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Troy Corporation

Budget Builder Login Help

Accessing & Logging Into Budget Builder

This document will explain the ways in which to access Budget Builder. It will also provide some tips in the event you have connection difficulties.

Click on one of the links below to jump to that section of this document for info.

Budget Builder Access Instructions

Do I access Internal or External

Logging In and Out of Budget Builder

Creating desktop shortcut to Budget Builder

I created the desktop shortcut but it does not work

I go to the Website and it says ICA File not found

Call for technical support

Budget Builder Access Instructions

Budget Builder is access by connecting to the Internet and using Internet Explorer going to budgetbuilder.


Do I access Internal or External?

• You use the Internal link if you are:

o In a Troy office

o Are using the Netscreen VPN

• You use the External link if you are:

o Connected to the Internet, and not using the Netscreen VPN

Logging In and Out of Budget Builder: 

Once you decide which link to click for access from the Citrix screen, a login will appear.


Step 1: Citrix Login - The login will prompt you for a username and password.  Use your normal Troy network username and password. The screen has a different look that previously. Rather than opening it a “black box” it opens full screen.


Step 2: AS400 Login - Once logged in to Citrix you will be prompted to login to the AS400.  The login name is the same as the one you just used for the first login (i.e., your normal username).  The password for this second login is "troycorp".

Once logged in to the AS400, the main Budget Builder menu will appear. The “Budget” button will take you to where you will make your budget. The “Reporting” button will take you to the Crystal Report Interface that will allow you create simple summary reports for you to check your budget.

The main budget builder menu opens on your desktop and is treated like any other application you may run, such as Word. When minimized it is minimized to your taskbar, not a taskbar in a CITRIX box.

To log out of Budget Builder, click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the main Budget Builder menu. Once it is closed a Windows logging off screen will automatically appear. This is your CITRIX session being closed.

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Creating Desktop Shortcut To Budget Builder

It is possible to save a direct link to Budget Builder to your desktop, but it is not recommended. To do this:

• Right click on the link

• Select Save Target as


• In the left hand pane, select Desktop

• For “File Name” type in Budget Builder

• Click Save


• Go back to your desktop and you will now see an icon for Budget Builder


• Double click this icon in order to access Budget Builder

I Created The Desktop Shortcut But It Does Not Work

• If you had previously created the shortcut on your desktop, it is possible it is not up to date. Please follow the procedure above to re-create the shortcut.

• If that still does not work trying accessing directly from budgetbuilder and clicking the correct link.

I Go To The Website And It Says ICA File Not Found

Clear the Temporary Internet Files, you might be looking at an older version of the page:

In Internet Explorer:

▪ Click Tools

▪ Click Internet Options


▪ Click on Delete Files


▪ Depending on the amount of days you keep in History this may take some time and your pc/laptop will stop responding. Be patient

*Tip* You can limit the amount of cached pages by changing the number of days to keep in history. Below the Delete Files button, change the “Days to keep pages in History” to 1 or 0.

▪ Restart Internet Explorer

▪ Go to budgetbuilder

▪ Try the appropriate link again

If it still says “ICA file not Found”, or you have an issue not addressed in this document, contact Scott Johnson @ 973-443-4200 x 2537, or Thomas McCarthy in Europe at 31-10-592-7494, ext. 068.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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