ button

If you need to send a message, go to the ‘Send Message’ screen, select the contacts and type in the text message as normal and click ‘Send’. A new window ‘Choose Sender’ will pop up from which you can select existing Senders. There is a new button ‘Add Sender’. Type in the name of the new Sender (maximum 11 characters - no apostrophes or other characters please)  Note: You can add as many ‘Senders’ as you wish.

5. Text unit reminder level - the point at which the school wants to be notified that they need to top up their account. When the number of text units falls below this level, a popup screen warns the user that the account is running low on text units. This should help avoid last minute purchases or the need to request ‘advance text units’ on the account.


1. User can add groups, individual contacts or simply add phone numbers to the recipients list when sending a message

2. ‘Template’ messages can be created to save time in future. Existing templates can be edited.

3. As the user types the text message, a counter indicates how many text units the school has available, how many are needed to send the text on the screen and how many will remain after the message has been sent to the phone numbers listed

4. Send messages with ‘special characters’ e.g. fadas, €, £ etc. Note by using these characters, there is a limit of 70 characters per text unit (160 characters per text unit if no non-standard characters are used.) To find out more about this, please click here. This link will take you to a webpage called ‘Using Fadas and € etc’ under Resources on the main menu.

5. Schedule texts for sending at a later time/date.


1. Schools can buy text units online with a credit card or a Visa debit card only – Laser is not currently supported by Paypal

2. Schools can access reports of messages sent, text unit purchases, user access and an error report where messages are not sent/received.


The homepage has links to all the ‘content’ of the website. Tutorials and all ‘how to’ and other information about the website are available through the menus – you don’t have to log in to access these.

To access the application (to maintain contact data, purchase text units, send messages etc.), schools who already have a TextaParent account should click on the pink ‘Log in’ button and type in their username and password to access the application. Schools who do not already have a account will need to register using the green ‘Getting Started’ button or by clicking the ‘Register’ menu item.


1 Registration

The registration form (below) now includes fields to capture

• a ‘School Short Name’ - this will be used as the “sender ID” that appears on the recipients’ mobile phones when a text message is received from the school so it needs to reflect either the school name or Principal’s name.

Note: only 11 characters can be displayed as the Sender ID on most mobile phones so TextaParent has limited the field to 11 characters.

Additional sender ID’s can be added by going to you school profile when registration is complete.

• County – for statistical use only


The roll number is validated against IPPN’s database of schools (Salesforce)

• if the roll number exists in Salesforce and no account is already set up, success (see below)! The user is then brought to a screen which explains about organising school contact data, purchasing text units etc. User may click the ‘Login’ button to get into the account immediately if they wish

• if a account already exists for the roll number, the registration will fail

• if the roll number doesn’t exist on Salesforce, the user will be asked to contact the Support Office on 1890 21 22 23 – it may be a brand new school that hasn’t yet been set up on our system.


2 Login

1. Username and password fields cannot be displayed on the homepage owing to the Flash technology the site is based on. Users must click the Login button to access these fields.


2. All users log in to the school account with the school roll number and password they have used with the old website.

3. The ‘Forgot Password’ link is available after clicking the Login button for the same reason

4. At first login, user is prompted to set up the School Profile and add users to the account to reflect the real usage of in the school e.g. Principal, secretary, BoM chairperson, teachers etc.

5. Only the Principal can edit and delete users, maintain the Text unit reminder level and update the school profile. For this purpose, the Principal has an additional password separate from other users.

6. Once users have been set up, when logging in, a list of users is presented and the user selects their own name from the list to get into the site. To bring up the list, click on the arrow next to the first name presented.


A screen similar to the one below will be displayed. Scroll to the relevant username, select it and click OK.


7. Users must (view and) accept the ‘Terms and Conditions’ before they can access the application for the first time.

3 About Menu

1. The ‘About’ webpage describes the website, the ways in which it can be used, benefits and key features

2. The article ‘SMS trí mheáin na Gaeilge’ explains the limitations imposed in relation to non-standard characters, including fadas and the € symbol

3. Includes links to

a. Privacy Policy

b. Terms & Conditions of using the website.

4 Pricing

This page provides a description of the pricing of text units and how to calculate how many units the school might need. Also describes the payment options available:

• Online via credit card and Visa debit card

• Cheque payment.

5 Resources

There are six web pages within this menu. Each is described below.

1 First Login with

This webpage provides some information about using the website for the first time as well as a link to a ‘readiness checklist’ (below). These will also be presented via a link in a popup window when the school first logs in to the site. You can print off the checklist and go through the steps, ticking each step off as you complete it (or click past it and come back to it later if you are just browsing).


2 Checklist for Readiness to send via

How to use this Checklist

We suggest that you print and then review the suggestions below, and tick each suggestion as you complete it. Following this list will help you get the most out of

|Passwords | |

|Ensure you have written down (or emailed yourself) a copy of the school’s account password for logging in. | |

|Please note that there is now a ‘forgot password’ facility to retrieve it - you will need to know the email address of the | |

|account for this to work. | |

|Principals, please ensure that you have written down (or emailed yourself) your separate Principal’s password which is needed | |

|for some key functions. It is strongly recommended that you do not share this password with anyone. | |

|User Information | |

|If people in the school community other than the Principal will need to access to maintain information and/or | |

|send text messages, it is important to set them up as ‘users’ of TextaParent in their own right. | |

|Note: all users set up within the account access the same text units, contact information and reports. It simply provides a | |

|means of tracking who is using the system and sending texts etc. | |

|Users you may wish to consider setting up include the school secretary, the BoM chairperson and teachers who have used | |

| in the past on school-related business. | |

|To set up and maintain user information, go to School Profile. | |

|School Information | |

|Update your school information in Because your information was migrated from the old TextaParent, which had | |

|little school information, you will need to fill this in. | |

|**NB** Update your school’s ‘ShortName’. This is the text used as signature to every Text Message you/your staff send. This | |

|has been set to the first 11 characters of your school name (eg ‘Scoil Naisi’ is the first 11 characters of ‘Scoil Náisiúnta | |

|Naomh Padraig’) – so change this to something recognisable to parents (eg SN Padraig), additional Senders can be added in | |

|‘School Profile’ | |

|Set your desired ‘Low Unit Warning’ level. This is the number of credits at which you will get a reminder to top up your | |

|credits. | |

|To set up and maintain school information, go to School Profile. | |

|Contacts, Groups & Data Management | |

|Although your contacts and groups have been migrated for you, please review your data before sending. | |

|You may have lists of contacts in Excel, Calc or MS Word etc. As the new enables you to have names also, you | |

|might consider Copy and Pasting the contacts or uploading a ‘CSV file’ which contains both names and numbers. There are 2 | |

|video tutorials on in the Resources/Tutorials menu that take you through how this is done step by step. | |

|Essentially this involves | |

|organising your contact information in advance, | |

|grouping them into logical groups, | |

|sorting the data into two columns – name and phone number | |

|ensuring the format is correct | |

|To set up and maintain contacts and groups, go to My Contacts. | |

|The number of contacts within a group is now displayed next to the group name. To view this, go to the  Group tab within the | |

|‘My Contacts’ screen | |

|Export to Excel | |

|If you would like to ‘export’ your contact information to Excel (i.e. save it in an Excel spreadsheet), that facility is now | |

|available. To access it, select ‘My Contacts’. The ‘Export to Excel’ button is available both on the Individual Contacts tab | |

|and the Groups tab. | |

3 Frequently Asked Questions

In a Q&A format, this list of Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) answers the questions that have already been asked by schools in relation to the new website. This page will be kept up to date to reflect changes in functionality.


4 How-To Video Tutorials

Provides links to online video tutorials as well as tutorials that are downloadable to ‘smart’ mobile phones. If your school does not have speakers, it is recommended that you purchase a headset or earphones and plug these into the PC to enable you to access the tutorials.


5 Letter to Parents

Provides a link to a template letter than can be sent to parents to gather their up-to-date mobile phone numbers. The letter can be modified by the school as required.

6 User Information

Since the new website was launched, a number of schools have asked for clarification on a range of issues.

This webpage provides further information on:

1. Contact names and numbers – do we have to maintain names?

2. Groups and contacts – check before sending

3. Uploading contacts via CSV files

▪ Groups and contacts already exist

▪ Difficulty with data formatting

▪ Difficulty saving an Excel file as a CSV

4. The use of fadas in – 160 vs. 70 character limit

5. The school does not have a credit card – can we still buy text units by cheque?

6. Do we need a Paypal account to buy text units?

6 IPPN Services

This webpage provides links to IPPN’s other websites




• Learning+

as well as the DES ‘Online Claims System’ website– OLCS.

7 Contact Us

This menu provides two links

• A simple feedback form for queries that will be directed to IPPN Support Office staff

• A webpage with a link to a dedicated email address for commercial advertising queries.


Once logged in to the TextaParent application, you should use the tabs on the left side of the screen to navigate around the various functions. You may need to page down to see content or to find the Logout button. This depends on the number of toolbars open in your browser and also your PC’s screen resolution.

On first login,the Tutorials tab will appear along with a link to the ‘First login’ webpage including the ‘readiness checklist’ described above.

Thereafter, the first screen that will appear is the ‘My Account’ screen.

NOTE: You should NOT use the back arrow in the browser to navigate around the application. Always navigate using the menu options or the tabs.


This screen provides an overview of the school’s activity – recent Send and Purchase History, Current Text Unit balance and direct access to some key reports – scheduled messages, the Access Log and the Error Log.

You can scroll down to see more of the history information. The My Reports tab shows different views of this information as well as additional reports.



This is where you can

• Set up a message

• Use a template to create a message then edit it

• Save a message as a template to use again

• Schedule a message to be sent at a later time/date

• View scheduled messages.


Recipients can be added in a number of ways.

1. To include a single phone number for which there are no contacts set up previously, click Add Number and type in the number (and the name if required).


This will create a contact for that name/number combination and this contact can be added into groups, edited or deleted at a later stage.

2. If the contact details are already set up in individual contacts or in groups, these can be selected by clicking on Add Parent and Add Group respectively.

These screens allow multiple item selection and deselection. To select multiple parents, for example, hold the Ctrl key and click on the ones you wish to include (they will be highlighted in pink as shown below) then click the upper single arrow. To deselect number(s), click on the relevant items in the right hand pane and click the lower single arrow.


1 Counters

The three counters on the right of the screen are updated as the user types the message to tell the user

1. how many text units will be required to send the message

2. the number of text characters currently displayed.

3. the number of text units that will remain if the text message as currently displayed is sent to the phone numbers currently selected.

Note: The colour bar beneath the Message changes colour as the number of characters increases towards the next text unit.

2 Non-standard characters

If you includes any non-standard character (including fadas, €) in your text message you will have 70 characters per text unit per recipient available. If not, you will have 160 characters per text unit per recipient. You can send a longr text message but this will ‘cost’ more text units per recipient.

To find out more about this, please click here. This link will take you to a webpage called ‘Using Fadas and € etc’ under Resources on the main menu.


3 Schedule a Message

To schedule a message, the recipients and the text of the message need to have been completed. Then click the Schedule button and select the date and time.


Note: At the moment, the scheduled message can be deleted (‘removed’) but the message text cannot be edited and the recipients list cannot be amended. These features are under development.

4 Save Template

If you send similar text messages regularly, to save time you can create a ‘template’ text message that you can review, amend and send later. To do this, type the message, click Save Template.



Note: Only the user set up with role = ‘Principal’ can change the school profile details – school and user account information and the low text unit warning threshold. All other users can view the data but will not be able to edit it.

Sender ID

 A new facility to maintain multiple ‘Senders’ has been introduced. A ‘Sender’ is the name that appears on recipients’ mobile phones when they receive a text from the school.

The school’s ‘Short Name’ has been copied across as a ‘Sender’ so you can use this if you wish.

 To set up additional Senders or delete existing Senders:

Go to the ‘School Profile’ screen. On the top half of the screen is a new area to add and remove Senders and to set a Sender as the default for the school. To add a new Sender, click ‘Add’ and type in the name of the person you would like to send the text from (maximum 11 characters - no apostrophes or other characters please). To set a default Sender, select the relevant name from the list and click the ‘Default’ button

Note that all schools were ‘converted’ to the new live with County = Cork. You can change it if you wish. It’s captured for statistical purposes only.


If you wish to set the Text Unit Reminder Level on this screen, you will get a warning when you log in if the number of text units in your account falls below this level. The warning that appears is shown below.



Schools now have the option to top up their account online by paying through Paypal. When paying online, users can either

1. process an individual transaction and provide credit card (or Visa debit card) information or

2. you can opt to set up or use a Paypal account and the details will be passed to without the user needing to type it out each time.

IPPN will continue to accept cheques for the time being.

You buy text units in €20/500 text unit increments up to a maximum of 10,000 units (€400) in one transaction.

To the right of the screen the purchase history is displayed. This will help you to become familiar with how often you purchase. You may decide to pay online or purchase more in bulk through your next cheque payment to ensure you have sufficient text units available at all times and don’t need to resort to emergency advance credits. This will help you to avoid unnecessary delays in sending out text messages.


1 Proceed button – delays loading Paypal

The process initiated by clicking the Proceed button can take anything up to 20 seconds to complete. A blank popup window may display while the next screen loads - this is part of the Paypal process. For this reason we have included the text ‘Please be patient while the Paypal window opens etc.’ below the Proceed button. It can seem like it’s not working at all, and you may be tempted to close the popup window and abort the process unnecessarily so please do be patient while the screen loads.

Of course, if you have waited several minutes and nothing happens, close the window, log out of TextaParent and log in again and retry – it may be that your broadband/dial-up connection temporarily stalled and affected the process.

Note: Paypal only accepts credit cards and Visa debit cards. Laser is not supported.

2 Why Paypal?

Paypal was selected as it is internationally recognised, very easy to use and the charges to IPPN were far lower than Realex and other systems. Therefore IPPN was able to absorb the transaction costs rather than pass these on to schools.

My Contacts

All of your school’s data (your roll number and password as well as groups and contacts) was taken from the old, and entered into the new on the morning of 20th September. This contact information is available to use now and you can send to your groups and contacts with no further work.

If you are happy to continue using the website to send messages without knowing the names associated with particular numbers, there is no need to set names up. However, if you wish to maintain names for your contacts on, you can now do so. It is entirely up to the school to decide.

Please ensure that you check your groups and contact numbers before sending text messages.

Each group will show the number of contacts allocated

. [pic]

Contacts vs. Groups

There are three key points here:

1. A contact in the context of is an individual number (& name if maintained) relating to a parent or staff member in the school. A group is a collection of names/numbers. A contact can belong to multiple groups.

2. Contact data (name, number) can only be maintained in the Individual Contact screen. It cannot be maintained from within the Groups screen.

3. The Groups screen simply allows you to manage which contacts (parents/staff/others) belong to which groups.

In the system, a contact is maintained as shown below – the number has no leading zeroes or spaces so mobile phone number 087 1234567 is typed in as 871234567. The international dialling code is automatically included.


Please note that, unless you are using an upload file to set up contacts and groups, contacts (i.e.) must be created before they can be added to a Group(s).

Manually maintaining contacts and assigning them to groups is done in 3 separate steps:.

a. Create/Edit Contact

b. Create/Edit Group

c. Edit Group and select the contacts to be included into the group.

The Edit Group screen allows multiple contacts to be selected and deselected within the group.

a. To select multiple parents, for example, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click on the relevant ‘Available Contacts’ you wish to include (they will be highlighted in pink as shown below) then click the upper single arrow.

b. To deselect number(s), click on the relevant items in the right hand pane (Group Members) and click the lower single arrow.


1 Copy and Paste

You can copy and paste names and numbers from your excel document directly into your group. The number column must be formatted as text and hold the 0 (a green triangle will appear on the left-hand side of each cell). Firstly you highlight all names and numbers you wish to paste , right click and COPY.

You then highlight the group to which you want to add contacts and click on the paste to group button and hold Ctrl and V together to paste to the group.


2 Upload File (Using CSV)

The ‘Upload File’ feature has been deliberately designed to ‘do no harm’! IPPN opted for the least dangerous method i.e. new contacts can be uploaded but existing data cannot be deleted or replaced.

Therefore, the upload programme will ignore contacts that already exist – it won’t update or replace the name/description and it won’t delete a number or name. It will simply add new contacts if they don’t already exist.

1 Setting up contacts without a group

1. Click Contacts

2. Click Upload Contacts

2 Setting up contacts within a group

1. Create a separate CSV file for each group (format as described below)

2. Create the relevant groups on i.e.

a. Click on Groups tab

b. Click Create Group

c. Enter a group name and description so they’re ready for contacts to be uploaded into the group. Save the changes.

3. Upload the CSV file to the relevant group as described below.



3. Uploading Contacts using CSV files

By far the quickest way of updating contact information on, particularly for larger schools with several hundred parents and staff, is through the ‘Upload File’ process. This enables schools to maintain their data on a spreadsheet, create a file for each ‘Group’ with the relevant contact names and numbers and upload them to in one step.

The website currently allows schools to upload contact information through what is known as a ‘comma delimited values’ or CSV file (.csv) which can be created through Excel. Some schools have had difficulty updating their contacts, for a few different reasons which are noted below (sections 3a – 3c).

We are working on a solution to allow Excel files themselves (.xls) to upload. When this is in place, there will be no need to save as .csv and you can use and maintain the same file for say 3rd Class parents for your school records, for uploading to and if/when there is an additional name on your list, you can simply upload the same .xls file again – it will ignore numbers already in the system and add the new number(s)/ associated names. We will notify schools when this option is available.

Some schools have had difficulty updating their contacts, for a few different reasons:


3a. Groups and contacts already exist

All school data, including roll number and password, groups and contacts, was brought across from the old to the new version. If you are trying to upload a contact from a CSV file and it already exists, it will not be updated. New numbers will be added but existing numbers will be ignored by the upload programme. Schools have two options to maintain names in this case

1.    Manually edit each contact and change the information in the Name field then save

2.    Delete the contacts and then copy and paste the Excel document or upload the CSV file which will create both the Groups and the Contacts in one step.

3.    NB: Before deleting any contacts, it is essential to be 100% sure you have all contact information held separately from e.g. in Excel, Word, Access or hand-written.


3b. Difficulty with data formatting

Contact information needs to be in the following format to upload successfully.

• Parent name in column A of the spreadsheet

• Parent mobile phone number in column B

• The upload programme will ignore columns C onwards so it doesn’t matter what data is in those columns

• Columns A and B must be in ‘text’ format. To do this select the columns, click the right hand mouse button, click Format cells, then select the ‘Number’ tab and click on ‘Text’

• The mobile phone number must be in one of the following formats

0868268134 the number must hold the 0, when the column is in the correct format a small green triangle will appear on the left of the cell.

• [pic] 

3c. Difficulty saving an Excel file as a CSV

Most versions of Excel support the saving of a file as a ‘comma delimited’ file or CSV. To do this, click File – Save As (Excel 97, 2003) or click the Office logo (Excel 2007) then click ‘Save As’

Give the file a relevant name that describes the group data e.g. Junior Infants, 1st Class, Parent Association, then click the arrow next to ‘Save as type’ and scroll down to select ‘CSV (Comma delimited) as shown below. [pic]

Your file is now ready to be uploaded to

Changing mobile phone numbers for existing contacts.

We strongly recommend doing this manually unless it affects most contacts in a group, in which case we suggest deleting the relevant contacts completely and uploading a new CSV file into the relevant group.

Year to year contact maintenance

We recommend that contacts which are no longer required are deleted and data is maintained manually online.

Class groups can be renamed to follow the class level of the group e.g. ‘First Class’ can be changed to ‘Second Class’ and any additional contacts added manually.

New contacts (e.g. parents of new Junior Infant classes) can be uploaded via CSV file into the relevant groups as described above or typed in manually if it is a small number of families.


1 Send History

This report displays who sent each text message, what day/time, how many text messages were sent, how many successfully delivered to the parents’ mobile phone service provider(O2, Vodaphone, 3 etc), how many were not received by O2, Vodaphone etc. (the column ‘No. Errors’). To view these, see the Error Log.

Double clicking displays the list of numbers to which the message was sent. You can sort by any column by clicking on the column header.

Clicking the pink Refresh button will display the most recent information available from the text message distribution system about each text message sent.


2 Error Log

The Error Log displays the Date/Sender/Text Message/Recipient/Log Message for each phone number that failed to be received by the mobile service provider (O2, Vodaphone, 3 etc). You can sort by any column. By double clicking on a particular row, you can view the complete text message as well as the specific phone number that failed and an error description.


Note: By clicking the Refresh button, you will see the latest status of a particular send. If you are checking the status of a critical text message, bear in mind that mobile phone service providers will continue to try to distribute the text message for many hours so there may be instances where there is no error and the text has not been received – the system has no visibility of these ‘pending’ messages.

Error descriptions can be one of the following. Most are very unlikely but are included for completeness as they are configured in the system. See note above re. Refresh.

001: Problem with the Message ID. This message will most likely not be delivered. has automatically applied a refund to your Text Units.

002: This message could not be delivered immediately, but is in the queue for a redelivery. This update message will no longer appear when the message has been delivered.

003: This message has been passed on to the recipient's mobile phone network and should shortly be delivered. This update message will no longer appear when the message has been delivered.

004: This message has been delivered to the handset of the recipient.

005: This message cannot be delivered. This is because of an unknown error in the content of the message. You should check your message content carefully, and resend

006: This message was blocked either by the recipient (using a STOP command) or by our staff. Please contact the Support Office for more information.

007: This message has reached the mobile phone network, but an unknown error has stopped final delivery to the handset.

008: This message has been sent by, and is at the 'gateway' stage and should shortly be delivered. This update message will no longer appear when the message has been delivered.

009: This message has been sent by, but cannot be routed through the 'gateway' and so cannot be delivered. has automatically applied a Text Unit refund.

010: This message was delayed and has now expired and will not be delivered. has automatically applied a refund to your Text Units.

011: This message has been delayed and should be delivered shortly. This update message will no longer appear when the message has been delivered.

012: This message cannot be delivered due to a Text Unit Balance problem. Please contact to have this error immediately rectified. has automatically applied a Text Unit refund.

3 Purchase History

This report gives a clear overview of who purchased what volume of text units, when. Can sort by any column.


4 Access Log

This report displays who accessed the site and when. Can sort by any column by clicking on the column title.



There is a tutorial available for most website features including

1. Buy Text Units

2. Create/Upload Contacts

3. First time login

4. My Contacts

5. Reports

6. School Profile

7. Send Message

8. Send Message with Fadas

9. Upload Contacts

The tutorial automatically starts when selected. They run for between 2 and 7 minutes.


You may need to scroll down to see the Logout button on the bottom left hand area of the TextaParent screen. This depends on the configuration of your browser (how many toolbars and shortcuts are set up) as well as the screen resolution of your PC/laptop.

Closing the browser will automatically log you out of

No timeout has been set up as the navigation that enables the user to switch between text pages and the application (where the tabs are) means that a timeout would cause technical problems. Therefore, please ensure that you log out of TextaParent if you will be away from the screen for any length of time.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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